 * Copyright (c) 1999, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.
 * COMPONENT_NAME: idl.parser
 * ORIGINS: 27
 * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
 * 5639-D57 (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1997, 1999
 * RMI-IIOP v1.0

package com.sun.tools.corba.se.idl;

// -capitalize and parseTypeModifier should probably be in the
//  generators package.
// -D58319<daz> Add version() method.
// -D62023<daz> Add absDelta() method to support float computations.

import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;

import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Vector;

import com.sun.tools.corba.se.idl.som.cff.FileLocator;

public class Util
  // <d58319>
Fetch the version number of this build of the IDL Parser Framework from the appropriate properties file.
Returns:the version number contained within the appropriate properties file, which indicates the build of this IDL Parser Framework.
/** * Fetch the version number of this build of the IDL Parser Framework * from the appropriate properties file. * @return the version number contained within the appropriate properties * file, which indicates the build of this IDL Parser Framework. **/
public static String getVersion () { return getVersion ("com/sun/tools/corba/se/idl/idl.prp"); } // getVersion
Fetch the version number of this build of the IDL Parser Framework. This method may be called before or after the framework has been initialized. If the framework is inititialized, the version information is extracted from the message properties object; otherwise, it is extracted from the indicated messages file.
Returns:the version number.
/** * Fetch the version number of this build of the IDL Parser Framework. * This method may be called before or after the framework has been * initialized. If the framework is inititialized, the version information * is extracted from the message properties object; otherwise, it is extracted * from the indicated messages file. * @return the version number. **/
public static String getVersion (String filename) { String version = ""; if (messages == null) // Use supplied file { Vector oldMsgFiles = msgFiles; if (filename == null || filename.equals ("")) filename = "com/sun/tools/corba/se/idl/idl.prp"; filename = filename.replace ('/', File.separatorChar); registerMessageFile (filename); version = getMessage ("Version.product", getMessage ("Version.number")); msgFiles = oldMsgFiles; messages = null; } else { version = getMessage ("Version.product", getMessage ("Version.number")); } return version; } // getVersion public static boolean isAttribute (String name, Hashtable symbolTable) { SymtabEntry entry = (SymtabEntry)symbolTable.get (name); return entry == null ? false : entry instanceof AttributeEntry; } // isAttribute public static boolean isConst (String name, Hashtable symbolTable) { SymtabEntry entry = (SymtabEntry)symbolTable.get (name); return entry == null ? false : entry instanceof ConstEntry; } // isConst public static boolean isEnum (String name, Hashtable symbolTable) { SymtabEntry entry = (SymtabEntry)symbolTable.get (name); return entry == null ? false : entry instanceof EnumEntry; } // isEnum public static boolean isException (String name, Hashtable symbolTable) { SymtabEntry entry = (SymtabEntry)symbolTable.get (name); return entry == null ? false : entry instanceof ExceptionEntry; } // isException public static boolean isInterface (String name, Hashtable symbolTable) { SymtabEntry entry = (SymtabEntry)symbolTable.get (name); return entry == null ? false : entry instanceof InterfaceEntry; } // isInterface public static boolean isMethod (String name, Hashtable symbolTable) { SymtabEntry entry = (SymtabEntry)symbolTable.get (name); return entry == null ? false : entry instanceof MethodEntry; } // isMethod public static boolean isModule (String name, Hashtable symbolTable) { SymtabEntry entry = (SymtabEntry)symbolTable.get (name); return entry == null ? false : entry instanceof ModuleEntry; } // isModule public static boolean isParameter (String name, Hashtable symbolTable) { SymtabEntry entry = (SymtabEntry)symbolTable.get (name); return entry == null ? false : entry instanceof ParameterEntry; } // isParameter public static boolean isPrimitive (String name, Hashtable symbolTable) { // Distinguish "string" because the name could be something like: // string(25 + 1) SymtabEntry entry = (SymtabEntry)symbolTable.get (name); if (entry == null) { // If it is null then it may be of the form string(<exp>). // Don't just check for string because the name "string" may // have been overridden. int parenIndex = name.indexOf ('('); if (parenIndex >= 0) entry = (SymtabEntry)symbolTable.get (name.substring (0, parenIndex)); } return entry == null ? false : entry instanceof PrimitiveEntry; } // isPrimitive public static boolean isSequence (String name, Hashtable symbolTable) { SymtabEntry entry = (SymtabEntry)symbolTable.get (name); return entry == null ? false : entry instanceof SequenceEntry; } // isSequence public static boolean isStruct (String name, Hashtable symbolTable) { SymtabEntry entry = (SymtabEntry)symbolTable.get (name); return entry == null ? false : entry instanceof StructEntry; } // isStruct public static boolean isString (String name, Hashtable symbolTable) { SymtabEntry entry = (SymtabEntry)symbolTable.get (name); return entry == null ? false : entry instanceof StringEntry; } // isString public static boolean isTypedef (String name, Hashtable symbolTable) { SymtabEntry entry = (SymtabEntry)symbolTable.get (name); return entry == null ? false : entry instanceof TypedefEntry; } // isTypedef public static boolean isUnion (String name, Hashtable symbolTable) { SymtabEntry entry = (SymtabEntry)symbolTable.get (name); return entry == null ? false : entry instanceof UnionEntry; } // isUnion ////////////// // Message-related methods public static String getMessage (String key) { if (messages == null) readMessages (); String message = messages.getProperty (key); if (message == null) message = getDefaultMessage (key); return message; } // getMessage public static String getMessage (String key, String fill) { if (messages == null) readMessages (); String message = messages.getProperty (key); if (message == null) message = getDefaultMessage (key); else { int index = message.indexOf ("%0"); if (index >= 0) message = message.substring (0, index) + fill + message.substring (index + 2); } return message; } // getMessage public static String getMessage (String key, String[] fill) { if (messages == null) readMessages (); String message = messages.getProperty (key); if (message == null) message = getDefaultMessage (key); else for (int i = 0; i < fill.length; ++i) { int index = message.indexOf ("%" + i); if (index >= 0) message = message.substring (0, index) + fill[i] + message.substring (index + 2); } return message; } // getMessage private static String getDefaultMessage (String keyNotFound) { String message = messages.getProperty (defaultKey); int index = message.indexOf ("%0"); if (index > 0) message = message.substring (0, index) + keyNotFound; return message; } // getDefaultMessage /* findFile is no longer used now that FileLocator has been provided by Larry Raper of the Shasta team. static File findFile (String name) throws FileNotFoundException { String classpath = System.getProperty ("java.class.path"); String separator = System.getProperty ("path.separator"); int end = -separator.length (); // so the first pass classpath == original classpath File file; do { classpath = classpath.substring (end + separator.length ()); end = classpath.indexOf (separator); if (end < 0) end = classpath.length (); file = new File (classpath.substring (0, end) + File.separator + "com" + File.separator + "ibm" + File.separator + "idl" + File.separator + name); } while (!file.exists () && end != classpath.length ()); if (!file.exists ()) throw new FileNotFoundException (); return file; } // findFile */ private static void readMessages () { messages = new Properties (); Enumeration fileList = msgFiles.elements (); DataInputStream stream; while (fileList.hasMoreElements ()) try { stream = FileLocator.locateLocaleSpecificFileInClassPath ((String)fileList.nextElement ()); messages.load (stream); } catch (IOException e) { } if (messages.size () == 0) messages.put (defaultKey, "Error reading Messages File."); } // readMessages
Register a message file. This file will be searched for in the CLASSPATH.
/** Register a message file. This file will be searched for in the CLASSPATH. */
public static void registerMessageFile (String filename) { if (filename != null) if (messages == null) msgFiles.addElement (filename); else try { DataInputStream stream = FileLocator.locateLocaleSpecificFileInClassPath (filename); messages.load (stream); } catch (IOException e) { } } // registerMessageFile private static Properties messages = null; private static String defaultKey = "default"; private static Vector msgFiles = new Vector (); static { msgFiles.addElement ("com/sun/tools/corba/se/idl/idl.prp"); } // Message-related methods /////////////// public static String capitalize (String lc) { String first = new String (lc.substring (0, 1)); first = first.toUpperCase (); return first + lc.substring (1); } // capitalize /////////////// // General file methods
Searches the current user directory and a list of directories for a given short file name and returns its absolute file specification.
See Also:
  • getAbsolutePath
Returns:Absolute file name of a given short filename
/** Searches the current user directory and a list of directories for a given short file name and returns its absolute file specification. @return Absolute file name of a given short filename @throws FileNotFoundException The file does not exist in the current user or specified directories. @see java.io.File.getAbsolutePath */
public static String getAbsolutePath (String filename, Vector includePaths) throws FileNotFoundException { String filepath = null; File file = new File (filename); if (file.canRead ()) filepath = file.getAbsolutePath (); else { String fullname = null; Enumeration pathList = includePaths.elements (); while (!file.canRead () && pathList.hasMoreElements ()) { fullname = (String)pathList.nextElement () + File.separatorChar + filename; file = new File (fullname); } if (file.canRead ()) filepath = file.getPath (); else throw new FileNotFoundException (filename); } return filepath; } // getAbsolutePath // General file methods /////////////// /////////////// // Numeric computations // <d62023>
Compute the absolute value of the difference between two floating-point numbers having single precision.
Returns:the absolute value of the difference between two floats.
/** * Compute the absolute value of the difference between two floating-point * numbers having single precision. * @return the absolute value of the difference between two floats. **/
public static float absDelta (float f1, float f2) { double delta = f1 - f2; return (float)((delta < 0) ? delta * -1.0 : delta); } // absDelta // Numeric computations /////////////// static RepositoryID emptyID = new RepositoryID (); } // class Util