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package sun.util.calendar;

import java.security.AccessController;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction;

Author:Masayoshi Okutsu
/** * * @author Masayoshi Okutsu * @since 1.6 */
public class LocalGregorianCalendar extends BaseCalendar { private static final Era[] JAPANESE_ERAS = { new Era("Meiji", "M", -3218832000000L, true), new Era("Taisho", "T", -1812153600000L, true), new Era("Showa", "S", -1357603200000L, true), new Era("Heisei", "H", 600220800000L, true), }; private static boolean isValidEra(Era newEra, Era[] eras) { Era last = eras[eras.length - 1]; if (last.getSinceDate().getYear() >= newEra.getSinceDate().getYear()) { return false; } // The new era name should be unique. Its abbr may not. String newName = newEra.getName(); for (Era era : eras) { if (era.getName().equals(newName)) { return false; } } return true; } private String name; private Era[] eras; public static class Date extends BaseCalendar.Date { protected Date() { super(); } protected Date(TimeZone zone) { super(zone); } private int gregorianYear = FIELD_UNDEFINED; @Override public Date setEra(Era era) { if (getEra() != era) { super.setEra(era); gregorianYear = FIELD_UNDEFINED; } return this; } @Override public Date addYear(int localYear) { super.addYear(localYear); gregorianYear += localYear; return this; } @Override public Date setYear(int localYear) { if (getYear() != localYear) { super.setYear(localYear); gregorianYear = FIELD_UNDEFINED; } return this; } @Override public int getNormalizedYear() { return gregorianYear; } @Override public void setNormalizedYear(int normalizedYear) { this.gregorianYear = normalizedYear; } void setLocalEra(Era era) { super.setEra(era); } void setLocalYear(int year) { super.setYear(year); } @Override public String toString() { String time = super.toString(); time = time.substring(time.indexOf('T')); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); Era era = getEra(); if (era != null) { String abbr = era.getAbbreviation(); if (abbr != null) { sb.append(abbr); } } sb.append(getYear()).append('.'); CalendarUtils.sprintf0d(sb, getMonth(), 2).append('.'); CalendarUtils.sprintf0d(sb, getDayOfMonth(), 2); sb.append(time); return sb.toString(); } } static LocalGregorianCalendar getLocalGregorianCalendar(String name) { // Only the Japanese calendar is supported. if (!"japanese".equals(name)) { return null; } // Append an era to the predefined eras if it's given by the property. String prop = GetPropertyAction .privilegedGetProperty("jdk.calendar.japanese.supplemental.era"); if (prop != null) { Era era = parseEraEntry(prop); if (era != null) { if (isValidEra(era, JAPANESE_ERAS)) { int length = JAPANESE_ERAS.length; Era[] eras = new Era[length + 1]; System.arraycopy(JAPANESE_ERAS, 0, eras, 0, length); eras[length] = era; return new LocalGregorianCalendar(name, eras); } } } return new LocalGregorianCalendar(name, JAPANESE_ERAS); } private static Era parseEraEntry(String entry) { String[] keyValuePairs = entry.split(","); String eraName = null; boolean localTime = true; long since = 0; String abbr = null; for (String item : keyValuePairs) { String[] keyvalue = item.split("="); if (keyvalue.length != 2) { return null; } String key = keyvalue[0].trim(); String value = keyvalue[1].trim(); switch (key) { case "name": eraName = value; break; case "since": if (value.endsWith("u")) { localTime = false; value = value.substring(0, value.length() - 1); } try { since = Long.parseLong(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } break; case "abbr": abbr = value; break; default: return null; } } if (eraName == null || eraName.isEmpty() || abbr == null || abbr.isEmpty()) { return null; } return new Era(eraName, abbr, since, localTime); } private LocalGregorianCalendar(String name, Era[] eras) { this.name = name; this.eras = eras; setEras(eras); } @Override public String getName() { return name; } @Override public Date getCalendarDate() { return getCalendarDate(System.currentTimeMillis(), newCalendarDate()); } @Override public Date getCalendarDate(long millis) { return getCalendarDate(millis, newCalendarDate()); } @Override public Date getCalendarDate(long millis, TimeZone zone) { return getCalendarDate(millis, newCalendarDate(zone)); } @Override public Date getCalendarDate(long millis, CalendarDate date) { Date ldate = (Date) super.getCalendarDate(millis, date); return adjustYear(ldate, millis, ldate.getZoneOffset()); } private Date adjustYear(Date ldate, long millis, int zoneOffset) { int i; for (i = eras.