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 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
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package com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.addressing;

import com.sun.istack.internal.NotNull;
import com.sun.istack.internal.Nullable;
import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.buffer.MutableXMLStreamBuffer;
import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.buffer.XMLStreamBuffer;
import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.buffer.XMLStreamBufferResult;
import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.buffer.XMLStreamBufferSource;
import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.buffer.sax.SAXBufferProcessor;
import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.buffer.stax.StreamReaderBufferProcessor;
import com.sun.xml.internal.stream.buffer.stax.StreamWriterBufferCreator;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.addressing.EndpointReferenceUtil;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.addressing.W3CAddressingMetadataConstants;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.addressing.WSEPRExtension;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.addressing.model.InvalidAddressingHeaderException;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.addressing.v200408.MemberSubmissionAddressingConstants;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.message.Header;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.message.HeaderList;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.message.Message;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.message.MessageHeaders;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.streaming.XMLStreamReaderFactory;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.api.model.wsdl.WSDLExtension;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.resources.AddressingMessages;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.resources.ClientMessages;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.spi.ProviderImpl;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.streaming.XMLStreamReaderUtil;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.util.DOMUtil;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.util.xml.XMLStreamWriterFilter;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.util.xml.XmlUtil;
import com.sun.xml.internal.org.jvnet.staxex.util.XMLStreamReaderToXMLStreamWriter;
import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.wsdl.parser.WSDLConstants;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.xml.sax.*;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLFilterImpl;

import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamWriter;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource;
import javax.xml.ws.Dispatch;
import javax.xml.ws.EndpointReference;
import javax.xml.ws.Service;
import javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException;
import javax.xml.ws.WebServiceFeature;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.*;

Internal representation of the EPR.

Instances of this class are immutable and thread-safe.

Author:Kohsuke Kawaguchi, Rama Pulavarthi
See Also:
/** * Internal representation of the EPR. * * <p> * Instances of this class are immutable and thread-safe. * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi * @author Rama Pulavarthi * * @see AddressingVersion#anonymousEpr */
public final class WSEndpointReference implements WSDLExtension { private final XMLStreamBuffer infoset;
Version of the addressing spec.
/** * Version of the addressing spec. */
private final AddressingVersion version;
Marked Reference parameters inside this EPR. Parsed when the object is created. can be empty but never null.
See Also:
  • parse()
/** * Marked Reference parameters inside this EPR. * * Parsed when the object is created. can be empty but never null. * @see #parse() */
private @NotNull Header[] referenceParameters; private @NotNull String address; private @NotNull QName rootElement;
Creates from the spec version of EndpointReference.

This method performs the data conversion, so it's slow. Do not use this method in a performance critical path.

/** * Creates from the spec version of {@link EndpointReference}. * * <p> * This method performs the data conversion, so it's slow. * Do not use this method in a performance critical path. */
public WSEndpointReference(EndpointReference epr, AddressingVersion version) { try { MutableXMLStreamBuffer xsb = new MutableXMLStreamBuffer(); epr.writeTo(new XMLStreamBufferResult(xsb)); this.infoset = xsb; this.version = version; this.rootElement = new QName("EndpointReference", version.nsUri); parse(); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new WebServiceException(ClientMessages.FAILED_TO_PARSE_EPR(epr),e); } }
Creates from the spec version of EndpointReference.

This method performs the data conversion, so it's slow. Do not use this method in a performance critical path.

/** * Creates from the spec version of {@link EndpointReference}. * * <p> * This method performs the data conversion, so it's slow. * Do not use this method in a performance critical path. */
public WSEndpointReference(EndpointReference epr) { this(epr,AddressingVersion.fromSpecClass(epr.getClass())); }
Creates a WSEndpointReference that wraps a given infoset.
/** * Creates a {@link WSEndpointReference} that wraps a given infoset. */
public WSEndpointReference(XMLStreamBuffer infoset, AddressingVersion version) { try { this.infoset = infoset; this.version = version; this.rootElement = new QName("EndpointReference", version.nsUri); parse(); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { // this can never happen because XMLStreamBuffer never has underlying I/O error. throw new AssertionError(e); } }
Creates a WSEndpointReference by parsing an infoset.
/** * Creates a {@link WSEndpointReference} by parsing an infoset. */
public WSEndpointReference(InputStream infoset, AddressingVersion version) throws XMLStreamException { this(XMLStreamReaderFactory.create(null,infoset,false),version); }
Creates a WSEndpointReference from the given infoset. The XMLStreamReader must point to either a document or an element.
/** * Creates a {@link WSEndpointReference} from the given infoset. * The {@link XMLStreamReader} must point to either a document or an element. */
public WSEndpointReference(XMLStreamReader in, AddressingVersion version) throws XMLStreamException { this(XMLStreamBuffer.createNewBufferFromXMLStreamReader(in), version); }
See Also:
  • WSEndpointReference(String, AddressingVersion)
/** * @see #WSEndpointReference(String, AddressingVersion) */
public WSEndpointReference(URL address, AddressingVersion version) { this(address.toExternalForm(), version); }
See Also:
  • WSEndpointReference(String, AddressingVersion)
/** * @see #WSEndpointReference(String, AddressingVersion) */
public WSEndpointReference(URI address, AddressingVersion version) { this(address.toString(), version); }
Creates a WSEndpointReference that only has an address.
/** * Creates a {@link WSEndpointReference} that only has an address. */
public WSEndpointReference(String address, AddressingVersion version) { this.infoset = createBufferFromAddress(address,version); this.version = version; this.address = address; this.rootElement = new QName("EndpointReference", version.nsUri); this.referenceParameters = EMPTY_ARRAY; } private static XMLStreamBuffer createBufferFromAddress(String address, AddressingVersion version) { try { MutableXMLStreamBuffer xsb = new MutableXMLStreamBuffer(); StreamWriterBufferCreator w = new StreamWriterBufferCreator(xsb); w.writeStartDocument(); w.writeStartElement(version.getPrefix(), "EndpointReference", version.nsUri); w.writeNamespace(version.getPrefix(), version.nsUri); w.writeStartElement(version.getPrefix(),version.eprType.address, version.nsUri); w.writeCharacters(address); w.writeEndElement(); w.writeEndElement(); w.writeEndDocument(); w.close(); return xsb; } catch (XMLStreamException e) { // can never happen because we are writing to XSB throw new AssertionError(e); } }
Creates an EPR from individual components.

