 * Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
 *  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 *  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 *  and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
 *  The Eclipse Public License is available at
 *  http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
 *  The Apache License v2.0 is available at
 *  http://www.opensource.org/licenses/apache2.0.php
 *  You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
package io.vertx.ext.web.client.impl;

import io.netty.handler.codec.http.QueryStringEncoder;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.multipart.HttpPostRequestEncoder;
import io.vertx.core.*;
import io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer;
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientRequest;
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientResponse;
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpHeaders;
import io.vertx.core.http.RequestOptions;
import io.vertx.core.http.impl.HttpClientImpl;
import io.vertx.core.json.Json;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.core.streams.Pipe;
import io.vertx.core.streams.ReadStream;
import io.vertx.ext.web.client.HttpRequest;
import io.vertx.ext.web.client.HttpResponse;
import io.vertx.ext.web.codec.spi.BodyStream;
import io.vertx.ext.web.multipart.MultipartForm;

import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.*;

Author:Julien Viet
/** * @author <a href="mailto:julien@julienviet.com">Julien Viet</a> */
public class HttpContext<T> { private final Context context; private final Handler<AsyncResult<HttpResponse<T>>> handler; private final HttpClientImpl client; private final List<Handler<HttpContext<?>>> interceptors; private HttpRequestImpl<T> request; private Object body; private String contentType; private Map<String, Object> attrs; private Iterator<Handler<HttpContext<?>>> it; private ClientPhase phase; private HttpClientRequest clientRequest; private HttpClientResponse clientResponse; private HttpResponse<T> response; private Throwable failure; private int redirects; private List<String> redirectedLocations = new ArrayList<>(); HttpContext(Context context, HttpClientImpl client, List<Handler<HttpContext<?>>> interceptors, Handler<AsyncResult<HttpResponse<T>>> handler) { this.context = context; this.handler = handler; this.client = client; this.interceptors = interceptors; }
Returns:the underlying client request, only available during ClientPhase.SEND_REQUEST and after
/** * @return the underlying client request, only available during {@link ClientPhase#SEND_REQUEST} and after */
public HttpClientRequest clientRequest() { return clientRequest; }
Returns:the underlying client request, only available during ClientPhase.RECEIVE_RESPONSE and after
/** * @return the underlying client request, only available during {@link ClientPhase#RECEIVE_RESPONSE} and after */
public HttpClientResponse clientResponse() { return clientResponse; }
Returns:the current event type
/** * @return the current event type */
public ClientPhase phase() { return phase; }
Returns:the current request object
/** * @return the current request object */
public HttpRequest<T> request() { return request; }
Returns:the current response object, only available during ClientPhase.DISPATCH_RESPONSE
/** * @return the current response object, only available during {@link ClientPhase#DISPATCH_RESPONSE} */
public HttpResponse<T> response() { return response; } public HttpContext<T> response(HttpResponse<T> response) { this.response = response; return this; }
Returns:the number of followed redirects, this value is initialized to 0 during the prepare phase
/** * @return the number of followed redirects, this value is initialized to {@code 0} during the prepare phase */
public int redirects() { return redirects; }
Set the number of followed redirects.
  • redirects – the new value
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Set the number of followed redirects. * * @param redirects the new value * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public HttpContext<T> redirects(int redirects) { this.redirects = redirects; return this; }
Returns:the request content type
/** * @return the request content type */
public String contentType() { return contentType; }
