package io.vertx.ext.web.api.validation;

import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.VertxGen;

ParameterLocation describe the location of parameter inside HTTP Request
Author:Francesco Guardiani @slinkydeveloper
Deprecated:You should use the new module vertx-web-openapi
/** * ParameterLocation describe the location of parameter inside HTTP Request * * @author Francesco Guardiani @slinkydeveloper * @deprecated You should use the new module vertx-web-openapi */
@VertxGen @Deprecated public enum ParameterLocation { HEADER("header"), QUERY("query"), PATH("path"), FILE("body multipart/form"), BODY_FORM("body form"), BODY("body"), BODY_JSON("body json"), BODY_XML("body xml"), COOKIE("cookie"); public String s; ParameterLocation(String s) { this.s = s; } }