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package sun.security.x509;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.Integer;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.util.Arrays;
import sun.security.util.HexDumpEncoder;
import sun.security.util.BitArray;
import sun.security.util.DerOutputStream;
import sun.security.util.DerValue;

This class implements the IPAddressName as required by the GeneralNames ASN.1 object. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported using the formats specified in IETF PKIX RFC2459.

[RFC2459 Subject Alternative Name] When the subjectAltName extension contains a iPAddress, the address MUST be stored in the octet string in "network byte order," as specified in RFC 791. The least significant bit (LSB) of each octet is the LSB of the corresponding byte in the network address. For IP Version 4, as specified in RFC 791, the octet string MUST contain exactly four octets. For IP Version 6, as specified in RFC 1883, the octet string MUST contain exactly sixteen octets.

[RFC2459 Name Constraints] The syntax of iPAddress MUST be as described in section with the following additions specifically for Name Constraints. For IPv4 addresses, the ipAddress field of generalName MUST contain eight (8) octets, encoded in the style of RFC 1519 (CIDR) to represent an address range.[RFC 1519] For IPv6 addresses, the ipAddress field MUST contain 32 octets similarly encoded. For example, a name constraint for "class C" subnet shall be represented as the octets 0A 09 08 00 FF FF FF 00, representing the CIDR notation

Author:Amit Kapoor, Hemma Prafullchandra
See Also:
/** * This class implements the IPAddressName as required by the GeneralNames * ASN.1 object. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported using the * formats specified in IETF PKIX RFC2459. * <p> * [RFC2459 Subject Alternative Name] * When the subjectAltName extension contains a iPAddress, the address * MUST be stored in the octet string in "network byte order," as * specified in RFC 791. The least significant bit (LSB) of * each octet is the LSB of the corresponding byte in the network * address. For IP Version 4, as specified in RFC 791, the octet string * MUST contain exactly four octets. For IP Version 6, as specified in * RFC 1883, the octet string MUST contain exactly sixteen octets. * <p> * [RFC2459 Name Constraints] * The syntax of iPAddress MUST be as described in section with * the following additions specifically for Name Constraints. For IPv4 * addresses, the ipAddress field of generalName MUST contain eight (8) * octets, encoded in the style of RFC 1519 (CIDR) to represent an * address range.[RFC 1519] For IPv6 addresses, the ipAddress field * MUST contain 32 octets similarly encoded. For example, a name * constraint for "class C" subnet shall be represented as the * octets 0A 09 08 00 FF FF FF 00, representing the CIDR notation * * <p> * @see GeneralName * @see GeneralNameInterface * @see GeneralNames * * * @author Amit Kapoor * @author Hemma Prafullchandra */
public class IPAddressName implements GeneralNameInterface { private byte[] address; private boolean isIPv4; private String name;
Create the IPAddressName object from the passed encoded Der value.
  • derValue – the encoded DER IPAddressName.
/** * Create the IPAddressName object from the passed encoded Der value. * * @param derValue the encoded DER IPAddressName. * @exception IOException on error. */
public IPAddressName(DerValue derValue) throws IOException { this(derValue.getOctetString()); }
Create the IPAddressName object with the specified octets.
  • address – the IP address
  • IOException – if address is not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address
/** * Create the IPAddressName object with the specified octets. * * @param address the IP address * @throws IOException if address is not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address */
public IPAddressName(byte[] address) throws IOException { /* * A valid address must consist of 4 bytes of address and * optional 4 bytes of 4 bytes of mask, or 16 bytes of address * and optional 16 bytes of mask. */ if (address.length == 4 || address.length == 8) { isIPv4 = true; } else if (address.length == 16 || address.length == 32) { isIPv4 = false; } else { throw new IOException("Invalid IPAddressName"); } this.address = address; }
Create an IPAddressName from a String. [IETF RFC1338 Supernetting & IETF RFC1519 Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)] For IPv4 addresses, the forms are "b1.b2.b3.b4" or "b1.b2.b3.b4/m1.m2.m3.m4", where b1 - b4 are decimal byte values 0-255 and m1 - m4 are decimal mask values 0 - 255.

[IETF RFC2373 IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture] For IPv6 addresses, the forms are "a1:a2:...:a8" or "a1:a2:...:a8/n", where a1-a8 are hexadecimal values representing the eight 16-bit pieces of the address. If /n is used, n is a decimal number indicating how many of the leftmost contiguous bits of the address comprise the prefix for this subnet. Internally, a mask value is created using the prefix length.