This version takes various information about metadata, and creates an EPR that has the necessary embedded WSDL.

/** * Creates an EPR from individual components. * * <p> * This version takes various information about metadata, and creates an EPR that has * the necessary embedded WSDL. */
public WSEndpointReference(@NotNull AddressingVersion version, @NotNull String address, @Nullable QName service, @Nullable QName port, @Nullable QName portType, @Nullable List<Element> metadata, @Nullable String wsdlAddress, @Nullable List<Element> referenceParameters) { this(version, address, service, port, portType, metadata, wsdlAddress, null, referenceParameters, null, null); }
Creates an EPR from individual components.

This version takes various information about metadata, and creates an EPR that has the necessary embedded WSDL.

/** * Creates an EPR from individual components. * * <p> * This version takes various information about metadata, and creates an EPR that has * the necessary embedded WSDL. */
public WSEndpointReference(@NotNull AddressingVersion version, @NotNull String address, @Nullable QName service, @Nullable QName port, @Nullable QName portType, @Nullable List<Element> metadata, @Nullable String wsdlAddress, @Nullable List<Element> referenceParameters, @Nullable Collection<EPRExtension> extns,@Nullable Map<QName, String> attributes) { this(createBufferFromData(version, address, referenceParameters, service, port, portType, metadata, wsdlAddress, null, extns, attributes), version ); }
Creates an EPR from individual components.

This version takes various information about metadata, and creates an EPR that has the necessary embedded WSDL.

