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package com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.impl.util;

import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSAnnotation;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSAttGroupDecl;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSAttributeDecl;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSAttributeUse;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSComplexType;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSContentType;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSElementDecl;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSFacet;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSIdentityConstraint;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSListSimpleType;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSModelGroup;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSModelGroupDecl;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSNotation;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSParticle;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSRestrictionSimpleType;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSSchema;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSSchemaSet;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSSimpleType;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSType;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSUnionSimpleType;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSWildcard;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSXPath;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSWildcard.Any;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSWildcard.Other;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.XSWildcard.Union;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.impl.Const;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.visitor.XSSimpleTypeVisitor;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.visitor.XSTermVisitor;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.visitor.XSVisitor;
import com.sun.xml.internal.xsom.visitor.XSWildcardFunction;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Iterator;

Generates approximated XML Schema representation from a schema component. This is not intended to be a fully-fledged round-trippable schema writer.

Usage of this class

  1. Create a new instance with whatever Writer you'd like to send the output to.
  2. Call one of the overloaded dump methods. You can repeat this process as many times as you want.
Author:Kohsuke Kawaguchi (kohsuke.kawaguchi@sun.com), Kirill Grouchnikov (kirillcool@yahoo.com)
/** * Generates approximated XML Schema representation from * a schema component. This is not intended to be a fully-fledged * round-trippable schema writer. * * <h2>Usage of this class</h2> * <ol> * <li>Create a new instance with whatever Writer * you'd like to send the output to. * <li>Call one of the overloaded dump methods. * You can repeat this process as many times as you want. * </ol> * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi (kohsuke.kawaguchi@sun.com) * @author Kirill Grouchnikov (kirillcool@yahoo.com) */
public class SchemaWriter implements XSVisitor, XSSimpleTypeVisitor { public SchemaWriter( Writer _out ) { this.out=_out; }
output is sent to this object.
/** output is sent to this object. */
private final Writer out;
/** indentation. */
private int indent; private void println(String s) { try { for( int i=0; i<indent; i++) out.write(" "); out.write(s); out.write('\n'); // flush stream to make the output appear immediately out.flush(); } catch( IOException e ) { // ignore IOException. hadError = true; } } private void println() { println(""); }
If IOException is encountered, this flag is set to true.
/** If IOException is encountered, this flag is set to true. */
private boolean hadError =false;
Flush the stream and check its error state.
/** Flush the stream and check its error state. */
public boolean checkError() { try { out.flush(); } catch( IOException e ) { hadError=true; } return hadError; } public void visit( XSSchemaSet s ) { Iterator itr = s.iterateSchema(); while(itr.hasNext()) { schema((XSSchema)itr.next()); println(); } } public void schema( XSSchema s ) { // QUICK HACK: don't print the built-in components if(s.getTargetNamespace().equals(Const.schemaNamespace)) return; println(MessageFormat.format("<schema targetNamespace=\"{0}\">", s.getTargetNamespace())); indent++; Iterator itr; itr = s.iterateAttGroupDecls(); while(itr.hasNext()) attGroupDecl( (XSAttGroupDecl)itr.next() ); itr = s.iterateAttributeDecls(); while(itr.hasNext()) attributeDecl( (XSAttributeDecl)itr.next() ); itr = s.iterateComplexTypes(); while(itr.hasNext()) complexType( (XSComplexType)itr.next() ); itr = s.iterateElementDecls(); while(itr.hasNext()) elementDecl( (XSElementDecl)itr.next() ); itr = s.iterateModelGroupDecls(); while(itr.hasNext()) modelGroupDecl( (XSModelGroupDecl)itr.next() ); itr = s.iterateSimpleTypes(); while(itr.hasNext()) simpleType( (XSSimpleType)itr.next() ); indent--; println("</schema>"); } public void attGroupDecl( XSAttGroupDecl decl ) { Iterator itr; println(MessageFormat.format("<attGroup name=\"{0}\">", decl.getName())); indent++; // TODO: wildcard itr = decl.iterateAttGroups(); while(itr.hasNext()) dumpRef( (XSAttGroupDecl)itr.next() ); itr = decl.iterateDeclaredAttributeUses(); while(itr.hasNext()) attributeUse( (XSAttributeUse)itr.next() ); indent--; println("</attGroup>"); } public void dumpRef( XSAttGroupDecl decl ) { println(MessageFormat.format("<attGroup ref=\"'{'{0}'}'{1}\"/>", decl.getTargetNamespace(), decl.getName())); } public void attributeUse( XSAttributeUse use ) { XSAttributeDecl decl = use.getDecl(); String additionalAtts=""; if(use.isRequired()) additionalAtts += " use=\"required\""; if(use.getFixedValue()!