  • name – String form of IPAddressName
  • IOException – if name can not be converted to a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address
/** * Create an IPAddressName from a String. * [IETF RFC1338 Supernetting {@literal &} IETF RFC1519 Classless Inter-Domain * Routing (CIDR)] For IPv4 addresses, the forms are * "b1.b2.b3.b4" or "b1.b2.b3.b4/m1.m2.m3.m4", where b1 - b4 are decimal * byte values 0-255 and m1 - m4 are decimal mask values * 0 - 255. * <p> * [IETF RFC2373 IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture] * For IPv6 addresses, the forms are "a1:a2:...:a8" or "a1:a2:...:a8/n", * where a1-a8 are hexadecimal values representing the eight 16-bit pieces * of the address. If /n is used, n is a decimal number indicating how many * of the leftmost contiguous bits of the address comprise the prefix for * this subnet. Internally, a mask value is created using the prefix length. * * @param name String form of IPAddressName * @throws IOException if name can not be converted to a valid IPv4 or IPv6 * address */
public IPAddressName(String name) throws IOException { if (name == null || name.length() == 0) { throw new IOException("IPAddress cannot be null or empty"); } if (name.charAt(name.length() - 1) == '/') { throw new IOException("Invalid IPAddress: " + name); } if (name.indexOf(':') >= 0) { // name is IPv6: uses colons as value separators // Parse name into byte-value address components and optional // prefix parseIPv6(name); isIPv4 = false; } else if (name.indexOf('.') >= 0) { //name is IPv4: uses dots as value separators parseIPv4(name); isIPv4 = true; } else { throw new IOException("Invalid IPAddress: " + name); } }
Parse an IPv4 address.
  • name – IPv4 address with optional mask values
/** * Parse an IPv4 address. * * @param name IPv4 address with optional mask values * @throws IOException on error */
private void parseIPv4(String name) throws IOException { // Parse name into byte-value address components int slashNdx = name.indexOf('/'); if (slashNdx == -1) { address = InetAddress.getByName(name).getAddress(); } else { address = new byte[8]; // parse mask byte[] mask = InetAddress.getByName (name.substring(slashNdx+1)).getAddress(); // parse base address byte[] host = InetAddress.getByName (name.substring(0, slashNdx)).getAddress(); System.arraycopy(host, 0, address, 0, 4); System.arraycopy(mask, 0, address, 4, 4); } }
Parse an IPv6 address.
  • name – String IPv6 address with optional / If / is present, address[] array will be 32 bytes long, otherwise 16.
  • IOException – on error
/** * Parse an IPv6 address. * * @param name String IPv6 address with optional /<prefix length> * If /<prefix length> is present, address[] array will * be 32 bytes long, otherwise 16. * @throws IOException on error */
private static final int MASKSIZE = 16; private void parseIPv6(String name) throws IOException { int slashNdx = name.indexOf('/'); if (slashNdx == -1) { address = InetAddress.getByName(name).getAddress(); } else { address = new byte[32]; byte[] base = InetAddress.getByName (name.substring(0, slashNdx)).getAddress(); System.arraycopy(base, 0, address, 0, 16); // append a mask corresponding to the num of prefix bits specified int prefixLen = Integer.parseInt(name.substring(slashNdx+1)); if (prefixLen < 0 || prefixLen > 128) { throw new IOException("IPv6Address prefix length (" + prefixLen + ") in out of valid range [0,128]"); } // create new bit array initialized to zeros BitArray bitArray = new BitArray(MASKSIZE * 8); // set all most significant bits up to prefix length for (int i = 0; i < prefixLen; i++) bitArray.set(i, true); byte[] maskArray = bitArray.toByteArray(); // copy mask bytes into mask portion of address for (int i = 0; i < MASKSIZE; i++) address[MASKSIZE+i] = maskArray[i]; } }
Return the type of the GeneralName.
/** * Return the type of the GeneralName. */
public int getType() { return NAME_IP; }
Encode the IPAddress name into the DerOutputStream.
  • out – the DER stream to encode the IPAddressName to.
