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 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
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package com.sun.tools.javac.code;

import java.util.Iterator;

import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCLambda;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.*;

A type annotation position.

This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.

/** A type annotation position. * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> */
// Code duplicated in com.sun.tools.classfile.TypeAnnotation.Position public class TypeAnnotationPosition { public enum TypePathEntryKind { ARRAY(0), INNER_TYPE(1), WILDCARD(2), TYPE_ARGUMENT(3); public final int tag; private TypePathEntryKind(int tag) { this.tag = tag; } } public static class TypePathEntry {
The fixed number of bytes per TypePathEntry.
/** The fixed number of bytes per TypePathEntry. */
public static final int bytesPerEntry = 2; public final TypePathEntryKind tag; public final int arg; public static final TypePathEntry ARRAY = new TypePathEntry(TypePathEntryKind.ARRAY); public static final TypePathEntry INNER_TYPE = new TypePathEntry(TypePathEntryKind.INNER_TYPE); public static final TypePathEntry WILDCARD = new TypePathEntry(TypePathEntryKind.WILDCARD); private TypePathEntry(TypePathEntryKind tag) { Assert.check(tag == TypePathEntryKind.ARRAY || tag == TypePathEntryKind.INNER_TYPE || tag == TypePathEntryKind.WILDCARD); this.tag = tag; this.arg = 0; } public TypePathEntry(TypePathEntryKind tag, int arg) { Assert.check(tag == TypePathEntryKind.TYPE_ARGUMENT); this.tag = tag; this.arg = arg; } public static TypePathEntry fromBinary(int tag, int arg) { Assert.check(arg == 0 || tag == TypePathEntryKind.TYPE_ARGUMENT.tag); switch (tag) { case 0: return ARRAY; case 1: return INNER_TYPE; case 2: return WILDCARD; case 3: return new TypePathEntry(TypePathEntryKind.TYPE_ARGUMENT, arg); default: Assert.error("Invalid TypePathEntryKind tag: " + tag); return null; } } @Override public String toString() { return tag.toString() + (tag == TypePathEntryKind.TYPE_ARGUMENT ? ("(" + arg + ")") : ""); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (! (other instanceof TypePathEntry)) { return false; } TypePathEntry tpe = (TypePathEntry) other; return this.tag == tpe.tag && this.arg == tpe.arg; } @Override public int hashCode() { return this.tag.hashCode() * 17 + this.arg; } } public static final List<TypePathEntry> emptyPath = List.nil(); public final TargetType type; // For generic/array types. public List<TypePathEntry> location; // Tree position. public final int pos; // For type casts, type tests, new, locals (as start_pc), // and method and constructor reference type arguments. public boolean isValidOffset = false; public int offset = -1; // For locals. arrays same length public int[] lvarOffset = null; public int[] lvarLength = null; public int[] lvarIndex = null; // For type parameter bound public final int bound_index; // For type parameter and method parameter public int parameter_index; // For class extends, implements, and throws clauses public final int type_index; // For exception parameters, index into exception table. In // com.sun.tools.javac.jvm.Gen.genCatch, we first use this to hold // the catch type's constant pool entry index. Then in // com.sun.tools.javac.jvm.Code.fillExceptionParameterPositions we // use that value to determine the exception table index. // When read from class file, this holds private int exception_index = Integer.MIN_VALUE; // If this type annotation is within a lambda expression, // store a pointer to the lambda expression tree in order // to allow a later translation to the right method. public final JCLambda onLambda; // NOTE: This constructor will eventually go away, and be replaced // by static builder methods. @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append('['); sb.append(type); switch (type) { // instanceof case INSTANCEOF: // new expression case NEW: // constructor/method reference receiver case CONSTRUCTOR_REFERENCE: case METHOD_REFERENCE: sb.append(", offset = "); sb.append(offset); break; // local variable case LOCAL_VARIABLE: // resource variable case RESOURCE_VARIABLE: if (lvarOffset == null) { sb.append(", lvarOffset is null!"); break; } sb.append(", {"); for (int i = 0; i < lvarOffset.length; ++i) { if (i != 0) sb.append("; "); sb.append("start_pc = "); sb.append(lvarOffset[i]); sb.append(", length = "); sb.append(lvarLength[i]); sb.append(", index = "); sb.append(lvarIndex[i]); } sb.append("}"); break; // method receiver case METHOD_RECEIVER: // Do nothing break; // type parameter case CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER: case METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER: sb.append(", param_index = "); sb.append(parameter_index); break; // type