package examples;

import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult;
import io.vertx.core.Handler;
import io.vertx.core.Verticle;
import io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions;
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpClientOptions;
import io.vertx.core.http.HttpMethod;
import io.vertx.docgen.Source;
import io.vertx.rxjava.core.RxHelper;
import io.vertx.rxjava.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.rxjava.core.WorkerExecutor;
import io.vertx.rxjava.core.buffer.Buffer;
import io.vertx.rxjava.core.eventbus.EventBus;
import io.vertx.rxjava.core.eventbus.Message;
import io.vertx.rxjava.core.eventbus.MessageConsumer;
import io.vertx.rxjava.core.file.AsyncFile;
import io.vertx.rxjava.core.file.FileSystem;
import io.vertx.rxjava.core.http.*;
import rx.*;
import rx.plugins.RxJavaHooks;
import rx.plugins.RxJavaSchedulersHook;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

Author:Julien Viet
/** * @author <a href="">Julien Viet</a> */
@Source public class RxifiedExamples { public void toObservable(Vertx vertx) { FileSystem fs = vertx.fileSystem();"/data.txt", new OpenOptions(), result -> { AsyncFile file = result.result(); Observable<Buffer> observable = file.toObservable(); observable.forEach(data -> System.out.println("Read data: " + data.toString("UTF-8"))); }); } private static void checkAuth(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public void delayToObservable(HttpServer server) { server.requestHandler(request -> { if (request.method() == HttpMethod.POST) { // Stop receiving buffers request.pause(); checkAuth(res -> { // Now we can receive buffers again request.resume(); if (res.succeeded()) { Observable<Buffer> observable = request.toObservable(); observable.subscribe(buff -> { // Get buffers }); } }); } }); } public void single(Vertx vertx) { // Obtain a single that performs the actual listen on subscribe Single<HttpServer> single = vertx .createHttpServer() .rxListen(1234, "localhost"); // Subscribe to bind the server single. subscribe( server -> { // Server is listening }, failure -> { // Server could not start } ); } public void scheduler(Vertx vertx) { Scheduler scheduler = io.vertx.rxjava.core.RxHelper.scheduler(vertx); Observable<Long> timer = Observable.interval(100, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, scheduler); } public void scheduler(WorkerExecutor workerExecutor) { Scheduler scheduler = io.vertx.rxjava.core.RxHelper.scheduler(workerExecutor); Observable<Long> timer = Observable.interval(100, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, scheduler); } public void schedulerHook(Vertx vertx) { RxJavaSchedulersHook hook = io.vertx.rxjava.core.RxHelper.schedulerHook(vertx); RxJavaHooks.setOnIOScheduler(f -> hook.getIOScheduler()); RxJavaHooks.setOnNewThreadScheduler(f -> hook.getNewThreadScheduler()); RxJavaHooks.setOnComputationScheduler(f -> hook.getComputationScheduler()); } public void unmarshaller(FileSystem fileSystem) {"/data.txt", new OpenOptions(), result -> { AsyncFile file = result.result(); Observable<Buffer> observable = file.toObservable(); observable.lift(io.vertx.rxjava.core.RxHelper.unmarshaller(MyPojo.class)).subscribe( mypojo -> { // Process the object } ); }); } public void deployVerticle(Vertx vertx, Verticle verticle) { Observable<String> deployment = RxHelper.deployVerticle(vertx, verticle); deployment.subscribe(id -> { // Deployed }, err -> { // Could not deploy }); } public void get(HttpClient client) { Single<HttpClientResponse> get = client .rxRequest( HttpMethod.GET, "http://the-server") .flatMap(HttpClientRequest::rxSend); // Do the request get.subscribe(resp -> { // Got response }, err -> { // Something went wrong }); } public void embedded() { Vertx vertx = io.vertx.rxjava.core.Vertx.vertx(); } public void verticle() { class MyVerticle extends io.vertx.rxjava.core.AbstractVerticle { public void start() { // Use Rxified Vertx here } } } public void rxStart() { class MyVerticle extends io.vertx.rxjava.core.AbstractVerticle { public Completable rxStart() { return vertx.createHttpServer() .requestHandler(req -> req.response().end("Hello World")) .rxListen() .toCompletable(); } } } public void eventBusMessages(Vertx vertx) { EventBus eb = vertx.eventBus(); MessageConsumer<String> consumer = eb.<String>consumer("the-address"); Observable<Message<String>> observable = consumer.toObservable(); Subscription sub = observable.subscribe(msg -> { // Got message }); // Unregisters the stream after 10 seconds vertx.setTimer(10000, id -> { sub.unsubscribe(); }); } public void eventBusBodies(Vertx vertx) { EventBus eb = vertx.eventBus(); MessageConsumer<String> consumer = eb.