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package io.vertx.ext.stomp;

import io.vertx.core.Handler;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.impl.Transaction;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.impl.Transactions;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.utils.Headers;

STOMP compliant actions executed when receiving a SEND sf.frame().

If the SEND frame specifies a transaction, the message delivery is postponed until the transaction commit.

The handler computes the MESSAGE frame from the SEND sf.frame(). It computes a message-id and ack id if needed. If requested the RECEIPT frame is sent once the MESSAGE frame has been sent to all matching subscriptions.

If the SEND frame requires an acknowledgment, the message-id is added to the list of messages waiting for acknowledgment.

This handler is thread safe.
Author:Clement Escoffier
/** * STOMP compliant actions executed when receiving a {@code SEND} sf.frame(). * <p/> * If the {@code SEND} frame specifies a transaction, the message delivery is postponed until the transaction commit. * <p/> * The handler computes the {@code MESSAGE} frame from the {@code SEND} sf.frame(). It computes a {@code message-id} and * {@code ack} id if needed. If requested the {@code RECEIPT} frame is sent once the {@code MESSAGE} frame has been * sent to all matching subscriptions. * <p/> * If the {@code SEND} frame requires an acknowledgment, the {@code message-id} is added to the list of messages * waiting for acknowledgment. * <p/> * This handler is thread safe. * * @author <a href="http://escoffier.me">Clement Escoffier</a> */
public class DefaultSendHandler implements Handler<ServerFrame> { @Override public void handle(ServerFrame sf) { String destination = sf.frame().getHeader(Frame.DESTINATION); if (destination == null) { sf.connection().write(Frames.createErrorFrame( "Destination header missing", Headers.create(sf.frame().getHeaders()), "Invalid send frame - the " + "'destination' must be set")); sf.connection().close(); return; } // Handle transaction String txId = sf.frame().getHeader(Frame.TRANSACTION); if (txId != null) { Transaction transaction = Transactions.instance().getTransaction(sf.connection(), txId); if (transaction == null) { // No transaction. Frame errorFrame = Frames.createErrorFrame( "No transaction", Headers.create(Frame.DESTINATION, destination, Frame.TRANSACTION, txId), "Message delivery failed - unknown transaction id"); sf.connection().write(errorFrame); sf.connection().close(); return; } else { if (!transaction.addFrameToTransaction(sf.frame())) { // Frame not added to transaction Frame errorFrame = Frames.createErrorFrame("Frame not added to transaction", Headers.create(Frame.DESTINATION, destination, Frame.TRANSACTION, txId), "Message delivery failed - the frame cannot be added to the transaction - the number of allowed thread " + "may have been reached"); Transactions.instance().unregisterTransactionsFromConnection(sf.connection()); sf.connection().write(errorFrame); sf.connection().close(); return; } Frames.handleReceipt(sf.frame(), sf.connection()); // No delivery in transactions. return; } } final Destination dest = sf.connection().handler().getDestination(destination); if (dest == null && sf.connection().server().options().isSendErrorOnNoSubscriptions()) { Frame errorFrame = Frames.createErrorFrame( "No subscriptions", Headers.create(Frame.DESTINATION, destination), "Message delivery failed - no subscriptions on this destination"); sf.connection().write(errorFrame); sf.connection().close(); return; } if (dest != null) { if (dest.dispatch(sf.connection(), sf.frame()) == null) { // Error managed by the destination. return; } } Frames.handleReceipt(sf.frame(), sf.connection()); } }