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package sun.util.locale.provider;

import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo;
import sun.util.resources.LocaleData;
import sun.util.resources.OpenListResourceBundle;
import sun.util.resources.ParallelListResourceBundle;
import sun.util.resources.TimeZoneNamesBundle;

Central accessor to locale-dependent resources for JRE/CLDR provider adapters.
Author:Masayoshi Okutsu, Naoto Sato
/** * Central accessor to locale-dependent resources for JRE/CLDR provider adapters. * * @author Masayoshi Okutsu * @author Naoto Sato */
public class LocaleResources { private final Locale locale; private final LocaleData localeData; private final LocaleProviderAdapter.Type type; // Resource cache private final ConcurrentMap<String, ResourceReference> cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final ReferenceQueue<Object> referenceQueue = new ReferenceQueue<>(); // cache key prefixes private static final String BREAK_ITERATOR_INFO = "BII."; private static final String CALENDAR_DATA = "CALD."; private static final String COLLATION_DATA_CACHEKEY = "COLD"; private static final String DECIMAL_FORMAT_SYMBOLS_DATA_CACHEKEY = "DFSD"; private static final String CURRENCY_NAMES = "CN."; private static final String LOCALE_NAMES = "LN."; private static final String TIME_ZONE_NAMES = "TZN."; private static final String ZONE_IDS_CACHEKEY = "ZID"; private static final String CALENDAR_NAMES = "CALN."; private static final String NUMBER_PATTERNS_CACHEKEY = "NP"; private static final String DATE_TIME_PATTERN = "DTP."; // null singleton cache value private static final Object NULLOBJECT = new Object(); LocaleResources(ResourceBundleBasedAdapter adapter, Locale locale) { this.locale = locale; this.localeData = adapter.getLocaleData(); type = ((LocaleProviderAdapter)adapter).getAdapterType(); } private void removeEmptyReferences() { Object ref; while ((ref = referenceQueue.poll()) != null) { cache.remove(((ResourceReference)ref).getCacheKey()); } } Object getBreakIteratorInfo(String key) { Object biInfo; String cacheKey = BREAK_ITERATOR_INFO + key; removeEmptyReferences(); ResourceReference data = cache.get(cacheKey); if (data == null || ((biInfo = data.get()) == null)) { biInfo = localeData.getBreakIteratorInfo(locale).getObject(key); cache.put(cacheKey, new ResourceReference(cacheKey, biInfo, referenceQueue)); } return biInfo; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") byte[] getBreakIteratorResources(String key) { return (byte[]) localeData.getBreakIteratorResources(locale).getObject(key); } public String getCalendarData(String key) { String caldata = ""; String cacheKey = CALENDAR_DATA + key; removeEmptyReferences(); ResourceReference data = cache.get(cacheKey); if (data == null || ((caldata = (String) data.get()) == null)) { ResourceBundle rb = localeData.getCalendarData(locale); if (rb.containsKey(key)) { caldata = rb.getString(key); } cache.put(cacheKey, new ResourceReference(cacheKey, caldata, referenceQueue)); } return caldata; } public String getCollationData() { String key = "Rule"; String coldata = ""; removeEmptyReferences(); ResourceReference data = cache.get(COLLATION_DATA_CACHEKEY); if (data == null || ((coldata = (String) data.get()) == null)) { ResourceBundle rb = localeData.getCollationData(locale); if (rb.containsKey(key)) { coldata = rb.getString(key); } cache.put(COLLATION_DATA_CACHEKEY, new ResourceReference(COLLATION_DATA_CACHEKEY, (Object) coldata, referenceQueue)); } return coldata; } public Object[] getDecimalFormatSymbolsData() { Object[] dfsdata; removeEmptyReferences(); ResourceReference data = cache.get(DECIMAL_FORMAT_SYMBOLS_DATA_CACHEKEY); if (data == null || ((dfsdata = (Object[]) data.get()) == null)) { // Note that only dfsdata[0] is prepared here in this method. Other // elements are provided by the caller, yet they are cached here. ResourceBundle rb = localeData.getNumberFormatData(locale); dfsdata = new Object[3]; // NumberElements look up. First, try the Unicode extension String numElemKey; String numberType = locale.getUnicodeLocaleType("nu"); if (numberType != null) { numElemKey = numberType + ".NumberElements"; if (rb.containsKey(numElemKey)) { dfsdata[0] = rb.getStringArray(numElemKey); } } // Next, try DefaultNumberingSystem value if (dfsdata[0] == null && rb.containsKey("DefaultNumberingSystem")) { numElemKey = rb.getString("DefaultNumberingSystem") + ".NumberElements"; if (rb.containsKey(numElemKey)) { dfsdata[0] = rb.getStringArray(numElemKey); } } // Last resort. No need to check the availability. // Just let it throw MissingResourceException