<String>consumer("the-address"); Observable<String> observable = consumer.bodyStream().toObservable(); } public void eventBusMapReduce(Vertx vertx) { Observable<Double> observable = vertx.eventBus(). <Double>consumer("heat-sensor"). bodyStream(). toObservable(); observable. buffer(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS). map(samples -> samples. stream(). collect(Collectors.averagingDouble(d -> d))). subscribe(heat -> { vertx.eventBus().send("news-feed", "Current heat is " + heat); }); } public void websocketServer(HttpServer server) { Observable<ServerWebSocket> socketObservable = server.webSocketStream().toObservable(); socketObservable.subscribe( socket -> System.out.println("Web socket connect"), failure -> System.out.println("Should never be called"), () -> { System.out.println("Subscription ended or server closed"); } ); } public void websocketServerBuffer(Observable<ServerWebSocket> socketObservable) { socketObservable.subscribe( socket -> { Observable<Buffer> dataObs = socket.toObservable(); dataObs.subscribe(buffer -> { System.out.println("Got message " + buffer.toString("UTF-8")); }); } ); } public void websocketClient(Vertx vertx) { HttpClient client = vertx.createHttpClient(new HttpClientOptions()); client.rxWebSocket(8080, "localhost", "/the_uri").subscribe( ws -> { // Use the websocket }, error -> { // Could not connect } ); } public void websocketClientBuffer(Observable<WebSocket> socketObservable) { socketObservable.subscribe( socket -> { Observable<Buffer> dataObs = socket.toObservable(); dataObs.subscribe(buffer -> { System.out.println("Got message " + buffer.toString("UTF-8")); }); } ); } public void httpClientRequest(Vertx vertx) { HttpClient client = vertx.createHttpClient(new HttpClientOptions()); Single<HttpClientResponse> request = client .rxRequest(HttpMethod.GET, 8080, "localhost", "/the_uri") .flatMap(HttpClientRequest::rxSend); request.subscribe( response -> { // Process the response }, error -> { // Could not connect } ); } public void httpClientResponse(HttpClient client) { Single<HttpClientResponse> request = client .rxRequest(HttpMethod.GET, 8080, "localhost", "/the_uri") .flatMap(HttpClientRequest::rxSend); request.toObservable(). subscribe( response -> { Observable<Buffer> observable = response.toObservable(); observable.forEach( buffer -> { // Process buffer } ); } ); } public void httpClientResponseFlatMap(HttpClient client) { Single<HttpClientResponse> request = client .rxRequest(HttpMethod.GET, 8080, "localhost", "/the_uri") .flatMap(HttpClientRequest::rxSend); request.toObservable(). flatMap(HttpClientResponse::toObservable). forEach( buffer -> { // Process buffer } ); } private class MyPojo { } public void httpClientResponseFlatMapUnmarshall(HttpClient client) { Single<HttpClientResponse> request = client .rxRequest(HttpMethod.GET, 8080, "localhost", "/the_uri") .flatMap(HttpClientRequest::rxSend); request.toObservable(). flatMap(HttpClientResponse::toObservable). lift(io.vertx.rxjava.core.RxHelper.unmarshaller(MyPojo.class)). forEach( pojo -> { // Process pojo } ); } public void httpServerRequest(HttpServer server) { Observable<HttpServerRequest> requestObservable = server.requestStream().toObservable(); requestObservable.subscribe(request -> { // Process request }); } public void httpServerRequestObservable(HttpServer server) { Observable<HttpServerRequest> requestObservable = server.requestStream().toObservable(); requestObservable.subscribe(request -> { Observable<Buffer> observable = request.toObservable(); }); } public void httpServerRequestObservableUnmarshall(HttpServer server) { Observable<HttpServerRequest> requestObservable = server.requestStream().toObservable(); requestObservable.subscribe(request -> { Observable<MyPojo> observable = request. toObservable(). lift(io.vertx.rxjava.core.RxHelper.unmarshaller(MyPojo.class)); }); } public void timer(Vertx vertx) { vertx.timerStream(1000). toObservable(). subscribe( id -> { System.out.println("Callback after 1 second"); } ); } public void periodic(Vertx vertx) { vertx.periodicStream(1000). toObservable(). subscribe( id -> { System.out.println("Callback every second"); } ); } public void periodicUnsubscribe(Vertx vertx) { vertx.periodicStream(1000). toObservable(). subscribe(new Subscriber<Long>() { public void onNext(Long aLong) { // Callback unsubscribe(); } public void onError(Throwable e) {} public void onCompleted() {} }); } public void writeStreamSubscriberAdapter(Observable<io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer> observable, io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse response) { response.setChunked(true); WriteStreamSubscriber<io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer> subscriber =; observable.subscribe(subscriber); } public void rxWriteStreamSubscriberAdapter(Observable<Buffer> observable, HttpServerResponse response) { response.setChunked(true); observable.subscribe(response.toSubscriber()); } public void writeStreamSubscriberAdapterCallbacks(Observable<Buffer> observable, HttpServerResponse response) { response.setChunked(true); WriteStreamSubscriber<Buffer> subscriber = response.toSubscriber(); subscriber.onError(throwable -> { if (!response.headWritten() && response.closed()) { response.setStatusCode(500).end("oops"); } else { // log error } }); subscriber.onWriteStreamError(throwable -> { // log error }); subscriber.onWriteStreamEnd(() -> { // log end of transaction to audit system... }); observable.subscribe(subscriber); } }