parameter bound case CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND: case METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND: sb.append(", param_index = "); sb.append(parameter_index); sb.append(", bound_index = "); sb.append(bound_index); break; // class extends or implements clause case CLASS_EXTENDS: sb.append(", type_index = "); sb.append(type_index); break; // throws case THROWS: sb.append(", type_index = "); sb.append(type_index); break; // exception parameter case EXCEPTION_PARAMETER: sb.append(", exception_index = "); sb.append(exception_index); break; // method parameter case METHOD_FORMAL_PARAMETER: sb.append(", param_index = "); sb.append(parameter_index); break; // type cast case CAST: // method/constructor/reference type argument case CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION_TYPE_ARGUMENT: case METHOD_INVOCATION_TYPE_ARGUMENT: case CONSTRUCTOR_REFERENCE_TYPE_ARGUMENT: case METHOD_REFERENCE_TYPE_ARGUMENT: sb.append(", offset = "); sb.append(offset); sb.append(", type_index = "); sb.append(type_index); break; // We don't need to worry about these case METHOD_RETURN: case FIELD: break; case UNKNOWN: sb.append(", position UNKNOWN!"); break; default: Assert.error("Unknown target type: " + type); } // Append location data for generics/arrays. if (!location.isEmpty()) { sb.append(", location = ("); sb.append(location); sb.append(")"); } sb.append(", pos = "); sb.append(pos); if (onLambda != null) { sb.append(", onLambda hash = "); sb.append(onLambda.hashCode()); } sb.append(']'); return sb.toString(); }
Indicates whether the target tree of the annotation has been optimized away from classfile or not.
Returns:true if the target has not been optimized away
/** * Indicates whether the target tree of the annotation has been optimized * away from classfile or not. * @return true if the target has not been optimized away */
public boolean emitToClassfile() { return !type.isLocal() || isValidOffset; } public boolean matchesPos(int pos) { return this.pos == pos; } public void updatePosOffset(int to) { offset = to; lvarOffset = new int[]{to}; isValidOffset = true; } public boolean hasExceptionIndex() { return exception_index >= 0; } public int getExceptionIndex() { Assert.check(exception_index >= 0, "exception_index is not set"); return exception_index; } public void setExceptionIndex(final int exception_index) { Assert.check(!hasExceptionIndex(), "exception_index already set"); Assert.check(exception_index >= 0, "Expected a valid index into exception table"); this.exception_index = exception_index; this.isValidOffset = true; } public boolean hasCatchType() { return exception_index < 0 && exception_index != Integer.MIN_VALUE; } public int getCatchType() { Assert.check(hasCatchType(), "exception_index does not contain valid catch info"); return ((-this.exception_index) - 1) & 0xff ; } public int getStartPos() { Assert.check(hasCatchType(), "exception_index does not contain valid catch info"); return ((-this.exception_index) - 1) >> 8 ; } public void setCatchInfo(final int catchType, final int startPos) { Assert.check(!hasExceptionIndex(), "exception_index is already set"); Assert.check(catchType >= 0, "Expected a valid catch type"); this.exception_index = -((catchType | startPos << 8) + 1); }
Decode the binary representation for a type path and set the location field.
  • list – The bytecode representation of the type path.
/** * Decode the binary representation for a type path and set * the {@code location} field. * * @param list The bytecode representation of the type path. */
public static List<TypePathEntry> getTypePathFromBinary(java.util.List<Integer> list) { ListBuffer<TypePathEntry> loc = new ListBuffer<>(); Iterator<Integer> iter = list.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Integer fst = iter.next(); Assert.check(iter.hasNext()); Integer snd = iter.next(); loc = loc.append(TypePathEntry.fromBinary(fst, snd)); } return loc.toList(); } public static List<Integer> getBinaryFromTypePath(java.util.List<TypePathEntry> locs) { ListBuffer<Integer> loc = new ListBuffer<>(); for (TypePathEntry tpe : locs) { loc = loc.append(tpe.tag.tag); loc = loc.append(tpe.arg); } return loc.toList(); } // These methods are the new preferred way to create // TypeAnnotationPositions // Never make this a public constructor without creating a builder. private TypeAnnotationPosition(final TargetType ttype, final int pos, final int parameter_index, final JCLambda onLambda, final int type_index, final int bound_index, final List<TypePathEntry> location) { Assert.checkNonNull(location); this.type = ttype; this.pos = pos; this.parameter_index = parameter_index; this.onLambda = onLambda; this.type_index = type_index; this.bound_index = bound_index; this.location = location; }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a method return.
