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package jdk.nashorn.internal.parser;

import static jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.TokenKind.BINARY;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.TokenKind.BRACKET;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.TokenKind.FUTURE;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.TokenKind.FUTURESTRICT;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.TokenKind.IR;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.TokenKind.KEYWORD;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.TokenKind.LITERAL;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.TokenKind.SPECIAL;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.TokenKind.UNARY;

import java.util.Locale;

Description of all the JavaScript tokens.
/** * Description of all the JavaScript tokens. */
@SuppressWarnings("javadoc") public enum TokenType { ERROR (SPECIAL, null), EOF (SPECIAL, null), EOL (SPECIAL, null), COMMENT (SPECIAL, null), // comments of the form //@ foo=bar or //# foo=bar // These comments are treated as special instructions // to the lexer, parser or codegenerator. DIRECTIVE_COMMENT (SPECIAL, null), NOT (UNARY, "!", 14, false), NE (BINARY, "!=", 9, true), NE_STRICT (BINARY, "!==", 9, true), MOD (BINARY, "%", 13, true), ASSIGN_MOD (BINARY, "%=", 2, false), BIT_AND (BINARY, "&", 8, true), AND (BINARY, "&&", 5, true), ASSIGN_BIT_AND (BINARY, "&=", 2, false), LPAREN (BRACKET, "(", 16, true), RPAREN (BRACKET, ")", 0, true), MUL (BINARY, "*", 13, true), ASSIGN_MUL (BINARY, "*=", 2, false), POS (UNARY, "+", 14, false), ADD (BINARY, "+", 12, true), INCPREFIX (UNARY, "++", 15, true), ASSIGN_ADD (BINARY, "+=", 2, false), COMMARIGHT (BINARY, ",", 1, true), NEG (UNARY, "-", 14, false), SUB (BINARY, "-", 12, true), DECPREFIX (UNARY, "--", 15, true), ASSIGN_SUB (BINARY, "-=", 2, false), PERIOD (BRACKET, ".", 17, true), DIV (BINARY, "/", 13, true), ASSIGN_DIV (BINARY, "/=", 2, false), COLON (BINARY, ":"), SEMICOLON (BINARY, ";"), LT (BINARY, "<", 10, true), SHL (BINARY, "<<", 11, true), ASSIGN_SHL (BINARY, "<<=", 2, false), LE (BINARY, "<=", 10, true), ASSIGN (BINARY, "=", 2, false), EQ (BINARY, "==", 9, true), EQ_STRICT (BINARY, "===", 9, true), ARROW (BINARY, "=>", 2, true), GT (BINARY, ">", 10, true), GE (BINARY, ">=", 10, true), SAR (BINARY, ">>", 11, true), ASSIGN_SAR (BINARY, ">>=", 2, false), SHR (BINARY, ">>>", 11, true), ASSIGN_SHR (BINARY, ">>>=", 2, false), TERNARY (BINARY, "?", 3, false), LBRACKET (BRACKET, "[", 17, true), RBRACKET (BRACKET, "]", 0, true), BIT_XOR (BINARY, "^", 7, true), ASSIGN_BIT_XOR (BINARY, "^=", 2, false), LBRACE (BRACKET, "{"), BIT_OR (BINARY, "|", 6, true), ASSIGN_BIT_OR (BINARY, "|=", 2, false), OR (BINARY, "||", 4, true), RBRACE (BRACKET, "}"), BIT_NOT (UNARY, "~", 14, false), ELLIPSIS (UNARY, "..."), // ECMA Keywords, Future Reserved Words. // All other Java keywords are commented out. // ABSTRACT (FUTURE, "abstract"), // BOOLEAN (FUTURE, "boolean"), BREAK (KEYWORD, "break"), // BYTE (FUTURE, "byte"), CASE (KEYWORD, "case"), CATCH (KEYWORD, "catch"), // CHAR (FUTURE, "char"), CLASS (FUTURE, "class"), CONST (KEYWORD, "const"), CONTINUE (KEYWORD, "continue"), DEBUGGER (KEYWORD, "debugger"), DEFAULT (KEYWORD, "default"), DELETE (UNARY, "delete", 14, false), DO (KEYWORD, "do"), // DOUBLE (FUTURE, "double"), // EACH (KEYWORD, "each"), // Contextual. ELSE (KEYWORD, "else"), ENUM (FUTURE, "enum"), EXPORT (FUTURE, "export"), EXTENDS (FUTURE, "extends"), FALSE (LITERAL, "false"), // FINAL (FUTURE, "final"), FINALLY (KEYWORD, "finally"), // FLOAT (FUTURE, "float"), FOR (KEYWORD, "for"), FUNCTION (KEYWORD, "function"), // GET (KEYWORD, "get"), // Contextual. // GOTO (FUTURE, "goto"), IF (KEYWORD, "if"), IMPLEMENTS (FUTURESTRICT, "implements"), IMPORT (FUTURE, "import"), IN (BINARY, "in", 10, true), INSTANCEOF (BINARY, "instanceof", 10, true), // INT (FUTURE, "int"), INTERFACE (FUTURESTRICT, "interface"), LET (FUTURESTRICT, "let"), // LONG (FUTURE, "long"), // NATIVE (FUTURE, "native"), NEW (UNARY, "new", 17, false), NULL (LITERAL, "null"), PACKAGE (FUTURESTRICT, "package"), PRIVATE (FUTURESTRICT, "private"), PROTECTED (FUTURESTRICT, "protected"), PUBLIC (FUTURESTRICT, "public"), RETURN (KEYWORD, "return"), // SET (KEYWORD, "set"), // Contextual. // SHORT (FUTURE, "short"), STATIC (FUTURESTRICT, "static"), SUPER (FUTURE, "super"), SWITCH (KEYWORD, "switch"), // SYNCHRONIZED (FUTURE, "synchronized"), THIS (KEYWORD, "this"), THROW (KEYWORD, "throw"), // THROWS (FUTURE, "throws"), // TRANSIENT (FUTURE, "transient"), TRUE (LITERAL, "true"), TRY (KEYWORD, "try"), TYPEOF (UNARY, "typeof", 14, false), VAR (KEYWORD, "var"), VOID (UNARY, "void", 14, false), // VOLATILE (FUTURE, "volatile"), WHILE (KEYWORD, "while"), WITH (KEYWORD, "with"), YIELD (FUTURESTRICT, "yield"), DECIMAL (LITERAL, null), HEXADECIMAL (LITERAL, null), OCTAL_LEGACY (LITERAL, null), OCTAL (LITERAL, null), BINARY_NUMBER (LITERAL, null), FLOATING (LITERAL, null), STRING (LITERAL, null), ESCSTRING (LITERAL, null), EXECSTRING (LITERAL, null), IDENT (LITERAL, null), REGEX (LITERAL, null), XML (LITERAL, null), OBJECT (LITERAL, null), ARRAY (LITERAL, null), TEMPLATE (LITERAL, null), TEMPLATE_HEAD (LITERAL, null), TEMPLATE_MIDDLE(LITERAL, null), TEMPLATE_TAIL (LITERAL, null), DECPOSTFIX (IR, null), INCPOSTFIX (IR, null), SPREAD_ARGUMENT(IR, null), SPREAD_ARRAY (IR, null), YIELD_STAR (IR, null);
Next token kind in token lookup table.
/** Next token kind in token lookup table. */
private TokenType next;
Classification of token.
/** Classification of token. */
private final TokenKind kind;
Printable name of token.
/** Printable name of token. */
private final String name;
Operator precedence.
/** Operator precedence. */
private final int precedence;
Left associativity
/** Left associativity */
private final boolean isLeftAssociative;
Cache values to avoid cloning.
/** Cache values to avoid cloning. */
private static final TokenType[] values; TokenType(final TokenKind kind, final String name) { next = null; this.kind = kind; this.name = name; precedence = 0; isLeftAssociative = false; } TokenType(final TokenKind kind, final String name, final int precedence, final boolean isLeftAssociative) { next = null; this.kind = kind; this.name = name; this.precedence = precedence; this.isLeftAssociative = isLeftAssociative; }
Determines if the token has greater precedence than other.
  • other – Compare token.
  • isLeft – Is to the left of the other.
Returns:true if greater precedence.
/** * Determines if the token has greater precedence than other. * * @param other Compare token. * @param isLeft Is to the left of the other. * * @return {@code true} if greater precedence. */
public boolean needsParens(final TokenType other, final boolean isLeft) { return other.precedence != 0 && (precedence > other.precedence || precedence == other.precedence && isLeftAssociative && !isLeft); }
Determines if the type is a valid operator.
  • noIn – true if IN operator should be ignored.
Returns:true if valid operator.
/** * Determines if the type is a valid operator. * * @param noIn {@code true} if IN operator should be ignored. * * @return {@code true} if valid operator. */
public boolean isOperator(final boolean noIn) { return kind == BINARY && (!noIn || this != IN) && precedence != 0; } public int getLength() { assert name != null : "Token name not set"; return name.length(); } public String getName() { return name; } public String getNameOrType() { return name == null ? super.name().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) : name; } public TokenType getNext() { return next; } public void setNext(final TokenType next) { this.next = next; } public TokenKind getKind() { return kind; } public int getPrecedence() { return precedence; } public boolean isLeftAssociative() { return isLeftAssociative; } boolean startsWith(final char c) { return name != null && name.length() > 0 && name.charAt(0) == c; } static TokenType[] getValues() { return values; } @Override public String toString() { return getNameOrType(); } static { // Avoid cloning of enumeration. values = TokenType.values(); } }