 * Copyright (c) 2011, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.

package sun.lwawt.macosx;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager;
import java.awt.Dialog;
import java.awt.Dialog.ModalityType;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.GraphicsDevice;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.MenuBar;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.Window;
import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

import javax.swing.JRootPane;
import javax.swing.RootPaneContainer;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;

import com.apple.laf.ClientPropertyApplicator;
import com.apple.laf.ClientPropertyApplicator.Property;
import sun.awt.AWTAccessor;
import sun.awt.AWTAccessor.ComponentAccessor;
import sun.awt.AWTAccessor.WindowAccessor;
import sun.java2d.SurfaceData;
import sun.java2d.opengl.CGLSurfaceData;
import sun.lwawt.LWLightweightFramePeer;
import sun.lwawt.LWToolkit;
import sun.lwawt.LWWindowPeer;
import sun.lwawt.LWWindowPeer.PeerType;
import sun.lwawt.PlatformWindow;
import sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger;

public class CPlatformWindow extends CFRetainedResource implements PlatformWindow {
    private native long nativeCreateNSWindow(long nsViewPtr,long ownerPtr, long styleBits, double x, double y, double w, double h);
    private static native void nativeSetNSWindowStyleBits(long nsWindowPtr, int mask, int data);
    private static native void nativeSetNSWindowMenuBar(long nsWindowPtr, long menuBarPtr);
    private static native Insets nativeGetNSWindowInsets(long nsWindowPtr);
    private static native void nativeSetNSWindowBounds(long nsWindowPtr, double x, double y, double w, double h);
    private static native void nativeSetNSWindowLocationByPlatform(long nsWindowPtr);
    private static native void nativeSetNSWindowStandardFrame(long nsWindowPtr,
            double x, double y, double w, double h);
    private static native void nativeSetNSWindowMinMax(long nsWindowPtr, double minW, double minH, double maxW, double maxH);
    private static native void nativePushNSWindowToBack(long nsWindowPtr);
    private static native void nativePushNSWindowToFront(long nsWindowPtr);
    private static native void nativeSetNSWindowTitle(long nsWindowPtr, String title);
    private static native void nativeRevalidateNSWindowShadow(long nsWindowPtr);
    private static native void nativeSetNSWindowMinimizedIcon(long nsWindowPtr, long nsImage);
    private static native void nativeSetNSWindowRepresentedFilename(long nsWindowPtr, String representedFilename);
    private static native void nativeSetEnabled(long nsWindowPtr, boolean isEnabled);
    private static native void nativeSynthesizeMouseEnteredExitedEvents();
    private static native void nativeSynthesizeMouseEnteredExitedEvents(long nsWindowPtr, int eventType);
    private static native void nativeDispose(long nsWindowPtr);
    private static native void nativeEnterFullScreenMode(long nsWindowPtr);
    private static native void nativeExitFullScreenMode(long nsWindowPtr);
    static native CPlatformWindow nativeGetTopmostPlatformWindowUnderMouse();

    // Loger to report issues happened during execution but that do not affect functionality
    private static final PlatformLogger logger = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.lwawt.macosx.CPlatformWindow");
    private static final PlatformLogger focusLogger = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.lwawt.macosx.focus.CPlatformWindow");

    // for client properties
    public static final String WINDOW_BRUSH_METAL_LOOK = "apple.awt.brushMetalLook";
    public static final String WINDOW_DRAGGABLE_BACKGROUND = "apple.awt.draggableWindowBackground";

    public static final String WINDOW_ALPHA = "Window.alpha";
    public static final String WINDOW_SHADOW = "Window.shadow";

    public static final String WINDOW_STYLE = "Window.style";
    public static final String WINDOW_SHADOW_REVALIDATE_NOW = "apple.awt.windowShadow.revalidateNow";

    public static final String WINDOW_DOCUMENT_MODIFIED = "Window.documentModified";
    public static final String WINDOW_DOCUMENT_FILE = "Window.documentFile";

    public static final String WINDOW_CLOSEABLE = "Window.closeable";
    public static final String WINDOW_MINIMIZABLE = "Window.minimizable";
    public static final String WINDOW_ZOOMABLE = "Window.zoomable";
    public static final String WINDOW_HIDES_ON_DEACTIVATE="Window.hidesOnDeactivate";

    public static final String WINDOW_DOC_MODAL_SHEET = "apple.awt.documentModalSheet";
    public static final String WINDOW_FADE_DELEGATE = "apple.awt._windowFadeDelegate";
    public static final String WINDOW_FADE_IN = "apple.awt._windowFadeIn";
    public static final String WINDOW_FADE_OUT = "apple.awt._windowFadeOut";
    public static final String WINDOW_FULLSCREENABLE = "apple.awt.fullscreenable";
    public static final String WINDOW_FULL_CONTENT = "apple.awt.fullWindowContent";
    public static final String WINDOW_TRANSPARENT_TITLE_BAR = "apple.awt.transparentTitleBar";

    // Yeah, I know. But it's easier to deal with ints from JNI
    static final int MODELESS = 0;
    static final int DOCUMENT_MODAL = 1;
    static final int APPLICATION_MODAL = 2;
    static final int TOOLKIT_MODAL = 3;

    // window style bits
    static final int _RESERVED_FOR_DATA = 1 << 0;