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Era era = eras[i]; long since = era.getSince(null); if (era.isLocalTime()) { since -= zoneOffset; } if (millis >= since) { ldate.setLocalEra(era); int y = ldate.getNormalizedYear() - era.getSinceDate().getYear() + 1; ldate.setLocalYear(y); break; } } if (i < 0) { ldate.setLocalEra(null); ldate.setLocalYear(ldate.getNormalizedYear()); } ldate.setNormalized(true); return ldate; } @Override public Date newCalendarDate() { return new Date(); } @Override public Date newCalendarDate(TimeZone zone) { return new Date(zone); } @Override public boolean validate(CalendarDate date) { Date ldate = (Date) date; Era era = ldate.getEra(); if (era != null) { if (!validateEra(era)) { return false; } ldate.setNormalizedYear(era.getSinceDate().getYear() + ldate.getYear() - 1); Date tmp = newCalendarDate(date.getZone()); tmp.setEra(era).setDate(date.getYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDayOfMonth()); normalize(tmp); if (tmp.getEra() != era) { return false; } } else { if (date.getYear() >= eras[0].getSinceDate().getYear()) { return false; } ldate.setNormalizedYear(ldate.getYear()); } return super.validate(ldate); } private boolean validateEra(Era era) { for (Era era1 : eras) { if (era == era1) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public boolean normalize(CalendarDate date) { if (date.isNormalized()) { return true; } normalizeYear(date); Date ldate = (Date) date; // Normalize it as a Gregorian date and get its millisecond value super.normalize(ldate); boolean hasMillis = false; long millis = 0; int year = ldate.getNormalizedYear(); int i; Era era = null; for (i = eras.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { era = eras[i]; if (era.isLocalTime()) { CalendarDate sinceDate = era.getSinceDate(); int sinceYear = sinceDate.getYear(); if (year > sinceYear) { break; } if (year == sinceYear) { int month = ldate.getMonth(); int sinceMonth = sinceDate.getMonth(); if (month > sinceMonth) { break; } if (month == sinceMonth) { int day = ldate.getDayOfMonth(); int sinceDay = sinceDate.getDayOfMonth(); if (day > sinceDay) { break; } if (day == sinceDay) { long timeOfDay = ldate.getTimeOfDay(); long sinceTimeOfDay = sinceDate.getTimeOfDay(); if (timeOfDay >= sinceTimeOfDay) { break; } --i; break; } } } } else { if (!hasMillis) { millis = super.getTime(date); hasMillis = true; } long since = era.getSince(date.getZone()); if (millis >= since) { break; } } } if (i >= 0) { ldate.setLocalEra(era); @SuppressWarnings("null") int y = ldate.getNormalizedYear() - era.getSinceDate().getYear() + 1; ldate.setLocalYear(y); } else { // Set Gregorian year with no era ldate.setEra(null); ldate.setLocalYear(year); ldate.setNormalizedYear(year); } ldate.setNormalized(true); return true; } @Override void normalizeMonth(CalendarDate date) { normalizeYear(date); super.normalizeMonth(date); } void normalizeYear(CalendarDate date) { Date ldate = (Date) date; // Set the supposed-to-be-correct Gregorian year first // e.g., Showa 90 becomes 2015 (1926 + 90 - 1). Era era = ldate.getEra(); if (era == null || !validateEra(era)) { ldate.setNormalizedYear(ldate.getYear()); } else { ldate.setNormalizedYear(era.getSinceDate().getYear() + ldate.getYear() - 1); } }
Returns whether the specified Gregorian year is a leap year.
See Also:
  • isLeapYear(Era, int)
/** * Returns whether the specified Gregorian year is a leap year. * @see #isLeapYear(Era, int) */
@Override public boolean isLeapYear(int gregorianYear) { return CalendarUtils.isGregorianLeapYear(gregorianYear); } public boolean isLeapYear(Era era, int year) { if (era == null) { return isLeapYear(year); } int gyear = era.getSinceDate().getYear() + year - 1; return isLeapYear(gyear); } @Override public void getCalendarDateFromFixedDate(CalendarDate date, long fixedDate) { Date ldate = (Date) date; super.getCalendarDateFromFixedDate(ldate, fixedDate); adjustYear(ldate, (fixedDate - EPOCH_OFFSET) * DAY_IN_MILLIS, 0); } }