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package jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.arrays;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.types.Type;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.JSType;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptRuntime;

Handle arrays where the index is very large.
/** * Handle arrays where the index is very large. */
class SparseArrayData extends ArrayData {
Maximum size for dense arrays
/** Maximum size for dense arrays */
static final int MAX_DENSE_LENGTH = 128 * 1024;
Underlying array.
/** Underlying array. */
private ArrayData underlying;
Maximum length to be stored in the array.
/** Maximum length to be stored in the array. */
private final long maxDenseLength;
Sparse elements.
/** Sparse elements. */
private TreeMap<Long, Object> sparseMap; SparseArrayData(final ArrayData underlying, final long length) { this(underlying, length, new TreeMap<>()); } private SparseArrayData(final ArrayData underlying, final long length, final TreeMap<Long, Object> sparseMap) { super(length); assert underlying.length() <= length; this.underlying = underlying; this.maxDenseLength = underlying.length(); this.sparseMap = sparseMap; } @Override public ArrayData copy() { return new SparseArrayData(underlying.copy(), length(), new TreeMap<>(sparseMap)); } @Override public Object[] asObjectArray() { final int len = (int)Math.min(length(), Integer.MAX_VALUE); final int underlyingLength = (int)Math.min(len, underlying.length()); final Object[] objArray = new Object[len]; for (int i = 0; i < underlyingLength; i++) { objArray[i] = underlying.getObject(i); } Arrays.fill(objArray, underlyingLength, len, ScriptRuntime.UNDEFINED); for (final Map.Entry<Long, Object> entry : sparseMap.entrySet()) { final long key = entry.getKey(); if (key < Integer.MAX_VALUE) { objArray[(int)key] = entry.getValue(); } else { break; // ascending key order } } return objArray; } @Override public ArrayData shiftLeft(final int by) { underlying = underlying.shiftLeft(by); final TreeMap<Long, Object> newSparseMap = new TreeMap<>(); for (final Map.Entry<Long, Object> entry : sparseMap.entrySet()) { final long newIndex = entry.getKey() - by; if (newIndex >= 0) { if (newIndex < maxDenseLength) { final long oldLength = underlying.length(); underlying = underlying.ensure(newIndex) .set((int) newIndex, entry.getValue(), false) .safeDelete(oldLength, newIndex - 1, false); } else { newSparseMap.put(newIndex, entry.getValue()); } } } sparseMap = newSparseMap; setLength(Math.max(length() - by, 0)); return sparseMap.isEmpty() ? underlying : this; } @Override public ArrayData shiftRight(final int by) { final TreeMap<Long, Object> newSparseMap = new TreeMap<>(); // Move elements from underlying to sparse map if necessary final long len = underlying.length(); if (len + by > maxDenseLength) { // Length of underlying array after shrinking, before right-shifting final long tempLength = Math.max(0, maxDenseLength - by); for (long i = tempLength; i < len; i++) { if (underlying.has((int) i)) { newSparseMap.put(i + by, underlying.getObject((int) i)); } } underlying = underlying.shrink((int) tempLength); underlying.setLength(tempLength); } underlying = underlying.shiftRight(by); for (final Map.Entry<Long, Object> entry : sparseMap.entrySet()) { final long newIndex = entry.getKey() + by; newSparseMap.put(newIndex, entry.getValue()); } sparseMap = newSparseMap; setLength(length() + by); return this; } @Override public ArrayData ensure(final long safeIndex) { if (safeIndex >= length()) { setLength(safeIndex + 1); } return this; } @Override public ArrayData shrink(final long newLength) { if (newLength < underlying.length()) { underlying = underlying.shrink(newLength); underlying.setLength(newLength); sparseMap.clear(); setLength(newLength); } sparseMap.subMap(newLength, Long.MAX_VALUE).clear(); setLength(newLength); return this; } @Override public ArrayData set(final int index, final Object value, final boolean strict) { if (index >= 0 && index < maxDenseLength) { final long oldLength = underlying.length(); underlying = underlying.ensure(index).set(index, value, strict).safeDelete(oldLength, index - 1, strict); setLength(Math.max(underlying.length(), length())); } else { final Long longIndex = indexToKey(index); sparseMap.put(longIndex, value); setLength(Math.max(longIndex + 1, length())); } return this; } @Override public ArrayData set(final int index, final int value, final boolean strict) { if (index >= 0 && index < maxDenseLength) { final long oldLength = underlying.length(); underlying = underlying.ensure(index).set(index, value, strict).safeDelete(oldLength, index - 1, strict); setLength(Math.max(underlying.length(), length())); } else { final Long longIndex = indexToKey(index); sparseMap.put(longIndex, value); setLength(Math.max(longIndex + 1, length())); } return this; } @Override public ArrayData set(final int index, final double value, final boolean strict) { if (index >= 0 && index < maxDenseLength) { final long oldLength = underlying.length(); underlying = underlying.ensure(index).set(index, value, strict).safeDelete(oldLength, index - 1, strict); setLength(Math.max(underlying.length(), length())); } else { final Long longIndex = indexToKey(index); sparseMap.put(longIndex, value); setLength(Math.max(longIndex + 1, length())); } return this; } @Override public ArrayData setEmpty(final int index) { underlying.setEmpty(index); return this; } @Override public ArrayData setEmpty(final long lo, final long hi) { underlying.setEmpty(lo, hi); return this; } @Override public Type getOptimisticType() { return underlying.getOptimisticType(); } @Override public int getInt(final int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < maxDenseLength) { return underlying.getInt(index); } return JSType.toInt32(sparseMap.get(indexToKey(index))); } @Override public int getIntOptimistic(final int index, final int programPoint) { if (index >= 0 && index < maxDenseLength) { return underlying.getIntOptimistic(index, programPoint); } return JSType.toInt32Optimistic(sparseMap.get(indexToKey(index)), programPoint); } @Override public double getDouble(final int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < maxDenseLength) { return underlying.getDouble(index); } return JSType.toNumber(sparseMap.get(indexToKey(index))); } @Override public double getDoubleOptimistic(final int index, final int programPoint) { if (index >= 0 && index < maxDenseLength) { return underlying.getDouble(index); } return JSType.toNumberOptimistic(sparseMap.get(indexToKey(index)), programPoint); } @Override public Object getObject(final int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < maxDenseLength) { return underlying.getObject(index); } final Long key = indexToKey(index); if (sparseMap.containsKey(key)) { return sparseMap.get(key); } return ScriptRuntime.UNDEFINED; } @Override public boolean has(final int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < maxDenseLength) { return index < underlying.length() && underlying.has(index); } return sparseMap.containsKey(indexToKey(index)); } @Override public ArrayData delete(final int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < maxDenseLength) { if (index < underlying.length()) { underlying = underlying.delete(index); } } else { sparseMap.remove(indexToKey(index)); } return this; } @Override public ArrayData delete(final long fromIndex, final long toIndex) { if (fromIndex < maxDenseLength && fromIndex < underlying.length()) { underlying = underlying.delete(fromIndex, Math.min(toIndex, underlying.length() - 1)); } if (toIndex >= maxDenseLength) { sparseMap.subMap(fromIndex, true, toIndex, true).clear(); } return this; } private static Long indexToKey(final int index) { return ArrayIndex.toLongIndex(index); } @Override public ArrayData convert(final Class<?> type) { underlying = underlying.convert(type); return this; } @Override public Object pop() { final long len = length(); final long underlyingLen = underlying.length(); if (len == 0) { return ScriptRuntime.UNDEFINED; } if (len == underlyingLen) { final Object result = underlying.pop(); setLength(underlying.length()); return result; } setLength(len - 1); final Long key = len - 1; return sparseMap.containsKey(key) ? sparseMap.remove(key) : ScriptRuntime.UNDEFINED; } @Override public ArrayData slice(final long from, final long to) { assert to <= length(); final long start = from < 0 ? (from + length()) : from; final long newLength = to - start; final long underlyingLength = underlying.length(); if (start >= 0 && to <= maxDenseLength) { if (newLength <= underlyingLength) { return underlying.slice(from, to); } return underlying.slice(from, to).ensure(newLength - 1).delete(underlyingLength, newLength); } ArrayData sliced = EMPTY_ARRAY; sliced = sliced.ensure(newLength - 1); for (long i = start; i < to; i = nextIndex(i)) { if (has((int)i)) { sliced = sliced.set((int)(i - start), getObject((int)i), false); } } assert sliced.length() == newLength; return sliced; } @Override public long nextIndex(final long index) { if (index < underlying.length() - 1) { return underlying.nextIndex(index); } final Long nextKey = sparseMap.higherKey(index); if (nextKey != null) { return nextKey; } return length(); } }