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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
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package org.graalvm.compiler.replacements.test;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.IfNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ReturnNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph.AllowAssumptions;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.java.InstanceOfNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.AbstractInliningPhase;
import org.junit.Test;

import jdk.vm.ci.code.site.Call;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.site.Mark;
import jdk.vm.ci.code.site.Site;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaTypeProfile;

Tests the implementation of instanceof, allowing profiling information to be manually specified.
/** * Tests the implementation of instanceof, allowing profiling information to be manually specified. */
public class InstanceOfTest extends TypeCheckTest { public InstanceOfTest() { createSuites(getInitialOptions()).getHighTier().findPhase(AbstractInliningPhase.class).remove(); } @Override protected void replaceProfile(StructuredGraph graph, JavaTypeProfile profile) { InstanceOfNode ion = graph.getNodes().filter(InstanceOfNode.class).first(); if (ion != null) { ion.setProfile(profile, graph.start()); } } @Test public void test1() { test("isString", profile(), "object"); test("isString", profile(String.class), "object"); test("isString", profile(), Object.class); test("isString", profile(String.class), Object.class); } @Test public void test2() { test("isStringInt", profile(), "object"); test("isStringInt", profile(String.class), "object"); test("isStringInt", profile(), Object.class); test("isStringInt", profile(String.class), Object.class); } @Test public void test201() { test("isStringIntComplex", profile(), "object"); test("isStringIntComplex", profile(String.class), "object"); test("isStringIntComplex", profile(), Object.class); test("isStringIntComplex", profile(String.class), Object.class); } @Test public void test3() { Throwable throwable = new Exception(); test("isThrowable", profile(), throwable); test("isThrowable", profile(Throwable.class), throwable); test("isThrowable", profile(Exception.class, Error.class), throwable); test("isThrowable", profile(), Object.class); test("isThrowable", profile(Throwable.class), Object.class); test("isThrowable", profile(Exception.class, Error.class), Object.class); } @Test public void test301() { onlyFirstIsException(new Exception(), new Error()); test("onlyFirstIsException", profile(), new Exception(), new Error()); test("onlyFirstIsException", profile(), new Error(), new Exception()); test("onlyFirstIsException", profile(), new Exception(), new Exception()); test("onlyFirstIsException", profile(), new Error(), new Error()); } @Test public void test4() { Throwable throwable = new Exception(); test("isThrowableInt", profile(), throwable); test("isThrowableInt", profile(Throwable.class), throwable); test("isThrowableInt", profile(Exception.class, Error.class), throwable); test("isThrowableInt", profile(), Object.class); test("isThrowableInt", profile(Throwable.class), Object.class); test("isThrowableInt", profile(Exception.class, Error.class), Object.class); } @Test public void test5() { Map<?, ?> map = new HashMap<>(); test("isMap", profile(), map); test("isMap", profile(HashMap.class), map); test("isMap", profile(TreeMap.class, HashMap.class), map); test("isMap", profile(), Object.class); test("isMap", profile(HashMap.class), Object.class); test("isMap", profile(TreeMap.class, HashMap.class), Object.class); test("isMap", profile(String.class, HashMap.class), Object.class); } @Test public void test6() { Map<?, ?> map = new HashMap<>(); test("isMapInt", profile(), map); test("isMapInt", profile(HashMap.class), map); test("isMapInt", profile(TreeMap.class, HashMap.class), map); test("isMapInt", profile(), Object.class); test("isMapInt", profile(HashMap.class), Object.class); test("isMapInt", profile(TreeMap.class, HashMap.class), Object.class); } @Test public void test7() { Object o = new Depth13(); test("isDepth12", profile(), o); test("isDepth12", profile(Depth13.class), o); test("isDepth12", profile(Depth13.class, Depth14.class), o); o = "not a depth"; test("isDepth12", profile(), o); test("isDepth12", profile(Depth13.class), o); test("isDepth12", profile(Depth13.class, Depth14.class), o); test("isDepth12", profile(String.class, HashMap.class), o); } @Test