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 * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
 * RMI-IIOP v1.0
 * Copyright IBM Corp. 1998 1999  All Rights Reserved

package sun.rmi.rmic.iiop;

import java.util.Vector;
import sun.tools.java.ClassNotFound;
import sun.tools.java.ClassDeclaration;
import sun.tools.java.ClassDefinition;
import sun.tools.java.MemberDefinition;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.io.ObjectStreamClass;
import java.io.ObjectStreamField;

ValueType represents any non-special class which does inherit from java.io.Serializable and does not inherit from java.rmi.Remote.

The static forValue(...) method must be used to obtain an instance, and will return null if the ClassDefinition is non-conforming.

Author: Bryan Atsatt
/** * ValueType represents any non-special class which does inherit from * java.io.Serializable and does not inherit from java.rmi.Remote. * <p> * The static forValue(...) method must be used to obtain an instance, and * will return null if the ClassDefinition is non-conforming. * * @author Bryan Atsatt */
public class ValueType extends ClassType { private boolean isCustom; //_____________________________________________________________________ // Public Interfaces //_____________________________________________________________________
Create an ValueType object for the given class. If the class is not a properly formed or if some other error occurs, the return value will be null, and errors will have been reported to the supplied BatchEnvironment.
/** * Create an ValueType object for the given class. * * If the class is not a properly formed or if some other error occurs, the * return value will be null, and errors will have been reported to the * supplied BatchEnvironment. */
public static ValueType forValue(ClassDefinition classDef, ContextStack stack, boolean quiet) { if (stack.anyErrors()) return null; // Do we already have it? sun.tools.java.Type theType = classDef.getType(); String typeKey = theType.toString(); Type existing = getType(typeKey,stack); if (existing != null) { if (!(existing instanceof ValueType)) return null; // False hit. // Yep, so return it... return (ValueType) existing; } // Is this java.lang.Class? boolean javaLangClass = false; if (classDef.getClassDeclaration().getName() == idJavaLangClass) { // Yes, so replace classDef with one for // javax.rmi.CORBA.ClassDesc... javaLangClass = true; BatchEnvironment env = stack.getEnv(); ClassDeclaration decl = env.getClassDeclaration(idClassDesc); ClassDefinition def = null; try { def = decl.getClassDefinition(env); } catch (ClassNotFound ex) { classNotFound(stack,ex); return null; } classDef = def; } // Could this be a value? if (couldBeValue(stack,classDef)) { // Yes, so check it... ValueType it = new ValueType(classDef,stack,javaLangClass); putType(typeKey,it,stack); stack.push(it); if (it.initialize(stack,quiet)) { stack.pop(true); return it; } else { removeType(typeKey,stack); stack.pop(false); return null; } } else { return null; } }
Return a string describing this type.
/** * Return a string describing this type. */
public String getTypeDescription () { String result = addExceptionDescription("Value"); if (isCustom) { result = "Custom " + result; } if (isIDLEntity) { result = result + " [IDLEntity]"; } return result; }
Return true if this type is a "custom" type (i.e. it implements java.io.Externalizable or has a method with the following signature: private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream out);
/** * Return true if this type is a "custom" type (i.e. * it implements java.io.Externalizable or has a * method with the following signature: * * private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream out); * */
public boolean isCustom () { return isCustom; } //_____________________________________________________________________ // Subclass/Internal Interfaces //_____________________________________________________________________
Create a ValueType instance for the given class. The resulting object is not yet completely initialized.
/** * Create a ValueType instance for the given class. The resulting * object is not yet completely initialized. */
private ValueType(ClassDefinition classDef, ContextStack stack, boolean isMappedJavaLangClass) { super(stack,classDef,TYPE_VALUE | TM_CLASS | TM_COMPOUND); isCustom = false; // If this is the mapped version of java.lang.Class, // set the non-IDL names back to java.lang.Class... if (isMappedJavaLangClass) { setNames(idJavaLangClass,IDL_CLASS_MODULE,IDL_CLASS); } } //_____________________________________________________________________ // Internal Interfaces //_____________________________________________________________________
Initialize this instance.
/** * Initialize this instance. */
private static boolean couldBeValue(ContextStack stack, ClassDefinition classDef) { boolean result = false; ClassDeclaration classDecl = classDef.getClassDeclaration(); BatchEnvironment env = stack.getEnv(); try { // Make sure it's not remote... if (env.defRemote.implementedBy(env, classDecl)) { failedConstraint(10,false,stack,classDef.getName()); } else { // Make sure it's Serializable... if (!env.defSerializable.implementedBy(env, classDecl)) { failedConstraint(11,false,stack,classDef.getName()); } else { result = true; } } } catch (ClassNotFound e) { classNotFound(stack,e); } return result; }
Initialize this instance.
/** * Initialize this instance. */
