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package sun.security.provider;

import java.io.*;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URL;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.security.PrivilegedActionException;
import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction;
import java.security.Security;
import java.security.URIParameter;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.*;
import javax.security.auth.AuthPermission;
import javax.security.auth.login.AppConfigurationEntry;
import javax.security.auth.login.AppConfigurationEntry.LoginModuleControlFlag;
import javax.security.auth.login.Configuration;
import javax.security.auth.login.ConfigurationSpi;
import sun.security.util.Debug;
import sun.security.util.PropertyExpander;
import sun.security.util.ResourcesMgr;

This class represents a default implementation for javax.security.auth.login.Configuration.

This object stores the runtime login configuration representation, and is the amalgamation of multiple static login configurations that resides in files. The algorithm for locating the login configuration file(s) and reading their information into this Configuration object is:

  1. Loop through the security properties, login.config.url.1, login.config.url.2, ..., login.config.url.X. Each property value specifies a URL pointing to a login configuration file to be loaded. Read in and load each configuration.
  2. The java.lang.System property java.security.auth.login.config may also be set to a URL pointing to another login configuration file (which is the case when a user uses the -D switch at runtime). If this property is defined, and its use is allowed by the security property file (the Security property, policy.allowSystemProperty is set to true), also load that login configuration.
  3. If the java.security.auth.login.config property is defined using "==" (rather than "="), then ignore all other specified login configurations and only load this configuration.
  4. If no system or security properties were set, try to read from the file, ${user.home}/.java.login.config, where ${user.home} is the value represented by the "user.home" System property.

The configuration syntax supported by this implementation is exactly that syntax specified in the javax.security.auth.login.Configuration class.

See Also:
/** * This class represents a default implementation for * {@code javax.security.auth.login.Configuration}. * * <p> This object stores the runtime login configuration representation, * and is the amalgamation of multiple static login configurations that * resides in files. The algorithm for locating the login configuration * file(s) and reading their information into this {@code Configuration} * object is: * * <ol> * <li> * Loop through the security properties, * <i>login.config.url.1</i>, <i>login.config.url.2</i>, ..., * <i>login.config.url.X</i>. * Each property value specifies a {@code URL} pointing to a * login configuration file to be loaded. Read in and load * each configuration. * * <li> * The {@code java.lang.System} property * <i>java.security.auth.login.config</i> * may also be set to a {@code URL} pointing to another * login configuration file * (which is the case when a user uses the -D switch at runtime). * If this property is defined, and its use is allowed by the * security property file (the Security property, * <i>policy.allowSystemProperty</i> is set to <i>true</i>), * also load that login configuration. * * <li> * If the <i>java.security.auth.login.config</i> property is defined using * "==" (rather than "="), then ignore all other specified * login configurations and only load this configuration. * * <li> * If no system or security properties were set, try to read from the file, * ${user.home}/.java.login.config, where ${user.home} is the value * represented by the "user.home" System property. * </ol> * * <p> The configuration syntax supported by this implementation * is exactly that syntax specified in the * {@code javax.security.auth.login.Configuration} class. * * @see javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext * @see java.security.Security security properties */
public final class ConfigFile extends Configuration { private final Spi spi; public ConfigFile() { spi = new Spi(); } @Override public AppConfigurationEntry[] getAppConfigurationEntry(String appName) { return spi.engineGetAppConfigurationEntry(appName); } @Override public synchronized void refresh() { spi.engineRefresh(); } public static final class Spi extends ConfigurationSpi { private URL url; private boolean expandProp = true; private Map<String, List<AppConfigurationEntry>> configuration; private int linenum; private StreamTokenizer st; private int lookahead; private static Debug debugConfig = Debug.getInstance("configfile"); private static Debug debugParser = Debug.getInstance("configparser");
Creates a new ConfigurationSpi object.
/** * Creates a new {@code ConfigurationSpi} object. * * @throws SecurityException if the {@code ConfigurationSpi} can not be * initialized */
public Spi() { try { init(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new SecurityException(ioe); } }
Creates a new ConfigurationSpi object from the specified URI.