public void test8() { Object o = new Depth13(); test("isDepth12Int", profile(), o); test("isDepth12Int", profile(Depth13.class), o); test("isDepth12Int", profile(Depth13.class, Depth14.class), o); o = "not a depth"; test("isDepth12Int", profile(), o); test("isDepth12Int", profile(Depth13.class), o); test("isDepth12Int", profile(Depth13.class, Depth14.class), o); } public static boolean isString(Object o) { return o instanceof String; } public static int isStringInt(Object o) { if (o instanceof String) { return id(1); } return id(0); } public static int isStringIntComplex(Object o) { if (o instanceof String || o instanceof Integer) { return id(o instanceof String ? 1 : 0); } return id(0); } public static int id(int value) { return value; } public static boolean isThrowable(Object o) { return ((Throwable) o) instanceof Exception; } public static int onlyFirstIsException(Throwable t1, Throwable t2) { if (t1 instanceof Exception ^ t2 instanceof Exception) { return t1 instanceof Exception ? 1 : -1; } return -1; } public static int isThrowableInt(Object o) { int result = o instanceof Throwable ? 4 : 5; if (o instanceof Throwable) { return id(4); } return result; } public static boolean isMap(Object o) { return o instanceof Map; } public static int isMapInt(Object o) { if (o instanceof Map) { return id(1); } return id(0); } public static boolean isDepth12(Object o) { return o instanceof Depth12; } public static int isDepth12Int(Object o) { if (o instanceof Depth12) { return id(0); } return id(0); } abstract static class MySite { final int offset; MySite(int offset) { this.offset = offset; } } static class MyMark extends MySite { MyMark(int offset) { super(offset); } } abstract static class MySafepoint extends MySite { MySafepoint(int offset) { super(offset); } } static class MyCall extends MySafepoint { MyCall(int offset) { super(offset); } } @Test public void test9() { MyCall callAt63 = new MyCall(63); MyMark markAt63 = new MyMark(63); test("compareMySites", callAt63, callAt63); test("compareMySites", callAt63, markAt63); test("compareMySites", markAt63, callAt63); test("compareMySites", markAt63, markAt63); } public static int compareMySites(MySite s1, MySite s2) { if (s1.offset == s2.offset && (s1 instanceof MyMark ^ s2 instanceof MyMark)) { return s1 instanceof MyMark ? -1 : 1; } return s1.offset - s2.offset; } @Test public void test10() { Call callAt63 = new Call(null, 63, 5, true, null); Mark markAt63 = new Mark(63, "1"); test("compareSites", callAt63, callAt63); test("compareSites", callAt63, markAt63); test("compareSites", markAt63, callAt63); test("compareSites", markAt63, markAt63); } public static int compareSites(Site s1, Site s2) { if (s1.pcOffset == s2.pcOffset && (s1 instanceof Mark ^ s2 instanceof Mark)) { return s1 instanceof Mark ? -1 : 1; } return s1.pcOffset - s2.pcOffset; }
This test exists to show the kind of pattern that is be optimizable by removeIntermediateMaterialization() in IfNode.

The test exists in this source file as the transformation was originally motivated by the need to remove use of special JumpNodes in the InstanceOfSnippets.

/** * This test exists to show the kind of pattern that is be optimizable by * {@code removeIntermediateMaterialization()} in {@link IfNode}. * <p> * The test exists in this source file as the transformation was originally motivated by the * need to remove use of special JumpNodes in the {@code InstanceOfSnippets}. */
@Test public void testRemoveIntermediateMaterialization() { List<String> list = Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3", "4"); test("removeIntermediateMaterialization", profile(), list, "2", "yes", "no"); test("removeIntermediateMaterialization", profile(), list, null, "yes", "no"); test("removeIntermediateMaterialization", profile(), null, "2", "yes", "no"); } public static String removeIntermediateMaterialization(List<Object> list, Object e, String a, String b) { boolean test; if (list == null || e == null) { test = false; } else { test = false; for (Object i : list) { if (i.equals(e)) { test = true; break; } } } if (test) { return a; } return b; } abstract static class A { } static class B extends A { } static class C extends B { } abstract static class D extends C { } public static boolean isArrayOfA(Object o) { return o instanceof A[]; } public static boolean isArrayOfB(Object o) { return o instanceof B[]; } public