package io.vertx.servicediscovery.types;

import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.VertxGen;
import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult;
import io.vertx.core.Future;
import io.vertx.core.Handler;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient;
import io.vertx.servicediscovery.Record;
import io.vertx.servicediscovery.ServiceDiscovery;
import io.vertx.servicediscovery.spi.ServiceType;

import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Function;

Author:Clement Escoffier
/** * @author <a href="">Clement Escoffier</a> */
@VertxGen public interface MongoDataSource extends ServiceType { String TYPE = "mongo";
Convenient method to create a record for a Mongo data source.
  • name – the service name
  • location – the location of the service (e.g. url, port...)
  • metadata – additional metadata
Returns:the created record
/** * Convenient method to create a record for a Mongo data source. * * @param name the service name * @param location the location of the service (e.g. url, port...) * @param metadata additional metadata * @return the created record */
static Record createRecord(String name, JsonObject location, JsonObject metadata) { Objects.requireNonNull(name); Objects.requireNonNull(location); Record record = new Record().setName(name) .setType(TYPE) .setLocation(location); if (metadata != null) { record.setMetadata(metadata); } return record; }
Convenient method that looks for a Mongo datasource source and provides the configured MongoClient. The async result is marked as failed is there are no matching services, or if the lookup fails.
  • discovery – The service discovery instance
  • filter – The filter, optional
  • resultHandler – The result handler
/** * Convenient method that looks for a Mongo datasource source and provides the configured {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient}. The * async result is marked as failed is there are no matching services, or if the lookup fails. * * @param discovery The service discovery instance * @param filter The filter, optional * @param resultHandler The result handler */
static void getMongoClient(ServiceDiscovery discovery, JsonObject filter, Handler<AsyncResult<MongoClient>> resultHandler) { getMongoClient(discovery, filter).onComplete(resultHandler); } /** * Like {@link #getMongoClient(ServiceDiscovery, JsonObject, Handler)} but returns a future of the result */ static Future<MongoClient> getMongoClient(ServiceDiscovery discovery, JsonObject filter) { return discovery.getRecord(filter).flatMap(res -> { if (res == null) { return Future.failedFuture("No matching records"); } else { return Future.succeededFuture(discovery.getReference(res).get()); } }); }
Convenient method that looks for a Mongo datasource source and provides the configured MongoClient. The async result is marked as failed is there are no matching services, or if the lookup fails.
  • discovery – The service discovery instance
  • filter – The filter
  • resultHandler – The result handler
/** * Convenient method that looks for a Mongo datasource source and provides the configured * {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient}. The * async result is marked as failed is there are no matching services, or if the lookup fails. * * @param discovery The service discovery instance * @param filter The filter * @param resultHandler The result handler */
static void getMongoClient(ServiceDiscovery discovery, Function<Record, Boolean> filter, Handler<AsyncResult<MongoClient>> resultHandler) { getMongoClient(discovery, filter).onComplete(resultHandler); } /** * Like {@link #getMongoClient(ServiceDiscovery, Function, Handler)} but returns a future of the result */ static Future<MongoClient> getMongoClient(ServiceDiscovery discovery, Function<Record, Boolean> filter) { return discovery.getRecord(filter).flatMap(res -> { if (res == null) { return Future.failedFuture("No matching records"); } else { return Future.succeededFuture(discovery.getReference(res).get()); } }); }
Convenient method that looks for a Mongo datasource source and provides the configured MongoClient. The async result is marked as failed is there are no matching services, or if the lookup fails.
  • discovery – The service discovery instance
  • filter – The filter, optional
  • consumerConfiguration – the consumer configuration
  • resultHandler – the result handler
/** * Convenient method that looks for a Mongo datasource source and provides the configured {@link io.vertx.ext.mongo.MongoClient}. The * async result is marked as failed is there are no matching services, or if the lookup fails. * * @param discovery The service discovery instance * @param filter The filter, optional * @param consumerConfiguration the consumer configuration * @param resultHandler the result handler */
static void getMongoClient(ServiceDiscovery discovery, JsonObject filter, JsonObject consumerConfiguration, Handler<AsyncResult<MongoClient>> resultHandler) { getMongoClient(discovery, filter, consumerConfiguration).onComplete(resultHandler); } /** * Like {@link #getMongoClient(ServiceDiscovery, JsonObject, JsonObject, Handler)} but returns a future of the result */ static Future<MongoClient> getMongoClient(ServiceDiscovery discovery, JsonObject filter, JsonObject consumerConfiguration) { return discovery.getRecord(filter).flatMap(res -> { if (res == null) { return Future.failedFuture("No matching records"); } else { return Future.succeededFuture(discovery.getReferenceWithConfiguration(res, consumerConfiguration).get()); } }); } }