Since:JAX-WS 2.2
/** * Creates an EPR from individual components. * * <p> * This version takes various information about metadata, and creates an EPR that has * the necessary embedded WSDL. * @since JAX-WS 2.2 */
public WSEndpointReference(@NotNull AddressingVersion version, @NotNull String address, @Nullable QName service, @Nullable QName port, @Nullable QName portType, @Nullable List<Element> metadata, @Nullable String wsdlAddress, @Nullable String wsdlTargetNamepsace, @Nullable List<Element> referenceParameters, @Nullable List<Element> elements, @Nullable Map<QName, String> attributes) { this( createBufferFromData(version, address, referenceParameters, service, port, portType, metadata, wsdlAddress,wsdlTargetNamepsace, elements, attributes), version ); } private static XMLStreamBuffer createBufferFromData(AddressingVersion version, String address, List<Element> referenceParameters, QName service, QName port, QName portType, List<Element> metadata, String wsdlAddress, String wsdlTargetNamespace, @Nullable List<Element> elements, @Nullable Map<QName, String> attributes) { StreamWriterBufferCreator writer = new StreamWriterBufferCreator(); try { writer.writeStartDocument(); writer.writeStartElement(version.getPrefix(),"EndpointReference", version.nsUri); writer.writeNamespace(version.getPrefix(),version.nsUri); writePartialEPRInfoset(writer, version, address, referenceParameters, service, port, portType, metadata,wsdlAddress, wsdlTargetNamespace, attributes); //write extensibility elements in the EPR element if (elements != null) { for (Element e : elements) { DOMUtil.serializeNode(e, writer); } } writer.writeEndElement(); writer.writeEndDocument(); writer.flush(); return writer.getXMLStreamBuffer(); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new WebServiceException(e); } } private static XMLStreamBuffer createBufferFromData(AddressingVersion version, String address, List<Element> referenceParameters, QName service, QName port, QName portType, List<Element> metadata, String wsdlAddress, String wsdlTargetNamespace, @Nullable Collection<EPRExtension> extns, @Nullable Map<QName, String> attributes) { StreamWriterBufferCreator writer = new StreamWriterBufferCreator(); try { writer.writeStartDocument(); writer.writeStartElement(version.getPrefix(),"EndpointReference", version.nsUri); writer.writeNamespace(version.getPrefix(),version.nsUri); writePartialEPRInfoset(writer, version, address, referenceParameters, service, port, portType, metadata,wsdlAddress, wsdlTargetNamespace, attributes); //write extensibility elements in the EPR element if (extns != null) { for (EPRExtension e : extns) { XMLStreamReaderToXMLStreamWriter c = new XMLStreamReaderToXMLStreamWriter(); XMLStreamReader r = e.readAsXMLStreamReader(); c.bridge(r, writer); XMLStreamReaderFactory.recycle(r); } } writer.writeEndElement(); writer.writeEndDocument(); writer.flush(); return writer.getXMLStreamBuffer(); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new WebServiceException(e); } } private static void writePartialEPRInfoset(StreamWriterBufferCreator writer, AddressingVersion version, String address, List<Element> referenceParameters, QName service, QName port, QName portType, List<Element> metadata, String wsdlAddress, String wsdlTargetNamespace, @Nullable Map<QName, String> attributes) throws XMLStreamException { //add extensibile attributes on the EPR element if (attributes != null) { for (Map.Entry<QName, String> entry : attributes.entrySet()) { QName qname = entry.getKey(); writer.writeAttribute(qname.getPrefix(), qname.getNamespaceURI(), qname.getLocalPart(), entry.getValue()); } } writer.writeStartElement(version.getPrefix(), version.eprType.address, version.nsUri); writer.writeCharacters(address); writer.writeEndElement(); //When the size of ReferenceParametes is zero, the ReferenceParametes element will not be written. if(referenceParameters != null && referenceParameters.size() > 0) { writer.writeStartElement(version.getPrefix(), version.eprType.referenceParameters, version.nsUri); for (Element e : referenceParameters) { DOMUtil.serializeNode(e, writer); } writer.writeEndElement(); } switch (version) { case W3C: writeW3CMetaData(writer, service, port, portType, metadata, wsdlAddress, wsdlTargetNamespace); break; case MEMBER: writeMSMetaData(writer, service, port, portType, metadata); if (wsdlAddress != null) { //Inline the wsdl as extensibility element //Write mex:Metadata wrapper writer.writeStartElement(MemberSubmissionAddressingConstants.MEX_METADATA.getPrefix(), MemberSubmissionAddressingConstants.MEX_METADATA.getLocalPart(), MemberSubmissionAddressingConstants.MEX_METADATA.getNamespaceURI()); writer.writeStartElement(MemberSubmissionAddressingConstants.MEX_METADATA_SECTION.getPrefix(), MemberSubmissionAddressingConstants.MEX_METADATA_SECTION.getLocalPart(), MemberSubmissionAddressingConstants.MEX_METADATA_SECTION.getNamespaceURI()); writer.writeAttribute(MemberSubmissionAddressingConstants.MEX_METADATA_DIALECT_ATTRIBUTE, MemberSubmissionAddressingConstants.MEX_METADATA_DIALECT_VALUE); writeWsdl(writer, service, wsdlAddress); writer.writeEndElement(); writer.writeEndElement(); } break; } } private static boolean isEmty(QName qname) { return qname == null || qname.toString().trim().length()== 0; } private static void writeW3CMetaData(StreamWriterBufferCreator writer, QName service, QName port, QName portType, List<Element> metadata, String wsdlAddress, String wsdlTargetNamespace) throws XMLStreamException { //.NET treate empty metaData element as bad request. if (isEmty(service) && isEmty(port) && isEmty(portType) && metadata == null/* && wsdlAddress == null*/) { return; } writer.writeStartElement(AddressingVersion.W3C.getPrefix(), AddressingVersion.W3C.eprType.wsdlMetadata.getLocalPart(), AddressingVersion.W3C.nsUri); writer.writeNamespace(AddressingVersion.W3C.getWsdlPrefix(), AddressingVersion.W3C.wsdlNsUri); //write wsdliLication as defined in WS-Addressing 1.0 Metadata spec if(wsdlAddress != null) { writeWsdliLocation(writer, service, wsdlAddress, wsdlTargetNamespace); } //Write Interface info if (portType != null) { writer.writeStartElement(W3CAddressingMetadataConstants.WSAM_PREFIX_NAME, AddressingVersion.W3C.eprType.portTypeName, W3CAddressingMetadataConstants.WSAM_NAMESPACE_NAME); writer.writeNamespace(W3CAddressingMetadataConstants.WSAM_PREFIX_NAME, W3CAddressingMetadataConstants.WSAM_NAMESPACE_NAME); String portTypePrefix = portType.getPrefix(); if (portTypePrefix == null || portTypePrefix.equals("")) { //TODO check prefix again portTypePrefix = "wsns"; } writer.writeNamespace(portTypePrefix, portType.getNamespaceURI()); writer.writeCharacters(portTypePrefix + ":" + portType.getLocalPart()); writer.writeEndElement(); } if (service != null) { //Write service and Port info if (!