    // corresponds to native style mask bits
    static final int DECORATED = 1 << 1;
    static final int TEXTURED = 1 << 2;
    static final int UNIFIED = 1 << 3;
    static final int UTILITY = 1 << 4;
    static final int HUD = 1 << 5;
    static final int SHEET = 1 << 6;

    static final int CLOSEABLE = 1 << 7;
    static final int MINIMIZABLE = 1 << 8;

    static final int RESIZABLE = 1 << 9; // both a style bit and prop bit
    static final int NONACTIVATING = 1 << 24;
    static final int IS_DIALOG = 1 << 25;
    static final int IS_MODAL = 1 << 26;
    static final int IS_POPUP = 1 << 27;

    static final int FULL_WINDOW_CONTENT = 1 << 14;

                                             | MINIMIZABLE | RESIZABLE | FULL_WINDOW_CONTENT;

    // corresponds to method-based properties
    static final int HAS_SHADOW = 1 << 10;
    static final int ZOOMABLE = 1 << 11;

    static final int ALWAYS_ON_TOP = 1 << 15;
    static final int HIDES_ON_DEACTIVATE = 1 << 17;
    static final int DRAGGABLE_BACKGROUND = 1 << 19;
    static final int DOCUMENT_MODIFIED = 1 << 21;
    static final int FULLSCREENABLE = 1 << 23;
    static final int TRANSPARENT_TITLE_BAR = 1 << 18;

                                              | DRAGGABLE_BACKGROUND | DOCUMENT_MODIFIED | FULLSCREENABLE
                                              | TRANSPARENT_TITLE_BAR;

    // corresponds to callback-based properties
    static final int SHOULD_BECOME_KEY = 1 << 12;
    static final int SHOULD_BECOME_MAIN = 1 << 13;
    static final int MODAL_EXCLUDED = 1 << 16;


    static int SET(final int bits, final int mask, final boolean value) {
        if (value) return (bits | mask);
        return bits & ~mask;

    static boolean IS(final int bits, final int mask) {
        return (bits & mask) != 0;

    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
    static ClientPropertyApplicator<JRootPane, CPlatformWindow> CLIENT_PROPERTY_APPLICATOR = new ClientPropertyApplicator<JRootPane, CPlatformWindow>(new Property[] {
        new Property<CPlatformWindow>(WINDOW_DOCUMENT_MODIFIED) { public void applyProperty(final CPlatformWindow c, final Object value) {
            c.setStyleBits(DOCUMENT_MODIFIED, value == null ? false : Boolean.parseBoolean(value.toString()));
        new Property<CPlatformWindow>(WINDOW_BRUSH_METAL_LOOK) { public void applyProperty(final CPlatformWindow c, final Object value) {
            c.setStyleBits(TEXTURED, Boolean.parseBoolean(value.toString()));
        new Property<CPlatformWindow>(WINDOW_ALPHA) { public void applyProperty(final CPlatformWindow c, final Object value) {
            c.target.setOpacity(value == null ? 1.0f : Float.parseFloat(value.toString()));
        new Property<CPlatformWindow>(WINDOW_SHADOW) { public void applyProperty(final CPlatformWindow c, final Object value) {
            c.setStyleBits(HAS_SHADOW, value == null ? true : Boolean.parseBoolean(value.toString()));
        new Property<CPlatformWindow>(WINDOW_MINIMIZABLE) { public void applyProperty(final CPlatformWindow c, final Object value) {
            c.setStyleBits(MINIMIZABLE, Boolean.parseBoolean(value.toString()));
        new Property<CPlatformWindow>(WINDOW_CLOSEABLE) { public void applyProperty(final CPlatformWindow c, final Object value) {
            c.setStyleBits(CLOSEABLE, Boolean.parseBoolean(value.toString()));
        new Property<CPlatformWindow>(WINDOW_ZOOMABLE) { public void applyProperty(final CPlatformWindow c, final Object value) {
            boolean zoomable = Boolean.parseBoolean(value.toString());
            if (c.target instanceof RootPaneContainer
                    && c.getPeer().getPeerType() == PeerType.FRAME) {
                if (c.isInFullScreen && !zoomable) {
            c.setStyleBits(ZOOMABLE, zoomable);
        new Property<CPlatformWindow>(WINDOW_FULLSCREENABLE) { public void applyProperty(final CPlatformWindow c, final Object value) {
            boolean fullscrenable = Boolean.parseBoolean(value.toString());
            if (c.target instanceof RootPaneContainer
                    && c.getPeer().getPeerType() == PeerType.FRAME) {
                if (c.isInFullScreen && !fullscrenable) {
            c.setStyleBits(FULLSCREENABLE, fullscrenable);
        new Property<CPlatformWindow>(WINDOW_SHADOW_REVALIDATE_NOW) { public void applyProperty(final CPlatformWindow c, final Object value) {
            c.execute(ptr -> nativeRevalidateNSWindowShadow(ptr));
        new Property<CPlatformWindow>(WINDOW_DOCUMENT_FILE) { public void applyProperty(final CPlatformWindow c, final Object value) {
            if (value == null || !(value instanceof java.io.File)) {
                c.execute(ptr->nativeSetNSWindowRepresentedFilename(ptr, null));