  • location – The type path.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this parameter.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a method return. * * @param location The type path. * @param onLambda The lambda for this parameter. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodReturn(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final JCLambda onLambda, final int pos) { return new TypeAnnotationPosition(TargetType.METHOD_RETURN, pos, Integer.MIN_VALUE, onLambda, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, location); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a method return.
  • location – The type path.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a method return. * * @param location The type path. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodReturn(final List<TypePathEntry> location) { return methodReturn(location, null, -1); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a method return.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a method return. * * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodReturn(final int pos) { return methodReturn(emptyPath, null, pos); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a method receiver parameter.
  • location – The type path.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this parameter.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a method receiver parameter. * * @param location The type path. * @param onLambda The lambda for this parameter. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodReceiver(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final JCLambda onLambda, final int pos) { return new TypeAnnotationPosition(TargetType.METHOD_RECEIVER, pos, Integer.MIN_VALUE, onLambda, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, location); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a method receiver parameter.
  • location – The type path.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a method receiver parameter. * * @param location The type path. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodReceiver(final List<TypePathEntry> location) { return methodReceiver(location, null, -1); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a method receiver parameter.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a method receiver parameter. * * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodReceiver(final int pos) { return methodReceiver(emptyPath, null, pos); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a method formal parameter.
  • location – The type path.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this parameter.
  • parameter_index – The index of the parameter.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a method formal parameter. * * @param location The type path. * @param onLambda The lambda for this parameter. * @param parameter_index The index of the parameter. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodParameter(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final JCLambda onLambda, final int parameter_index, final int pos) { return new TypeAnnotationPosition(TargetType.METHOD_FORMAL_PARAMETER, pos, parameter_index, onLambda, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, location); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a method formal parameter.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this parameter.
  • parameter_index – The index of the parameter.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a method formal parameter. * * @param onLambda The lambda for this parameter. * @param parameter_index The index of the parameter. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodParameter(final JCLambda onLambda, final int parameter_index, final int pos) { return methodParameter(emptyPath, onLambda, parameter_index, pos); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a method formal parameter.
  • parameter_index – The index of the parameter.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a method formal parameter. * * @param parameter_index The index of the parameter. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodParameter(final int parameter_index, final int pos) { return methodParameter(null, parameter_index, pos); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a method formal parameter.
  • location – The type path.
  • parameter_index – The index of the parameter.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a method formal parameter. * * @param location The type path. * @param parameter_index The index of the parameter. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodParameter(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final int parameter_index) { return methodParameter(location, null, parameter_index, -1); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a method reference.
  • location – The type path.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this method reference.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a method reference. * * @param location The type path. * @param onLambda The lambda for this method reference. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodRef(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final JCLambda onLambda, final int pos) { return new TypeAnnotationPosition(TargetType.METHOD_REFERENCE, pos, Integer.MIN_VALUE, onLambda, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, location); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a method reference.
  • location – The type path.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a method reference. * * @param location The type path. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodRef(final List<TypePathEntry> location) { return methodRef(location, null, -1); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a constructor reference.
  • location – The type path.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this constructor reference.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a constructor reference. * * @param location The type path. * @param onLambda The lambda for this constructor reference. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition constructorRef(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final JCLambda onLambda, final int pos) { return new TypeAnnotationPosition(TargetType.CONSTRUCTOR_REFERENCE, pos, Integer.MIN_VALUE, onLambda, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, location); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a constructor reference.
  • location – The type path.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a constructor reference. * * @param location The type path. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition constructorRef(final List<TypePathEntry> location) { return constructorRef(location, null, -1); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a field.
  • location – The type path.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this variable.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a field. * * @param location The type path. * @param onLambda The lambda for this variable. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition field(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final JCLambda onLambda, final int pos) { return new TypeAnnotationPosition(TargetType.FIELD, pos, Integer.MIN_VALUE, onLambda, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, location); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a field.
  • location – The type path.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a field. * * @param location The type path. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition field(final List<TypePathEntry> location) { return field(location, null, -1); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a field.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a field. * * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition field(final int pos) { return field(emptyPath, null, pos); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a local variable.
