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package com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime;

import com.sun.istack.internal.FinalArrayList;
import com.sun.istack.internal.SAXException2;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;

import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
import java.io.IOException;

Receives SAX2 events and send the equivalent events to XMLSerializer
Author: Kohsuke Kawaguchi (kohsuke.kawaguchi@sun.com)
/** * Receives SAX2 events and send the equivalent events to * {@link XMLSerializer} * * @author * Kohsuke Kawaguchi (kohsuke.kawaguchi@sun.com) */
final class ContentHandlerAdaptor extends DefaultHandler {
Stores newly declared prefix-URI mapping.
/** Stores newly declared prefix-URI mapping. */
private final FinalArrayList<String> prefixMap = new FinalArrayList<String>();
Events will be sent to this object.
/** Events will be sent to this object. */
private final XMLSerializer serializer; private final StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer(); ContentHandlerAdaptor( XMLSerializer _serializer ) { this.serializer = _serializer; } public void startDocument() { prefixMap.clear(); } public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri) { prefixMap.add(prefix); prefixMap.add(uri); } private boolean containsPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri) { for( int i=0; i<prefixMap.size(); i+=2 ) { if(prefixMap.get(i).equals(prefix) && prefixMap.get(i+1).equals(uri)) return true; } return false; } public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException { try { flushText(); int len = atts.getLength(); String p = getPrefix(qName); // is this prefix going to be declared on this element? if(containsPrefixMapping(p,namespaceURI)) serializer.startElementForce(namespaceURI,localName,p,null); else serializer.startElement(namespaceURI,localName, p,null); // declare namespace events for (int i = 0; i < prefixMap.size(); i += 2) { // forcibly set this binding, instead of using declareNsUri. // this guarantees that namespaces used in DOM will show up // as-is in the marshalled output (instead of reassigned to something else, // which may happen if you'd use declareNsUri.) serializer.getNamespaceContext().force( prefixMap.get(i + 1), prefixMap.get(i)); } // make sure namespaces needed by attributes are bound for( int i=0; i<len; i++ ) { String qname = atts.getQName(i); if(qname.startsWith("xmlns") || atts.getURI(i).length() == 0) continue; String prefix = getPrefix(qname); serializer.getNamespaceContext().declareNamespace( atts.getURI(i), prefix, true ); } serializer.endNamespaceDecls(null); // fire attribute events for( int i=0; i<len; i++ ) { // be defensive. if(atts.getQName(i).startsWith("xmlns")) continue; serializer.attribute( atts.getURI(i), atts.getLocalName(i), atts.getValue(i)); } prefixMap.clear(); serializer.endAttributes(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SAXException2(e); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new SAXException2(e); } } private String getPrefix(String qname) { int idx = qname.indexOf(':'); String prefix = (idx == -1) ? "" : qname.substring(0, idx); return prefix; } public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { try { flushText(); serializer.endElement(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SAXException2(e); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new SAXException2(e); } } private void flushText() throws SAXException, IOException, XMLStreamException { if( text.length()!=0 ) { serializer.text(text.toString(),null); text.setLength(0); } } public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) { text.append(ch,start,length); } }