  • uri – the URI
/** * Creates a new {@code ConfigurationSpi} object from the specified * {@code URI}. * * @param uri the {@code URI} * @throws SecurityException if the {@code ConfigurationSpi} can not be * initialized * @throws NullPointerException if {@code uri} is null */
public Spi(URI uri) { // only load config from the specified URI try { url = uri.toURL(); init(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new SecurityException(ioe); } } public Spi(final Configuration.Parameters params) throws IOException { // call in a doPrivileged // // we have already passed the Configuration.getInstance // security check. also this class is not freely accessible // (it is in the "sun" package). try { AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() { public Void run() throws IOException { if (params == null) { init(); } else { if (!(params instanceof URIParameter)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Unrecognized parameter: " + params); } URIParameter uriParam = (URIParameter)params; url = uriParam.getURI().toURL(); init(); } return null; } }); } catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) { throw (IOException)pae.getException(); } // if init() throws some other RuntimeException, // let it percolate up naturally. }
Read and initialize the entire login Configuration from the configured URL.
  • IOException – if the Configuration can not be initialized
  • SecurityException – if the caller does not have permission to initialize the Configuration
/** * Read and initialize the entire login Configuration from the * configured URL. * * @throws IOException if the Configuration can not be initialized * @throws SecurityException if the caller does not have permission * to initialize the Configuration */
private void init() throws IOException { boolean initialized = false; // For policy.expandProperties, check if either a security or system // property is set to false (old code erroneously checked the system // prop so we must check both to preserve compatibility). String expand = Security.getProperty("policy.expandProperties"); if (expand == null) { expand = System.getProperty("policy.expandProperties"); } if ("false".equals(expand)) { expandProp = false; } // new configuration Map<String, List<AppConfigurationEntry>> newConfig = new HashMap<>(); if (url != null) { /** * If the caller specified a URI via Configuration.getInstance, * we only read from that URI */ if (debugConfig != null) { debugConfig.println("reading " + url); } init(url, newConfig); configuration = newConfig; return; } /** * Caller did not specify URI via Configuration.getInstance. * Read from URLs listed in the java.security properties file. */ String allowSys = Security.getProperty("policy.allowSystemProperty"); if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(allowSys)) { String extra_config = System.getProperty ("java.security.auth.login.config"); if (extra_config != null) { boolean overrideAll = false; if (extra_config.startsWith("=")) { overrideAll = true; extra_config = extra_config.substring(1); } try { extra_config = PropertyExpander.expand(extra_config); } catch (PropertyExpander.ExpandException peee) { throw ioException("Unable.to.properly.expand.config", extra_config); } URL configURL = null; try { configURL = new URL(extra_config); } catch (MalformedURLException mue) { File configFile = new File(extra_config); if (configFile.exists()) { configURL = configFile.toURI().toURL(); } else { throw ioException( "extra.config.No.such.file.or.directory.", extra_config); } } if (debugConfig != null) { debugConfig.println("reading "+configURL); } init(configURL, newConfig); initialized = true; if (overrideAll) { if (debugConfig != null) { debugConfig.println("overriding other policies!"); } configuration = newConfig; return; } } } int n = 1; String config_url; while ((config_url = Security.getProperty ("login.config.url."+n)) != null) { try { config_url = PropertyExpander.expand (config_url).replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); if (debugConfig != null) { debugConfig.println("\tReading config: " + config_url); } init(new URL(config_url), newConfig); initialized = true; } catch (PropertyExpander.ExpandException peee) { throw ioException("Unable.to.properly.expand.config", config_url); } n++; } if (initialized == false && n == 1 && config_url == null) { // get the config from the user's home directory if (debugConfig != null) { debugConfig.println("\tReading Policy " + "from ~/.java.login.config"); } config_url = System.getProperty("user.home"); String userConfigFile = config_url + File.separatorChar + ".java.login.config"; // No longer throws an exception when there's no config file // at all. Returns an empty Configuration instead. if (new File(userConfigFile).exists()) { init(new File(userConfigFile).toURI().toURL(), newConfig); } } configuration = newConfig; } private void init(URL config, Map<String, List<AppConfigurationEntry>> newConfig) throws IOException { try (InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(getInputStream(config), "UTF-8")) { readConfig(isr, newConfig); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { if (debugConfig != null) { debugConfig.println(fnfe.toString()); } throw new IOException(ResourcesMgr.getAuthResourceString ("Configuration.Error.No.such.file.or.directory")); } }
Retrieve an entry from the Configuration using an application name as an index.