Returns:the body to send
/** * @return the body to send */
public Object body() { return body; }
Returns:the failure, only for ClientPhase.FAILURE
/** * @return the failure, only for {@link ClientPhase#FAILURE} */
public Throwable failure() { return failure; }
Returns:all traced redirects
/** * @return all traced redirects */
public List<String> getRedirectedLocations() { return redirectedLocations; }
Prepare the HTTP request, this executes the ClientPhase.PREPARE_REQUEST phase:
/** * Prepare the HTTP request, this executes the {@link ClientPhase#PREPARE_REQUEST} phase: * <ul> * <li>Traverse the interceptor chain</li> * <li>Execute the {@link ClientPhase#SEND_REQUEST} phase</li> * </ul> */
public void prepareRequest(HttpRequest<T> request, String contentType, Object body) { this.request = (HttpRequestImpl<T>) request; this.contentType = contentType; this.body = body; fire(ClientPhase.PREPARE_REQUEST); }
Send the HTTP request, this executes the ClientPhase.SEND_REQUEST phase:
  • Create the HttpClientRequest
  • Traverse the interceptor chain
  • Send the actual request
/** * Send the HTTP request, this executes the {@link ClientPhase#SEND_REQUEST} phase: * <ul> * <li>Create the {@link HttpClientRequest}</li> * <li>Traverse the interceptor chain</li> * <li>Send the actual request</li> * </ul> */
public void sendRequest(HttpClientRequest clientRequest) { this.clientRequest = clientRequest; fire(ClientPhase.SEND_REQUEST); }
Follow the redirect, this executes the ClientPhase.FOLLOW_REDIRECT phase:
  • Traverse the interceptor chain
  • Send the redirect request
/** * Follow the redirect, this executes the {@link ClientPhase#FOLLOW_REDIRECT} phase: * <ul> * <li>Traverse the interceptor chain</li> * <li>Send the redirect request</li> * </ul> */
public void followRedirect() { fire(ClientPhase.SEND_REQUEST); }
Receive the HTTP response, this executes the ClientPhase.RECEIVE_RESPONSE phase:
/** * Receive the HTTP response, this executes the {@link ClientPhase#RECEIVE_RESPONSE} phase: * <ul> * <li>Traverse the interceptor chain</li> * <li>Execute the {@link ClientPhase#DISPATCH_RESPONSE} phase</li> * </ul> */
public void receiveResponse(HttpClientResponse clientResponse) { int sc = clientResponse.statusCode(); int maxRedirects = request.followRedirects ? client.getOptions().getMaxRedirects(): 0; if (redirects < maxRedirects && sc >= 300 && sc < 400) { redirects++; Future<HttpClientRequest> next = client.redirectHandler().apply(clientResponse); if (next != null) { redirectedLocations.add(clientResponse.getHeader(HttpHeaders.LOCATION)); next.setHandler(ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { HttpClientRequest nextRequest = ar.result(); if (request.headers != null) { nextRequest.headers().addAll(request.headers); } this.clientRequest = nextRequest; this.clientResponse = clientResponse; fire(ClientPhase.FOLLOW_REDIRECT); } else { fail(ar.cause()); } }); return; } } this.clientResponse = clientResponse; fire(ClientPhase.RECEIVE_RESPONSE); }
Dispatch the HTTP response, this executes the ClientPhase.DISPATCH_RESPONSE phase:
  • Create the HttpResponse
  • Traverse the interceptor chain
  • Deliver the response to the response handler
/** * Dispatch the HTTP response, this executes the {@link ClientPhase#DISPATCH_RESPONSE} phase: * <ul> * <li>Create the {@link HttpResponse}</li> * <li>Traverse the interceptor chain</li> * <li>Deliver the response to the response handler</li> * </ul> */
public void dispatchResponse(HttpResponse<T> response) { this.response = response; fire(ClientPhase.DISPATCH_RESPONSE); }
Fail the current HTTP context, this executes the ClientPhase.FAILURE phase:
  • Traverse the interceptor chain
  • Deliver the failure to the response handler
  • cause – the failure cause
Returns:true if the failure can be dispatched
/** * Fail the current HTTP context, this executes the {@link ClientPhase#FAILURE} phase: * <ul> * <li>Traverse the interceptor chain</li> * <li>Deliver the failure to the response handler</li> * </ul> * * @param cause the failure cause * @return {@code true} if the failure can be dispatched */
public boolean fail(Throwable cause) { if (phase == ClientPhase.FAILURE) { // Already processing a failure return false; } failure = cause; fire(ClientPhase.FAILURE); return true; }
Call the next interceptor in the chain.