            final String filename = ((java.io.File)value).getAbsolutePath();
            c.execute(ptr->nativeSetNSWindowRepresentedFilename(ptr, filename));
        new Property<CPlatformWindow>(WINDOW_FULL_CONTENT) {
            public void applyProperty(final CPlatformWindow c, final Object value) {
                boolean isFullWindowContent = Boolean.parseBoolean(value.toString());
                c.setStyleBits(FULL_WINDOW_CONTENT, isFullWindowContent);
        new Property<CPlatformWindow>(WINDOW_TRANSPARENT_TITLE_BAR) {
            public void applyProperty(final CPlatformWindow c, final Object value) {
                boolean isTransparentTitleBar = Boolean.parseBoolean(value.toString());
                c.setStyleBits(TRANSPARENT_TITLE_BAR, isTransparentTitleBar);
    }) {
        public CPlatformWindow convertJComponentToTarget(final JRootPane p) {
            Component root = SwingUtilities.getRoot(p);
            final ComponentAccessor acc = AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor();
            if (root == null || acc.getPeer(root) == null) return null;
            return (CPlatformWindow)((LWWindowPeer)acc.getPeer(root)).getPlatformWindow();
    private final Comparator<Window> siblingsComparator = (w1, w2) -> {
        if (w1 == w2) {
            return 0;
        ComponentAccessor componentAccessor = AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor();
        Object p1 = componentAccessor.getPeer(w1);
        Object p2 = componentAccessor.getPeer(w2);
        long time1 = 0;
        if (p1 instanceof LWWindowPeer) {
            time1 = ((CPlatformWindow) (((LWWindowPeer) p1).getPlatformWindow())).lastBecomeMainTime;
        long time2 = 0;
        if (p2 instanceof LWWindowPeer) {
            time2 = ((CPlatformWindow) (((LWWindowPeer) p2).getPlatformWindow())).lastBecomeMainTime;
        return Long.compare(time1, time2);

    // Bounds of the native widget but in the Java coordinate system.
    // In order to keep it up-to-date we will update them on
    // 1) setting native bounds via nativeSetBounds() call
    // 2) getting notification from the native level via deliverMoveResizeEvent()
    private Rectangle nativeBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
    private volatile boolean isFullScreenMode;
    private boolean isFullScreenAnimationOn;

    private volatile boolean isInFullScreen;
    private volatile boolean isIconifyAnimationActive;
    private volatile boolean isZoomed;

    private Window target;
    private LWWindowPeer peer;
    protected CPlatformView contentView;
    protected CPlatformWindow owner;
    protected boolean visible = false; // visibility status from native perspective
    private boolean undecorated; // initialized in getInitialStyleBits()
    private Rectangle normalBounds = null; // not-null only for undecorated maximized windows
    private CPlatformResponder responder;
    private long lastBecomeMainTime; // this is necessary to preserve right siblings order

    public CPlatformWindow() {
        super(0, true);

     * Delegate initialization (create native window and all the
     * related resources).
    @Override // PlatformWindow
    public void initialize(Window _target, LWWindowPeer _peer, PlatformWindow _owner) {
        initializeBase(_target, _peer, _owner);

        final int styleBits = getInitialStyleBits();

        responder = createPlatformResponder();
        contentView.initialize(peer, responder);

        Rectangle bounds;
        if (!IS(DECORATED, styleBits)) {
            // For undecorated frames the move/resize event does not come if the frame is centered on the screen
            // so we need to set a stub location to force an initial move/resize. Real bounds would be set later.
            bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1);
        } else {
            bounds = _peer.constrainBounds(_target.getBounds());
        AtomicLong ref = new AtomicLong();
        contentView.execute(viewPtr -> {
            boolean hasOwnerPtr = false;

            if (owner != null) {
                hasOwnerPtr = 0L != owner.executeGet(ownerPtr -> {
                    ref.set(nativeCreateNSWindow(viewPtr, ownerPtr, styleBits,
                                                    bounds.x, bounds.y,
                                                    bounds.width, bounds.height));
                    return 1;

            if (!hasOwnerPtr) {
                ref.set(nativeCreateNSWindow(viewPtr, 0,
                                             styleBits, bounds.x, bounds.y,
                                             bounds.width, bounds.height));

        if (target instanceof javax.swing.RootPaneContainer) {
            final javax.swing.JRootPane rootpane = ((javax.swing.RootPaneContainer)target).getRootPane();
            if (rootpane != null) rootpane.addPropertyChangeListener("ancestor", new PropertyChangeListener() {
                public void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
                    rootpane.removePropertyChangeListener("ancestor", this);


    void initializeBase(Window target, LWWindowPeer peer, PlatformWindow owner) {
        this.peer = peer;
        this.target = target;
        if (owner instanceof CPlatformWindow) {
            this.owner = (CPlatformWindow)owner;
        contentView = createContentView();

    protected CPlatformResponder createPlatformResponder() {
        return new CPlatformResponder(peer, false);

    CPlatformView createContentView() {
        return new CPlatformView();

    protected int getInitialStyleBits() {
        // defaults style bits

        if (isNativelyFocusableWindow()) {
            styleBits = SET(styleBits, SHOULD_BECOME_KEY, true);
            styleBits = SET(styleBits, SHOULD_BECOME_MAIN, true);

        final boolean isFrame = (target instanceof Frame);
        final boolean isDialog = (target instanceof Dialog);
        final boolean isPopup = (target.getType() == Window.Type.POPUP);
        if (isDialog) {
            styleBits = SET(styleBits, MINIMIZABLE, false);

