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package jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.options;

import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.security.AccessControlContext;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.Permissions;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.security.ProtectionDomain;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.PropertyPermission;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.QuotedStringTokenizer;

Manages global runtime options.
/** * Manages global runtime options. */
public final class Options { // permission to just read nashorn.* System properties private static AccessControlContext createPropertyReadAccCtxt() { final Permissions perms = new Permissions(); perms.add(new PropertyPermission("nashorn.*", "read")); return new AccessControlContext(new ProtectionDomain[] { new ProtectionDomain(null, perms) }); } private static final AccessControlContext READ_PROPERTY_ACC_CTXT = createPropertyReadAccCtxt();
Resource tag.
/** Resource tag. */
private final String resource;
Error writer.
/** Error writer. */
private final PrintWriter err;
File list.
/** File list. */
private final List<String> files;
Arguments list
/** Arguments list */
private final List<String> arguments;
The options map of enabled options
/** The options map of enabled options */
private final TreeMap<String, Option<?>> options;
System property that can be used to prepend options to the explicitly specified command line.
/** System property that can be used to prepend options to the explicitly specified command line. */
private static final String NASHORN_ARGS_PREPEND_PROPERTY = "nashorn.args.prepend";
System property that can be used to append options to the explicitly specified command line.
/** System property that can be used to append options to the explicitly specified command line. */
private static final String NASHORN_ARGS_PROPERTY = "nashorn.args";
Constructor Options will use System.err as the output stream for any errors
  • resource – resource prefix for options e.g. "nashorn"
/** * Constructor * * Options will use System.err as the output stream for any errors * * @param resource resource prefix for options e.g. "nashorn" */
public Options(final String resource) { this(resource, new PrintWriter(System.err, true)); }
  • resource – resource prefix for options e.g. "nashorn"
  • err – error stream for reporting parse errors
/** * Constructor * * @param resource resource prefix for options e.g. "nashorn" * @param err error stream for reporting parse errors */
public Options(final String resource, final PrintWriter err) { this.resource = resource; this.err = err; this.files = new ArrayList<>(); this.arguments = new ArrayList<>(); this.options = new TreeMap<>(); // set all default values for (final OptionTemplate t : Options.validOptions) { if (t.getDefaultValue() != null) { // populate from system properties final String v = getStringProperty(t.getKey(), null); if (v != null) { set(t.getKey(), createOption(t, v)); } else if (t.getDefaultValue() != null) { set(t.getKey(), createOption(t, t.getDefaultValue())); } } } }
Get the resource for this Options set, e.g. "nashorn"
Returns:the resource
/** * Get the resource for this Options set, e.g. "nashorn" * @return the resource */
public String getResource() { return resource; } @Override public String toString() { return options.toString(); } private static void checkPropertyName(final String name) { if (! Objects.requireNonNull(name).startsWith("nashorn.")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(name); } }
Convenience function for getting system properties in a safe way
  • name – of boolean property
  • defValue – default value of boolean property
Returns:true if set to true, default value if unset or set to false
/** * Convenience function for getting system properties in a safe way * @param name of boolean property * @param defValue default value of boolean property * @return true if set to true, default value if unset or set to false */
public static boolean getBooleanProperty(final String name, final Boolean defValue) { checkPropertyName(name); return AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean run() { try { final String property = System.getProperty(name); if (property == null && defValue != null) { return defValue; } return property != null && !"false".equalsIgnoreCase(property); } catch (final SecurityException e) { // if no permission to read, assume false return false; } } }, READ_PROPERTY_ACC_CTXT); }
Convenience function for getting system properties in a safe way
  • name – of boolean property
Returns:true if set to true, false if unset or set to false
/** * Convenience function for getting system properties in a safe way * @param name of boolean property * @return true if set to true, false if unset or set to false */
