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package sun.jvm.hotspot.ui;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.tree.TreePath;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.*;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.*;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.*;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.types.*;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.ui.tree.*;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.*;

This class implements tree-browsing functionality of a particular SimpleTreeNode, and is only designed to be used in a debugging system. It uses a SimpleTreeModel internally. It can inspect both oops as well as C++ objects described by the VMStructs database in the target VM.
/** This class implements tree-browsing functionality of a particular SimpleTreeNode, and is only designed to be used in a debugging system. It uses a SimpleTreeModel internally. It can inspect both oops as well as C++ objects described by the VMStructs database in the target VM. */
public class Inspector extends SAPanel { private JTree tree; private SimpleTreeModel model; // UI widgets we need permanent handles to private HistoryComboBox addressField; private JLabel statusLabel; private JButton livenessButton; private ActionListener livenessButtonListener; private ActionListener showLivenessListener; private static final String computeLivenessText = "Compute Liveness"; private static final String showLivenessText = "Show Liveness"; private JLabel liveStatus; private LivenessPathList list = null; private Oop currentOop = null; public Inspector() { model = new SimpleTreeModel(); tree = new JTree(model); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); Box hbox = Box.createHorizontalBox(); JButton button = new JButton("Previous Oop"); button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String text = addressField.getText(); try { VM vm = VM.getVM(); Address a = vm.getDebugger().parseAddress(text); OopHandle handle = a.addOffsetToAsOopHandle(-vm.getAddressSize()); addressField.setText(handle.toString()); } catch (Exception ex) { } } }); hbox.add(button); hbox.add(new JLabel("Address / C++ Expression: ")); addressField = new HistoryComboBox(); hbox.add(addressField); statusLabel = new JLabel(); hbox.add(statusLabel); Box hboxDown = Box.createHorizontalBox(); hboxDown.add(Box.createGlue()); livenessButton = new JButton(computeLivenessText); livenessButtonListener = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (currentOop != null) { fireComputeLiveness(); } return; } }; showLivenessListener = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { fireShowLiveness(); } }; livenessButton.addActionListener(livenessButtonListener); hboxDown.add(livenessButton); hboxDown.add(Box.createGlue()); liveStatus = new JLabel(); hboxDown.add(liveStatus); hboxDown.add(Box.createGlue()); add(hbox, BorderLayout.NORTH); add(hboxDown, BorderLayout.SOUTH); addressField.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String text = addressField.getText(); try { Address a = VM.getVM().getDebugger().parseAddress(text); int max_searches = 1000; int searches = 0; int offset = 0; Oop oop = null; if (a != null) { OopHandle handle = a.addOffsetToAsOopHandle(0); while (searches < max_searches) { searches++; if (RobustOopDeterminator.oopLooksValid(handle)) { try { oop = VM.getVM().getObjectHeap().newOop(handle); addressField.setText(handle.toString()); break; } catch (UnknownOopException ex) { // ok } catch (RuntimeException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } offset -= 4; handle = a.addOffsetToAsOopHandle(offset); } } if (oop != currentOop) { currentOop = oop; liveStatus.setText(""); list = null; if (livenessButton.getText().equals(showLivenessText)) { livenessButton.setText(computeLivenessText); livenessButton.removeActionListener(showLivenessListener); livenessButton.addActionListener(livenessButtonListener); } } if (oop != null) { statusLabel.setText(""); setRoot(new OopTreeNodeAdapter(oop, null)); return; } // Try to treat this address as a C++ object and deduce its type Type t = VM.getVM().getTypeDataBase().guessTypeForAddress(a); if (t != null) { statusLabel.setText(""); setRoot(new CTypeTreeNodeAdapter(a, t, null)); return; } statusLabel.setText("<bad oop or unknown C++ object " + text + ">"); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { currentOop = null; liveStatus.setText(""); list = null; if (livenessButton.getText().equals(showLivenessText)) { livenessButton.setText(computeLivenessText); livenessButton.removeActionListener(showLivenessListener); livenessButton.addActionListener(livenessButtonListener); } // Try to treat this as a C++ expression CPPExpressions.CastExpr cast = CPPExpressions.parseCast(text); if (cast != null) { TypeDataBase db = VM.getVM().getTypeDataBase(); Type t = db.lookupType(cast.getType()); if (t == null) { statusLabel.setText("<unknown C++ type \"" + cast.getType() + "\">"); } else { try { Address a = VM.getVM().getDebugger().parseAddress(cast.getAddress()); statusLabel.setText(""); setRoot(new CTypeTreeNodeAdapter(a, t, null)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex2) { statusLabel.setText("<bad address " + cast.getAddress() + ">"); } } return; } CPPExpressions.StaticFieldExpr stat = CPPExpressions.parseStaticField(text); if (stat != null) { TypeDataBase db = VM.getVM().getTypeDataBase(); Type t = db.lookupType(stat.getContainingType()); if (t == null) { statusLabel.setText("<unknown C++ type \"" + stat.getContainingType() + "\">"); } else { sun.jvm.hotspot.types.Field f = t.getField(stat.getFieldName(), true, false); if (f == null) { statusLabel.setText("<unknown field \"" + stat.getFieldName() + "\" in type \"" + stat.getContainingType() + "\">"); } else if (!f.isStatic()) { statusLabel.setText("<field \"" + stat.getContainingType() + "::" + stat.getFieldName() + "\" was not static>"); } else { Type fieldType = f.getType(); if (fieldType.isPointerType()) { fieldType = ((PointerType) fieldType).getTargetType(); // Try to get a more derived type Type typeGuess = db.guessTypeForAddress(f.getAddress()); if (typeGuess != null) { fieldType = typeGuess; } statusLabel.setText(""); setRoot(new CTypeTreeNodeAdapter(f.getAddress(), fieldType, new NamedFieldIdentifier(text))); } else { statusLabel.setText(""); setRoot(new CTypeTreeNodeAdapter(f.getStaticFieldAddress(), f.getType(), new NamedFieldIdentifier(text))); } } } return; } statusLabel.setText("<parse error>"); } catch (AddressException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); currentOop = null; liveStatus.setText(""); list = null; if (livenessButton.getText().equals(showLivenessText)) { livenessButton.setText(computeLivenessText); livenessButton.removeActionListener(showLivenessListener); livenessButton.addActionListener(livenessButtonListener); } statusLabel.setText("<bad address>"); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); currentOop = null; liveStatus.setText(""); list = null; if (livenessButton.getText().equals(showLivenessText)) { livenessButton.setText(computeLivenessText); livenessButton.removeActionListener(showLivenessListener); livenessButton.addActionListener(livenessButtonListener); } statusLabel.setText("<error constructing oop>"); } } }); MouseListener ml = new MouseAdapter() { public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { int selRow = tree.getRowForLocation(e.getX(), e.getY()); TreePath selPath = tree.getPathForLocation(e.getX(), e.getY()); if(selRow != -1) { if (e.getClickCount() == 1 && (e.getModifiersEx() & InputEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK) != 0) { Object node = tree.getLastSelectedPathComponent(); if (node != null && node instanceof SimpleTreeNode) { showInspector((SimpleTreeNode)node); } } } } }; tree.addMouseListener(ml); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(tree); // Let's see what happens if we let the parent deal with resizing the panel add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); } public Inspector(final SimpleTreeNode root) { this(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { if (root instanceof OopTreeNodeAdapter) { final Oop oop = ((OopTreeNodeAdapter)root).getOop(); addressField.setText(oop.getHandle().toString()); } setRoot(root); } }); } private void setRoot(SimpleTreeNode root) { model.setRoot(root); // tree.invalidate(); // tree.validate(); // repaint(); // FIXME: invalidate? How to get to redraw? Will I have to make // tree listeners work? } private void fireComputeLiveness() { final Runnable cutoverButtonRunnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { list = LivenessAnalysis.computeAllLivenessPaths(currentOop); if (list == null) { liveStatus.setText("Oop is Dead"); } else { liveStatus.setText("Oop is Alive"); livenessButton.removeActionListener(livenessButtonListener); livenessButton.addActionListener(showLivenessListener); livenessButton.setEnabled(true); livenessButton.setText(showLivenessText); } } }; if (VM.getVM().getRevPtrs() != null) { cutoverButtonRunnable.run(); } else { final WorkerThread worker = new WorkerThread(); worker.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { ReversePtrsAnalysis rev = new ReversePtrsAnalysis(); rev.run(); cutoverButtonRunnable.run(); } finally { worker.shutdown(); } } }); } } private void fireShowLiveness() { if (list == null) { return; // dead object } for (Iterator iter = listeners.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { SAListener listener = (SAListener) iter.next(); listener.showLiveness(currentOop, list); } } }