        // Either java.awt.Frame or java.awt.Dialog can be undecorated, however java.awt.Window always is undecorated.
            this.undecorated = isFrame ? ((Frame)target).isUndecorated() : (isDialog ? ((Dialog)target).isUndecorated() : true);
            if (this.undecorated) styleBits = SET(styleBits, DECORATED, false);

        // Either java.awt.Frame or java.awt.Dialog can be resizable, however java.awt.Window is never resizable
            final boolean resizable = isFrame ? ((Frame)target).isResizable() : (isDialog ? ((Dialog)target).isResizable() : false);
            styleBits = SET(styleBits, RESIZABLE, resizable);
            if (!resizable) {
                styleBits = SET(styleBits, ZOOMABLE, false);

        if (target.isAlwaysOnTop()) {
            styleBits = SET(styleBits, ALWAYS_ON_TOP, true);

        if (target.getModalExclusionType() == Dialog.ModalExclusionType.APPLICATION_EXCLUDE) {
            styleBits = SET(styleBits, MODAL_EXCLUDED, true);

        // If the target is a dialog, popup or tooltip we want it to ignore the brushed metal look.
        if (isPopup) {
            styleBits = SET(styleBits, TEXTURED, false);
            // Popups in applets don't activate applet's process
            styleBits = SET(styleBits, NONACTIVATING, true);
            styleBits = SET(styleBits, IS_POPUP, true);

        if (Window.Type.UTILITY.equals(target.getType())) {
            styleBits = SET(styleBits, UTILITY, true);

        if (target instanceof javax.swing.RootPaneContainer) {
            javax.swing.JRootPane rootpane = ((javax.swing.RootPaneContainer)target).getRootPane();
            Object prop = null;

            prop = rootpane.getClientProperty(WINDOW_BRUSH_METAL_LOOK);
            if (prop != null) {
                styleBits = SET(styleBits, TEXTURED, Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.toString()));

            if (isDialog && ((Dialog)target).getModalityType() == ModalityType.DOCUMENT_MODAL) {
                prop = rootpane.getClientProperty(WINDOW_DOC_MODAL_SHEET);
                if (prop != null) {
                    styleBits = SET(styleBits, SHEET, Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.toString()));

            prop = rootpane.getClientProperty(WINDOW_STYLE);
            if (prop != null) {
                if ("small".equals(prop))  {
                    styleBits = SET(styleBits, UTILITY, true);
                    if (target.isAlwaysOnTop() && rootpane.getClientProperty(WINDOW_HIDES_ON_DEACTIVATE) == null) {
                        styleBits = SET(styleBits, HIDES_ON_DEACTIVATE, true);
                if ("textured".equals(prop)) styleBits = SET(styleBits, TEXTURED, true);
                if ("unified".equals(prop)) styleBits = SET(styleBits, UNIFIED, true);
                if ("hud".equals(prop)) styleBits = SET(styleBits, HUD, true);

            prop = rootpane.getClientProperty(WINDOW_HIDES_ON_DEACTIVATE);
            if (prop != null) {
                styleBits = SET(styleBits, HIDES_ON_DEACTIVATE, Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.toString()));

            prop = rootpane.getClientProperty(WINDOW_CLOSEABLE);
            if (prop != null) {
                styleBits = SET(styleBits, CLOSEABLE, Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.toString()));

            prop = rootpane.getClientProperty(WINDOW_MINIMIZABLE);
            if (prop != null) {
                styleBits = SET(styleBits, MINIMIZABLE, Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.toString()));

            prop = rootpane.getClientProperty(WINDOW_ZOOMABLE);
            if (prop != null) {
                styleBits = SET(styleBits, ZOOMABLE, Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.toString()));

            prop = rootpane.getClientProperty(WINDOW_FULLSCREENABLE);
            if (prop != null) {
                styleBits = SET(styleBits, FULLSCREENABLE, Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.toString()));

            prop = rootpane.getClientProperty(WINDOW_SHADOW);
            if (prop != null) {
                styleBits = SET(styleBits, HAS_SHADOW, Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.toString()));

            prop = rootpane.getClientProperty(WINDOW_DRAGGABLE_BACKGROUND);
            if (prop != null) {
                styleBits = SET(styleBits, DRAGGABLE_BACKGROUND, Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.toString()));

            prop = rootpane.getClientProperty(WINDOW_FULL_CONTENT);
            if (prop != null) {
                styleBits = SET(styleBits, FULL_WINDOW_CONTENT, Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.toString()));

            prop = rootpane.getClientProperty(WINDOW_TRANSPARENT_TITLE_BAR);
            if (prop != null) {
                styleBits = SET(styleBits, TRANSPARENT_TITLE_BAR, Boolean.parseBoolean(prop.toString()));

        if (isDialog) {
            styleBits = SET(styleBits, IS_DIALOG, true);
            if (((Dialog) target).isModal()) {
                styleBits = SET(styleBits, IS_MODAL, true);

        peer.setTextured(IS(TEXTURED, styleBits));

        return styleBits;

    // this is the counter-point to -[CWindow _nativeSetStyleBit:]
    private void setStyleBits(final int mask, final boolean value) {
        execute(ptr -> nativeSetNSWindowStyleBits(ptr, mask, value ? mask : 0));

    private native void _toggleFullScreenMode(final long model);

    public void toggleFullScreen() {

    @Override // PlatformWindow
    public void setMenuBar(MenuBar mb) {
        CMenuBar mbPeer = (CMenuBar)LWToolkit.targetToPeer(mb);
            if (mbPeer != null) {
                mbPeer.execute(ptr -> nativeSetNSWindowMenuBar(nsWindowPtr, ptr));
            } else {
                nativeSetNSWindowMenuBar(nsWindowPtr, 0);