public static boolean getBooleanProperty(final String name) { return getBooleanProperty(name, null); }
Convenience function for getting system properties in a safe way
  • name – of string property
  • defValue – the default value if unset
Returns:string property if set or default value
/** * Convenience function for getting system properties in a safe way * * @param name of string property * @param defValue the default value if unset * @return string property if set or default value */
public static String getStringProperty(final String name, final String defValue) { checkPropertyName(name); return AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<String>() { @Override public String run() { try { return System.getProperty(name, defValue); } catch (final SecurityException e) { // if no permission to read, assume the default value return defValue; } } }, READ_PROPERTY_ACC_CTXT); }
Convenience function for getting system properties in a safe way
  • name – of integer property
  • defValue – the default value if unset
Returns:integer property if set or default value
/** * Convenience function for getting system properties in a safe way * * @param name of integer property * @param defValue the default value if unset * @return integer property if set or default value */
public static int getIntProperty(final String name, final int defValue) { checkPropertyName(name); return AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<Integer>() { @Override public Integer run() { try { return Integer.getInteger(name, defValue); } catch (final SecurityException e) { // if no permission to read, assume the default value return defValue; } } }, READ_PROPERTY_ACC_CTXT); }
Return an option given its resource key. If the key doesn't begin with <resource>.option it will be completed using the resource from this instance
  • key – key for option
Returns:an option value
/** * Return an option given its resource key. If the key doesn't begin with * {@literal <resource>}.option it will be completed using the resource from this * instance * * @param key key for option * @return an option value */
public Option<?> get(final String key) { return options.get(key(key)); }
Return an option as a boolean
  • key – key for option
Returns:an option value
/** * Return an option as a boolean * * @param key key for option * @return an option value */
public boolean getBoolean(final String key) { final Option<?> option = get(key); return option != null ? (Boolean)option.getValue() : false; }
Return an option as a integer
  • key – key for option
Returns:an option value
/** * Return an option as a integer * * @param key key for option * @return an option value */
public int getInteger(final String key) { final Option<?> option = get(key); return option != null ? (Integer)option.getValue() : 0; }
Return an option as a String
  • key – key for option
Returns:an option value
/** * Return an option as a String * * @param key key for option * @return an option value */
public String getString(final String key) { final Option<?> option = get(key); if (option != null) { final String value = (String)option.getValue(); if(value != null) { return value.intern(); } } return null; }
Set an option, overwriting an existing state if one exists
  • key – option key
  • option – option
/** * Set an option, overwriting an existing state if one exists * * @param key option key * @param option option */
public void set(final String key, final Option<?> option) { options.put(key(key), option); }
Set an option as a boolean value, overwriting an existing state if one exists
  • key – option key
  • option – option
/** * Set an option as a boolean value, overwriting an existing state if one exists * * @param key option key * @param option option */
public void set(final String key, final boolean option) { set(key, new Option<>(option)); }
Set an option as a String value, overwriting an existing state if one exists
  • key – option key
  • option – option
/** * Set an option as a String value, overwriting an existing state if one exists * * @param key option key * @param option option */
public void set(final String key, final String option) { set(key, new Option<>(option)); }
Return the user arguments to the program, i.e. those trailing "--" after the filename
Returns:a list of user arguments
/** * Return the user arguments to the program, i.e. those trailing "--" after * the filename * * @return a list of user arguments */
public List<String> getArguments() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.arguments); }
Return the JavaScript files passed to the program
Returns:a list of files
/** * Return the JavaScript files passed to the program * * @return a list of files */
public List<String> getFiles() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(files); }
Return the option templates for all the valid option supported.
Returns:a collection of OptionTemplate objects.