static boolean isArrayOfC(Object o) { return o instanceof C[]; } public static boolean isArrayOfD(Object o) { return o instanceof D[]; } @Test public void testArray() { Object aArray = new A[10]; test("isArrayOfA", aArray); Object bArray = new B[10]; test("isArrayOfA", aArray); test("isArrayOfA", bArray); test("isArrayOfB", aArray); test("isArrayOfB", bArray); Object cArray = new C[10]; test("isArrayOfA", aArray); test("isArrayOfA", bArray); test("isArrayOfA", cArray); test("isArrayOfB", aArray); test("isArrayOfB", bArray); test("isArrayOfB", cArray); test("isArrayOfC", aArray); test("isArrayOfC", bArray); test("isArrayOfC", cArray); Object dArray = new D[10]; test("isArrayOfA", aArray); test("isArrayOfA", bArray); test("isArrayOfA", cArray); test("isArrayOfA", dArray); test("isArrayOfB", aArray); test("isArrayOfB", bArray); test("isArrayOfB", cArray); test("isArrayOfB", dArray); test("isArrayOfC", aArray); test("isArrayOfC", bArray); test("isArrayOfC", cArray); test("isArrayOfC", dArray); test("isArrayOfD", aArray); test("isArrayOfD", bArray); test("isArrayOfD", cArray); test("isArrayOfD", dArray); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> String arrayCopyTypeName(T[] original) { Class<? extends T[]> newType = (Class<? extends T[]>) original.getClass(); if (newType == (Object) Object[].class) { return Object[].class.getName(); } else { return newType.getName(); } } @Test public void testArrayCopy() { test("arrayCopyTypeName", (Object) new Object[]{"one", "two", "three"}); test("arrayCopyTypeName", (Object) new String[]{"one", "two", "three"}); } public int conditionalInstantiation(Object o) { int total = 0; if (o instanceof CharSequence) { if (o instanceof StringBuilder || o instanceof String) { total = 9; } total += (o instanceof String ? 2 : 1); } return total; } @Test public void testInstantiation() { test("conditionalInstantiation", "foo"); test("conditionalInstantiation", new StringBuilder()); test("conditionalInstantiation", 1); } public boolean exactlyObject(Thread thread) { return thread != null && ((Object) thread).getClass() == Object.class; } public boolean exactlyObjectArray(Thread[] threads) { return threads != null && ((Object[]) threads).getClass() == Object[].class; } public boolean exactlyString(Thread thread) { return thread != null && ((Object) thread).getClass() == String.class; } public boolean exactlyStringArray(Thread[] threads) { return threads != null && ((Object[]) threads).getClass() == String[].class; } @SuppressWarnings("cast") public boolean instanceofStringArray(Thread[] threads) { return threads != null && ((Object[]) threads) instanceof String[]; } @SuppressWarnings("cast") public boolean instanceofString(Thread thread) { return thread != null && ((Object) thread) instanceof String; } @Test public void testTypeCheck() { testConstantReturn("exactlyObject", 0); testConstantReturn("exactlyObjectArray", 0); testConstantReturn("exactlyString", 0); testConstantReturn("exactlyStringArray", 0); testConstantReturn("instanceofString", 0); testConstantReturn("instanceofStringArray", 0); } private void testConstantReturn(String name, Object value) { StructuredGraph result = buildGraph(name); ReturnNode ret = result.getNodes(ReturnNode.TYPE).first(); assertDeepEquals(1, result.getNodes(ReturnNode.TYPE).count()); assertDeepEquals(true, ret.result().isConstant()); assertDeepEquals(value, ret.result().asJavaConstant().asBoxedPrimitive()); } @SuppressWarnings("try") protected StructuredGraph buildGraph(final String snippet) { DebugContext debug = getDebugContext(); try (DebugContext.Scope s = debug.scope("InstanceOfTest", getMetaAccess().lookupJavaMethod(getMethod(snippet)))) { StructuredGraph graph = parseEager(snippet, AllowAssumptions.YES, debug); compile(graph.method(), graph); debug.dump(DebugContext.BASIC_LEVEL, graph, snippet); return graph; } catch (Throwable e) { throw debug.handle(e); } } static class Depth1 implements Cloneable { } static class Depth2 extends Depth1 { } static class Depth3 extends Depth2 { } static class Depth4 extends Depth3 { } static class Depth5 extends Depth4 { } static class Depth6 extends Depth5 { } static class Depth7 extends Depth6 { } static class Depth8 extends Depth7 { } static class Depth9 extends Depth8 { } static class Depth10 extends Depth9 { } static class Depth11 extends Depth10 { } static class Depth12 extends Depth11 { } static class Depth13 extends Depth12 { } static class Depth14 extends Depth12 { } }