// CheckStyle: stop header check
// CheckStyle: stop line length check
// Source: HotSpotGraalCompilerFactory.java
package org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot;

import java.util.*;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.*;
import org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionType;

public class HotSpotGraalCompilerFactory_OptionDescriptors implements OptionDescriptors {
    public OptionDescriptor get(String value) {
        switch (value) {
        // CheckStyle: stop line length check
        case "CompileGraalWithC1Only": {
            return OptionDescriptor.create(
                /*name*/ "CompileGraalWithC1Only",
                /*optionType*/ OptionType.Expert,
                /*optionValueType*/ Boolean.class,
                /*help*/ "In tiered mode compile Graal and JVMCI using optimized first tier code.",
                /*declaringClass*/ HotSpotGraalCompilerFactory.Options.class,
                /*fieldName*/ "CompileGraalWithC1Only",
                /*option*/ HotSpotGraalCompilerFactory.Options.CompileGraalWithC1Only);
        case "GraalCompileOnly": {
            return OptionDescriptor.create(
                /*name*/ "GraalCompileOnly",
                /*optionType*/ OptionType.Expert,
                /*optionValueType*/ String.class,
                /*help*/ "A filter applied to a method the VM has selected for compilation by Graal. A method not matching the filter is redirected to a lower tier compiler. The filter format is the same as for the MethodFilter option.",
                /*declaringClass*/ HotSpotGraalCompilerFactory.Options.class,
                /*fieldName*/ "GraalCompileOnly",
                /*option*/ HotSpotGraalCompilerFactory.Options.GraalCompileOnly);
        // CheckStyle: resume line length check
        return null;

    public Iterator<OptionDescriptor> iterator() {
        return new Iterator<OptionDescriptor>() {
            int i = 0;
            public boolean hasNext() {
                return i < 2;
            public OptionDescriptor next() {
                switch (i++) {
                    case 0: return get("CompileGraalWithC1Only");
                    case 1: return get("GraalCompileOnly");
                throw new NoSuchElementException();