(service.getNamespaceURI().equals("") || service.getLocalPart().equals(""))) { writer.writeStartElement(W3CAddressingMetadataConstants.WSAM_PREFIX_NAME, AddressingVersion.W3C.eprType.serviceName, W3CAddressingMetadataConstants.WSAM_NAMESPACE_NAME); writer.writeNamespace(W3CAddressingMetadataConstants.WSAM_PREFIX_NAME, W3CAddressingMetadataConstants.WSAM_NAMESPACE_NAME); String servicePrefix = service.getPrefix(); if (servicePrefix == null || servicePrefix.equals("")) { //TODO check prefix again servicePrefix = "wsns"; } writer.writeNamespace(servicePrefix, service.getNamespaceURI()); if (port != null) { writer.writeAttribute(AddressingVersion.W3C.eprType.portName, port.getLocalPart()); } writer.writeCharacters(servicePrefix + ":" + service.getLocalPart()); writer.writeEndElement(); } } /* //Inline the wsdl if (wsdlAddress != null) { writeWsdl(writer, service, wsdlAddress); } */ //Add the extra metadata Elements if (metadata != null) { for (Element e : metadata) { DOMUtil.serializeNode(e, writer); } } writer.writeEndElement(); }
  • writer – the writer should be at the start of element.
  • service – Namespace URI of servcie is used as targetNamespace of wsdl if wsdlTargetNamespace is not null
  • wsdlAddress – wsdl location
  • wsdlTargetNamespace – targetnamespace of wsdl to be put in wsdliLocation
/** * @param writer the writer should be at the start of element. * @param service Namespace URI of servcie is used as targetNamespace of wsdl if wsdlTargetNamespace is not null * @param wsdlAddress wsdl location * @param wsdlTargetNamespace targetnamespace of wsdl to be put in wsdliLocation * */
private static void writeWsdliLocation(StreamWriterBufferCreator writer, QName service,String wsdlAddress,String wsdlTargetNamespace) throws XMLStreamException { String wsdliLocation = ""; if(wsdlTargetNamespace != null) { wsdliLocation = wsdlTargetNamespace + " "; } else if (service != null) { wsdliLocation = service.getNamespaceURI() + " "; } else { throw new WebServiceException("WSDL target Namespace cannot be resolved"); } wsdliLocation += wsdlAddress; writer.writeNamespace(W3CAddressingMetadataConstants.WSAM_WSDLI_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX, W3CAddressingMetadataConstants.WSAM_WSDLI_ATTRIBUTE_NAMESPACE); writer.writeAttribute(W3CAddressingMetadataConstants.WSAM_WSDLI_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX, W3CAddressingMetadataConstants.WSAM_WSDLI_ATTRIBUTE_NAMESPACE, W3CAddressingMetadataConstants.WSAM_WSDLI_ATTRIBUTE_LOCALNAME, wsdliLocation); } private static void writeMSMetaData(StreamWriterBufferCreator writer, QName service, QName port, QName portType, List<Element> metadata) throws XMLStreamException { // TODO: write ReferenceProperties //TODO: write ReferenceParameters if (portType != null) { //Write Interface info writer.writeStartElement(AddressingVersion.MEMBER.getPrefix(), AddressingVersion.MEMBER.eprType.portTypeName, AddressingVersion.MEMBER.nsUri); String portTypePrefix = portType.getPrefix(); if (portTypePrefix == null || portTypePrefix.equals("")) { //TODO check prefix again portTypePrefix = "wsns"; } writer.writeNamespace(portTypePrefix, portType.getNamespaceURI()); writer.writeCharacters(portTypePrefix + ":" + portType.getLocalPart()); writer.writeEndElement(); } //Write service and Port info if (service != null) { if (!(service.getNamespaceURI().equals("") || service.getLocalPart().equals(""))) { writer.writeStartElement(AddressingVersion.MEMBER.getPrefix(), AddressingVersion.MEMBER.eprType.serviceName, AddressingVersion.MEMBER.nsUri); String servicePrefix = service.getPrefix(); if (servicePrefix == null || servicePrefix.equals("")) { //TODO check prefix again servicePrefix = "wsns"; } writer.writeNamespace(servicePrefix, service.getNamespaceURI()); if (port != null) { writer.writeAttribute(AddressingVersion.MEMBER.eprType.portName, port.getLocalPart()); } writer.writeCharacters(servicePrefix + ":" + service.getLocalPart()); writer.writeEndElement(); } } } private static void writeWsdl(StreamWriterBufferCreator writer, QName service, String wsdlAddress) throws XMLStreamException { // Inline-wsdl writer.writeStartElement(WSDLConstants.PREFIX_NS_WSDL, WSDLConstants.QNAME_DEFINITIONS.getLocalPart(), WSDLConstants.NS_WSDL); writer.writeNamespace(WSDLConstants.PREFIX_NS_WSDL, WSDLConstants.NS_WSDL); writer.writeStartElement(WSDLConstants.PREFIX_NS_WSDL, WSDLConstants.QNAME_IMPORT.getLocalPart(), WSDLConstants.NS_WSDL); writer.writeAttribute("namespace", service.getNamespaceURI()); writer.writeAttribute("location", wsdlAddress); writer.writeEndElement(); writer.writeEndElement(); }
Converts from EndpointReference. This handles null EndpointReference correctly. Call WSEndpointReference(EndpointReference) directly if you know it's not null.
/** * Converts from {@link EndpointReference}. * * This handles null {@link EndpointReference} correctly. * Call {@link #WSEndpointReference(EndpointReference)} directly * if you know it's not null. */
public static @Nullable WSEndpointReference create(@Nullable EndpointReference epr) { if (epr != null) { return new WSEndpointReference(epr); } else { return null; } }
See Also:
  • createWithAddress(String)
/** * @see #createWithAddress(String) */
public @NotNull WSEndpointReference createWithAddress(@NotNull URI newAddress) { return createWithAddress(newAddress.toString()); }
See Also:
  • createWithAddress(String)
/** * @see #createWithAddress(String) */
public @NotNull WSEndpointReference createWithAddress(@NotNull URL newAddress) { return createWithAddress(newAddress.toString()); }
Creates a new WSEndpointReference by replacing the address of this EPR to the new one.