  • location – The type path.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this variable.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a local variable. * * @param location The type path. * @param onLambda The lambda for this variable. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition localVariable(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final JCLambda onLambda, final int pos) { return new TypeAnnotationPosition(TargetType.LOCAL_VARIABLE, pos, Integer.MIN_VALUE, onLambda, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, location); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a local variable.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this variable.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a local variable. * * @param onLambda The lambda for this variable. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition localVariable(final JCLambda onLambda, final int pos) { return localVariable(emptyPath, onLambda, pos); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a local variable.
  • location – The type path.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a local variable. * * @param location The type path. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition localVariable(final List<TypePathEntry> location) { return localVariable(location, null, -1); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for an exception parameter.
  • location – The type path.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this parameter.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for an exception parameter. * * @param location The type path. * @param onLambda The lambda for this parameter. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition exceptionParameter(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final JCLambda onLambda, final int pos) { return new TypeAnnotationPosition(TargetType.EXCEPTION_PARAMETER, pos, Integer.MIN_VALUE, onLambda, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, location); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for an exception parameter.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this parameter.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for an exception parameter. * * @param onLambda The lambda for this parameter. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition exceptionParameter(final JCLambda onLambda, final int pos) { return exceptionParameter(emptyPath, onLambda, pos); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for an exception parameter.
  • location – The type path.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for an exception parameter. * * @param location The type path. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition exceptionParameter(final List<TypePathEntry> location) { return exceptionParameter(location, null, -1); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a resource variable.
  • location – The type path.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this variable.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a resource variable. * * @param location The type path. * @param onLambda The lambda for this variable. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition resourceVariable(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final JCLambda onLambda, final int pos) { return new TypeAnnotationPosition(TargetType.RESOURCE_VARIABLE, pos, Integer.MIN_VALUE, onLambda, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, location); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a resource variable.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this variable.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a resource variable. * * @param onLambda The lambda for this variable. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition resourceVariable(final JCLambda onLambda, final int pos) { return resourceVariable(emptyPath, onLambda, pos); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a resource variable.
  • location – The type path.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a resource variable. * * @param location The type path. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition resourceVariable(final List<TypePathEntry> location) { return resourceVariable(location, null, -1); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a new.
  • location – The type path.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this variable.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a new. * * @param location The type path. * @param onLambda The lambda for this variable. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition newObj(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final JCLambda onLambda, final int pos) { return new TypeAnnotationPosition(TargetType.NEW, pos, Integer.MIN_VALUE, onLambda, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, location); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a new.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a new. * * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition newObj(final int pos) { return newObj(emptyPath, null, pos); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a new.
  • location – The type path.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a new. * * @param location The type path. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition newObj(final List<TypePathEntry> location) { return newObj(location, null, -1); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a class extension.
  • location – The type path.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this variable.
  • type_index – The index of the interface.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a class extension. * * @param location The type path. * @param onLambda The lambda for this variable. * @param type_index The index of the interface. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition classExtends(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final JCLambda onLambda, final int type_index, final int pos) { return new TypeAnnotationPosition(TargetType.CLASS_EXTENDS, pos, Integer.MIN_VALUE, onLambda, type_index, Integer.MIN_VALUE, location); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a class extension.
  • location – The type path.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this variable.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a class extension. * * @param location The type path. * @param onLambda The lambda for this variable. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition classExtends(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final JCLambda onLambda, final int pos) { return classExtends(location, onLambda, 65535, pos); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a class extension.
  • location – The type path.
  • type_index – The index of the interface.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a class extension. * * @param location The type path. * @param type_index The index of the interface. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition classExtends(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final int type_index) { return classExtends(location, null, type_index, -1); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a class extension.
  • type_index – The index of the interface.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a class extension. * * @param type_index The index of the interface. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition classExtends(final int type_index, final int pos) { return classExtends(emptyPath, null, type_index, pos); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a class extension.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a class extension. * * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition classExtends(final int pos) { return classExtends(65535, pos); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for an instanceof.
  • location – The type path.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this variable.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for an instanceof. * * @param location The type path. * @param onLambda The lambda for this variable. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition instanceOf(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final JCLambda onLambda, final int pos) { return new TypeAnnotationPosition(TargetType.INSTANCEOF, pos, Integer.MIN_VALUE, onLambda, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, location); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for an instanceof.