    @Override // PlatformWindow
    public void dispose() {

    @Override // PlatformWindow
    public FontMetrics getFontMetrics(Font f) {
        // TODO: not implemented
        (new RuntimeException("unimplemented")).printStackTrace();
        return null;

    @Override // PlatformWindow
    public Insets getInsets() {
        AtomicReference<Insets> ref = new AtomicReference<>();
        execute(ptr -> {
        return ref.get() != null ? ref.get() : new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0);

    @Override // PlatformWindow
    public Point getLocationOnScreen() {
        return new Point(nativeBounds.x, nativeBounds.y);

    public GraphicsDevice getGraphicsDevice() {
        return contentView.getGraphicsDevice();

    @Override // PlatformWindow
    public SurfaceData getScreenSurface() {
        // TODO: not implemented
        return null;

    @Override // PlatformWindow
    public SurfaceData replaceSurfaceData() {
        return contentView.replaceSurfaceData();

    @Override // PlatformWindow
    public void setBounds(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
        execute(ptr -> nativeSetNSWindowBounds(ptr, x, y, w, h));

    public void setMaximizedBounds(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
        execute(ptr -> nativeSetNSWindowStandardFrame(ptr, x, y, w, h));

    private boolean isMaximized() {
        return undecorated ? this.normalBounds != null
                : isZoomed;

    private void maximize() {
        if (peer == null || isMaximized()) {
        if (!undecorated) {
        } else {

            // We need an up to date size of the peer, so we flush the native events
            // to be sure that there are no setBounds requests in the queue.
            this.normalBounds = peer.getBounds();
            Rectangle maximizedBounds = peer.getMaximizedBounds();
            setBounds(maximizedBounds.x, maximizedBounds.y,
                    maximizedBounds.width, maximizedBounds.height);

    private void unmaximize() {
        if (!isMaximized()) {
        if (!undecorated) {
        } else {

            Rectangle toBounds = this.normalBounds;
            this.normalBounds = null;
            setBounds(toBounds.x, toBounds.y, toBounds.width, toBounds.height);

    public boolean isVisible() {
        return this.visible;

    @Override // PlatformWindow
    public void setVisible(boolean visible) {
        // Configure stuff

        boolean wasMaximized = isMaximized();

        if (visible && target.isLocationByPlatform()) {

        // Actually show or hide the window
        LWWindowPeer blocker = (peer == null)? null : peer.getBlocker();
        if (blocker == null || !visible) {
            // If it ain't blocked, or is being hidden, go regular way
            if (visible) {
                contentView.execute(viewPtr -> {
                    execute(ptr -> CWrapper.NSWindow.makeFirstResponder(ptr,

                boolean isPopup = (target.getType() == Window.Type.POPUP);
                execute(ptr -> {
                    if (isPopup) {
                        // Popups in applets don't activate applet's process
                    } else {

                    boolean isKeyWindow = CWrapper.NSWindow.isKeyWindow(ptr);
                    if (!isKeyWindow) {

                    if (owner != null
                            && owner.getPeer() instanceof LWLightweightFramePeer) {
                        LWLightweightFramePeer peer =
                                (LWLightweightFramePeer) owner.getPeer();

                        long ownerWindowPtr = peer.getOverriddenWindowHandle();
                        if (ownerWindowPtr != 0) {
                            //Place window above JavaFX stage
                                    ownerWindowPtr, ptr,
            } else {
                    // immediately hide the window
                    // process the close
        } else {
            // otherwise, put it in a proper z-order
            CPlatformWindow bw
                    = (CPlatformWindow) blocker.getPlatformWindow();
            bw.execute(blockerPtr -> {
                execute(ptr -> {
        this.visible = visible;

        // Manage the extended state when showing
        if (visible) {
            /* Frame or Dialog should be set property WINDOW_FULLSCREENABLE to true if the
            Frame or Dialog is resizable.
            final boolean resizable = (target instanceof Frame) ? ((Frame)target).isResizable() :
            ((target instanceof Dialog) ? ((Dialog)target).isResizable() : false);
            if (resizable) {

            // Apply the extended state as expected in shared code
            if (target instanceof Frame) {
                if (!wasMaximized && isMaximized()) {
                    // setVisible could have changed the native maximized state
                } else {
                    int frameState = ((Frame)target).getExtendedState();
                    if ((frameState & Frame.ICONIFIED) != 0) {
                        // Treat all state bit masks with ICONIFIED bit as ICONIFIED state.
                        frameState = Frame.ICONIFIED;
                    switch (frameState) {
                        case Frame.ICONIFIED:
                        case Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH:
                        default: // NORMAL
                            unmaximize(); // in case it was maximized, otherwise this is a no-op


        // Configure stuff #2

        // Manage parent-child relationship when showing
        final ComponentAccessor acc = AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor();

        if (visible) {
            // Order myself above my parent
            if (owner != null && owner.isVisible()) {
                owner.execute(ownerPtr -> {
                    execute(ptr -> {
                        CWrapper.NSWindow.orderWindow(ptr, CWrapper.NSWindow.NSWindowAbove, ownerPtr);

