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package com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.utils;

This is a combination of ThreadControllerWrapper's inner class SafeThread that was introduced as a fix for CR 6607339 and sun.misc.ManagedLocalsThread, a thread that has it's thread locals, and inheritable thread locals erased on construction. Except the run method, it is identical to sun.misc.ManagedLocalsThread.
/** * This is a combination of ThreadControllerWrapper's inner class SafeThread * that was introduced as a fix for CR 6607339 * and sun.misc.ManagedLocalsThread, a thread that has it's thread locals, and * inheritable thread locals erased on construction. Except the run method, * it is identical to sun.misc.ManagedLocalsThread. */
public class SafeThread extends Thread { private static final jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe UNSAFE; private static final long THREAD_LOCALS; private static final long INHERITABLE_THREAD_LOCALS; private volatile boolean ran = false; public SafeThread(Runnable target) { super(target); eraseThreadLocals(); } public SafeThread(Runnable target, String name) { super(target, name); eraseThreadLocals(); } public SafeThread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target, String name) { super(group, target, name); eraseThreadLocals(); } public final void run() { if (Thread.currentThread() != this) { throw new IllegalStateException("The run() method in a" + " SafeThread cannot be called from another thread."); } synchronized (this) { if (!ran) { ran = true; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("The run() method in a" + " SafeThread cannot be called more than once."); } } super.run(); }
Drops all thread locals (and inherited thread locals).
/** * Drops all thread locals (and inherited thread locals). */
public final void eraseThreadLocals() { UNSAFE.putObject(this, THREAD_LOCALS, null); UNSAFE.putObject(this, INHERITABLE_THREAD_LOCALS, null); } static { UNSAFE = jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.getUnsafe(); Class<?> t = Thread.class; try { THREAD_LOCALS = UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset(t.getDeclaredField("threadLocals")); INHERITABLE_THREAD_LOCALS = UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset(t.getDeclaredField("inheritableThreadLocals")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Error(e); } } }