private boolean initialize (ContextStack stack, boolean quiet) { ClassDefinition ourDef = getClassDefinition(); ClassDeclaration ourDecl = getClassDeclaration(); try { // Make sure our parentage is ok... if (!initParents(stack)) { failedConstraint(12,quiet,stack,getQualifiedName()); return false; } // We're ok, so make up our collections... Vector directInterfaces = new Vector(); Vector directMethods = new Vector(); Vector directMembers = new Vector(); // Get interfaces... if (addNonRemoteInterfaces(directInterfaces,stack) != null) { // Get methods... if (addAllMethods(ourDef,directMethods,false,false,stack) != null) { // Update parent class methods if (updateParentClassMethods(ourDef,directMethods,false,stack) != null) { // Get constants and members... if (addAllMembers(directMembers,false,false,stack)) { // We're ok, so pass 'em up... if (!initialize(directInterfaces,directMethods,directMembers,stack,quiet)) { return false; } // Is this class Externalizable? boolean externalizable = false; if (!env.defExternalizable.implementedBy(env, ourDecl)) { // No, so check to see if we have a serialPersistentField // that will modify the members. if (!checkPersistentFields(getClassInstance(),quiet)) { return false; } } else { // Yes. externalizable = true; } // Should this class be considered "custom"? It is if // it is Externalizable OR if it has a method with the // following signature: // // private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream out); // if (externalizable) { isCustom = true; } else { for (MemberDefinition member = ourDef.getFirstMember(); member != null; member = member.getNextMember()) { if (member.isMethod() && !member.isInitializer() && member.isPrivate() && member.getName().toString().equals("writeObject")) { // Check return type, arguments and exceptions... sun.tools.java.Type methodType = member.getType(); sun.tools.java.Type rtnType = methodType.getReturnType(); if (rtnType == sun.tools.java.Type.tVoid) { // Return type is correct. How about arguments? sun.tools.java.Type[] args = methodType.getArgumentTypes(); if (args.length == 1 && args[0].getTypeSignature().equals("Ljava/io/ObjectOutputStream;")) { // Arguments are correct, so it is a custom // value type... isCustom = true; } } } } } } return true; } } } } catch (ClassNotFound e) { classNotFound(stack,e); } return false; } private boolean checkPersistentFields (Class clz, boolean quiet) { // Do we have a writeObject method? for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { if (methods[i].getName().equals("writeObject") && methods[i].getArguments().length == 1) { Type returnType = methods[i].getReturnType(); Type arg = methods[i].getArguments()[0]; String id = arg.getQualifiedName(); if (returnType.isType(TYPE_VOID) && id.equals("java.io.ObjectOutputStream")) { // Got one, so there's nothing to do... return true; } } } // Do we have a valid serialPersistentField array? MemberDefinition spfDef = null; for (int i = 0; i < members.length; i++) { if (members[i].getName().equals("serialPersistentFields")) { Member member = members[i]; Type type = member.getType(); Type elementType = type.getElementType(); // We have a member with the correct name. Make sure // we have the correct signature... if (elementType != null && elementType.getQualifiedName().equals( "java.io.ObjectStreamField") ) { if (member.isStatic() && member.isFinal() && member.isPrivate()) { // We have the correct signature spfDef = member.getMemberDefinition(); } else { // Bad signature... failedConstraint(4,quiet,stack,getQualifiedName()); return false; } } } } // If we do not have a serialPersistentField, // there's nothing to do, so return with no error... if (spfDef == null) { return true; } // Ok, now we must examine the contents of the array - // then validate them... Hashtable fields = getPersistentFields(clz); boolean result = true; for (int i = 0; i < members.length; i++) { String fieldName = members[i].getName(); String fieldType = members[i].getType().getSignature(); // Is this field present in the array? String type = (String) fields.get(fieldName); if (type == null) { // No, so mark it transient... members[i].setTransient(); } else { // Yes, does the type match? if (type.equals(fieldType)) { // Yes, so remove it from the fields table... fields.remove(fieldName); } else { // No, so error... result = false; failedConstraint(2,quiet,stack,fieldName,getQualifiedName()); } } } // Ok, we've checked all of our fields. Are there any left in the "array"? // If so, it's an error... if (result && fields.size() > 0) { result = false; failedConstraint(9,quiet,stack,getQualifiedName()); } // Return result... return result; }
Get the names and types of all the persistent fields of a Class.
/** * Get the names and types of all the persistent fields of a Class. */
private Hashtable getPersistentFields (Class clz) { Hashtable result = new Hashtable(); ObjectStreamClass osc = ObjectStreamClass.lookup(clz); if (osc != null) { ObjectStreamField[] fields = osc.getFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { String typeSig; String typePrefix = String.valueOf(fields[i].getTypeCode()); if (fields[i].isPrimitive()) { typeSig = typePrefix; } else { if (fields[i].getTypeCode() == '[') { typePrefix = ""; } typeSig = typePrefix + fields[i].getType().getName().replace('.','/'); if (typeSig.endsWith(";")) { typeSig = typeSig.substring(0,typeSig.length()-1); } } result.put(fields[i].getName(),typeSig); } } return result; } }