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package io.vertx.ext.shell.term;

import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.Fluent;
import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.VertxGen;
import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult;
import io.vertx.core.Handler;
import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.ext.auth.AuthProvider;
import io.vertx.ext.shell.term.impl.SSHServer;
import io.vertx.ext.shell.term.impl.TelnetTermServer;
import io.vertx.ext.shell.term.impl.HttpTermServer;
import io.vertx.ext.web.Router;

A server for terminal based applications.
Author:Julien Viet
/** * A server for terminal based applications. * * @author <a href="mailto:julien@julienviet.com">Julien Viet</a> */
@VertxGen public interface TermServer {
Create a term server for the SSH protocol.
  • vertx – the vertx instance
Returns:the term server
/** * Create a term server for the SSH protocol. * * @param vertx the vertx instance * @return the term server */
static TermServer createSSHTermServer(Vertx vertx) { return createSSHTermServer(vertx, new SSHTermOptions()); }
Create a term server for the SSH protocol.
  • vertx – the vertx instance
  • options – the ssh options
Returns:the term server
/** * Create a term server for the SSH protocol. * * @param vertx the vertx instance * @param options the ssh options * @return the term server */
static TermServer createSSHTermServer(Vertx vertx, SSHTermOptions options) { return new SSHServer(vertx, options); }
Create a term server for the Telnet protocol.
  • vertx – the vertx instance
Returns:the term server
/** * Create a term server for the Telnet protocol. * * @param vertx the vertx instance * @return the term server */
static TermServer createTelnetTermServer(Vertx vertx) { return createTelnetTermServer(vertx, new TelnetTermOptions()); }
Create a term server for the Telnet protocol.
  • vertx – the vertx instance
  • options – the term options
Returns:the term server
/** * Create a term server for the Telnet protocol. * * @param vertx the vertx instance * @param options the term options * @return the term server */
static TermServer createTelnetTermServer(Vertx vertx, TelnetTermOptions options) { return new TelnetTermServer(vertx, options); }
Create a term server for the HTTP protocol.
  • vertx – the vertx instance
Returns:the term server
/** * Create a term server for the HTTP protocol. * * @param vertx the vertx instance * @return the term server */
static TermServer createHttpTermServer(Vertx vertx) { return createHttpTermServer(vertx, new HttpTermOptions()); }
Create a term server for the HTTP protocol.
  • vertx – the vertx instance
  • options – the term options
Returns:the term server
/** * Create a term server for the HTTP protocol. * * @param vertx the vertx instance * @param options the term options * @return the term server */
static TermServer createHttpTermServer(Vertx vertx, HttpTermOptions options) { return new HttpTermServer(vertx, options); }
Create a term server for the HTTP protocol, using an existing router.
  • vertx – the vertx instance
  • router – the router
Returns:the term server
/** * Create a term server for the HTTP protocol, using an existing router. * * @param vertx the vertx instance * @param router the router * @return the term server */
static TermServer createHttpTermServer(Vertx vertx, Router router) { return createHttpTermServer(vertx, router, new HttpTermOptions()); }
Create a term server for the HTTP protocol, using an existing router.
  • vertx – the vertx instance
  • router – the router
  • options – the term options
Returns:the term server
/** * Create a term server for the HTTP protocol, using an existing router. * * @param vertx the vertx instance * @param router the router * @param options the term options * @return the term server */
static TermServer createHttpTermServer(Vertx vertx, Router router, HttpTermOptions options) { return new HttpTermServer(vertx, router, options); }
Set the term handler that will receive incoming client connections. When a remote terminal connects the handler will be called with the Term which can be used to interact with the remote terminal.
  • handler – the term handler
Returns:this object
/** * Set the term handler that will receive incoming client connections. When a remote terminal connects * the {@code handler} will be called with the {@link Term} which can be used to interact with the remote * terminal. * * @param handler the term handler * @return this object */
@Fluent TermServer termHandler(Handler<Term> handler);
Set an auth provider to use, any provider configured in options will override this provider. This should be used when a custom auth provider should be used.
  • provider – the auth to use
Returns:this object
/** * Set an auth provider to use, any provider configured in options will override this provider. This should be used * when a custom auth provider should be used. * * @param provider the auth to use * @return this object */
@Fluent TermServer authProvider(AuthProvider provider);
Bind the term server, the termHandler(Handler<Term>) must be set before.
Returns:this object
/** * Bind the term server, the {@link #termHandler(Handler)} must be set before. * * @return this object */
@Fluent default TermServer listen() { return listen(null); }
Bind the term server, the termHandler(Handler<Term>) must be set before.
  • listenHandler – the listen handler
Returns:this object
/** * Bind the term server, the {@link #termHandler(Handler)} must be set before. * * @param listenHandler the listen handler * @return this object */
@Fluent TermServer listen(Handler<AsyncResult<TermServer>> listenHandler);
The actual port the server is listening on. This is useful if you bound the server specifying 0 as port number signifying an ephemeral port
Returns:the actual port the server is listening on.
/** * The actual port the server is listening on. This is useful if you bound the server specifying 0 as port number * signifying an ephemeral port * * @return the actual port the server is listening on. */
int actualPort();
Close the server. This will close any currently open connections. The close may not complete until after this method has returned.
/** * Close the server. This will close any currently open connections. The close may not complete until after this * method has returned. */
void close();
Like close but supplying a handler that will be notified when close is complete.
  • completionHandler – the handler to be notified when the term server is closed
/** * Like {@link #close} but supplying a handler that will be notified when close is complete. * * @param completionHandler the handler to be notified when the term server is closed */
void close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler); }