 * Copyright (c) 2010, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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package jdk.nashorn.internal.objects;

import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAErrors.rangeError;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAErrors.typeError;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.UnwarrantedOptimismException.INVALID_PROGRAM_POINT;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import jdk.dynalink.CallSiteDescriptor;
import jdk.dynalink.linker.GuardedInvocation;
import jdk.dynalink.linker.LinkRequest;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.annotations.Attribute;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.annotations.Getter;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.annotations.ScriptClass;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.JSType;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.PropertyMap;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptObject;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptRuntime;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.arrays.ArrayData;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.arrays.TypedArrayData;

ArrayBufferView, es6 class or TypedArray implementation
/** * ArrayBufferView, es6 class or TypedArray implementation */
@ScriptClass("ArrayBufferView") public abstract class ArrayBufferView extends ScriptObject { private final NativeArrayBuffer buffer; private final int byteOffset; // initialized by nasgen private static PropertyMap $nasgenmap$; private ArrayBufferView(final NativeArrayBuffer buffer, final int byteOffset, final int elementLength, final Global global) { super($nasgenmap$); final int bytesPerElement = bytesPerElement(); checkConstructorArgs(buffer.getByteLength(), bytesPerElement, byteOffset, elementLength); setProto(getPrototype(global)); this.buffer = buffer; this.byteOffset = byteOffset; assert byteOffset % bytesPerElement == 0; final int start = byteOffset / bytesPerElement; final ByteBuffer newNioBuffer = buffer.getNioBuffer().duplicate().order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); final ArrayData data = factory().createArrayData(newNioBuffer, start, start + elementLength); setArray(data); }
  • buffer – underlying NativeArrayBuffer
  • byteOffset – byte offset for buffer
  • elementLength – element length in bytes
/** * Constructor * * @param buffer underlying NativeArrayBuffer * @param byteOffset byte offset for buffer * @param elementLength element length in bytes */
protected ArrayBufferView(final NativeArrayBuffer buffer, final int byteOffset, final int elementLength) { this(buffer, byteOffset, elementLength, Global.instance()); } private static void checkConstructorArgs(final int byteLength, final int bytesPerElement, final int byteOffset, final int elementLength) { if (byteOffset < 0 || elementLength < 0) { throw new RuntimeException("byteOffset or length must not be negative, byteOffset=" + byteOffset + ", elementLength=" + elementLength + ", bytesPerElement=" + bytesPerElement); } else if (byteOffset + elementLength * bytesPerElement > byteLength) { throw new RuntimeException("byteOffset + byteLength out of range, byteOffset=" + byteOffset + ", elementLength=" + elementLength + ", bytesPerElement=" + bytesPerElement); } else if (byteOffset % bytesPerElement != 0) { throw new RuntimeException("byteOffset must be a multiple of the element size, byteOffset=" + byteOffset + " bytesPerElement=" + bytesPerElement); } } private int bytesPerElement() { return factory().bytesPerElement; }
Buffer getter as per spec
  • self – ArrayBufferView instance
/** * Buffer getter as per spec * @param self ArrayBufferView instance * @return buffer */
@Getter(attributes = Attribute.NOT_ENUMERABLE | Attribute.NOT_WRITABLE | Attribute.NOT_CONFIGURABLE) public static Object buffer(final Object self) { return ((ArrayBufferView)self).buffer; }
Buffer offset getter as per spec
  • self – ArrayBufferView instance
Returns:buffer offset
/** * Buffer offset getter as per spec * @param self ArrayBufferView instance * @return buffer offset */
@Getter(attributes = Attribute.NOT_ENUMERABLE | Attribute.NOT_WRITABLE | Attribute.NOT_CONFIGURABLE) public static int byteOffset(final Object self) { return ((ArrayBufferView)self).byteOffset; }
Byte length getter as per spec
  • self – ArrayBufferView instance
Returns:array buffer view length in bytes
/** * Byte length getter as per spec * @param self ArrayBufferView instance * @return array buffer view length in bytes */
