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package io.vertx.ext.stomp.impl;

Class responsible for the encoding and decoding of the STOMP frame headers. This class is thread-safe.
Author:Clement Escoffier
/** * Class responsible for the encoding and decoding of the STOMP frame headers. * This class is thread-safe. * * @author <a href="http://escoffier.me">Clement Escoffier</a> */
public class HeaderCodec { private static final String ESCAPE_ESCAPE = String.valueOf(new char[]{(char) 92, (char) 92}); private static final String COLON_ESCAPE = String.valueOf(new char[]{(char) 92, (char) 99}); private static final String LINE_FEED_ESCAPE = String.valueOf(new char[]{(char) 92, (char) 110}); private static final String CARRIAGE_RETURN_ESCAPE = String.valueOf(new char[]{(char) 92, (char) 114}); private HeaderCodec() { //Avoid direct instantiation. } public static String encode(String header, boolean connectOrConnectedFrame) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < header.length(); i++) { char value = header.charAt(i); switch (value) { case FrameParser.ESCAPE: // Always encoded. builder.append(ESCAPE_ESCAPE); break; case FrameParser.LINE_FEED: if (connectOrConnectedFrame) { builder.append(value); } else { builder.append(LINE_FEED_ESCAPE); } break; case ':': if (connectOrConnectedFrame) { builder.append(value); } else { builder.append(COLON_ESCAPE); } break; case '\r': if (connectOrConnectedFrame) { builder.append(value); } else { builder.append(CARRIAGE_RETURN_ESCAPE); } break; default: builder.append(value); } } return builder.toString(); } public static String decode(String header, boolean connectOrConnectedFrame) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; while (i < header.length()) { char value = header.charAt(i); if (value == 92 && i + 1 < header.length()) { char next = header.charAt(i + 1); switch (next) { case 114: if (connectOrConnectedFrame) { builder.append(value); } else { builder.append(FrameParser.CARRIAGE_RETURN); i++; } break; case 110: if (connectOrConnectedFrame) { builder.append(value); } else { builder.append(FrameParser.LINE_FEED); i++; } break; case 99: if (connectOrConnectedFrame) { builder.append(value); } else { builder.append(FrameParser.COLON); i++; } break; case 92: // Always decoded. builder.append(FrameParser.ESCAPE); i++; break; default: // By spec, all other escape must be treated as a fatal protocol error. throw new FrameException("Incorrect header value " + "- the header uses an illegal escaped character '" + next + "' (" + (byte) next + ")"); } } else { builder.append(value); } i++; } return builder.toString(); } }