/** * Encode the IPAddress name into the DerOutputStream. * * @param out the DER stream to encode the IPAddressName to. * @exception IOException on encoding errors. */
public void encode(DerOutputStream out) throws IOException { out.putOctetString(address); }
Return a printable string of IPaddress
/** * Return a printable string of IPaddress */
public String toString() { try { return "IPAddress: " + getName(); } catch (IOException ioe) { // dump out hex rep for debugging purposes HexDumpEncoder enc = new HexDumpEncoder(); return "IPAddress: " + enc.encodeBuffer(address); } }
Return a standard String representation of IPAddress. See IPAddressName(String) for the formats used for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
  • IOException – if the IPAddress cannot be converted to a String
/** * Return a standard String representation of IPAddress. * See IPAddressName(String) for the formats used for IPv4 * and IPv6 addresses. * * @throws IOException if the IPAddress cannot be converted to a String */
public String getName() throws IOException { if (name != null) return name; if (isIPv4) { //IPv4 address or subdomain byte[] host = new byte[4]; System.arraycopy(address, 0, host, 0, 4); name = InetAddress.getByAddress(host).getHostAddress(); if (address.length == 8) { byte[] mask = new byte[4]; System.arraycopy(address, 4, mask, 0, 4); name = name + '/' + InetAddress.getByAddress(mask).getHostAddress(); } } else { //IPv6 address or subdomain byte[] host = new byte[16]; System.arraycopy(address, 0, host, 0, 16); name = InetAddress.getByAddress(host).getHostAddress(); if (address.length == 32) { // IPv6 subdomain: display prefix length // copy subdomain into new array and convert to BitArray byte[] maskBytes = new byte[16]; for (int i=16; i < 32; i++) maskBytes[i-16] = address[i]; BitArray ba = new BitArray(16*8, maskBytes); // Find first zero bit int i=0; for (; i < 16*8; i++) { if (!ba.get(i)) break; } name = name + '/' + i; // Verify remaining bits 0 for (; i < 16*8; i++) { if (ba.get(i)) { throw new IOException("Invalid IPv6 subdomain - set " + "bit " + i + " not contiguous"); } } } } return name; }
Returns this IPAddress name as a byte array.
/** * Returns this IPAddress name as a byte array. */
public byte[] getBytes() { return address.clone(); }
Compares this name with another, for equality.
Returns:true iff the names are identical.
/** * Compares this name with another, for equality. * * @return true iff the names are identical. */
public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (!(obj instanceof IPAddressName)) return false; IPAddressName otherName = (IPAddressName)obj; byte[] other = otherName.address; if (other.length != address.length) return false; if (address.length == 8 || address.length == 32) { // Two subnet addresses // Mask each and compare masked values int maskLen = address.length/2; for (int i=0; i < maskLen; i++) { byte maskedThis = (byte)(address[i] & address[i+maskLen]); byte maskedOther = (byte)(other[i] & other[i+maskLen]); if (maskedThis != maskedOther) { return false; } } // Now compare masks for (int i=maskLen; i < address.length; i++) if (address[i] != other[i]) return false; return true; } else { // Two IPv4 host addresses or two IPv6 host addresses // Compare bytes return Arrays.equals(other, address); } }
Returns the hash code value for this object.
Returns:a hash code value for this object.
/** * Returns the hash code value for this object. * * @return a hash code value for this object. */
public int hashCode() { int retval = 0; for (int i=0; i<address.length; i++) retval += address[i] * i; return retval; }
Return type of constraint inputName places on this name:
  • NAME_DIFF_TYPE = -1: input name is different type from name (i.e. does not constrain).
  • NAME_MATCH = 0: input name matches name.
  • NAME_NARROWS = 1: input name narrows name (is lower in the naming subtree)
  • NAME_WIDENS = 2: input name widens name (is higher in the naming subtree)
  • NAME_SAME_TYPE = 3: input name does not match or narrow name, but is same type.
. These results are used in checking NameConstraints during certification path verification.