@Getter(attributes = Attribute.NOT_ENUMERABLE | Attribute.NOT_WRITABLE | Attribute.NOT_CONFIGURABLE) public static int byteLength(final Object self) { final ArrayBufferView view = (ArrayBufferView)self; return ((TypedArrayData<?>)view.getArray()).getElementLength() * view.bytesPerElement(); }
Length getter as per spec
  • self – ArrayBufferView instance
Returns:length in elements
/** * Length getter as per spec * @param self ArrayBufferView instance * @return length in elements */
@Getter(attributes = Attribute.NOT_ENUMERABLE | Attribute.NOT_WRITABLE | Attribute.NOT_CONFIGURABLE) public static int length(final Object self) { return ((ArrayBufferView)self).elementLength(); } @Override public final Object getLength() { return elementLength(); } private int elementLength() { return ((TypedArrayData<?>)getArray()).getElementLength(); }
Factory class for byte ArrayBufferViews
/** * Factory class for byte ArrayBufferViews */
protected static abstract class Factory { final int bytesPerElement; final int maxElementLength;
  • bytesPerElement – number of bytes per element for this buffer
/** * Constructor * * @param bytesPerElement number of bytes per element for this buffer */
public Factory(final int bytesPerElement) { this.bytesPerElement = bytesPerElement; this.maxElementLength = Integer.MAX_VALUE / bytesPerElement; }
Factory method
  • elementLength – number of elements
Returns:new ArrayBufferView
/** * Factory method * * @param elementLength number of elements * @return new ArrayBufferView */
public final ArrayBufferView construct(final int elementLength) { if (elementLength > maxElementLength) { throw rangeError("inappropriate.array.buffer.length", JSType.toString(elementLength)); } return construct(new NativeArrayBuffer(elementLength * bytesPerElement), 0, elementLength); }
Factory method
  • buffer – underlying buffer
  • byteOffset – byte offset
  • elementLength – number of elements
Returns:new ArrayBufferView
/** * Factory method * * @param buffer underlying buffer * @param byteOffset byte offset * @param elementLength number of elements * * @return new ArrayBufferView */
public abstract ArrayBufferView construct(final NativeArrayBuffer buffer, final int byteOffset, final int elementLength);
Factory method for array data
  • nb – underlying native buffer
  • start – start element
  • end – end element
Returns: new array data
/** * Factory method for array data * * @param nb underlying native buffer * @param start start element * @param end end element * * @return new array data */
public abstract TypedArrayData<?> createArrayData(final ByteBuffer nb, final int start, final int end);
Get the class name for this type of buffer
Returns:class name
/** * Get the class name for this type of buffer * * @return class name */
public abstract String getClassName(); }
Get the factor for this kind of buffer
/** * Get the factor for this kind of buffer * @return Factory */
protected abstract Factory factory();
Get the prototype for this ArrayBufferView
  • global – global instance
/** * Get the prototype for this ArrayBufferView * @param global global instance * @return prototype */
protected abstract ScriptObject getPrototype(final Global global); @Override public final String getClassName() { return factory().getClassName(); }
Check if this array contains floats
Returns:true if float array (or double)
/** * Check if this array contains floats * @return true if float array (or double) */
protected boolean isFloatArray() { return false; }
Inheritable constructor implementation
  • newObj – is this a new constructor
  • args – arguments
  • factory – factory
Returns:new ArrayBufferView
/** * Inheritable constructor implementation * * @param newObj is this a new constructor * @param args arguments * @param factory factory * * @return new ArrayBufferView */