  • location – The type path.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for an instanceof. * * @param location The type path. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition instanceOf(final List<TypePathEntry> location) { return instanceOf(location, null, -1); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a type cast.
  • location – The type path.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this variable.
  • type_index – The index into an intersection type.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a type cast. * * @param location The type path. * @param onLambda The lambda for this variable. * @param type_index The index into an intersection type. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition typeCast(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final JCLambda onLambda, final int type_index, final int pos) { return new TypeAnnotationPosition(TargetType.CAST, pos, Integer.MIN_VALUE, onLambda, type_index, Integer.MIN_VALUE, location); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a type cast.
  • location – The type path.
  • type_index – The index into an intersection type.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a type cast. * * @param location The type path. * @param type_index The index into an intersection type. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition typeCast(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final int type_index) { return typeCast(location, null, type_index, -1); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a method invocation type argument.
  • location – The type path.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this variable.
  • type_index – The index of the type argument.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a method * invocation type argument. * * @param location The type path. * @param onLambda The lambda for this variable. * @param type_index The index of the type argument. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodInvocationTypeArg(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final JCLambda onLambda, final int type_index, final int pos) { return new TypeAnnotationPosition(TargetType.METHOD_INVOCATION_TYPE_ARGUMENT, pos, Integer.MIN_VALUE, onLambda, type_index, Integer.MIN_VALUE, location); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a method invocation type argument.
  • location – The type path.
  • type_index – The index of the type argument.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a method * invocation type argument. * * @param location The type path. * @param type_index The index of the type argument. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodInvocationTypeArg(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final int type_index) { return methodInvocationTypeArg(location, null, type_index, -1); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a constructor invocation type argument.
  • location – The type path.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this variable.
  • type_index – The index of the type argument.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a constructor * invocation type argument. * * @param location The type path. * @param onLambda The lambda for this variable. * @param type_index The index of the type argument. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition constructorInvocationTypeArg(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final JCLambda onLambda, final int type_index, final int pos) { return new TypeAnnotationPosition(TargetType.CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION_TYPE_ARGUMENT, pos, Integer.MIN_VALUE, onLambda, type_index, Integer.MIN_VALUE, location); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a constructor invocation type argument.
  • location – The type path.
  • type_index – The index of the type argument.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a constructor * invocation type argument. * * @param location The type path. * @param type_index The index of the type argument. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition constructorInvocationTypeArg(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final int type_index) { return constructorInvocationTypeArg(location, null, type_index, -1); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a type parameter.
  • location – The type path.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this variable.
  • parameter_index – The index of the type parameter.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a type parameter. * * @param location The type path. * @param onLambda The lambda for this variable. * @param parameter_index The index of the type parameter. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition typeParameter(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final JCLambda onLambda, final int parameter_index, final int pos) { return new TypeAnnotationPosition(TargetType.CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER, pos, parameter_index, onLambda, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, location); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a type parameter.
  • location – The type path.
  • parameter_index – The index of the type parameter.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a type parameter. * * @param location The type path. * @param parameter_index The index of the type parameter. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition typeParameter(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final int parameter_index) { return typeParameter(location, null, parameter_index, -1); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a method type parameter.
  • location – The type path.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this variable.
  • parameter_index – The index of the type parameter.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a method type parameter. * * @param location The type path. * @param onLambda The lambda for this variable. * @param parameter_index The index of the type parameter. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodTypeParameter(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final JCLambda onLambda, final int parameter_index, final int pos) { return new TypeAnnotationPosition(TargetType.METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER, pos, parameter_index, onLambda, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, location); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a method type parameter.
  • location – The type path.
  • parameter_index – The index of the type parameter.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a method type parameter. * * @param location The type path. * @param parameter_index The index of the type parameter. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodTypeParameter(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final int parameter_index) { return methodTypeParameter(location, null, parameter_index, -1); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a throws clause.
  • location – The type path.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this variable.
  • type_index – The index of the exception.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a throws clause. * * @param location The type path. * @param onLambda The lambda for this variable. * @param type_index The index of the exception. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodThrows(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final JCLambda onLambda, final int type_index, final int pos) { return new TypeAnnotationPosition(TargetType.THROWS, pos, Integer.MIN_VALUE, onLambda, type_index, Integer.MIN_VALUE, location); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a throws clause.