  • applicationName – the name used to index the Configuration.
Returns:an array of AppConfigurationEntries which correspond to the stacked configuration of LoginModules for this application, or null if this application has no configured LoginModules.
/** * Retrieve an entry from the Configuration using an application name * as an index. * * @param applicationName the name used to index the Configuration. * @return an array of AppConfigurationEntries which correspond to * the stacked configuration of LoginModules for this * application, or null if this application has no configured * LoginModules. */
@Override public AppConfigurationEntry[] engineGetAppConfigurationEntry (String applicationName) { List<AppConfigurationEntry> list = null; synchronized (configuration) { list = configuration.get(applicationName); } if (list == null || list.size() == 0) { return null; } AppConfigurationEntry[] entries = new AppConfigurationEntry[list.size()]; Iterator<AppConfigurationEntry> iterator = list.iterator(); for (int i = 0; iterator.hasNext(); i++) { AppConfigurationEntry e = iterator.next(); entries[i] = new AppConfigurationEntry(e.getLoginModuleName(), e.getControlFlag(), e.getOptions()); } return entries; }
Refresh and reload the Configuration by re-reading all of the login configurations.
  • SecurityException – if the caller does not have permission to refresh the Configuration.
/** * Refresh and reload the Configuration by re-reading all of the * login configurations. * * @throws SecurityException if the caller does not have permission * to refresh the Configuration. */
@Override public synchronized void engineRefresh() { SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager(); if (sm != null) { sm.checkPermission( new AuthPermission("refreshLoginConfiguration")); } AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Void>() { public Void run() { try { init(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new SecurityException(ioe.getLocalizedMessage(), ioe); } return null; } }); } private void readConfig(Reader reader, Map<String, List<AppConfigurationEntry>> newConfig) throws IOException { linenum = 1; if (!(reader instanceof BufferedReader)) { reader = new BufferedReader(reader); } st = new StreamTokenizer(reader); st.quoteChar('"'); st.wordChars('$', '$'); st.wordChars('_', '_'); st.wordChars('-', '-'); st.wordChars('*', '*'); st.lowerCaseMode(false); st.slashSlashComments(true); st.slashStarComments(true); st.eolIsSignificant(true); lookahead = nextToken(); while (lookahead != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) { parseLoginEntry(newConfig); } } private void parseLoginEntry( Map<String, List<AppConfigurationEntry>> newConfig) throws IOException { List<AppConfigurationEntry> configEntries = new LinkedList<>(); // application name String appName = st.sval; lookahead = nextToken(); if (debugParser != null) { debugParser.println("\tReading next config entry: " + appName); } match("{"); // get the modules while (peek("}") == false) { // get the module class name String moduleClass = match("module class name"); // controlFlag (required, optional, etc) LoginModuleControlFlag controlFlag; String sflag = match("controlFlag").toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH); switch (sflag) { case "REQUIRED": controlFlag = LoginModuleControlFlag.REQUIRED; break; case "REQUISITE": controlFlag = LoginModuleControlFlag.REQUISITE; break; case "SUFFICIENT": controlFlag = LoginModuleControlFlag.SUFFICIENT; break; case "OPTIONAL": controlFlag = LoginModuleControlFlag.OPTIONAL; break; default: throw ioException( "Configuration.Error.Invalid.control.flag.flag", sflag); } // get the args Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>(); while (peek(";") == false) { String key = match("option key"); match("="); try { options.put(key, expand(match("option value"))); } catch (PropertyExpander.ExpandException peee) { throw new IOException(peee.getLocalizedMessage()); } } lookahead = nextToken(); // create the new element if (debugParser != null) { debugParser.println("\t\t" + moduleClass + ", " + sflag); for (String key : options.keySet()) { debugParser.println("\t\t\t" + key + "=" + options.get(key)); } } configEntries.add(new AppConfigurationEntry(moduleClass, controlFlag, options)); } match("}"); match(";"); // add this configuration entry if (newConfig.containsKey(appName)) { throw ioException( "Configuration.Error.Can.not.specify.multiple.entries.for.appName", appName); } newConfig.put(appName, configEntries); } private String match(String expect) throws IOException { String value = null; switch(lookahead) { case StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF: throw ioException( "Configuration.Error.expected.expect.read.end.of.file.", expect); case '"': case StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD: if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase("module class name") || expect.equalsIgnoreCase("controlFlag") || expect.equalsIgnoreCase("option key") || expect.equalsIgnoreCase("option value")) { value = st.sval; lookahead = nextToken(); } else { throw ioException( "Configuration.Error.Line.line.expected.expect.found.value.", linenum, expect, st.sval); } break; case '{': if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase("{")) { lookahead = nextToken(); } else { throw ioException( "Configuration.Error.Line.line.expected.expect.", linenum, expect, st.sval); } break; case ';': if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase(";")) { lookahead = nextToken(); } else { throw ioException( "Configuration.Error.Line.line.expected.expect.", linenum, expect, st.sval); } break; case '}': if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase("}")) { lookahead = nextToken(); } else { throw ioException( "Configuration.Error.Line.line.expected.expect.", linenum, expect, st.sval); } break; case '=': if (expect.equalsIgnoreCase("=")) { lookahead = nextToken(); } else { throw ioException( "Configuration.Error.Line.line.expected.expect.", linenum, expect, st.sval); } break; default: throw ioException( "Configuration.Error.Line.line.expected.expect.found.value.", linenum, expect, st.sval); } return value; } private boolean peek(String expect) { switch (lookahead) { case ',': return expect.equalsIgnoreCase(","); case ';': return expect.equalsIgnoreCase(";"); case '{': return expect.equalsIgnoreCase("{"); case '}': return expect.equalsIgnoreCase("}"); default: return false; } } private int nextToken() throws IOException { int tok; while ((tok = st.nextToken()) == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL) { linenum++; } return tok; } private InputStream getInputStream(URL url) throws IOException { if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(url.getProtocol())) { // Compatibility notes: // // Code changed from // String path = url.getFile().replace('/', File.separatorChar); // return new FileInputStream(path); // // The original implementation would search for "/tmp/a%20b" // when url is "file:///tmp/a%20b". This is incorrect. The // current codes fix this bug and searches for "/tmp/a b". // For compatibility reasons, when the file "/tmp/a b" does // not exist, the file named "/tmp/a%20b" will be tried. // // This also means that if both file exists, the behavior of // this method is changed, and the current codes choose the // correct one. try { return url.openStream(); } catch (Exception e) { String file = url.getPath(); if (url.getHost().length() > 0) { // For Windows UNC file = "//" + url.getHost() + file; } if (debugConfig != null) { debugConfig.println("cannot read " + url + ", try " + file); } return new FileInputStream(file); } } else { return url.openStream(); } } private String expand(String value) throws PropertyExpander.ExpandException, IOException { if (value.isEmpty()) { return value; } if (!expandProp) { return value; } String s = PropertyExpander.expand(value); if (s == null || s.length() == 0) { throw ioException( "Configuration.Error.Line.line.system.property.value.expanded.to.empty.value", linenum, value); } return s; } private IOException ioException(String resourceKey, Object... args) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat( ResourcesMgr.getAuthResourceString(resourceKey)); return new IOException(form.format(args)); } } }