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package jdk.nashorn.internal.parser;

import static jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.TokenKind.LITERAL;

import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.Source;

A token is a 64 bit long value that represents a basic parse/lex unit. This class provides static methods to manipulate lexer tokens.
/** * A token is a 64 bit long value that represents a basic parse/lex unit. * This class provides static methods to manipulate lexer tokens. */
public class Token {
We use 28 bits for the position and 28 bits for the length of the token. This limits the maximal length of code we can handle to 2 ^ 28 - 1 bytes.
/** * We use 28 bits for the position and 28 bits for the length of the token. * This limits the maximal length of code we can handle to 2 ^ 28 - 1 bytes. */
public final static int LENGTH_MASK = 0xfffffff; // The first 8 bits are used for the token type, followed by length and position private final static int LENGTH_SHIFT = 8; private final static int POSITION_SHIFT = 36; private Token() { }
Create a compact form of token information.
  • type – Type of token.
  • position – Start position of the token in the source.
  • length – Length of the token.
Returns:Token descriptor.
/** * Create a compact form of token information. * @param type Type of token. * @param position Start position of the token in the source. * @param length Length of the token. * @return Token descriptor. */
public static long toDesc(final TokenType type, final int position, final int length) { assert position <= LENGTH_MASK && length <= LENGTH_MASK; return (long)position << POSITION_SHIFT | (long)length << LENGTH_SHIFT | type.ordinal(); }
Extract token position from a token descriptor.
  • token – Token descriptor.
Returns:Start position of the token in the source.
/** * Extract token position from a token descriptor. * @param token Token descriptor. * @return Start position of the token in the source. */
public static int descPosition(final long token) { return (int)(token >>> POSITION_SHIFT); }
Normally returns the token itself, except in case of string tokens which report their position past their opening delimiter and thus need to have position and length adjusted.
  • token – Token descriptor.
Returns:same or adjusted token.
/** * Normally returns the token itself, except in case of string tokens * which report their position past their opening delimiter and thus * need to have position and length adjusted. * * @param token Token descriptor. * @return same or adjusted token. */
public static long withDelimiter(final long token) { final TokenType tokenType = Token.descType(token); switch(tokenType) { case STRING: case ESCSTRING: case EXECSTRING: case TEMPLATE: case TEMPLATE_TAIL: { final int start = Token.descPosition(token) - 1; final int len = Token.descLength(token) + 2; return toDesc(tokenType, start, len); } case TEMPLATE_HEAD: case TEMPLATE_MIDDLE: { final int start = Token.descPosition(token) - 1; final int len = Token.descLength(token) + 3; return toDesc(tokenType, start, len); } default: { return token; } } }
Extract token length from a token descriptor.
  • token – Token descriptor.
Returns:Length of the token.
/** * Extract token length from a token descriptor. * @param token Token descriptor. * @return Length of the token. */
public static int descLength(final long token) { return (int)((token >>> LENGTH_SHIFT) & LENGTH_MASK); }
Extract token type from a token descriptor.
  • token – Token descriptor.
Returns:Type of token.
/** * Extract token type from a token descriptor. * @param token Token descriptor. * @return Type of token. */
public static TokenType descType(final long token) { return TokenType.getValues()[(int)token & 0xff]; }
Change the token to use a new type.
  • token – The original token.
  • newType – The new token type.
Returns:The recast token.
/** * Change the token to use a new type. * * @param token The original token. * @param newType The new token type. * @return The recast token. */
public static long recast(final long token, final TokenType newType) { return token & ~0xFFL | newType.ordinal(); }
Return a string representation of a token.
  • source – Token source.
  • token – Token descriptor.
  • verbose – True to include details.
Returns:String representation.
/** * Return a string representation of a token. * @param source Token source. * @param token Token descriptor. * @param verbose True to include details. * @return String representation. */
public static String toString(final Source source, final long token, final boolean verbose) { final TokenType type = Token.descType(token); String result; if (source != null && type.getKind() == LITERAL) { result = source.getString(token); } else { result = type.getNameOrType(); } if (verbose) { final int position = Token.descPosition(token); final int length = Token.descLength(token); result += " (" + position + ", " + length + ")"; } return result; }
String conversion of token
  • source – the source
  • token – the token
Returns:token as string
/** * String conversion of token * * @param source the source * @param token the token * * @return token as string */
public static String toString(final Source source, final long token) { return Token.toString(source, token, false); }
String conversion of token - version without source given
  • token – the token
Returns:token as string
/** * String conversion of token - version without source given * * @param token the token * * @return token as string */
public static String toString(final long token) { return Token.toString(null, token, false); }
Static hash code computation function token
  • token – a token
Returns:hash code for token
/** * Static hash code computation function token * * @param token a token * * @return hash code for token */
public static int hashCode(final long token) { return (int)(token ^ token >>> 32); } }