The following example shows how you can use this to force an HTTPS EPR, when the endpoint can serve both HTTP and HTTPS requests.

  epr = epr.createWithAddress("https:"+epr.getAddress().substring(5));
  • newAddress – This is a complete URL to be written inside <Adress> element of the EPR, such as "http://foo.bar/abc/def"
/** * Creates a new {@link WSEndpointReference} by replacing the address of this EPR * to the new one. * * <p> * The following example shows how you can use this to force an HTTPS EPR, * when the endpoint can serve both HTTP and HTTPS requests. * <pre> * if(epr.getAddress().startsWith("http:")) * epr = epr.createWithAddress("https:"+epr.getAddress().substring(5)); * </pre> * * @param newAddress * This is a complete URL to be written inside &lt;Adress> element of the EPR, * such as "http://foo.bar/abc/def" */
public @NotNull WSEndpointReference createWithAddress(@NotNull final String newAddress) { MutableXMLStreamBuffer xsb = new MutableXMLStreamBuffer(); XMLFilterImpl filter = new XMLFilterImpl() { private boolean inAddress = false; @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException { if (localName.equals("Address") && uri.equals(version.nsUri)) { inAddress = true; } super.startElement(uri,localName,qName,atts); } @Override public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) throws SAXException { if (!inAddress) { super.characters(ch, start, length); } } @Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { if (inAddress) { super.characters(newAddress.toCharArray(),0,newAddress.length()); } inAddress = false; super.endElement(uri, localName, qName); } }; filter.setContentHandler(xsb.createFromSAXBufferCreator()); try { infoset.writeTo(filter,false); } catch (SAXException e) { throw new AssertionError(e); // impossible since we are writing from XSB to XSB. } return new WSEndpointReference(xsb,version); }
Convert the EPR to the spec version. The actual type of EndpointReference to be returned depends on which version of the addressing spec this EPR conforms to.
  • WebServiceException – if the conversion fails, which can happen if the EPR contains invalid infoset (wrong namespace URI, etc.)
/** * Convert the EPR to the spec version. The actual type of * {@link EndpointReference} to be returned depends on which version * of the addressing spec this EPR conforms to. * * @throws WebServiceException * if the conversion fails, which can happen if the EPR contains * invalid infoset (wrong namespace URI, etc.) */
public @NotNull EndpointReference toSpec() { return ProviderImpl.INSTANCE.readEndpointReference(asSource("EndpointReference")); }
Converts the EPR to the specified spec version. If the the addressing version in use and the given class is different, then this may involve version conversion.
/** * Converts the EPR to the specified spec version. * * If the {@link #getVersion() the addressing version in use} and * the given class is different, then this may involve version conversion. */
public @NotNull <T extends EndpointReference> T toSpec(Class<T> clazz) { return EndpointReferenceUtil.transform(clazz,toSpec()); }
Creates a proxy that can be used to talk to this EPR.

All the normal WS-Addressing processing happens automatically, such as setting the endpoint address to the address, and sending the reference parameters associated with this EPR as headers, etc.

/** * Creates a proxy that can be used to talk to this EPR. * * <p> * All the normal WS-Addressing processing happens automatically, * such as setting the endpoint address to {@link #getAddress() the address}, * and sending the reference parameters associated with this EPR as * headers, etc. */
public @NotNull <T> T getPort(@NotNull Service jaxwsService, @NotNull Class<T> serviceEndpointInterface, WebServiceFeature... features) { // TODO: implement it in a better way return jaxwsService.getPort(toSpec(),serviceEndpointInterface,features); }
Creates a Dispatch that can be used to talk to this EPR.

All the normal WS-Addressing processing happens automatically, such as setting the endpoint address to the address, and sending the reference parameters associated with this EPR as headers, etc.

/** * Creates a {@link Dispatch} that can be used to talk to this EPR. * * <p> * All the normal WS-Addressing processing happens automatically, * such as setting the endpoint address to {@link #getAddress() the address}, * and sending the reference parameters associated with this EPR as * headers, etc. */
public @NotNull <T> Dispatch<T> createDispatch( @NotNull Service jaxwsService, @NotNull Class<T> type, @NotNull Service.Mode mode, WebServiceFeature... features) { // TODO: implement it in a better way return jaxwsService.createDispatch(toSpec(),type,mode,features); }
Creates a Dispatch that can be used to talk to this EPR.

All the normal WS-Addressing processing happens automatically, such as setting the endpoint address to the address, and sending the reference parameters associated with this EPR as headers, etc.