            // Order my own children above myself
            for (Window w : target.getOwnedWindows()) {
                final Object p = acc.getPeer(w);
                if (p instanceof LWWindowPeer) {
                    CPlatformWindow pw = (CPlatformWindow)((LWWindowPeer)p).getPlatformWindow();
                    if (pw != null && pw.isVisible()) {
                        pw.execute(childPtr -> {
                            execute(ptr -> {
                                CWrapper.NSWindow.orderWindow(childPtr, CWrapper.NSWindow.NSWindowAbove, ptr);

        // Deal with the blocker of the window being shown
        if (blocker != null && visible) {
            // Make sure the blocker is above its siblings

    @Override // PlatformWindow
    public void setTitle(String title) {
        execute(ptr -> nativeSetNSWindowTitle(ptr, title));

    // Should be called on every window key property change.
    @Override // PlatformWindow
    public void updateIconImages() {
        final CImage cImage = getImageForTarget();
        execute(ptr -> {
            if (cImage == null) {
                nativeSetNSWindowMinimizedIcon(ptr, 0L);
            } else {
                cImage.execute(imagePtr -> {
                    nativeSetNSWindowMinimizedIcon(ptr, imagePtr);

    public SurfaceData getSurfaceData() {
        return contentView.getSurfaceData();

    @Override  // PlatformWindow
    public void toBack() {

    @Override  // PlatformWindow
    public void toFront() {
        LWCToolkit lwcToolkit = (LWCToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
        Window w = DefaultKeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getActiveWindow();
        final ComponentAccessor acc = AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor();
        if( w != null && acc.getPeer(w) != null
                && ((LWWindowPeer)acc.getPeer(w)).getPeerType() == LWWindowPeer.PeerType.EMBEDDED_FRAME
                && !lwcToolkit.isApplicationActive()) {

    private void setCanFullscreen(final boolean canFullScreen) {
        if (target instanceof RootPaneContainer
                && getPeer().getPeerType() == PeerType.FRAME) {

            if (isInFullScreen && !canFullScreen) {

            final RootPaneContainer rpc = (RootPaneContainer) target;
                    CPlatformWindow.WINDOW_FULLSCREENABLE, canFullScreen);

    public void setResizable(final boolean resizable) {
        setStyleBits(RESIZABLE, resizable);
        setStyleBits(ZOOMABLE, resizable);

    public void setSizeConstraints(int minW, int minH, int maxW, int maxH) {
        execute(ptr -> nativeSetNSWindowMinMax(ptr, minW, minH, maxW, maxH));

    public boolean rejectFocusRequest(FocusEvent.Cause cause) {
        // Cross-app activation requests are not allowed.
        if (cause != FocusEvent.Cause.MOUSE_EVENT &&
            focusLogger.fine("the app is inactive, so the request is rejected");
            return true;
        return false;

    public boolean requestWindowFocus() {
        execute(ptr -> {
            if (CWrapper.NSWindow.canBecomeMainWindow(ptr)) {
        return true;

    public boolean isActive() {
        AtomicBoolean ref = new AtomicBoolean();
        execute(ptr -> {
        return ref.get();

    public void updateFocusableWindowState() {
        final boolean isFocusable = isNativelyFocusableWindow();
        setStyleBits(SHOULD_BECOME_KEY | SHOULD_BECOME_MAIN, isFocusable); // set both bits at once

    public void setAlwaysOnTop(boolean isAlwaysOnTop) {
        setStyleBits(ALWAYS_ON_TOP, isAlwaysOnTop);

    public void setOpacity(float opacity) {
        execute(ptr -> CWrapper.NSWindow.setAlphaValue(ptr, opacity));

    public void setOpaque(boolean isOpaque) {
        execute(ptr -> CWrapper.NSWindow.setOpaque(ptr, isOpaque));
        boolean isTextured = (peer == null) ? false : peer.isTextured();
        if (!isTextured) {
            if (!isOpaque) {
                execute(ptr -> CWrapper.NSWindow.setBackgroundColor(ptr, 0));
            } else if (peer != null) {
                Color color = peer.getBackground();
                if (color != null) {
                    int rgb = color.getRGB();
                    execute(ptr->CWrapper.NSWindow.setBackgroundColor(ptr, rgb));

        //This is a temporary workaround. Looks like after 7124236 will be fixed
        //the correct place for invalidateShadow() is CGLayer.drawInCGLContext.

    public void enterFullScreenMode() {
        isFullScreenMode = true;

    public void exitFullScreenMode() {
        isFullScreenMode = false;

    public boolean isFullScreenMode() {
        return isFullScreenMode;

    public void setWindowState(int windowState) {
        if (peer == null || !peer.isVisible()) {
            // setVisible() applies the state

        int prevWindowState = peer.getState();
        if (prevWindowState == windowState) return;

        if ((windowState & Frame.ICONIFIED) != 0) {
            // Treat all state bit masks with ICONIFIED bit as ICONIFIED state.
            windowState = Frame.ICONIFIED;
        switch (windowState) {
            case Frame.ICONIFIED:
                if (prevWindowState == Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) {
                    // let's return into the normal states first
                    // the zoom call toggles between the normal and the max states
            case Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH:
                if (prevWindowState == Frame.ICONIFIED) {
                    // let's return into the normal states first
            case Frame.NORMAL:
                if (prevWindowState == Frame.ICONIFIED) {
                } else if (prevWindowState == Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) {
                    // the zoom call toggles between the normal and the max states
                throw new RuntimeException("Unknown window state: " + windowState);