/** * Call the next interceptor in the chain. */
public void next() { if (it.hasNext()) { Handler<HttpContext<?>> next = it.next(); next.handle(this); } else { it = null; execute(); } } private void fire(ClientPhase phase) { this.phase = phase; this.it = interceptors.iterator(); next(); } private void execute() { switch (phase) { case PREPARE_REQUEST: handlePrepareRequest(); break; case SEND_REQUEST: handleSendRequest(); break; case FOLLOW_REDIRECT: followRedirect(); break; case RECEIVE_RESPONSE: handleReceiveResponse(); break; case DISPATCH_RESPONSE: handleDispatchResponse(); break; case FAILURE: handleFailure(); break; } } private void handleFailure() { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(failure)); } private void handleDispatchResponse() { handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(response)); } private void handlePrepareRequest() { HttpClientRequest req; String requestURI; if (request.params != null && request.params.size() > 0) { QueryStringEncoder enc = new QueryStringEncoder(request.uri); request.params.forEach(param -> enc.addParam(param.getKey(), param.getValue())); requestURI = enc.toString(); } else { requestURI = request.uri; } int port = request.port; String host = request.host; if (request.ssl != null && request.ssl != request.options.isSsl()) { req = client.request(request.method, request.serverAddress, new RequestOptions().setSsl(request.ssl).setHost(host).setPort (port) .setURI (requestURI)); } else { if (request.protocol != null && !request.protocol.equals("http") && !request.protocol.equals("https")) { // we have to create an abs url again to parse it in HttpClient try { URI uri = new URI(request.protocol, null, host, port, requestURI, null, null); req = client.requestAbs(request.method, request.serverAddress, uri.toString()); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { fail(ex); return; } } else { req = client.request(request.method, request.serverAddress, port, host, requestURI); } } if (request.virtualHost != null) { String virtalHost = request.virtualHost; if (port != 80) { virtalHost += ":" + port; } req.setHost(virtalHost); } redirects = 0; if (request.headers != null) { req.headers().addAll(request.headers); } if (request.rawMethod != null) { req.setRawMethod(request.rawMethod); } sendRequest(req); } private void handleReceiveResponse() { HttpClientResponse resp = clientResponse; Context context = Vertx.currentContext(); Promise<HttpResponse<T>> promise = Promise.promise(); promise.future().setHandler(r -> { // We are running on a context (the HTTP client mandates it) context.runOnContext(v -> { if (r.succeeded()) { dispatchResponse(r.result()); } else { fail(r.cause()); } }); }); resp.exceptionHandler(err -> { if (!promise.future().isComplete()) { promise.fail(err); } }); Pipe<Buffer> pipe = resp.pipe(); request.codec.create(ar1 -> { if (ar1.succeeded()) { BodyStream<T> stream = ar1.result(); pipe.to(stream, ar2 -> { if (ar2.succeeded()) { stream.result().setHandler(ar3 -> { if (ar3.succeeded()) { promise.complete(new HttpResponseImpl<T>( resp.version(), resp.statusCode(), resp.statusMessage(), resp.headers(), resp.trailers(), resp.cookies(), stream.result().result(), redirectedLocations )); } else { promise.fail(ar3.cause()); } }); } else { promise.fail(ar2.cause()); } }); } else { pipe.close(); fail(ar1.cause()); } }); } private void handleSendRequest() { Promise<HttpClientResponse> responseFuture = Promise.<HttpClientResponse>promise(); responseFuture.future().setHandler(ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { HttpClientResponse resp = ar.result(); resp.pause(); receiveResponse(resp); } else { fail(ar.cause()); } }); HttpClientRequest req = clientRequest; req.handler(responseFuture::tryComplete); if (request.timeout > 0) { req.setTimeout(request.timeout); } if (body != null) { if (contentType != null) { String prev = req.headers().get(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE); if (prev == null) { req.putHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, contentType); } else { contentType = prev; } } if (body instanceof MultiMap) { MultipartForm parts = MultipartForm.create(); MultiMap attributes = (MultiMap) body; for (Map.Entry<String, String> attribute : attributes) { parts.attribute(attribute.getKey(), attribute.getValue()); } body = parts; } if (body instanceof MultipartForm) { MultipartFormUpload multipartForm; try { boolean multipart = "multipart/form-data".equals(contentType); HttpPostRequestEncoder.EncoderMode encoderMode = request.multipartMixed ? HttpPostRequestEncoder.EncoderMode.RFC1738 : HttpPostRequestEncoder.EncoderMode.HTML5; multipartForm = new MultipartFormUpload(context, (MultipartForm) this.body, multipart, encoderMode); this.body = multipartForm; } catch (Exception e) { responseFuture.tryFail(e); return; } for (String headerName : request.headers().names()) { req.putHeader(headerName, request.headers().get(headerName)); } multipartForm.headers().forEach(header -> { req.putHeader(header.getKey(), header.getValue()); }); multipartForm.run(); } if (body instanceof ReadStream<?>) { ReadStream<Buffer> stream = (ReadStream<Buffer>) body; if (request.headers == null || !request.headers.contains(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH)) { req.setChunked(true); } stream.pipeTo(req, ar -> { if (ar.failed()) { responseFuture.tryFail(ar.cause()); req.reset(); } }); } else { Buffer buffer; if (body instanceof Buffer) { buffer = (Buffer) body; } else if (body instanceof JsonObject) { buffer = Buffer.buffer(((JsonObject)body).encode()); } else { buffer = Buffer.buffer(Json.encode(body)); } req.exceptionHandler(responseFuture::tryFail); req.end(buffer); } } else { req.exceptionHandler(responseFuture::tryFail); req.end(); } } public <T> T get(String key) { return attrs != null ? (T) attrs.get(key) : null; } public HttpContext<T> set(String key, Object value) { if (value == null) { if (attrs != null) { attrs.remove(key); } } else { if (attrs == null) { attrs = new HashMap<>(); } attrs.put(key, value); } return this; } }