/** * Creates a {@link Dispatch} that can be used to talk to this EPR. * * <p> * All the normal WS-Addressing processing happens automatically, * such as setting the endpoint address to {@link #getAddress() the address}, * and sending the reference parameters associated with this EPR as * headers, etc. */
public @NotNull Dispatch<Object> createDispatch( @NotNull Service jaxwsService, @NotNull JAXBContext context, @NotNull Service.Mode mode, WebServiceFeature... features) { // TODO: implement it in a better way return jaxwsService.createDispatch(toSpec(),context,mode,features); }
Gets the addressing version of this EPR.
/** * Gets the addressing version of this EPR. */
public @NotNull AddressingVersion getVersion() { return version; }
The value of the <wsa:address> header.
/** * The value of the &lt;wsa:address> header. */
public @NotNull String getAddress() { return address; }
Returns true if this has anonymous URI as the address.
/** * Returns true if this has anonymous URI as the {@link #getAddress() address}. */
public boolean isAnonymous() { return address.equals(version.anonymousUri); }
Returns true if this has none URI as the address.
/** * Returns true if this has {@link AddressingVersion#noneUri none URI} * as the {@link #getAddress() address}. */
public boolean isNone() { return address.equals(version.noneUri); }
Parses inside EPR and mark all reference parameters.
/** * Parses inside EPR and mark all reference parameters. */
private void parse() throws XMLStreamException { // TODO: validate the EPR structure. // check for non-existent Address, that sort of things. StreamReaderBufferProcessor xsr = infoset.readAsXMLStreamReader(); // parser should be either at the start element or the start document if (xsr.getEventType()==XMLStreamReader.START_DOCUMENT) { xsr.nextTag(); } assert xsr.getEventType()==XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT; String rootLocalName = xsr.getLocalName(); if(!xsr.getNamespaceURI().equals(version.nsUri)) { throw new WebServiceException(AddressingMessages.WRONG_ADDRESSING_VERSION( version.nsUri, xsr.getNamespaceURI())); } this.rootElement = new QName(xsr.getNamespaceURI(), rootLocalName); // since often EPR doesn't have a reference parameter, create array lazily List<Header> marks=null; while(xsr.nextTag()==XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT) { String localName = xsr.getLocalName(); if(version.isReferenceParameter(localName)) { XMLStreamBuffer mark; while((mark = xsr.nextTagAndMark())!=null) { if (marks==null) { marks = new ArrayList<Header>(); } // TODO: need a different header for member submission version marks.add(version.createReferenceParameterHeader( mark, xsr.getNamespaceURI(), xsr.getLocalName())); XMLStreamReaderUtil.skipElement(xsr); } } else if(localName.equals("Address")) { if (address!=null) { throw new InvalidAddressingHeaderException(new QName(version.nsUri,rootLocalName),AddressingVersion.fault_duplicateAddressInEpr); } address = xsr.getElementText().trim(); } else { XMLStreamReaderUtil.skipElement(xsr); } } // hit to </EndpointReference> by now if (marks==null) { this.referenceParameters = EMPTY_ARRAY; } else { this.referenceParameters = marks.toArray(new Header[marks.size()]); } if (address==null) { throw new InvalidAddressingHeaderException(new QName(version.nsUri,rootLocalName),version.fault_missingAddressInEpr); } }
Reads this EPR as XMLStreamReader.
  • localName – EPR uses a different root tag name depending on the context. The returned XMLStreamReader will use the given local name for the root element name.
/** * Reads this EPR as {@link XMLStreamReader}. * * @param localName * EPR uses a different root tag name depending on the context. * The returned {@link XMLStreamReader} will use the given local name * for the root element name. */
public XMLStreamReader read(final @NotNull String localName) throws XMLStreamException { return new StreamReaderBufferProcessor(infoset) { @Override protected void processElement(String prefix, String uri, String _localName, boolean inScope) { if (_depth == 0) { _localName = localName; } super.processElement(prefix, uri, _localName, isInscope(infoset,_depth)); } }; } private boolean isInscope(XMLStreamBuffer buffer, int depth) { return buffer.getInscopeNamespaces().size() > 0 && depth ==0; }
Returns a Source that represents this EPR.
  • localName – EPR uses a different root tag name depending on the context. The returned Source will use the given local name for the root element name.
/** * Returns a {@link Source} that represents this EPR. * * @param localName * EPR uses a different root tag name depending on the context. * The returned {@link Source} will use the given local name * for the root element name. */
public Source asSource(@NotNull String localName) { return new SAXSource(new SAXBufferProcessorImpl(localName),new InputSource()); }
Writes this EPR to the given ContentHandler.
  • localName – EPR uses a different root tag name depending on the context. The returned Source will use the given local name for the root element name.
  • fragment – If true, generate a fragment SAX events without start/endDocument callbacks. If false, generate a full XML document event.
/** * Writes this EPR to the given {@link ContentHandler}. * * @param localName * EPR uses a different root tag name depending on the context. * The returned {@link Source} will use the given local name * for the root element name. * @param fragment * If true, generate a fragment SAX events without start/endDocument callbacks. * If false, generate a full XML document event. */
public void writeTo(@NotNull String localName, ContentHandler contentHandler, ErrorHandler errorHandler, boolean fragment) throws SAXException { SAXBufferProcessorImpl p = new SAXBufferProcessorImpl(localName); p.setContentHandler(contentHandler); p.setErrorHandler(errorHandler); p.process(infoset,fragment); }
Writes this EPR into the given writer.
  • localName – EPR uses a different root tag name depending on the context. The returned Source will use the given local name
/** * Writes this EPR into the given writer. * * @param localName * EPR uses a different root tag name depending on the context. * The returned {@link Source} will use the given local name */
public void writeTo(final @NotNull String localName, @NotNull XMLStreamWriter w) throws XMLStreamException { infoset.writeToXMLStreamWriter(new XMLStreamWriterFilter(w) { private boolean root=true; @Override public void writeStartDocument() throws XMLStreamException { } @Override public void writeStartDocument(String encoding, String version) throws XMLStreamException { } @Override public void writeStartDocument(String version) throws XMLStreamException { } @Override public void writeEndDocument() throws XMLStreamException { } private String override(String ln) { if(root) { root = false; return localName; } return ln; } @Override public void writeStartElement(String localName) throws XMLStreamException { super.writeStartElement(override(localName)); } @Override public void writeStartElement(String namespaceURI, String localName) throws XMLStreamException { super.writeStartElement(namespaceURI, override(localName)); } @Override public void writeStartElement(String prefix, String localName, String namespaceURI) throws XMLStreamException { super.writeStartElement(prefix, override(localName), namespaceURI); } },true/*write as fragment*/); }
Returns a Header that wraps this WSEndpointReference.

The returned header is immutable too, and can be reused with many Messages.

