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package sun.management;

import java.lang.management.ThreadInfo;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import javax.management.openmbean.ArrayType;
import javax.management.openmbean.CompositeType;
import javax.management.openmbean.OpenDataException;
import javax.management.openmbean.OpenType;
import javax.management.openmbean.SimpleType;
import javax.management.openmbean.TabularType;
import static sun.management.Util.toStringArray;

Provides simplistic support for versioning of CompositeType instances based on the latest version and filtering out certain items.
/** * Provides simplistic support for versioning of {@linkplain CompositeType} instances * based on the latest version and filtering out certain items. */
final class TypeVersionMapper { private static final class Singleton { private final static TypeVersionMapper INSTANCE = new TypeVersionMapper(); } final static String V5 = "J2SE 5.0"; final static String V6 = "Java SE 6"; private final Map<String, Map<String, Predicate<String>>> filterMap; private TypeVersionMapper() { filterMap = new HashMap<>(); setupStackTraceElement(); setupThreadInfo(); } public static TypeVersionMapper getInstance() { return Singleton.INSTANCE; } private void setupStackTraceElement() { Map<String, Predicate<String>> filter = new HashMap<>(); filterMap.put(StackTraceElement.class.getName(), filter); filter.put(V5, StackTraceElementCompositeData::isV6Attribute); filter.put(V6, StackTraceElementCompositeData::isV6Attribute); } private void setupThreadInfo() { Map<String, Predicate<String>> filter = new HashMap<>(); filterMap.put(ThreadInfo.class.getName(), filter); filter.put(V5, ThreadInfoCompositeData::isV5Attribute); filter.put(V6, ThreadInfoCompositeData::isV6Attribute); }
Retrieves the specified version of a CompositeType instance.
  • type – The current (latest) version of CompositeType
  • version – The version identifier (eg. V5)
Returns:Returns the CompositeType corresponding to the requested version.
/** * Retrieves the specified version of a {@linkplain CompositeType} instance. * @param type The current (latest) version of {@linkplain CompositeType} * @param version The version identifier (eg. {@linkplain TypeVersionMapper#V5}) * @return Returns the {@linkplain CompositeType} corresponding to the requested * version. * @throws OpenDataException */
CompositeType getVersionedCompositeType(CompositeType type, String version) throws OpenDataException { Predicate<String> filter = getFilter(type.getTypeName(), version); if (filter == null) { return type; } List<String> itemNames = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> itemDesc = new ArrayList<>(); List<OpenType<?>> itemTypes = new ArrayList<>(); for(String item : type.keySet()) { if (filter.test(item)) { itemNames.add(item); itemDesc.add(type.getDescription(item)); itemTypes.add(getVersionedType( type.getType(item), version )); } } return new CompositeType( type.getTypeName(), version != null ? version + " " + type.getDescription() : type.getDescription(), itemNames.toArray(new String[itemNames.size()]), itemDesc.toArray(new String[itemDesc.size()]), itemTypes.toArray(new OpenType<?>[itemTypes.size()]) ); } private OpenType<?> getVersionedType(OpenType<?> type, String version) throws OpenDataException { if (type instanceof ArrayType) { return getVersionedArrayType((ArrayType)type, version); } if (type instanceof CompositeType) { return getVersionedCompositeType((CompositeType)type, version); } if (type instanceof TabularType) { return getVersionedTabularType((TabularType)type, version); } return type; } private ArrayType<?> getVersionedArrayType(ArrayType<?> type, String version) throws OpenDataException { if (type.isPrimitiveArray()) { return type; } OpenType<?> ot = getVersionedType( type.getElementOpenType(), version ); if (ot instanceof SimpleType) { return new ArrayType<>((SimpleType<?>)ot, type.isPrimitiveArray()); } else { return new ArrayType<>(type.getDimension(), ot); } } private TabularType getVersionedTabularType(TabularType type, String version) throws OpenDataException { CompositeType ct = getVersionedCompositeType( type.getRowType(), version ); if (ct != null) { return new TabularType( type.getTypeName(), type.getDescription(), ct, toStringArray(type.getIndexNames())); } return null; } private Predicate<String> getFilter(String type, String version) { Map<String, Predicate<String>> versionMap = filterMap.get(type); if (versionMap == null) { return null; } return versionMap.get(version); } }