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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
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package org.graalvm.compiler.core.test;

import static java.lang.Boolean.parseBoolean;
import static java.lang.Integer.getInteger;
import static java.lang.System.getProperty;

import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import com.google.monitoring.runtime.instrumentation.AllocationRecorder;
import com.google.monitoring.runtime.instrumentation.Sampler;

Tool for analyzing allocations within a scope using the Java Allocation Instrumenter. Allocation records are aggregated per stack trace at an allocation site. The size of the stack trace is governed by the value of the "AllocSpy.ContextSize" system property (default is 5).

Using this facility requires using -javaagent on the command line. For example:

mx --vm server unittest -javaagent:lib/java-allocation-instrumenter.jar -dsa -DAllocSpy.ContextSize=6 BC_iadd2
See Also:
/** * Tool for analyzing allocations within a scope using the * <a href="https://code.google.com/p/java-allocation-instrumenter/">Java Allocation * Instrumenter</a>. Allocation records are aggregated per stack trace at an allocation site. The * size of the stack trace is governed by the value of the "AllocSpy.ContextSize" system property * (default is 5). * <p> * Using this facility requires using -javaagent on the command line. For example: * * <pre> * mx --vm server unittest -javaagent:lib/java-allocation-instrumenter.jar -dsa -DAllocSpy.ContextSize=6 BC_iadd2 * </pre> * * @see #SampleBytes * @see #SampleInstances * @see #HistogramLimit * @see #NameSize * @see #BarSize * @see #NumberSize */
public final class AllocSpy implements AutoCloseable { static ThreadLocal<AllocSpy> current = new ThreadLocal<>(); private static final boolean ENABLED; static { boolean enabled = false; try { Field field = AllocationRecorder.class.getDeclaredField("instrumentation"); field.setAccessible(true); enabled = field.get(null) != null; } catch (Exception e) { } catch (LinkageError e) { } ENABLED = enabled; if (ENABLED) { AllocationRecorder.addSampler(new GraalContextSampler()); } } public static boolean isEnabled() { return ENABLED; } static String prop(String sfx) { return AllocSpy.class.getSimpleName() + "." + sfx; }
Determines if bytes per allocation site are recorded.
/** * Determines if bytes per allocation site are recorded. */
private static final boolean SampleBytes = parseBoolean(getProperty(prop("SampleBytes"), "true"));
Determines if allocations per allocation site are recorded.
/** * Determines if allocations per allocation site are recorded. */
private static final boolean SampleInstances = parseBoolean(getProperty(prop("SampleInstances"), "true"));
The size of context to record for each allocation site in terms of Graal frames.
/** * The size of context to record for each allocation site in terms of Graal frames. */
private static final int ContextSize = getInteger(prop("ContextSize"), 5);
Only the HistogramLimit most frequent values are printed.
/** * Only the {@code HistogramLimit} most frequent values are printed. */
private static final int HistogramLimit = getInteger(prop("HistogramLimit"), 40);
The width of the allocation context column.
/** * The width of the allocation context column. */
private static final int NameSize = getInteger(prop("NameSize"), 50);
The width of the histogram bar column.
/** * The width of the histogram bar column. */
private static final int BarSize = getInteger(prop("BarSize"), 100);
The width of the frequency column.
/** * The width of the frequency column. */
private static final int NumberSize = getInteger(prop("NumberSize"), 10); final Object name; final AllocSpy parent; final Map<String, CountedValue> bytesPerGraalContext = new HashMap<>(); final Map<String, CountedValue> instancesPerGraalContext = new HashMap<>(); public static AllocSpy open(Object name) { if (ENABLED) { return new AllocSpy(name); } return null; } private AllocSpy(Object name) { this.name = name; parent = current.get(); current.set(this); } @Override public void close() { current.set(parent); PrintStream ps = System.out; ps.println("\n\nAllocation histograms for " + name); if (SampleBytes) { print(ps, bytesPerGraalContext, "BytesPerGraalContext", HistogramLimit, NameSize + 60, BarSize); } if (SampleInstances) { print(ps, instancesPerGraalContext, "InstancesPerGraalContext", HistogramLimit, NameSize + 60, BarSize); } } private static void printLine(PrintStream printStream, char c, int