when needed. if (dfsdata[0] == null) { dfsdata[0] = rb.getStringArray("NumberElements"); } cache.put(DECIMAL_FORMAT_SYMBOLS_DATA_CACHEKEY, new ResourceReference(DECIMAL_FORMAT_SYMBOLS_DATA_CACHEKEY, (Object) dfsdata, referenceQueue)); } return dfsdata; } public String getCurrencyName(String key) { Object currencyName = null; String cacheKey = CURRENCY_NAMES + key; removeEmptyReferences(); ResourceReference data = cache.get(cacheKey); if (data != null && ((currencyName = data.get()) != null)) { if (currencyName.equals(NULLOBJECT)) { currencyName = null; } return (String) currencyName; } OpenListResourceBundle olrb = localeData.getCurrencyNames(locale); if (olrb.containsKey(key)) { currencyName = olrb.getObject(key); cache.put(cacheKey, new ResourceReference(cacheKey, currencyName, referenceQueue)); } return (String) currencyName; } public String getLocaleName(String key) { Object localeName = null; String cacheKey = LOCALE_NAMES + key; removeEmptyReferences(); ResourceReference data = cache.get(cacheKey); if (data != null && ((localeName = data.get()) != null)) { if (localeName.equals(NULLOBJECT)) { localeName = null; } return (String) localeName; } OpenListResourceBundle olrb = localeData.getLocaleNames(locale); if (olrb.containsKey(key)) { localeName = olrb.getObject(key); cache.put(cacheKey, new ResourceReference(cacheKey, localeName, referenceQueue)); } return (String) localeName; } String[] getTimeZoneNames(String key) { String[] names = null; String cacheKey = TIME_ZONE_NAMES + '.' + key; removeEmptyReferences(); ResourceReference data = cache.get(cacheKey); if (Objects.isNull(data) || Objects.isNull((names = (String[]) data.get()))) { TimeZoneNamesBundle tznb = localeData.getTimeZoneNames(locale); if (tznb.containsKey(key)) { names = tznb.getStringArray(key); cache.put(cacheKey, new ResourceReference(cacheKey, (Object) names, referenceQueue)); } } return names; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Set<String> getZoneIDs() { Set<String> zoneIDs = null; removeEmptyReferences(); ResourceReference data = cache.get(ZONE_IDS_CACHEKEY); if (data == null || ((zoneIDs = (Set<String>) data.get()) == null)) { TimeZoneNamesBundle rb = localeData.getTimeZoneNames(locale); zoneIDs = rb.keySet(); cache.put(ZONE_IDS_CACHEKEY, new ResourceReference(ZONE_IDS_CACHEKEY, (Object) zoneIDs, referenceQueue)); } return zoneIDs; } // zoneStrings are cached separately in TimeZoneNameUtility. String[][] getZoneStrings() { TimeZoneNamesBundle rb = localeData.getTimeZoneNames(locale); Set<String> keyset = getZoneIDs(); // Use a LinkedHashSet to preseve the order Set<String[]> value = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (String key : keyset) { value.add(rb.getStringArray(key)); } // Add aliases data for CLDR if (type == LocaleProviderAdapter.Type.CLDR) { // Note: TimeZoneNamesBundle creates a String[] on each getStringArray call. Map<String, String> aliases = ZoneInfo.getAliasTable(); for (String alias : aliases.keySet()) { if (!keyset.contains(alias)) { String tzid = aliases.get(alias); if (keyset.contains(tzid)) { String[] val = rb.getStringArray(tzid); val[0] = alias; value.add(val); } } } } return value.toArray(new String[0][]); } String[] getCalendarNames(String key) { String[] names = null; String cacheKey = CALENDAR_NAMES + key; removeEmptyReferences(); ResourceReference data = cache.get(cacheKey); if (data == null || ((names = (String[]) data.get()) == null)) { ResourceBundle rb = localeData.getDateFormatData(locale); if (rb.containsKey(key)) { names = rb.getStringArray(key); cache.put(cacheKey, new ResourceReference(cacheKey, (Object) names, referenceQueue)); } } return names; } String[] getJavaTimeNames(String key) { String[] names = null; String cacheKey = CALENDAR_NAMES + key; removeEmptyReferences(); ResourceReference data = cache.get(cacheKey); if (data == null || ((names = (String[]) data.get()) == null)) { ResourceBundle rb = getJavaTimeFormatData(); if (rb.containsKey(key)) { names = rb.getStringArray(key); cache.put(cacheKey, new ResourceReference(cacheKey, (Object) names, referenceQueue)); } } return names; } public String getDateTimePattern(int timeStyle, int dateStyle, Calendar cal) { if (cal == null) { cal = Calendar.getInstance(locale); } return getDateTimePattern(null, timeStyle, dateStyle, cal.getCalendarType()); }
Returns a date-time format pattern
  • timeStyle – style of time; one of FULL, LONG, MEDIUM, SHORT in DateFormat, or -1 if not required
  • dateStyle – style of time; one of FULL, LONG, MEDIUM, SHORT in DateFormat, or -1 if not required
  • calType – the calendar type for the pattern