=null && use.getDecl().getFixedValue()==null) additionalAtts += " fixed=\""+use.getFixedValue()+'\"'; if(use.getDefaultValue()!=null && use.getDecl().getDefaultValue()==null) additionalAtts += " default=\""+use.getDefaultValue()+'\"'; if(decl.isLocal()) { // this is anonymous attribute use dump(decl,additionalAtts); } else { // reference to a global one println(MessageFormat.format("<attribute ref=\"'{'{0}'}'{1}{2}\"/>", decl.getTargetNamespace(), decl.getName(), additionalAtts)); } } public void attributeDecl( XSAttributeDecl decl ) { dump(decl,""); } private void dump( XSAttributeDecl decl, String additionalAtts ) { XSSimpleType type=decl.getType(); println(MessageFormat.format("<attribute name=\"{0}\"{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}>", decl.getName(), additionalAtts, type.isLocal()?"": MessageFormat.format(" type=\"'{'{0}'}'{1}\"", type.getTargetNamespace(), type.getName()), decl.getFixedValue()==null ? "":" fixed=\""+decl.getFixedValue()+'\"', decl.getDefaultValue()==null ? "":" default=\""+decl.getDefaultValue()+'\"', type.isLocal()?"":" /")); if(type.isLocal()) { indent++; simpleType(type); indent--; println("</attribute>"); } } public void simpleType( XSSimpleType type ) { println(MessageFormat.format("<simpleType{0}>", type.isLocal()?"":" name=\""+type.getName()+'\"')); indent++; type.visit((XSSimpleTypeVisitor)this); indent--; println("</simpleType>"); } public void listSimpleType( XSListSimpleType type ) { XSSimpleType itemType = type.getItemType(); if(itemType.isLocal()) { println("<list>"); indent++; simpleType(itemType); indent--; println("</list>"); } else { // global type println(MessageFormat.format("<list itemType=\"'{'{0}'}'{1}\" />", itemType.getTargetNamespace(), itemType.getName())); } } public void unionSimpleType( XSUnionSimpleType type ) { final int len = type.getMemberSize(); StringBuffer ref = new StringBuffer(); for( int i=0; i<len; i++ ) { XSSimpleType member = type.getMember(i); if(member.isGlobal()) ref.append(MessageFormat.format(" '{'{0}'}'{1}", member.getTargetNamespace(),member.getName())); } if(ref.length()==0) println("<union>"); else println("<union memberTypes=\""+ref+"\">"); indent++; for( int i=0; i<len; i++ ) { XSSimpleType member = type.getMember(i); if(member.isLocal()) simpleType(member); } indent--; println("</union>"); } public void restrictionSimpleType( XSRestrictionSimpleType type ) { if(type.getBaseType()==null) { // don't print anySimpleType if(!type.getName().equals("anySimpleType")) throw new InternalError(); if(!Const.schemaNamespace.equals(type.getTargetNamespace())) throw new InternalError(); return; } XSSimpleType baseType = type.getSimpleBaseType(); println(MessageFormat.format("<restriction{0}>", baseType.isLocal()?"":" base=\"{"+ baseType.getTargetNamespace()+'}'+ baseType.getName()+'\"')); indent++; if(baseType.isLocal()) simpleType(baseType); Iterator itr = type.iterateDeclaredFacets(); while(itr.hasNext()) facet( (XSFacet)itr.next() ); indent--; println("</restriction>"); } public void facet( XSFacet facet ) { println(MessageFormat.format("<{0} value=\"{1}\"/>", facet.getName(), facet.getValue())); } public void notation( XSNotation notation ) { println(MessageFormat.format("<notation name='\"0}\" public =\"{1}\" system=\"{2}\" />", notation.getName(), notation.getPublicId(), notation.getSystemId())); } public void complexType( XSComplexType type ) { println(MessageFormat.format("<complexType{0}>", type.isLocal()?"":" name=\""+type.getName()+'\"')); indent++; // TODO: wildcard if(type.getContentType().asSimpleType()!=null) { // simple content println("<simpleContent>"); indent++; XSType baseType = type.getBaseType(); if(type.getDerivationMethod()==XSType.RESTRICTION) { // restriction println(MessageFormat.format("<restriction base=\"<{0}>{1}\">", baseType.getTargetNamespace(), baseType.getName())); indent++; dumpComplexTypeAttribute(type); indent--; println("</restriction>"); } else { // extension println(MessageFormat.format("<extension base=\"<{0}>{1}\">", baseType.getTargetNamespace(), baseType.getName())); // check if have redefine tag - Kirill if( type.isGlobal() && type.getTargetNamespace().equals(baseType.getTargetNamespace()) && type.getName().equals(baseType.getName())) { indent++; println("<redefine>"); indent++; baseType.visit(this); indent--; println("</redefine>"); indent--; } indent++; dumpComplexTypeAttribute(type); indent--; println("</extension>"); } indent--; println("</simpleContent>"); } else { // complex content println("<complexContent>"); indent++; XSComplexType baseType = type.getBaseType().asComplexType(); if(type.getDerivationMethod()==XSType.RESTRICTION) { // restriction println(MessageFormat.format("<restriction base=\"'{'{0}'}'{1}\">", baseType.getTargetNamespace(), baseType.getName())); indent++; type.getContentType().visit(this); dumpComplexTypeAttribute(type); indent--; println("</restriction>"); } else { // extension println(MessageFormat.format("<extension base=\"'{'{0}'}'{1}\">", baseType.getTargetNamespace(), baseType.getName())); // check if have redefine - Kirill if( type.isGlobal() && type.getTargetNamespace().equals(baseType.getTargetNamespace()) && type.getName().equals(baseType.getName())) { indent++; println("<redefine>"); indent++; baseType.visit(this); indent--; println("</redefine>"); indent--; } indent++; type.getExplicitContent().visit(this); dumpComplexTypeAttribute(type); indent--; println("</extension>"); } indent--; println("</complexContent>"); } indent--; println("</complexType>"); } private void dumpComplexTypeAttribute( XSComplexType type ) { Iterator itr; itr = type.iterateAttGroups(); while(itr.hasNext()) dumpRef( (XSAttGroupDecl)itr.next() ); itr = type.iterateDeclaredAttributeUses(); while(itr.hasNext()) attributeUse( (XSAttributeUse)itr.next() ); XSWildcard awc = type.getAttributeWildcard(); if(awc!=null) wildcard("anyAttribute",awc,""); } public void elementDecl( XSElementDecl decl ) { elementDecl(decl,""); } private void elementDecl( XSElementDecl decl, String extraAtts ) { XSType type = decl.getType(); // TODO: various other attributes // qualified attr; Issue if(decl.getForm() != null) { extraAtts += " form=\"" + (decl.getForm() ? "qualified" : "unqualified" ) + "\""; } println(MessageFormat.format("<element name=\"{0}\"{1}{2}{3}>", decl.getName(), type.isLocal()?"":" type=\"{"+ type.getTargetNamespace()+'}'+ type.getName()+'\"', extraAtts, type.isLocal()?"":"/")); if(type.isLocal()) { indent++; if(type.isLocal()) type.visit(this); indent--; println("</element>"); } } public void modelGroupDecl( XSModelGroupDecl decl ) { println(MessageFormat.format("<group name=\"{0}\">", decl.getName())); indent++; modelGroup(decl.getModelGroup()); indent--; println("</group>"); } public void modelGroup( XSModelGroup group ) { modelGroup(group,""); } private void modelGroup( XSModelGroup group, String extraAtts ) { println(MessageFormat.format("<{0}{1}>", group.getCompositor(), extraAtts)); indent++; final int len = group.getSize(); for( int i=0; i<len; i++ ) particle(group.getChild(i)); indent--; println(MessageFormat.format("</{0}>", group.getCompositor())); } public void particle( XSParticle part ) { BigInteger i; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); i = part.getMaxOccurs(); if(i.equals(BigInteger.valueOf(XSParticle.UNBOUNDED))) buf.append(" maxOccurs=\"unbounded\""); else if(!i.equals(BigInteger.ONE)) buf.append(" maxOccurs=\"").append(i).append('\"'); i = part.getMinOccurs(); if(!i.equals(BigInteger.ONE)) buf.append(" minOccurs=\"").append(i).append('\"'); final String extraAtts = buf.toString(); part.getTerm().visit(new XSTermVisitor(){ public void elementDecl( XSElementDecl decl ) { if(decl.isLocal()) SchemaWriter.this.elementDecl(decl,extraAtts); else { // reference println(MessageFormat.format("<element ref=\"'{'{0}'}'{1}\"{2}/>", decl.getTargetNamespace(), decl.getName(), extraAtts)); } } public void modelGroupDecl( XSModelGroupDecl decl ) { // reference println(MessageFormat.format("<group ref=\"'{'{0}'}'{1}\"{2}/>", decl.getTargetNamespace(), decl.getName(), extraAtts)); } public void modelGroup( XSModelGroup group ) { SchemaWriter.this.modelGroup(group,extraAtts); } public void wildcard( XSWildcard wc ) { SchemaWriter.this.wildcard("any",wc,extraAtts); } }); } public void wildcard( XSWildcard wc ) { wildcard("any",wc,""); } private void wildcard( String tagName, XSWildcard wc, String extraAtts ) { final String proessContents; switch(wc.getMode()) { case XSWildcard.LAX: proessContents = " processContents='lax'";break; case XSWildcard.STRTICT: proessContents = "";break; case XSWildcard.SKIP: proessContents = " processContents='skip'";break; default: throw new AssertionError(); } println(MessageFormat.format("<{0}{1}{2}{3}/>",tagName, proessContents, wc.apply(WILDCARD_NS), extraAtts)); } private static final XSWildcardFunction<String> WILDCARD_NS = new XSWildcardFunction<String>() { public String any(Any wc) { return ""; // default } public String other(Other wc) { return " namespace='##other'"; } public String union(Union wc) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(" namespace='"); boolean first = true; for (String s : wc.getNamespaces()) { if(first) first=false; else buf.append(' '); buf.append(s); } return buf.append('\'').toString(); } }; public void annotation( XSAnnotation ann ) { // TODO: it would be nice even if we just put <xs:documentation> } public void identityConstraint(XSIdentityConstraint decl) { // TODO } public void xpath(XSXPath xp) { // TODO } public void empty( XSContentType t ) {} }