lineSize) { char[] charArr = new char[lineSize]; Arrays.fill(charArr, c); printStream.printf("%s%n", new String(charArr)); } private static void print(PrintStream ps, Map<String, CountedValue> map, String name, int limit, int nameSize, int barSize) { if (map.isEmpty()) { return; } List<CountedValue> list = new ArrayList<>(map.values()); Collections.sort(list); // Sum up the total number of elements. int total = 0; for (CountedValue cv : list) { total += cv.getCount(); } // Print header. ps.printf("%s has %d unique elements and %d total elements:%n", name, list.size(), total); int max = list.get(0).getCount(); final int lineSize = nameSize + NumberSize + barSize + 10; printLine(ps, '-', lineSize); String formatString = "| %-" + nameSize + "s | %-" + NumberSize + "d | %-" + barSize + "s |\n"; for (int i = 0; i < list.size() && i < limit; ++i) { CountedValue cv = list.get(i); int value = cv.getCount(); char[] bar = new char[(int) (((double) value / (double) max) * barSize)]; Arrays.fill(bar, '='); String[] lines = String.valueOf(cv.getValue()).split("\\n"); String objectString = lines[0]; if (objectString.length() > nameSize) { objectString = objectString.substring(0, nameSize - 3) + "..."; } ps.printf(formatString, objectString, value, new String(bar)); for (int j = 1; j < lines.length; j++) { String line = lines[j]; if (line.length() > nameSize) { line = line.substring(0, nameSize - 3) + "..."; } ps.printf("| %-" + (nameSize - 2) + "s | %-" + NumberSize + "s | %-" + barSize + "s |%n", line, " ", " "); } } printLine(ps, '-', lineSize); } CountedValue bytesPerGraalContext(String context) { return getCounter(context, bytesPerGraalContext); } CountedValue instancesPerGraalContext(String context) { return getCounter(context, instancesPerGraalContext); } protected static CountedValue getCounter(String desc, Map<String, CountedValue> map) { CountedValue count = map.get(desc); if (count == null) { count = new CountedValue(0, desc); map.put(desc, count); } return count; } private static final String[] Excluded = {AllocSpy.class.getName(), AllocationRecorder.class.getName()}; private static boolean excludeFrame(String className) { for (String e : Excluded) { if (className.startsWith(e)) { return true; } } return false; } static class GraalContextSampler implements Sampler { @Override public void sampleAllocation(int count, String desc, Object newObj, long size) { AllocSpy scope = current.get(); if (scope != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200); Throwable t = new Throwable(); int remainingGraalFrames = ContextSize; for (StackTraceElement e : t.getStackTrace()) { if (remainingGraalFrames < 0) { break; } String className = e.getClassName(); boolean isGraalFrame = className.contains(".graal."); if (sb.length() != 0) { append(sb.append('\n'), e); } else { if (!excludeFrame(className)) { sb.append("type=").append(desc); if (count != -1) { sb.append('[').append(count).append(']'); } append(sb.append('\n'), e); } } if (isGraalFrame) { remainingGraalFrames--; } } String context = sb.toString(); if (SampleBytes) { scope.bytesPerGraalContext(context).add((int) size); } if (SampleInstances) { scope.instancesPerGraalContext(context).inc(); } } } protected StringBuilder append(StringBuilder sb, StackTraceElement e) { String className = e.getClassName(); int period = className.lastIndexOf('.'); if (period != -1) { sb.append(className, period + 1, className.length()); } else { sb.append(className); } sb.append('.').append(e.getMethodName()); if (e.isNativeMethod()) { sb.append("(Native Method)"); } else if (e.getFileName() != null && e.getLineNumber() >= 0) { sb.append('(').append(e.getFileName()).append(':').append(e.getLineNumber()).append(")"); } else { sb.append("(Unknown Source)"); } return sb; } }
A value and a frequency. The ordering imposed by compareTo(CountedValue) places values with higher frequencies first.
/** * A value and a frequency. The ordering imposed by {@link #compareTo(CountedValue)} places * values with higher frequencies first. */
static class CountedValue implements Comparable<CountedValue> { private int count; private final Object value; CountedValue(int count, Object value) { this.count = count; this.value = value; } @Override public int compareTo(CountedValue o) { if (count < o.count) { return 1; } else if (count > o.count) { return -1; } return 0; } @Override public String toString() { return count + " -> " + value; } public void inc() { count++; } public void add(int n) { count += n; } public int getCount() { return count; } public Object getValue() { return value; } } }