protected static ArrayBufferView constructorImpl(final boolean newObj, final Object[] args, final Factory factory) { final Object arg0 = args.length != 0 ? args[0] : 0; final ArrayBufferView dest; final int length; if (!newObj) { throw typeError("constructor.requires.new", factory.getClassName()); } if (arg0 instanceof NativeArrayBuffer) { // Constructor(ArrayBuffer buffer, optional unsigned long byteOffset, optional unsigned long length) final NativeArrayBuffer buffer = (NativeArrayBuffer)arg0; final int byteOffset = args.length > 1 ? JSType.toInt32(args[1]) : 0; if (args.length > 2) { length = JSType.toInt32(args[2]); } else { if ((buffer.getByteLength() - byteOffset) % factory.bytesPerElement != 0) { throw new RuntimeException("buffer.byteLength - byteOffset must be a multiple of the element size"); } length = (buffer.getByteLength() - byteOffset) / factory.bytesPerElement; } return factory.construct(buffer, byteOffset, length); } else if (arg0 instanceof ArrayBufferView) { // Constructor(TypedArray array) length = ((ArrayBufferView)arg0).elementLength(); dest = factory.construct(length); } else if (arg0 instanceof NativeArray) { // Constructor(type[] array) length = lengthToInt(((NativeArray) arg0).getArray().length()); dest = factory.construct(length); } else { // Constructor(unsigned long length). Treating infinity as 0 is a special case for ArrayBufferView. final double dlen = JSType.toNumber(arg0); length = lengthToInt(Double.isInfinite(dlen) ? 0L : JSType.toLong(dlen)); return factory.construct(length); } copyElements(dest, length, (ScriptObject)arg0, 0); return dest; }
Inheritable implementation of set, if no efficient implementation is available
  • self – ArrayBufferView instance
  • array – array
  • offset0 – array offset
Returns:result of setter
/** * Inheritable implementation of set, if no efficient implementation is available * * @param self ArrayBufferView instance * @param array array * @param offset0 array offset * * @return result of setter */
protected static Object setImpl(final Object self, final Object array, final Object offset0) { final ArrayBufferView dest = (ArrayBufferView)self; final int length; if (array instanceof ArrayBufferView) { // void set(TypedArray array, optional unsigned long offset) length = ((ArrayBufferView)array).elementLength(); } else if (array instanceof NativeArray) { // void set(type[] array, optional unsigned long offset) length = (int) (((NativeArray) array).getArray().length() & 0x7fff_ffff); } else { throw new RuntimeException("argument is not of array type"); } final ScriptObject source = (ScriptObject)array; final int offset = JSType.toInt32(offset0); // default=0 if (dest.elementLength() < length + offset || offset < 0) { throw new RuntimeException("offset or array length out of bounds"); } copyElements(dest, length, source, offset); return ScriptRuntime.UNDEFINED; } private static void copyElements(final ArrayBufferView dest, final int length, final ScriptObject source, final int offset) { if (!dest.isFloatArray()) { for (int i = 0, j = offset; i < length; i++, j++) { dest.set(j, source.getInt(i, INVALID_PROGRAM_POINT), 0); } } else { for (int i = 0, j = offset; i < length; i++, j++) { dest.set(j, source.getDouble(i, INVALID_PROGRAM_POINT), 0); } } } private static int lengthToInt(final long length) { if (length > Integer.MAX_VALUE || length < 0) { throw rangeError("inappropriate.array.buffer.length", JSType.toString(length)); } return (int)(length & Integer.MAX_VALUE); }
Implementation of subarray if no efficient override exists
  • self – ArrayBufferView instance
  • begin0 – begin index
  • end0 – end index
Returns:sub array
/** * Implementation of subarray if no efficient override exists * * @param self ArrayBufferView instance * @param begin0 begin index * @param end0 end index * * @return sub array */
protected static ScriptObject subarrayImpl(final Object self, final Object begin0, final Object end0) { final ArrayBufferView arrayView = (ArrayBufferView)self; final int byteOffset = arrayView.byteOffset; final int bytesPerElement = arrayView.bytesPerElement(); final int elementLength = arrayView.elementLength(); final int begin = NativeArrayBuffer.adjustIndex(JSType.toInt32(begin0), elementLength); final int end = NativeArrayBuffer.adjustIndex(end0 != ScriptRuntime.UNDEFINED ? JSType.toInt32(end0) : elementLength, elementLength); final int length = Math.max(end - begin, 0); assert byteOffset % bytesPerElement == 0; //second is byteoffset return arrayView.factory().construct(arrayView.buffer, begin * bytesPerElement + byteOffset, length); } @Override protected GuardedInvocation findGetIndexMethod(final CallSiteDescriptor desc, final LinkRequest request) { final GuardedInvocation inv = getArray().findFastGetIndexMethod(getArray().getClass(), desc, request); if (inv != null) { return inv; } return super.findGetIndexMethod(desc, request); } @Override protected GuardedInvocation findSetIndexMethod(final CallSiteDescriptor desc, final LinkRequest request) { final GuardedInvocation inv = getArray().findFastSetIndexMethod(getArray().getClass(), desc, request); if (inv != null) { return inv; } return super.findSetIndexMethod(desc, request); } }