  • location – The type path.
  • type_index – The index of the exception.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a throws clause. * * @param location The type path. * @param type_index The index of the exception. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodThrows(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final int type_index) { return methodThrows(location, null, type_index, -1); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a method reference type argument.
  • location – The type path.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this variable.
  • type_index – The index of the type argument.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a method reference * type argument. * * @param location The type path. * @param onLambda The lambda for this variable. * @param type_index The index of the type argument. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodRefTypeArg(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final JCLambda onLambda, final int type_index, final int pos) { return new TypeAnnotationPosition(TargetType.METHOD_REFERENCE_TYPE_ARGUMENT, pos, Integer.MIN_VALUE, onLambda, type_index, Integer.MIN_VALUE, location); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a method reference type argument.
  • location – The type path.
  • type_index – The index of the type argument.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a method reference * type argument. * * @param location The type path. * @param type_index The index of the type argument. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodRefTypeArg(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final int type_index) { return methodRefTypeArg(location, null, type_index, -1); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a constructor reference type argument.
  • location – The type path.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this variable.
  • type_index – The index of the type argument.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a constructor reference * type argument. * * @param location The type path. * @param onLambda The lambda for this variable. * @param type_index The index of the type argument. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition constructorRefTypeArg(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final JCLambda onLambda, final int type_index, final int pos) { return new TypeAnnotationPosition(TargetType.CONSTRUCTOR_REFERENCE_TYPE_ARGUMENT, pos, Integer.MIN_VALUE, onLambda, type_index, Integer.MIN_VALUE, location); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a constructor reference type argument.
  • location – The type path.
  • type_index – The index of the type argument.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a constructor reference * type argument. * * @param location The type path. * @param type_index The index of the type argument. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition constructorRefTypeArg(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final int type_index) { return constructorRefTypeArg(location, null, type_index, -1); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a type parameter bound.
  • location – The type path.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this variable.
  • parameter_index – The index of the type parameter.
  • bound_index – The index of the type parameter bound.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a type parameter bound. * * @param location The type path. * @param onLambda The lambda for this variable. * @param parameter_index The index of the type parameter. * @param bound_index The index of the type parameter bound. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition typeParameterBound(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final JCLambda onLambda, final int parameter_index, final int bound_index, final int pos) { return new TypeAnnotationPosition(TargetType.CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND, pos, parameter_index, onLambda, Integer.MIN_VALUE, bound_index, location); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a type parameter bound.
  • location – The type path.
  • parameter_index – The index of the type parameter.
  • bound_index – The index of the type parameter bound.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a type parameter bound. * * @param location The type path. * @param parameter_index The index of the type parameter. * @param bound_index The index of the type parameter bound. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition typeParameterBound(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final int parameter_index, final int bound_index) { return typeParameterBound(location, null, parameter_index, bound_index, -1); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a method type parameter bound.
  • location – The type path.
  • onLambda – The lambda for this variable.
  • parameter_index – The index of the type parameter.
  • bound_index – The index of the type parameter bound.
  • pos – The position from the associated tree node.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a method type * parameter bound. * * @param location The type path. * @param onLambda The lambda for this variable. * @param parameter_index The index of the type parameter. * @param bound_index The index of the type parameter bound. * @param pos The position from the associated tree node. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodTypeParameterBound(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final JCLambda onLambda, final int parameter_index, final int bound_index, final int pos) { return new TypeAnnotationPosition(TargetType.METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND, pos, parameter_index, onLambda, Integer.MIN_VALUE, bound_index, location); }
Create a TypeAnnotationPosition for a method type parameter bound.
  • location – The type path.
  • parameter_index – The index of the type parameter.
  • bound_index – The index of the type parameter bound.
/** * Create a {@code TypeAnnotationPosition} for a method type * parameter bound. * * @param location The type path. * @param parameter_index The index of the type parameter. * @param bound_index The index of the type parameter bound. */
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodTypeParameterBound(final List<TypePathEntry> location, final int parameter_index, final int bound_index) { return methodTypeParameterBound(location, null, parameter_index, bound_index, -1); } // Consider this deprecated on arrival. We eventually want to get // rid of this value altogether. Do not use it for anything new. public static final TypeAnnotationPosition unknown = new TypeAnnotationPosition(TargetType.UNKNOWN, -1, Integer.MIN_VALUE, null, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, emptyPath); }