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package com.sun.tools.internal.ws.wsdl.framework;

import com.sun.tools.internal.ws.api.wsdl.TWSDLParserContext;
import com.sun.tools.internal.ws.wsdl.parser.DOMForest;
import com.sun.tools.internal.ws.wscompile.ErrorReceiver;
import com.sun.tools.internal.ws.resources.WsdlMessages;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.util.NamespaceSupport;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.util.xml.XmlUtil;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.xml.sax.Locator;

import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

The context used by parser classes.
Author:WS Development Team
/** * The context used by parser classes. * * @author WS Development Team */
public class TWSDLParserContextImpl implements TWSDLParserContext { private final static String PREFIX_XMLNS = "xmlns"; private boolean _followImports; private final AbstractDocument _document; private final NamespaceSupport _nsSupport; private final ArrayList<ParserListener> _listeners; private final WSDLLocation _wsdlLocation; private final DOMForest forest; private final ErrorReceiver errorReceiver; public TWSDLParserContextImpl(DOMForest forest, AbstractDocument doc, ArrayList<ParserListener> listeners, ErrorReceiver errReceiver) { this._document = doc; this._listeners = listeners; this._nsSupport = new NamespaceSupport(); this._wsdlLocation = new WSDLLocation(); this.forest = forest; this.errorReceiver = errReceiver; } public AbstractDocument getDocument() { return _document; } public boolean getFollowImports() { return _followImports; } public void setFollowImports(boolean b) { _followImports = b; } public void push() { _nsSupport.pushContext(); } public void pop() { _nsSupport.popContext(); } public String getNamespaceURI(String prefix) { return _nsSupport.getURI(prefix); } public Iterable<String> getPrefixes() { return _nsSupport.getPrefixes(); } public String getDefaultNamespaceURI() { return getNamespaceURI(""); } public void registerNamespaces(Element e) { for (Iterator iter = XmlUtil.getAllAttributes(e); iter.hasNext();) { Attr a = (Attr) iter.next(); if (a.getName().equals(PREFIX_XMLNS)) { // default namespace declaration _nsSupport.declarePrefix("", a.getValue()); } else { String prefix = XmlUtil.getPrefix(a.getName()); if (prefix != null && prefix.equals(PREFIX_XMLNS)) { String nsPrefix = XmlUtil.getLocalPart(a.getName()); String uri = a.getValue(); _nsSupport.declarePrefix(nsPrefix, uri); } } } } public Locator getLocation(Element e) { return forest.locatorTable.getStartLocation(e); } public QName translateQualifiedName(Locator locator, String s) { if (s == null) return null; String prefix = XmlUtil.getPrefix(s); String uri = null; if (prefix == null) { uri = getDefaultNamespaceURI(); } else { uri = getNamespaceURI(prefix); if (uri == null) { errorReceiver.error(locator, WsdlMessages.PARSING_UNKNOWN_NAMESPACE_PREFIX(prefix)); } } return new QName(uri, XmlUtil.getLocalPart(s)); } public void fireIgnoringExtension(Element e, Entity entity) { QName name = new QName(e.getNamespaceURI(), e.getLocalName()); QName parent = entity.getElementName(); List _targets = null; synchronized (this) { if (_listeners != null) { _targets = (List) _listeners.clone(); } } if (_targets != null) { for (Iterator iter = _targets.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ParserListener l = (ParserListener) iter.next(); l.ignoringExtension(entity, name, parent); } } } public void fireDoneParsingEntity(QName element, Entity entity) { List _targets = null; synchronized (this) { if (_listeners != null) { _targets = (List) _listeners.clone(); } } if (_targets != null) { for (Iterator iter = _targets.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ParserListener l = (ParserListener) iter.next(); l.doneParsingEntity(element, entity); } } } //bug fix: 4856674, WSDLLocation context maintainence //and utility funcitons public void pushWSDLLocation() { _wsdlLocation.push(); } public void popWSDLLocation() { _wsdlLocation.pop(); } public void setWSDLLocation(String loc) { _wsdlLocation.setLocation(loc); } public String getWSDLLocation() { return _wsdlLocation.getLocation(); } }