 * Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
 * Red Hat licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * under the License.

package io.vertx.reactivex.core.net;

import io.vertx.reactivex.RxHelper;
import io.vertx.reactivex.ObservableHelper;
import io.vertx.reactivex.FlowableHelper;
import io.vertx.reactivex.impl.AsyncResultMaybe;
import io.vertx.reactivex.impl.AsyncResultSingle;
import io.vertx.reactivex.impl.AsyncResultCompletable;
import io.vertx.reactivex.WriteStreamObserver;
import io.vertx.reactivex.WriteStreamSubscriber;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import io.vertx.core.Handler;
import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray;
import io.vertx.lang.rx.RxGen;
import io.vertx.lang.rx.TypeArg;
import io.vertx.lang.rx.MappingIterator;

Represents a TCP server

NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the original non RX-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.
/** * Represents a TCP server * * <p/> * NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the {@link io.vertx.core.net.NetServer original} non RX-ified interface using Vert.x codegen. */
@RxGen(io.vertx.core.net.NetServer.class) public class NetServer implements io.vertx.reactivex.core.metrics.Measured { @Override public String toString() { return delegate.toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; NetServer that = (NetServer) o; return delegate.equals(that.delegate); } @Override public int hashCode() { return delegate.hashCode(); } public static final TypeArg<NetServer> __TYPE_ARG = new TypeArg<>( obj -> new NetServer((io.vertx.core.net.NetServer) obj), NetServer::getDelegate ); private final io.vertx.core.net.NetServer delegate; public NetServer(io.vertx.core.net.NetServer delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; } public NetServer(Object delegate) { this.delegate = (io.vertx.core.net.NetServer)delegate; } public io.vertx.core.net.NetServer getDelegate() { return delegate; } private static final TypeArg<io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetSocket> TYPE_ARG_0 = new TypeArg<io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetSocket>(o1 -> io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetSocket.newInstance((io.vertx.core.net.NetSocket)o1), o1 -> o1.getDelegate());
Whether the metrics are enabled for this measured object
Returns:true if metrics are enabled
/** * Whether the metrics are enabled for this measured object * @return <code>true</code> if metrics are enabled */
public boolean isMetricsEnabled() { boolean ret = delegate.isMetricsEnabled(); return ret; }
Return the connect stream for this server. The server can only have at most one handler at any one time. As the server accepts TCP or SSL connections it creates an instance of NetSocket and passes it to the connect stream .
Returns:the connect stream
/** * Return the connect stream for this server. The server can only have at most one handler at any one time. * As the server accepts TCP or SSL connections it creates an instance of {@link io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetSocket} and passes it to the * connect stream . * @return the connect stream */
public io.vertx.reactivex.core.streams.ReadStream<io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetSocket> connectStream() { io.vertx.reactivex.core.streams.ReadStream<io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetSocket> ret = io.vertx.reactivex.core.streams.ReadStream.newInstance((io.vertx.core.streams.ReadStream)delegate.connectStream(), TYPE_ARG_0); return ret; }
Supply a connect handler for this server. The server can only have at most one connect handler at any one time. As the server accepts TCP or SSL connections it creates an instance of NetSocket and passes it to the connect handler.
  • handler –
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Supply a connect handler for this server. The server can only have at most one connect handler at any one time. * As the server accepts TCP or SSL connections it creates an instance of {@link io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetSocket} and passes it to the * connect handler. * @param handler * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer connectHandler(Handler<io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetSocket> handler) { io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer ret = io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer.newInstance((io.vertx.core.net.NetServer)delegate.connectHandler(new Handler<io.vertx.core.net.NetSocket>() { public void handle(io.vertx.core.net.NetSocket event) { handler.handle(io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetSocket.newInstance((io.vertx.core.net.NetSocket)event)); } })); return ret; }
Like listen but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails.
  • listenHandler – handler that will be notified when listening or failed
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Like {@link io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer#listen} but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails. * @param listenHandler handler that will be notified when listening or failed * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer listen(Handler<AsyncResult<io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer>> listenHandler) { delegate.listen(new Handler<AsyncResult<io.vertx.core.net.NetServer>>() { public void handle(AsyncResult<io.vertx.core.net.NetServer> ar) { if (ar.succeeded()) { listenHandler.handle(io.vertx.core.Future.succeededFuture(io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer.newInstance((io.vertx.core.net.NetServer)ar.result()))); } else { listenHandler.handle(io.vertx.core.Future.failedFuture(ar.cause())); } } }); return this; }
Like listen but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails.
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Like {@link io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer#listen} but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails. * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer listen() { return listen(ar -> { }); }
Like listen but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails.
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Like {@link io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer#listen} but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails. * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public io.reactivex.Single<io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer> rxListen() { return AsyncResultSingle.toSingle($handler -> { listen($handler); }); }
Like listen but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails.
  • port – the port to listen on
  • host – the host to listen on
  • listenHandler – handler that will be notified when listening or failed
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Like {@link io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer#listen} but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails. * @param port the port to listen on * @param host the host to listen on * @param listenHandler handler that will be notified when listening or failed * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer listen(int port, String host, Handler<AsyncResult<io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer>> listenHandler) { delegate.listen(port, host, new Handler<AsyncResult<io.vertx.core.net.NetServer>>() { public void handle(AsyncResult<io.vertx.core.net.NetServer> ar) { if (ar.succeeded()) { listenHandler.handle(io.vertx.core.Future.succeededFuture(io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer.newInstance((io.vertx.core.net.NetServer)ar.result()))); } else { listenHandler.handle(io.vertx.core.Future.failedFuture(ar.cause())); } } }); return this; }
