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 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
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package org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.meta;

import static org.graalvm.compiler.serviceprovider.JDK9Method.Java8OrEarlier;

import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Set;

import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.GraalOptions;
import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node;
import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.iterators.NodeIterable;
import org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.GraalHotSpotVMConfig;
import org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.phases.AheadOfTimeVerificationPhase;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ConstantNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FrameState;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.graphbuilderconf.GraphBuilderContext;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.graphbuilderconf.InvocationPlugin;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.graphbuilderconf.InvocationPlugins;
import org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.type.StampTool;
import org.graalvm.compiler.phases.tiers.CompilerConfiguration;
import org.graalvm.compiler.replacements.nodes.MacroNode;
import org.graalvm.compiler.serviceprovider.JDK9Method;
import org.graalvm.util.EconomicSet;

import jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.HotSpotResolvedJavaType;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.JavaKind;
import jdk.vm.ci.meta.ResolvedJavaType;

Extension of InvocationPlugins that disables plugins based on runtime configuration.
/** * Extension of {@link InvocationPlugins} that disables plugins based on runtime configuration. */
final class HotSpotInvocationPlugins extends InvocationPlugins { private final GraalHotSpotVMConfig config; private final EconomicSet<Object> trustedModules; private final ClassLoader extLoader; HotSpotInvocationPlugins(GraalHotSpotVMConfig config, CompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration) { this.config = config; if (Java8OrEarlier) { extLoader = getExtLoader(); trustedModules = null; } else { extLoader = null; trustedModules = initTrustedModules(compilerConfiguration); } } @Override public void register(InvocationPlugin plugin, Type declaringClass, String name, Type... argumentTypes) { if (!config.usePopCountInstruction) { if (name.equals("bitCount")) { assert declaringClass.equals(Integer.class) || declaringClass.equals(Long.class); return; } } super.register(plugin, declaringClass, name, argumentTypes); } @Override public void checkNewNodes(GraphBuilderContext b, InvocationPlugin plugin, NodeIterable<Node> newNodes) { for (Node node : newNodes) { if (node instanceof MacroNode) { // MacroNode based plugins can only be used for inlining since they // require a valid bci should they need to replace themselves with // an InvokeNode during lowering. assert plugin.inlineOnly() : String.format("plugin that creates a %s (%s) must return true for inlineOnly(): %s", MacroNode.class.getSimpleName(), node, plugin); } } if (GraalOptions.ImmutableCode.getValue(b.getOptions())) { for (Node node : newNodes) { if (node.hasUsages() && node instanceof ConstantNode) { ConstantNode c = (ConstantNode) node; if (c.getStackKind() == JavaKind.Object && AheadOfTimeVerificationPhase.isIllegalObjectConstant(c)) { if (isClass(c)) { // This will be handled later by LoadJavaMirrorWithKlassPhase } else { // Tolerate uses in unused FrameStates if (node.usages().filter((n) -> !(n instanceof FrameState) || n.hasUsages()).isNotEmpty()) { throw new AssertionError("illegal constant node in AOT: " + node); } } } } } } super.checkNewNodes(b, plugin, newNodes); } private static boolean isClass(ConstantNode node) { ResolvedJavaType type = StampTool.typeOrNull(node); return type != null && "Ljava/lang/Class;".equals(type.getName()); }
{@inheritDoc} On JDK 8, only classes loaded by the boot, JVMCI or extension class loaders are trusted. On JDK 9 and later, only classes in the CompilerConfiguration defining module or any of its module dependencies are trusted.
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * On JDK 8, only classes loaded by the boot, JVMCI or extension class loaders are trusted. * * On JDK 9 and later, only classes in the {@link CompilerConfiguration} defining module or any * of its module dependencies are trusted. */
@Override protected boolean canBeIntrinsified(ResolvedJavaType declaringClass) { if (declaringClass instanceof HotSpotResolvedJavaType) { Class<?> javaClass = ((HotSpotResolvedJavaType) declaringClass).mirror(); if (Java8OrEarlier) { ClassLoader cl = javaClass.getClassLoader(); return cl == null || cl == getClass().getClassLoader() || cl == extLoader; } else { Object module = JDK9Method.getModule.invoke(javaClass); return trustedModules.contains(module); } } return false; } private static ClassLoader getExtLoader() { try { Object launcher = Class.forName("sun.misc.Launcher").getMethod("getLauncher").invoke(null); ClassLoader appLoader = (ClassLoader) launcher.getClass().getMethod("getClassLoader").invoke(launcher); ClassLoader extLoader = appLoader.getParent(); assert extLoader.getClass().getName().equals("sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader") : extLoader; return extLoader; } catch (Exception e) { throw new GraalError(e); } } private static EconomicSet<Object> initTrustedModules(CompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration) throws GraalError { try { EconomicSet<Object> res = EconomicSet.create(); Object compilerConfigurationModule = JDK9Method.getModule.invoke(compilerConfiguration.getClass()); res.add(compilerConfigurationModule); Class<?> moduleClass = compilerConfigurationModule.getClass(); Object layer = new JDK9Method(moduleClass, "getLayer").invoke(compilerConfigurationModule); Class<? extends Object> layerClass = layer.getClass(); JDK9Method getName = new JDK9Method(moduleClass, "getName"); Set<Object> modules = new JDK9Method(layerClass, "modules").invoke(layer); Object descriptor = new JDK9Method(moduleClass, "getDescriptor").invoke(compilerConfigurationModule); Class<?> moduleDescriptorClass = descriptor.getClass(); Set<Object> requires = new JDK9Method(moduleDescriptorClass, "requires").invoke(descriptor); JDK9Method requireNameGetter = null; for (Object require : requires) { if (requireNameGetter == null) { requireNameGetter = new JDK9Method(require.getClass(), "name"); } String name = requireNameGetter.invoke(require); for (Object module : modules) { String moduleName = getName.invoke(module); if (moduleName.equals(name)) { res.add(module); } } } return res; } catch (Exception e) { throw new GraalError(e); } } }