Returns:the pattern string
/** * Returns a date-time format pattern * @param timeStyle style of time; one of FULL, LONG, MEDIUM, SHORT in DateFormat, * or -1 if not required * @param dateStyle style of time; one of FULL, LONG, MEDIUM, SHORT in DateFormat, * or -1 if not required * @param calType the calendar type for the pattern * @return the pattern string */
public String getJavaTimeDateTimePattern(int timeStyle, int dateStyle, String calType) { calType = CalendarDataUtility.normalizeCalendarType(calType); String pattern; pattern = getDateTimePattern("java.time.", timeStyle, dateStyle, calType); if (pattern == null) { pattern = getDateTimePattern(null, timeStyle, dateStyle, calType); } return pattern; } private String getDateTimePattern(String prefix, int timeStyle, int dateStyle, String calType) { String pattern; String timePattern = null; String datePattern = null; if (timeStyle >= 0) { if (prefix != null) { timePattern = getDateTimePattern(prefix, "TimePatterns", timeStyle, calType); } if (timePattern == null) { timePattern = getDateTimePattern(null, "TimePatterns", timeStyle, calType); } } if (dateStyle >= 0) { if (prefix != null) { datePattern = getDateTimePattern(prefix, "DatePatterns", dateStyle, calType); } if (datePattern == null) { datePattern = getDateTimePattern(null, "DatePatterns", dateStyle, calType); } } if (timeStyle >= 0) { if (dateStyle >= 0) { String dateTimePattern = null; int dateTimeStyle = Math.max(dateStyle, timeStyle); if (prefix != null) { dateTimePattern = getDateTimePattern(prefix, "DateTimePatterns", dateTimeStyle, calType); } if (dateTimePattern == null) { dateTimePattern = getDateTimePattern(null, "DateTimePatterns", dateTimeStyle, calType); } switch (dateTimePattern) { case "{1} {0}": pattern = datePattern + " " + timePattern; break; case "{0} {1}": pattern = timePattern + " " + datePattern; break; default: pattern = MessageFormat.format(dateTimePattern.replaceAll("'", "''"), timePattern, datePattern); break; } } else { pattern = timePattern; } } else if (dateStyle >= 0) { pattern = datePattern; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No date or time style specified"); } return pattern; } public String[] getNumberPatterns() { String[] numberPatterns = null; removeEmptyReferences(); ResourceReference data = cache.get(NUMBER_PATTERNS_CACHEKEY); if (data == null || ((numberPatterns = (String[]) data.get()) == null)) { ResourceBundle resource = localeData.getNumberFormatData(locale); numberPatterns = resource.getStringArray("NumberPatterns"); cache.put(NUMBER_PATTERNS_CACHEKEY, new ResourceReference(NUMBER_PATTERNS_CACHEKEY, (Object) numberPatterns, referenceQueue)); } return numberPatterns; }
Returns the FormatData resource bundle of this LocaleResources. The FormatData should be used only for accessing extra resources required by JSR 310.
/** * Returns the FormatData resource bundle of this LocaleResources. * The FormatData should be used only for accessing extra * resources required by JSR 310. */
public ResourceBundle getJavaTimeFormatData() { ResourceBundle rb = localeData.getDateFormatData(locale); if (rb instanceof ParallelListResourceBundle) { localeData.setSupplementary((ParallelListResourceBundle) rb); } return rb; } private String getDateTimePattern(String prefix, String key, int styleIndex, String calendarType) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (prefix != null) { sb.append(prefix); } if (!"gregory".equals(calendarType)) { sb.append(calendarType).append('.'); } sb.append(key); String resourceKey = sb.toString(); String cacheKey = sb.insert(0, DATE_TIME_PATTERN).toString(); removeEmptyReferences(); ResourceReference data = cache.get(cacheKey); Object value = NULLOBJECT; if (data == null || ((value = data.get()) == null)) { ResourceBundle r = (prefix != null) ? getJavaTimeFormatData() : localeData.getDateFormatData(locale); if (r.containsKey(resourceKey)) { value = r.getStringArray(resourceKey); } else { assert !resourceKey.equals(key); if (r.containsKey(key)) { value = r.getStringArray(key); } } cache.put(cacheKey, new ResourceReference(cacheKey, value, referenceQueue)); } if (value == NULLOBJECT) { assert prefix != null; return null; } // for DateTimePatterns. CLDR has multiple styles, while JRE has one. String[] styles = (String[])value; return (styles.length > 1 ? styles[styleIndex] : styles[0]); } private static class ResourceReference extends SoftReference<Object> { private final String cacheKey; ResourceReference(String cacheKey, Object o, ReferenceQueue<Object> q) { super(o, q); this.cacheKey = cacheKey; } String getCacheKey() { return cacheKey; } } }