/** * Return the option templates for all the valid option supported. * * @return a collection of OptionTemplate objects. */
public static Collection<OptionTemplate> getValidOptions() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(validOptions); }
Make sure a key is fully qualified for table lookups
  • shortKey – key for option
Returns:fully qualified key
/** * Make sure a key is fully qualified for table lookups * * @param shortKey key for option * @return fully qualified key */
private String key(final String shortKey) { String key = shortKey; while (key.startsWith("-")) { key = key.substring(1, key.length()); } key = key.replace("-", "."); final String keyPrefix = this.resource + ".option."; if (key.startsWith(keyPrefix)) { return key; } return keyPrefix + key; } static String getMsg(final String msgId, final String... args) { try { final String msg = Options.bundle.getString(msgId); if (args.length == 0) { return msg; } return new MessageFormat(msg).format(args); } catch (final MissingResourceException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } }
Display context sensitive help
  • e – exception that caused a parse error
/** * Display context sensitive help * * @param e exception that caused a parse error */
public void displayHelp(final IllegalArgumentException e) { if (e instanceof IllegalOptionException) { final OptionTemplate template = ((IllegalOptionException)e).getTemplate(); if (template.isXHelp()) { // display extended help information displayHelp(true); } else { err.println(((IllegalOptionException)e).getTemplate()); } return; } if (e != null && e.getMessage() != null) { err.println(getMsg("option.error.invalid.option", e.getMessage(), helpOptionTemplate.getShortName(), helpOptionTemplate.getName())); err.println(); return; } displayHelp(false); }
Display full help
  • extended – show the extended help for all options, including undocumented ones
/** * Display full help * * @param extended show the extended help for all options, including undocumented ones */
public void displayHelp(final boolean extended) { for (final OptionTemplate t : Options.validOptions) { if ((extended || !t.isUndocumented()) && t.getResource().equals(resource)) { err.println(t); err.println(); } } }
Processes the arguments and stores their information. Throws IllegalArgumentException on error. The message can be analyzed by the displayHelp function to become more context sensitive
  • args – arguments from command line
/** * Processes the arguments and stores their information. Throws * IllegalArgumentException on error. The message can be analyzed by the * displayHelp function to become more context sensitive * * @param args arguments from command line */
public void process(final String[] args) { final LinkedList<String> argList = new LinkedList<>(); addSystemProperties(NASHORN_ARGS_PREPEND_PROPERTY, argList); processArgList(argList); assert argList.isEmpty(); Collections.addAll(argList, args); processArgList(argList); assert argList.isEmpty(); addSystemProperties(NASHORN_ARGS_PROPERTY, argList); processArgList(argList); assert argList.isEmpty(); } private void processArgList(final LinkedList<String> argList) { while (!argList.isEmpty()) { final String arg = argList.remove(0); Objects.requireNonNull(arg); // skip empty args if (arg.isEmpty()) { continue; } // user arguments to the script if ("--".equals(arg)) { arguments.addAll(argList); argList.clear(); continue; } // If it doesn't start with -, it's a file. But, if it is just "-", // then it is a file representing standard input. if (!arg.startsWith("-") || arg.length() == 1) { files.add(arg); continue; } if (arg.startsWith(definePropPrefix)) { final String value = arg.substring(definePropPrefix.length()); final int eq = value.indexOf('='); if (eq != -1) { // -Dfoo=bar Set System property "foo" with value "bar" System.setProperty(value.substring(0, eq), value.substring(eq + 1)); } else { // -Dfoo is fine. Set System property "foo" with "" as it's value if (!value.isEmpty()) { System.setProperty(value, ""); } else { // do not allow empty property name throw new IllegalOptionException(definePropTemplate); } } continue; } // it is an argument, it and assign key, value and template final ParsedArg parg = new ParsedArg(arg); // check if the value of this option is passed as next argument if (parg.template.isValueNextArg()) { if (argList.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalOptionException(parg.template); } parg.value = argList.remove(0); } // -h [args...] if (parg.template.isHelp()) { // check if someone wants help on an explicit arg if (!argList.isEmpty()) { try { final OptionTemplate t = new ParsedArg(argList.get(0)).template; throw new IllegalOptionException(t); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { throw e; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException(); // show help for // everything } if (parg.template.isXHelp()) { throw new IllegalOptionException(parg.template); } if (parg.template.isRepeated()) { assert parg.template.getType().equals("string"); final String key = key(parg.template.getKey()); final String value = options.containsKey(key)? (options.get(key).getValue() + "," + parg.value) : Objects.toString(parg.value); options.put(key, new Option<>(value)); } else { set(parg.template.getKey(), createOption(parg.template, parg.value)); } // Arg may have a dependency to set other args, e.g. // scripting->anon.functions if (parg.template.getDependency() != null) { argList.addFirst(parg.template.getDependency()); } } } private static void addSystemProperties(final String sysPropName, final List<String> argList) { final String sysArgs = getStringProperty(sysPropName, null); if (sysArgs != null) { final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(sysArgs); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { argList.add(st.nextToken()); } } }
Retrieves an option template identified by key.
