 *  Copyright (c) 2011-2015 The original author or authors
 *  ------------------------------------------------------
 *  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 *  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 *  and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
 *       The Eclipse Public License is available at
 *       http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
 *       The Apache License v2.0 is available at
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 *  You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.

package examples;

import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer;
import io.vertx.core.net.NetClient;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.StompClient;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.StompClientConnection;
import io.vertx.ext.stomp.StompClientOptions;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

Author:Clement Escoffier
/** * @author <a href="http://escoffier.me">Clement Escoffier</a> */
public class StompClientExamples { public void example1(Vertx vertx) { StompClient client = StompClient.create(vertx) .connect(ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { StompClientConnection connection = ar.result(); } else { System.out.println("Failed to connect to the STOMP server: " + ar.cause().toString()); } }); } public void example2(Vertx vertx) { StompClient client = StompClient.create(vertx) .connect(61613, "", ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { StompClientConnection connection = ar.result(); } else { System.out.println("Failed to connect to the STOMP server: " + ar.cause().toString()); } }); } public void example21(Vertx vertx) { StompClient client = StompClient.create(vertx) .errorFrameHandler(frame -> { // Received the ERROR frame }) .connect(61613, "", ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { StompClientConnection connection = ar.result(); } else { System.out.println("Failed to connect to the STOMP server: " + ar.cause().toString()); } }); } public void example3(Vertx vertx) { StompClient client = StompClient.create(vertx, new StompClientOptions().setHost("localhost").setPort(1234)) .connect(ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { StompClientConnection connection = ar.result(); } else { System.out.println("Failed to connect to the STOMP server: " + ar.cause().toString()); } }); } public void example4(Vertx vertx) { StompClient client = StompClient.create(vertx, new StompClientOptions().setHost("localhost").setPort(1234)) .connect(ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { StompClientConnection connection = ar.result(); } else { System.out.println("Failed to connect to the STOMP server: " + ar.cause().toString()); } }); client.close(); } public void example5(Vertx vertx) { StompClient client = StompClient.create(vertx, new StompClientOptions().setHost("localhost").setPort(1234)) .connect(ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { StompClientConnection connection = ar.result(); connection.disconnect(); } else { System.out.println("Failed to connect to the STOMP server: " + ar.cause().toString()); } }); } public void example6(Vertx vertx) { StompClient client = StompClient.create(vertx, new StompClientOptions().setHost("localhost").setPort(1234)) .connect(ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { StompClientConnection connection = ar.result(); connection.errorHandler(frame -> System.out.println("ERROR frame received : " + frame)); } else { System.out.println("Failed to connect to the STOMP server: " + ar.cause().toString()); } }); } public void example7(Vertx vertx, NetClient netClient) { StompClient client = StompClient.create(vertx) .connect(netClient, ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { StompClientConnection connection = ar.result(); connection.errorHandler(frame -> System.out.println("ERROR frame received : " + frame)); } else { System.out.println("Failed to connect to the STOMP server: " + ar.cause().toString()); } }); } public void example8(Vertx vertx) { StompClient client = StompClient.create(vertx) .connect(ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { StompClientConnection connection = ar.result(); connection.subscribe("/queue", frame -> System.out.println("Just received a frame from /queue : " + frame)); } else { System.out.println("Failed to connect to the STOMP server: " + ar.cause().toString()); } }); } public void example9(Vertx vertx) { StompClient client = StompClient.create(vertx) .connect(ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { StompClientConnection connection = ar.result(); connection.subscribe("/queue", frame -> System.out.println("Just received a frame from /queue : " + frame)); // .... connection.unsubscribe("/queue"); } else { System.out.println("Failed to connect to the STOMP server: " + ar.cause().toString()); } }); } public void example10(Vertx vertx) { StompClient client = StompClient.create(vertx) .connect(ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { StompClientConnection connection = ar.result(); Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>(); headers.put("header1", "value1"); connection.send("/queue", headers, Buffer.buffer("Hello")); // No headers: connection.send("/queue", Buffer.buffer("World")); } else { System.out.println("Failed to connect to the STOMP server: " + ar.cause().toString()); } }); } public void example11(Vertx vertx) { StompClient client = StompClient.create(vertx) .connect(ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { StompClientConnection connection = ar.result(); connection.subscribe("/queue", frame -> { connection.ack(frame.getAck()); // OR connection.nack(frame.getAck()); }); } else { System.out.println("Failed to connect to the STOMP server: " + ar.cause().toString()); } }); } public void example12(Vertx vertx) { StompClient client = StompClient.create(vertx) .connect(ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { StompClientConnection connection = ar.result(); Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>(); headers.put("transaction", "my-transaction"); connection.beginTX("my-transaction"); connection.send("/queue", headers, Buffer.buffer("Hello")); connection.send("/queue", headers, Buffer.buffer("World")); connection.send("/queue", headers, Buffer.buffer("!!!")); connection.commit("my-transaction"); // OR connection.abort("my-transaction"); } else { System.out.println("Failed to connect to the STOMP server: " + ar.cause().toString()); } }); } public void example13(Vertx vertx) { StompClient client = StompClient.create(vertx) .connect(ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { StompClientConnection connection = ar.result(); connection.send("/queue", Buffer.buffer("Hello"), frame -> { System.out.println("Message processed by the server"); } ); } else { System.out.println("Failed to connect to the STOMP server: " + ar.cause().toString()); } }); } public void example14(Vertx vertx) { StompClient client = StompClient.create(vertx) .connect(ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { StompClientConnection connection = ar.result(); connection.connectionDroppedHandler(con -> { // The connection has been lost // You can reconnect or switch to another server. }); connection.send("/queue", Buffer.buffer("Hello"), frame -> { System.out.println("Message processed by the server"); } ); } else { System.out.println("Failed to connect to the STOMP server: " + ar.cause().toString()); } }); } }