        // NOTE: the SWP.windowState field gets updated to the newWindowState
        //       value when the native notification comes to us

    public void setModalBlocked(boolean blocked) {
        if (target.getModalExclusionType() == Dialog.ModalExclusionType.APPLICATION_EXCLUDE) {

        if (blocked) {
            // We are going to show a modal window. Previously displayed window will be
            // blocked/disabled. So we have to send mouse exited event to it now, since
            // all mouse events are discarded for blocked/disabled windows.
            execute(ptr -> nativeSynthesizeMouseEnteredExitedEvents(ptr, CocoaConstants.NSMouseExited));

        execute(ptr -> nativeSetEnabled(ptr, !blocked));

    public final void invalidateShadow() {
        execute(ptr -> nativeRevalidateNSWindowShadow(ptr));

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    //                          UTILITY METHODS
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Find image to install into Title or into Application icon. First try icons installed for toplevel. Null is returned, if there is no icon and default Duke image should be used.
/** * Find image to install into Title or into Application icon. First try * icons installed for toplevel. Null is returned, if there is no icon and * default Duke image should be used. */
private CImage getImageForTarget() { CImage icon = null; try { icon = CImage.getCreator().createFromImages(target.getIconImages()); } catch (Exception ignored) { // Perhaps the icon passed into Java is broken. Skipping this icon. } return icon; } /* * Returns LWWindowPeer associated with this delegate. */ @Override public LWWindowPeer getPeer() { return peer; } @Override public boolean isUnderMouse() { return contentView.isUnderMouse(); } public CPlatformView getContentView() { return contentView; } @Override public long getLayerPtr() { return contentView.getWindowLayerPtr(); } private void validateSurface() { SurfaceData surfaceData = getSurfaceData(); if (surfaceData instanceof CGLSurfaceData) { ((CGLSurfaceData)surfaceData).validate(); } } void flushBuffers() { if (isVisible() && !nativeBounds.isEmpty() && !isFullScreenMode) { try { LWCToolkit.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { //Posting an empty to flush the EventQueue without blocking the main thread } }, target); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Helper method to get a pointer to the native view from the PlatformWindow.
/** * Helper method to get a pointer to the native view from the PlatformWindow. */
static long getNativeViewPtr(PlatformWindow platformWindow) { long nativePeer = 0L; if (platformWindow instanceof CPlatformWindow) { nativePeer = ((CPlatformWindow) platformWindow).getContentView().getAWTView(); } else if (platformWindow instanceof CViewPlatformEmbeddedFrame){ nativePeer = ((CViewPlatformEmbeddedFrame) platformWindow).getNSViewPtr(); } return nativePeer; }
Callbacks from the AWTWindow and AWTView objc classes.
/************************************************************* * Callbacks from the AWTWindow and AWTView objc classes. *************************************************************/
private void deliverWindowFocusEvent(boolean gained, CPlatformWindow opposite){ // Fix for 7150349: ingore "gained" notifications when the app is inactive. if (gained && !((LWCToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).isApplicationActive()) { focusLogger.fine("the app is inactive, so the notification is ignored"); return; } LWWindowPeer oppositePeer = (opposite == null)? null : opposite.getPeer(); responder.handleWindowFocusEvent(gained, oppositePeer); } protected void deliverMoveResizeEvent(int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean byUser) { AtomicBoolean ref = new AtomicBoolean(); execute(ptr -> { ref.set(CWrapper.NSWindow.isZoomed(ptr)); }); isZoomed = ref.get(); checkZoom(); final Rectangle oldB = nativeBounds; nativeBounds = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height); if (peer != null) { peer.notifyReshape(x, y, width, height); // System-dependent appearance optimization. if ((byUser && !oldB.getSize().equals(nativeBounds.getSize())) || isFullScreenAnimationOn) { flushBuffers(); } } } private void deliverWindowClosingEvent() { if (peer != null && peer.getBlocker() == null) { peer.postEvent(new WindowEvent(target, WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING)); } } private void deliverIconify(final boolean iconify) { if (peer != null) { peer.notifyIconify(iconify); } if (iconify) { isIconifyAnimationActive = false; } } private void deliverZoom(final boolean isZoomed) { if (peer != null) { peer.notifyZoom(isZoomed); } } private void checkZoom() { if (peer != null) { int state = peer.getState(); if (state != Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH && isMaximized()) { deliverZoom(true); } else if (state == Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH && !isMaximized()) { deliverZoom(false); } } } private void deliverNCMouseDown() { if (peer != null) { peer.notifyNCMouseDown(); } } /* * Our focus model is synthetic and only non-simple window * may become natively focusable window. */ private boolean isNativelyFocusableWindow() { if (peer == null) { return false; } return !peer.isSimpleWindow() && target.getFocusableWindowState(); } private boolean isBlocked() { LWWindowPeer blocker = (peer != null) ? peer.getBlocker() : null; return (blocker != null); } /* * An utility method for the support of the auto request focus. * Updates the focusable state of the window under certain * circumstances. */ private void updateFocusabilityForAutoRequestFocus(boolean isFocusable) { if (target.isAutoRequestFocus() || !isNativelyFocusableWindow()) return; setStyleBits(SHOULD_BECOME_KEY | SHOULD_BECOME_MAIN, isFocusable); // set both bits at once } private boolean checkBlockingAndOrder() { LWWindowPeer blocker = (peer == null)? null : peer.getBlocker(); if (blocker == null) { return false; } if (blocker instanceof CPrinterDialogPeer) { return true; } CPlatformWindow pWindow = (CPlatformWindow)blocker.getPlatformWindow(); pWindow.orderAboveSiblings(); pWindow.execute(ptr -> { CWrapper.NSWindow.orderFrontRegardless(ptr); CWrapper.NSWindow.makeKeyAndOrderFront(ptr); CWrapper.NSWindow.makeMainWindow(ptr); }); return true; } private boolean isIconified() { boolean isIconified = false; if (target instanceof Frame) { int state = ((Frame)target).getExtendedState(); if ((state & Frame.ICONIFIED) != 0) { isIconified = true; } } return isIconifyAnimationActive || isIconified; } private boolean isOneOfOwnersOrSelf(CPlatformWindow window) { while (window != null) { if (this == window) { return true; } window = window.owner; } return false; } private CPlatformWindow getRootOwner() { CPlatformWindow rootOwner = this; while (rootOwner.owner != null) { rootOwner = rootOwner.owner; } return rootOwner; } private void orderAboveSiblings() { // Recursively pop up the windows from the very bottom, (i.e. root owner) so that // the windows are ordered above their nearest owner; ancestors of the window, // which is going to become 'main window', are placed above their siblings. CPlatformWindow rootOwner = getRootOwner(); if (rootOwner.isVisible() && !rootOwner.isIconified() && !rootOwner.isActive()) { rootOwner.execute(CWrapper.NSWindow::orderFront); } // Do not order child windows of iconified owner. if (!rootOwner.isIconified()) { final WindowAccessor windowAccessor = AWTAccessor.getWindowAccessor(); orderAboveSiblingsImpl(windowAccessor.getOwnedWindows(rootOwner.target)); } } private void orderAboveSiblingsImpl(Window[] windows) { ArrayList<Window> childWindows = new ArrayList<Window>(); final ComponentAccessor componentAccessor = AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor(); final WindowAccessor windowAccessor = AWTAccessor.getWindowAccessor(); Arrays.sort(windows, siblingsComparator); // Go through the list of windows and perform ordering. CPlatformWindow pwUnder = null; for (Window w : windows) { boolean iconified = false; final Object p = componentAccessor.getPeer(w); if (p instanceof LWWindowPeer) { CPlatformWindow pw = (CPlatformWindow)((LWWindowPeer)p).getPlatformWindow(); iconified = isIconified(); if (pw != null && pw.isVisible() && !iconified) { // If the window is one of ancestors of 'main window' or is going to become main by itself, // the window should be ordered above its siblings; otherwise the window is just ordered // above its nearest parent. if (pw.isOneOfOwnersOrSelf(this)) { pw.execute(CWrapper.NSWindow::orderFront); } else { if (pwUnder == null) { pwUnder = pw.owner; } pwUnder.execute(underPtr -> { pw.execute(ptr -> { CWrapper.NSWindow.orderWindow(ptr, CWrapper.NSWindow.NSWindowAbove, underPtr); }); }); pwUnder = pw; } pw.applyWindowLevel(w); } } // Retrieve the child windows for each window from the list except iconified ones // and store them for future use. // Note: we collect data about child windows even for invisible owners, since they may have // visible children. if (!iconified) { childWindows.addAll(Arrays.asList(windowAccessor.getOwnedWindows(w))); } } // If some windows, which have just been ordered, have any child windows, let's start new iteration // and order these child windows. if (!childWindows.isEmpty()) { orderAboveSiblingsImpl(childWindows.toArray(new Window[0])); } } protected void applyWindowLevel(Window target) { if (target.isAlwaysOnTop() && target.getType() != Window.Type.POPUP) { execute(ptr->CWrapper.NSWindow.setLevel(ptr, CWrapper.NSWindow.NSFloatingWindowLevel)); } else if (target.getType() == Window.Type.POPUP) { execute(ptr->CWrapper.NSWindow.setLevel(ptr, CWrapper.NSWindow.NSPopUpMenuWindowLevel)); } } private Window getOwnerFrameOrDialog(Window window) { Window owner = window.getOwner(); while(owner != null && !(owner instanceof Frame || owner instanceof Dialog)) { owner = owner.getOwner(); } return owner; } private boolean isSimpleWindowOwnedByEmbeddedFrame() { if (peer != null && peer.isSimpleWindow()) { return (getOwnerFrameOrDialog(target) instanceof CEmbeddedFrame); } return false; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // NATIVE CALLBACKS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private void windowWillMiniaturize() { isIconifyAnimationActive = true; } private void windowDidBecomeMain() { lastBecomeMainTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (checkBlockingAndOrder()) return; // If it's not blocked, make sure it's above its siblings orderAboveSiblings(); } private void windowWillEnterFullScreen() { isFullScreenAnimationOn = true; } private void windowDidEnterFullScreen() { isInFullScreen = true; isFullScreenAnimationOn = false; } private void windowWillExitFullScreen() { isFullScreenAnimationOn = true; } private void windowDidExitFullScreen() { isInFullScreen = false; isFullScreenAnimationOn = false; } }