  • rootTagName – The header tag name to be used, such as <ReplyTo> or <FaultTo>. (It's bit ugly that this method takes QName and not just local name, unlike other methods. If it's making the caller's life miserable, then we can talk.)
/** * Returns a {@link Header} that wraps this {@link WSEndpointReference}. * * <p> * The returned header is immutable too, and can be reused with * many {@link Message}s. * * @param rootTagName * The header tag name to be used, such as &lt;ReplyTo> or &lt;FaultTo>. * (It's bit ugly that this method takes {@link QName} and not just local name, * unlike other methods. If it's making the caller's life miserable, then * we can talk.) */
public Header createHeader(QName rootTagName) { return new EPRHeader(rootTagName,this); }
Copies all the reference parameters in this EPR as headers to the given HeaderList.
Deprecated:- use addReferenceParametersToList(MessageHeaders)
/** * Copies all the reference parameters in this EPR as headers * to the given {@link HeaderList}. * @deprecated - use addReferenceParametersToList(MessageHeaders) */
@SuppressWarnings("ManualArrayToCollectionCopy") public void addReferenceParametersToList(HeaderList outbound) { // implemented through iteration because of unsupportedoperation exception thrown from addAll method on headerlist // do not change for (Header header : referenceParameters) { outbound.add(header); } }
Copies all the reference parameters in this EPR as headers to the given MessageHeaders.
/** * Copies all the reference parameters in this EPR as headers * to the given {@link MessageHeaders}. */
public void addReferenceParametersToList(MessageHeaders outbound) { for (Header header : referenceParameters) { outbound.add(header); } }
Copies all the reference parameters from the given HeaderList to this EPR
/** * Copies all the reference parameters from the given {@link HeaderList} * to this EPR */
public void addReferenceParameters(HeaderList headers) { if (headers != null) { Header[] hs = new Header[referenceParameters.length + headers.size()]; System.arraycopy(referenceParameters, 0, hs, 0, referenceParameters.length); int i = referenceParameters.length; for (Header h : headers) { hs[i++] = h; } referenceParameters = hs; } }
Dumps the EPR infoset in a human-readable string.
/** * Dumps the EPR infoset in a human-readable string. */
@Override public String toString() { try { // debug convenience StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); XmlUtil.newTransformer().transform(asSource("EndpointReference"),new StreamResult(sw)); return sw.toString(); } catch (TransformerException e) { return e.toString(); } }
Gets the QName of the EndpointReference element.
/** * Gets the QName of the EndpointReference element. * @return */
@Override public QName getName() { return rootElement; }
Filtering SAXBufferProcessor that replaces the root tag name.
/** * Filtering {@link SAXBufferProcessor} that replaces the root tag name. */
class SAXBufferProcessorImpl extends SAXBufferProcessor { private final String rootLocalName; private boolean root=true; public SAXBufferProcessorImpl(String rootLocalName) { super(infoset,false); this.rootLocalName = rootLocalName; } @Override protected void processElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, boolean inscope) throws SAXException { if(root) { root = false; if(qName.equals(localName)) { qName = localName = rootLocalName; } else { localName = rootLocalName; int idx = qName.indexOf(':'); qName = qName.substring(0,idx+1)+rootLocalName; } } super.processElement(uri, localName, qName, inscope); } } private static final OutboundReferenceParameterHeader[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new OutboundReferenceParameterHeader[0]; private Map<QName, EPRExtension> rootEprExtensions;
Represents an extensibility element inside an EndpointReference
/** * Represents an extensibility element inside an EndpointReference */
public static abstract class EPRExtension { public abstract XMLStreamReader readAsXMLStreamReader() throws XMLStreamException; public abstract QName getQName(); }
Returns the first extensibility element inside EPR root element with input QName.
/** * Returns the first extensibility element inside EPR root element with input QName. */
public @Nullable EPRExtension getEPRExtension(final QName extnQName) throws XMLStreamException { if (rootEprExtensions == null) { parseEPRExtensions(); } return rootEprExtensions.get(extnQName); } public @NotNull Collection<EPRExtension> getEPRExtensions() throws XMLStreamException { if (rootEprExtensions == null) { parseEPRExtensions(); } return rootEprExtensions.values(); } private void parseEPRExtensions() throws XMLStreamException { rootEprExtensions = new HashMap<QName, EPRExtension>(); StreamReaderBufferProcessor xsr = infoset.readAsXMLStreamReader(); // parser should be either at the start element or the start document if (xsr.getEventType() == XMLStreamReader.START_DOCUMENT) { xsr.nextTag(); } assert xsr.getEventType() == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT; if (!xsr.getNamespaceURI().equals(version.nsUri)) { throw new WebServiceException(AddressingMessages.WRONG_ADDRESSING_VERSION( version.nsUri, xsr.getNamespaceURI())); } // since often EPR doesn't have extensions, create array lazily XMLStreamBuffer mark; String localName; String ns; while ((mark = xsr.nextTagAndMark()) != null) { localName = xsr.getLocalName(); ns = xsr.getNamespaceURI(); if (version.nsUri.equals(ns)) { //EPR extensions do not use the same namespace of the Addressing Version. //Not an extension - SKIP XMLStreamReaderUtil.skipElement(xsr); } else { QName qn = new QName(ns, localName); rootEprExtensions.put(qn, new WSEPRExtension(mark,qn)); XMLStreamReaderUtil.skipElement(xsr); } } // hit to </EndpointReference> by now }
Parses the metadata inside this EPR and obtains it in a easy-to-process form.

See Metadata class for what's avaliable as "metadata".