Like listen but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails.
  • port – the port to listen on
  • host – the host to listen on
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Like {@link io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer#listen} but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails. * @param port the port to listen on * @param host the host to listen on * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer listen(int port, String host) { return listen(port, host, ar -> { }); }
Like listen but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails.
  • port – the port to listen on
  • host – the host to listen on
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Like {@link io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer#listen} but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails. * @param port the port to listen on * @param host the host to listen on * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public io.reactivex.Single<io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer> rxListen(int port, String host) { return AsyncResultSingle.toSingle($handler -> { listen(port, host, $handler); }); }
Like listen but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails.
  • port – the port to listen on
  • listenHandler – handler that will be notified when listening or failed
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Like {@link io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer#listen} but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails. * @param port the port to listen on * @param listenHandler handler that will be notified when listening or failed * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer listen(int port, Handler<AsyncResult<io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer>> listenHandler) { delegate.listen(port, new Handler<AsyncResult<io.vertx.core.net.NetServer>>() { public void handle(AsyncResult<io.vertx.core.net.NetServer> ar) { if (ar.succeeded()) { listenHandler.handle(io.vertx.core.Future.succeededFuture(io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer.newInstance((io.vertx.core.net.NetServer)ar.result()))); } else { listenHandler.handle(io.vertx.core.Future.failedFuture(ar.cause())); } } }); return this; }
Like listen but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails.
  • port – the port to listen on
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Like {@link io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer#listen} but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails. * @param port the port to listen on * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer listen(int port) { return listen(port, ar -> { }); }
Like listen but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails.
  • port – the port to listen on
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Like {@link io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer#listen} but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails. * @param port the port to listen on * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public io.reactivex.Single<io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer> rxListen(int port) { return AsyncResultSingle.toSingle($handler -> { listen(port, $handler); }); }
Like listen but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails.
  • localAddress – the local address to listen on
  • listenHandler – handler that will be notified when listening or failed
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Like {@link io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer#listen} but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails. * @param localAddress the local address to listen on * @param listenHandler handler that will be notified when listening or failed * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer listen(io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.SocketAddress localAddress, Handler<AsyncResult<io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer>> listenHandler) { delegate.listen(localAddress.getDelegate(), new Handler<AsyncResult<io.vertx.core.net.NetServer>>() { public void handle(AsyncResult<io.vertx.core.net.NetServer> ar) { if (ar.succeeded()) { listenHandler.handle(io.vertx.core.Future.succeededFuture(io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer.newInstance((io.vertx.core.net.NetServer)ar.result()))); } else { listenHandler.handle(io.vertx.core.Future.failedFuture(ar.cause())); } } }); return this; }
Like listen but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails.
  • localAddress – the local address to listen on
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Like {@link io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer#listen} but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails. * @param localAddress the local address to listen on * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer listen(io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.SocketAddress localAddress) { return listen(localAddress, ar -> { }); }
Like listen but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails.
  • localAddress – the local address to listen on
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Like {@link io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer#listen} but providing a handler that will be notified when the server is listening, or fails. * @param localAddress the local address to listen on * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public io.reactivex.Single<io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer> rxListen(io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.SocketAddress localAddress) { return AsyncResultSingle.toSingle($handler -> { listen(localAddress, $handler); }); }
Like close but supplying a handler that will be notified when close is complete.
  • completionHandler – the handler
/** * Like {@link io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer#close} but supplying a handler that will be notified when close is complete. * @param completionHandler the handler */
public void close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler) { delegate.close(completionHandler); }
Like close but supplying a handler that will be notified when close is complete.
/** * Like {@link io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer#close} but supplying a handler that will be notified when close is complete. */
public void close() { close(ar -> { }); }
Like close but supplying a handler that will be notified when close is complete.
/** * Like {@link io.vertx.reactivex.core.net.NetServer#close} but supplying a handler that will be notified when close is complete. * @return */
public io.reactivex.Completable rxClose() { return AsyncResultCompletable.toCompletable($handler -> { close($handler); }); }
The actual port the server is listening on. This is useful if you bound the server specifying 0 as port number signifying an ephemeral port
Returns:the actual port the server is listening on.
/** * The actual port the server is listening on. This is useful if you bound the server specifying 0 as port number * signifying an ephemeral port * @return the actual port the server is listening on. */
public int actualPort() { int ret = delegate.actualPort(); return ret; } public static NetServer newInstance(io.vertx.core.net.NetServer arg) { return arg != null ? new NetServer(arg) : null; } }