  • shortKey – the short (that is without the e.g. "nashorn.option." part) key
Returns:the option template identified by the key
/** * Retrieves an option template identified by key. * @param shortKey the short (that is without the e.g. "nashorn.option." part) key * @return the option template identified by the key * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the key doesn't specify an existing template */
public OptionTemplate getOptionTemplateByKey(final String shortKey) { final String fullKey = key(shortKey); for(final OptionTemplate t: validOptions) { if(t.getKey().equals(fullKey)) { return t; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException(shortKey); } private static OptionTemplate getOptionTemplateByName(final String name) { for (final OptionTemplate t : Options.validOptions) { if (t.nameMatches(name)) { return t; } } return null; } private static Option<?> createOption(final OptionTemplate t, final String value) { switch (t.getType()) { case "string": // default value null return new Option<>(value); case "timezone": // default value "TimeZone.getDefault()" return new Option<>(TimeZone.getTimeZone(value)); case "locale": return new Option<>(Locale.forLanguageTag(value)); case "keyvalues": return new KeyValueOption(value); case "log": return new LoggingOption(value); case "boolean": return new Option<>(value != null && Boolean.parseBoolean(value)); case "integer": try { return new Option<>(value == null ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(value)); } catch (final NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new IllegalOptionException(t); } case "properties": //swallow the properties and set them initProps(new KeyValueOption(value)); return null; default: break; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(value); } private static void initProps(final KeyValueOption kv) { for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : kv.getValues().entrySet()) { System.setProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } }
Resource name for properties file
/** * Resource name for properties file */
private static final String MESSAGES_RESOURCE = "jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.resources.Options";
Resource bundle for properties file
/** * Resource bundle for properties file */
private static ResourceBundle bundle;
Usages per resource from properties file
/** * Usages per resource from properties file */
private static HashMap<Object, Object> usage;
Valid options from templates in properties files
/** * Valid options from templates in properties files */
private static Collection<OptionTemplate> validOptions;
Help option
/** * Help option */
private static OptionTemplate helpOptionTemplate;
Define property option template.
/** * Define property option template. */
private static OptionTemplate definePropTemplate;
Prefix of "define property" option.
/** * Prefix of "define property" option. */
private static String definePropPrefix; static { Options.bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(Options.MESSAGES_RESOURCE, Locale.getDefault()); Options.validOptions = new TreeSet<>(); Options.usage = new HashMap<>(); for (final Enumeration<String> keys = Options.bundle.getKeys(); keys.hasMoreElements(); ) { final String key = keys.nextElement(); final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(key, "."); String resource = null; String type = null; if (st.countTokens() > 0) { resource = st.nextToken(); // e.g. "nashorn" } if (st.countTokens() > 0) { type = st.nextToken(); // e.g. "option" } if ("option".equals(type)) { String helpKey = null; String xhelpKey = null; String definePropKey = null; try { helpKey = Options.bundle.getString(resource + ".options.help.key"); xhelpKey = Options.bundle.getString(resource + ".options.xhelp.key"); definePropKey = Options.bundle.getString(resource + ".options.D.key"); } catch (final MissingResourceException e) { //ignored: no help } final boolean isHelp = key.equals(helpKey); final boolean isXHelp = key.equals(xhelpKey); final OptionTemplate t = new OptionTemplate(resource, key, Options.bundle.getString(key), isHelp, isXHelp); Options.validOptions.add(t); if (isHelp) { helpOptionTemplate = t; } if (key.equals(definePropKey)) { definePropPrefix = t.getName(); definePropTemplate = t; } } else if (resource != null && "options".equals(type)) { Options.usage.put(resource, Options.bundle.getObject(key)); } } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private static class IllegalOptionException extends IllegalArgumentException { private final OptionTemplate template; IllegalOptionException(final OptionTemplate t) { super(); this.template = t; } OptionTemplate getTemplate() { return this.template; } }
This is a resolved argument of the form key=value
/** * This is a resolved argument of the form key=value */
private static class ParsedArg {
The resolved option template this argument corresponds to
/** The resolved option template this argument corresponds to */
OptionTemplate template;
The value of the argument
/** The value of the argument */
String value; ParsedArg(final String argument) { final QuotedStringTokenizer st = new QuotedStringTokenizer(argument, "="); if (!st.hasMoreTokens()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } final String token = st.nextToken(); this.template = getOptionTemplateByName(token); if (this.template == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(argument); } value = ""; if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { value += st.nextToken(); if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { value += ':'; } } } else if ("boolean".equals(this.template.getType())) { value = "true"; } } } }