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package io.vertx.ext.shell.system.impl;

import io.vertx.core.Handler;

import io.vertx.core.Promise;
import io.vertx.ext.shell.session.Session;
import io.vertx.ext.shell.system.Process;
import io.vertx.ext.shell.term.Tty;
import io.vertx.ext.shell.system.Job;
import io.vertx.ext.shell.system.ExecStatus;

Author:Julien Viet
/** * @author <a href="mailto:julien@julienviet.com">Julien Viet</a> */
public class JobImpl implements Job { final int id; final JobControllerImpl controller; final Process process; final String line; private volatile ExecStatus actualStatus; // Used internally for testing only volatile long lastStopped; // When the job was last stopped volatile Tty tty; volatile Session session; volatile Handler<ExecStatus> statusUpdateHandler; final Promise<Void> terminatePromise; JobImpl(int id, JobControllerImpl controller, Process process, String line) { this.id = id; this.controller = controller; this.process = process; this.line = line; this.terminatePromise = Promise.promise(); process.terminatedHandler(exitCode -> { if (controller.foregroundJob == this) { controller.foregroundJob = null; if (controller.foregroundUpdatedHandler != null) { controller.foregroundUpdatedHandler.handle(null); } } controller.removeJob(JobImpl.this.id); if (statusUpdateHandler != null) { statusUpdateHandler.handle(ExecStatus.TERMINATED); } terminatePromise.complete(); }); } @Override public Job setSession(Session session) { this.session = session; return this; } public ExecStatus actualStatus() { return actualStatus; } @Override public Job statusUpdateHandler(Handler<ExecStatus> handler) { statusUpdateHandler = handler; return this; } @Override public boolean interrupt() { return process.interrupt(); } @Override public Job resume(boolean foreground) { if (controller.foregroundJob != null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } try { process.resume(foreground, v -> { actualStatus = ExecStatus.RUNNING; }); } catch (IllegalStateException ignore) { } if (foreground) { controller.foregroundJob = this; if (controller.foregroundUpdatedHandler != null) { controller.foregroundUpdatedHandler.handle(this); } } if (statusUpdateHandler != null) { statusUpdateHandler.handle(process.status()); } return this; } @Override public Job suspend() { try { process.suspend(v -> { actualStatus = ExecStatus.STOPPED; }); } catch (IllegalStateException ignore) { return this; } if (controller.foregroundJob == this) { controller.foregroundJob = null; if (controller.foregroundUpdatedHandler != null) { controller.foregroundUpdatedHandler.handle(null); } } if (statusUpdateHandler != null) { statusUpdateHandler.handle(process.status()); } return this; } @Override public void terminate() { try { process.terminate(); } catch (IllegalStateException ignore) { // Process already terminated, likely by itself } } @Override public Process process() { return process; } public long lastStopped() { return lastStopped; } public ExecStatus status() { return process.status(); } public String line() { return line; } @Override public Job toBackground() { if (controller.foregroundJob == this) { controller.foregroundJob = null; process.toBackground(); if (statusUpdateHandler != null) { statusUpdateHandler.handle(process.status()); } } return this; } @Override public Job toForeground() { if (controller.foregroundJob != null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } controller.foregroundJob = this; if (controller.foregroundUpdatedHandler != null) { controller.foregroundUpdatedHandler.handle(this); } process.toForeground(); if (statusUpdateHandler != null) { statusUpdateHandler.handle(process.status()); } return this; } @Override public int id() { return id; } @Override public Job setTty(Tty tty) { this.tty = tty; return this; } @Override public Job run() { controller.foregroundJob = this; if (controller.foregroundUpdatedHandler != null) { controller.foregroundUpdatedHandler.handle(this); } actualStatus = ExecStatus.RUNNING; if (statusUpdateHandler != null) { statusUpdateHandler.handle(ExecStatus.RUNNING); } process.setTty(tty); process.setSession(session); process.run(); return this; } }