/** * Parses the metadata inside this EPR and obtains it in a easy-to-process form. * * <p> * See {@link Metadata} class for what's avaliable as "metadata". */
public @NotNull Metadata getMetaData() { return new Metadata(); }
Parses the Metadata in an EPR and provides convenience methods to access the metadata.
/** * Parses the Metadata in an EPR and provides convenience methods to access * the metadata. * */
public class Metadata { private @Nullable QName serviceName; private @Nullable QName portName; private @Nullable QName portTypeName; //interfaceName private @Nullable Source wsdlSource; private @Nullable String wsdliLocation; public @Nullable QName getServiceName(){ return serviceName; } public @Nullable QName getPortName(){ return portName; } public @Nullable QName getPortTypeName(){ return portTypeName; } public @Nullable Source getWsdlSource(){ return wsdlSource; } public @Nullable String getWsdliLocation(){ return wsdliLocation; } private Metadata() { try { parseMetaData(); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new WebServiceException(e); } }
Parses the Metadata section of the EPR.
/** * Parses the Metadata section of the EPR. */
private void parseMetaData() throws XMLStreamException { StreamReaderBufferProcessor xsr = infoset.readAsXMLStreamReader(); // parser should be either at the start element or the start document if (xsr.getEventType() == XMLStreamReader.START_DOCUMENT) { xsr.nextTag(); } assert xsr.getEventType() == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT; String rootElement = xsr.getLocalName(); if (!xsr.getNamespaceURI().equals(version.nsUri)) { throw new WebServiceException(AddressingMessages.WRONG_ADDRESSING_VERSION( version.nsUri, xsr.getNamespaceURI())); } String localName; String ns; if (version == AddressingVersion.W3C) { do { //If the current element is metadata enclosure, look inside if (xsr.getLocalName().equals(version.eprType.wsdlMetadata.getLocalPart())) { String wsdlLoc = xsr.getAttributeValue("http://www.w3.org/ns/wsdl-instance","wsdlLocation"); if (wsdlLoc != null) { wsdliLocation = wsdlLoc.trim(); } XMLStreamBuffer mark; while ((mark = xsr.nextTagAndMark()) != null) { localName = xsr.getLocalName(); ns = xsr.getNamespaceURI(); if (localName.equals(version.eprType.serviceName)) { String portStr = xsr.getAttributeValue(null, version.eprType.portName); if (serviceName != null) { throw new RuntimeException("More than one "+ version.eprType.serviceName +" element in EPR Metadata"); } serviceName = getElementTextAsQName(xsr); if (serviceName != null && portStr != null) { portName = new QName(serviceName.getNamespaceURI(), portStr); } } else if (localName.equals(version.eprType.portTypeName)) { if (portTypeName != null) { throw new RuntimeException("More than one "+ version.eprType.portTypeName +" element in EPR Metadata"); } portTypeName = getElementTextAsQName(xsr); } else if (ns.equals(WSDLConstants.NS_WSDL) && localName.equals(WSDLConstants.QNAME_DEFINITIONS.getLocalPart())) { wsdlSource = new XMLStreamBufferSource(mark); } else { XMLStreamReaderUtil.skipElement(xsr); } } } else { //Skip is it is not root element if (!xsr.getLocalName().equals(rootElement)) { XMLStreamReaderUtil.skipElement(xsr); } } } while (XMLStreamReaderUtil.nextElementContent(xsr) == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT); if(wsdliLocation != null) { String wsdlLocation = wsdliLocation.trim(); wsdlLocation = wsdlLocation.substring(wsdliLocation.lastIndexOf(" ")); wsdlSource = new StreamSource(wsdlLocation); } } else if (version == AddressingVersion.MEMBER) { do { localName = xsr.getLocalName(); ns = xsr.getNamespaceURI(); //If the current element is metadata enclosure, look inside if (localName.equals(version.eprType.wsdlMetadata.getLocalPart()) && ns.equals(version.eprType.wsdlMetadata.getNamespaceURI())) { while (xsr.nextTag() == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT) { XMLStreamBuffer mark; while ((mark = xsr.nextTagAndMark()) != null) { localName = xsr.getLocalName(); ns = xsr.getNamespaceURI(); if (ns.equals(WSDLConstants.NS_WSDL) && localName.equals(WSDLConstants.QNAME_DEFINITIONS.getLocalPart())) { wsdlSource = new XMLStreamBufferSource(mark); } else { XMLStreamReaderUtil.skipElement(xsr); } } } } else if (localName.equals(version.eprType.serviceName)) { String portStr = xsr.getAttributeValue(null, version.eprType.portName); serviceName = getElementTextAsQName(xsr); if (serviceName != null && portStr != null) { portName = new QName(serviceName.getNamespaceURI(), portStr); } } else if (localName.equals(version.eprType.portTypeName)) { portTypeName = getElementTextAsQName(xsr); } else { //Skip is it is not root element if (!xsr.getLocalName().equals(rootElement)) { XMLStreamReaderUtil.skipElement(xsr); } } } while (XMLStreamReaderUtil.nextElementContent(xsr) == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT); } } private QName getElementTextAsQName(StreamReaderBufferProcessor xsr) throws XMLStreamException { String text = xsr.getElementText().trim(); String prefix = XmlUtil.getPrefix(text); String name = XmlUtil.getLocalPart(text); if (name != null) { if (prefix != null) { String ns = xsr.getNamespaceURI(prefix); if (ns != null) { return new QName(ns, name, prefix); } } else { return new QName(null, name); } } return null; } } }