 * Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
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package io.vertx.ext.web.sstore;

import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.Fluent;
import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.Nullable;
import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.VertxGen;
import io.vertx.core.*;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.ext.web.Session;
import io.vertx.ext.web.sstore.impl.ClusteredSessionStoreImpl;
import io.vertx.ext.web.sstore.impl.LocalSessionStoreImpl;

A session store is used to store sessions for an Vert.x-Web web app
Author:Tim Fox, Paulo Lopes
/** * A session store is used to store sessions for an Vert.x-Web web app * * @author <a href="http://tfox.org">Tim Fox</a> * @author <a href="mailto:plopes@redhat.com">Paulo Lopes</a> */
@VertxGen public interface SessionStore {
Create a Session store given a backend and configuration JSON.
  • vertx – vertx instance
Returns:the store or runtime exception
/** * Create a Session store given a backend and configuration JSON. * * @param vertx vertx instance * @return the store or runtime exception */
static SessionStore create(Vertx vertx) { return create(vertx, new JsonObject()); }
Create a Session store given a backend and configuration JSON.
  • vertx – vertx instance
  • options – extra options for initialization
Returns:the store or runtime exception
/** * Create a Session store given a backend and configuration JSON. * * @param vertx vertx instance * @param options extra options for initialization * @return the store or runtime exception */
static SessionStore create(Vertx vertx, JsonObject options) { SessionStore defaultStore; try { defaultStore = ServiceHelper.loadFactoryOrNull(SessionStore.class); if (defaultStore != null) { return defaultStore.init(vertx, options); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { // ignore that it cannot be loaded, falling back to the next } if (vertx.isClustered()) { defaultStore = new ClusteredSessionStoreImpl(); } else { defaultStore = new LocalSessionStoreImpl(); } return defaultStore.init(vertx, options); }
Initialize this store.
  • vertx – the vertx instance
  • options – optional Json with extra configuration options
Returns: self
/** * Initialize this store. * * @param vertx the vertx instance * @param options optional Json with extra configuration options * @return self */
@Fluent SessionStore init(Vertx vertx, JsonObject options);
Default length for a session id. More info: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Session_Management_Cheat_Sheet
/** * Default length for a session id. * More info: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Session_Management_Cheat_Sheet */
The retry timeout value in milli seconds used by the session handler when it retrieves a value from the store.

A non positive value means there is no retry at all.
Returns:the timeout value, in ms
/** * The retry timeout value in milli seconds used by the session handler when it retrieves a value from the store.<p/> * * A non positive value means there is no retry at all. * * @return the timeout value, in ms */
long retryTimeout();
Create a new session using the default min length.
  • timeout – - the session timeout, in ms
Returns:the session
/** * Create a new session using the default min length. * * @param timeout - the session timeout, in ms * * @return the session */
Session createSession(long timeout);
Create a new session.
  • timeout – - the session timeout, in ms
  • length – - the required length for the session id
Returns:the session
/** * Create a new session. * * @param timeout - the session timeout, in ms * @param length - the required length for the session id * * @return the session */
Session createSession(long timeout, int length);
Get the session with the specified ID.
  • cookieValue – the unique ID of the session
  • resultHandler – will be called with a result holding the session, or a failure
/** * Get the session with the specified ID. * * @param cookieValue the unique ID of the session * @param resultHandler will be called with a result holding the session, or a failure */
void get(String cookieValue, Handler<AsyncResult<@Nullable Session>> resultHandler);
  • cookieValue – the unique ID of the session
See Also:
  • get.get(String, Handler)
Returns:future that will be called with a result holding the session, or a failure
/** * @see SessionStore#get(String, Handler) * @param cookieValue the unique ID of the session * @return future that will be called with a result holding the session, or a failure */
default Future<@Nullable Session> get(String cookieValue) { Promise<Session> promise = Promise.promise(); get(cookieValue, promise); return promise.future(); }
Delete the session with the specified ID.
  • id – the session id
  • resultHandler – will be called with a success or a failure
/** * Delete the session with the specified ID. * * @param id the session id * @param resultHandler will be called with a success or a failure */
void delete(String id, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> resultHandler);
  • cookieValue – the unique ID of the session
See Also:
  • delete.delete(String, Handler)
Returns:future that will be called with a result, or a failure
/** * @see SessionStore#delete(String, Handler) * @param cookieValue the unique ID of the session * @return future that will be called with a result, or a failure */
default Future<Void> delete(String cookieValue) { Promise<Void> promise = Promise.promise(); delete(cookieValue, promise); return promise.future(); }
Add a session with the specified ID.
  • session – the session
  • resultHandler – will be called with a success or a failure
/** * Add a session with the specified ID. * * @param session the session * @param resultHandler will be called with a success or a failure */
void put(Session session, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> resultHandler);
  • session – the session
See Also:
  • put.put(Session, Handler)
Returns:future that will be called with a result, or a failure
/** * @see SessionStore#put(Session, Handler) * @param session the session * @return future that will be called with a result, or a failure */
default Future<Void> put(Session session) { Promise<Void> promise = Promise.promise(); put(session, promise); return promise.future(); }
Remove all sessions from the store.
  • resultHandler – will be called with a success or a failure
/** * Remove all sessions from the store. * * @param resultHandler will be called with a success or a failure */
void clear(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> resultHandler);
See Also:
  • clear.clear(Handler)
Returns:future that will be called with a result, or a failure
/** * @see SessionStore#clear(Handler) * @return future that will be called with a result, or a failure */
default Future<Void> clear() { Promise<Void> promise = Promise.promise(); clear(promise); return promise.future(); }
Get the number of sessions in the store.

Beware of the result which is just an estimate, in particular with distributed session stores.

  • resultHandler – will be called with the number, or a failure
/** * Get the number of sessions in the store. * <p> * Beware of the result which is just an estimate, in particular with distributed session stores. * * @param resultHandler will be called with the number, or a failure */
void size(Handler<AsyncResult<Integer>> resultHandler);
See Also:
  • size.size(Handler)
Returns:future that will be called with a result, or a failure
/** * @see SessionStore#size(Handler) * @return future that will be called with a result, or a failure */
default Future<Integer> size() { Promise<Integer> promise = Promise.promise(); size(promise); return promise.future(); }
Close the store
/** * Close the store */
void close(); }