[RFC2459] The syntax of iPAddress MUST be as described in section with the following additions specifically for Name Constraints. For IPv4 addresses, the ipAddress field of generalName MUST contain eight (8) octets, encoded in the style of RFC 1519 (CIDR) to represent an address range.[RFC 1519] For IPv6 addresses, the ipAddress field MUST contain 32 octets similarly encoded. For example, a name constraint for "class C" subnet shall be represented as the octets 0A 09 08 00 FF FF FF 00, representing the CIDR notation

  • inputName – to be checked for being constrained
Returns:constraint type above
/** * Return type of constraint inputName places on this name:<ul> * <li>NAME_DIFF_TYPE = -1: input name is different type from name * (i.e. does not constrain). * <li>NAME_MATCH = 0: input name matches name. * <li>NAME_NARROWS = 1: input name narrows name (is lower in the naming * subtree) * <li>NAME_WIDENS = 2: input name widens name (is higher in the naming * subtree) * <li>NAME_SAME_TYPE = 3: input name does not match or narrow name, but * is same type. * </ul>. These results are used in checking NameConstraints during * certification path verification. * <p> * [RFC2459] The syntax of iPAddress MUST be as described in section * with the following additions specifically for Name Constraints. * For IPv4 addresses, the ipAddress field of generalName MUST contain * eight (8) octets, encoded in the style of RFC 1519 (CIDR) to represent an * address range.[RFC 1519] For IPv6 addresses, the ipAddress field * MUST contain 32 octets similarly encoded. For example, a name * constraint for "class C" subnet shall be represented as the * octets 0A 09 08 00 FF FF FF 00, representing the CIDR notation * * * @param inputName to be checked for being constrained * @return constraint type above * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if name is not exact match, but * narrowing and widening are not supported for this name type. */
public int constrains(GeneralNameInterface inputName) throws UnsupportedOperationException { int constraintType; if (inputName == null) constraintType = NAME_DIFF_TYPE; else if (inputName.getType() != NAME_IP) constraintType = NAME_DIFF_TYPE; else if (((IPAddressName)inputName).equals(this)) constraintType = NAME_MATCH; else { IPAddressName otherName = (IPAddressName)inputName; byte[] otherAddress = otherName.address; if (otherAddress.length == 4 && address.length == 4) // Two host addresses constraintType = NAME_SAME_TYPE; else if ((otherAddress.length == 8 && address.length == 8) || (otherAddress.length == 32 && address.length == 32)) { // Two subnet addresses // See if one address fully encloses the other address boolean otherSubsetOfThis = true; boolean thisSubsetOfOther = true; boolean thisEmpty = false; boolean otherEmpty = false; int maskOffset = address.length/2; for (int i=0; i < maskOffset; i++) { if ((byte)(address[i] & address[i+maskOffset]) != address[i]) thisEmpty=true; if ((byte)(otherAddress[i] & otherAddress[i+maskOffset]) != otherAddress[i]) otherEmpty=true; if (!(((byte)(address[i+maskOffset] & otherAddress[i+maskOffset]) == address[i+maskOffset]) && ((byte)(address[i] & address[i+maskOffset]) == (byte)(otherAddress[i] & address[i+maskOffset])))) { otherSubsetOfThis = false; } if (!(((byte)(otherAddress[i+maskOffset] & address[i+maskOffset]) == otherAddress[i+maskOffset]) && ((byte)(otherAddress[i] & otherAddress[i+maskOffset]) == (byte)(address[i] & otherAddress[i+maskOffset])))) { thisSubsetOfOther = false; } } if (thisEmpty || otherEmpty) { if (thisEmpty && otherEmpty) constraintType = NAME_MATCH; else if (thisEmpty) constraintType = NAME_WIDENS; else constraintType = NAME_NARROWS; } else if (otherSubsetOfThis) constraintType = NAME_NARROWS; else if (thisSubsetOfOther) constraintType = NAME_WIDENS; else constraintType = NAME_SAME_TYPE; } else if (otherAddress.length == 8 || otherAddress.length == 32) { //Other is a subnet, this is a host address int i = 0; int maskOffset = otherAddress.length/2; for (; i < maskOffset; i++) { // Mask this address by other address mask and compare to other address // If all match, then this address is in other address subnet if ((address[i] & otherAddress[i+maskOffset]) != otherAddress[i]) break; } if (i == maskOffset) constraintType = NAME_WIDENS; else constraintType = NAME_SAME_TYPE; } else if (address.length == 8 || address.length == 32) { //This is a subnet, other is a host address int i = 0; int maskOffset = address.length/2; for (; i < maskOffset; i++) { // Mask other address by this address mask and compare to this address if ((otherAddress[i] & address[i+maskOffset]) != address[i]) break; } if (i == maskOffset) constraintType = NAME_NARROWS; else constraintType = NAME_SAME_TYPE; } else { constraintType = NAME_SAME_TYPE; } } return constraintType; }
Return subtree depth of this name for purposes of determining NameConstraints minimum and maximum bounds and for calculating path lengths in name subtrees.
Returns:distance of name from root
/** * Return subtree depth of this name for purposes of determining * NameConstraints minimum and maximum bounds and for calculating * path lengths in name subtrees. * * @return distance of name from root * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if not supported for this name type */
public int subtreeDepth() throws UnsupportedOperationException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException ("subtreeDepth() not defined for IPAddressName"); } }