package io.vertx.redis.impl;

import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult;
import io.vertx.core.Future;
import io.vertx.core.Handler;
import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.redis.RedisOptions;
import io.vertx.redis.client.*;
import io.vertx.redis.sentinel.RedisSentinel;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

import static io.vertx.redis.client.Command.*;

Implementation of RedisSentinel
/** * Implementation of {@link RedisSentinel} */
public class RedisSentinelClientImpl implements RedisSentinel { private final Vertx vertx; private final io.vertx.redis.RedisOptions options; private final AtomicReference<CompletableFuture<Redis>> redis = new AtomicReference<>(); /* public static void create(Vertx vertx, io.vertx.redis.client.RedisOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<RedisSentinel>> ready) { Redis.createClient(vertx, options.setType(RedisClientType.SENTINEL)).connect(onReady -> { if (onReady.succeeded()) { ready.handle(Future.succeededFuture(new RedisSentinelClientImpl(onReady.result()))); } else { ready.handle(Future.failedFuture(onReady.cause())); } }); } */ public RedisSentinelClientImpl(Vertx vertx, RedisOptions options) { this.vertx = vertx; this.options = options; }
A helper method to package method parameters into JsonArray payload. Null parameters are ignored.
  • parameters – Call parameters
Returns:JsonArray that can be passed to send()
/** * A helper method to package method parameters into JsonArray payload. * * Null parameters are ignored. * * @param parameters Call parameters * @return JsonArray that can be passed to send() */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static List<?> toPayload(Object... parameters) { List<Object> result = new ArrayList<>(parameters.length); for (Object param : parameters) { // unwrap if (param instanceof JsonArray) { param = ((JsonArray) param).getList(); } // unwrap if (param instanceof JsonObject) { param = ((JsonObject) param).getMap(); } if (param instanceof Collection) { ((Collection) param).stream().filter(Objects::nonNull).forEach(result::add); } else if (param instanceof Map) { for (Map.Entry<?, ?> pair : ((Map<?, ?>) param).entrySet()) { result.add(pair.getKey()); result.add(pair.getValue()); } } else if (param instanceof Stream) { ((Stream) param).forEach(e -> { if (e instanceof Object[]) { Collections.addAll(result, (Object[]) e); } else { result.add(e); } }); } else if (param instanceof Buffer) { result.add(((Buffer) param).getBytes()); } else if (param != null) { result.add(param); } } return result; } private void send(io.vertx.redis.client.Command command, List arguments, Handler<AsyncResult<Response>> handler) { final Request req = Request.cmd(command); if (arguments != null) { for (Object o : arguments) { if (o == null) { req.nullArg(); } else { req.arg(o.toString()); } } } CompletableFuture<Redis> fut = redis.get(); if (fut == null) { CompletableFuture f = new CompletableFuture<>(); if (redis.compareAndSet(null, f)) { fut = f; Redis.createClient(vertx, new io.vertx.redis.client.RedisOptions() .setNetClientOptions(options) .setEndpoint(options.isDomainSocket() ? SocketAddress.domainSocketAddress(options.getDomainSocketAddress()) : SocketAddress.inetSocketAddress(options.getPort(), options.getHost())) .setPassword(options.getAuth()) .setSelect(options.getSelect())).connect(onReady -> { if (onReady.succeeded()) { f.complete(onReady.result()); } else { f.completeExceptionally(onReady.cause()); } }); } else { fut = redis.get(); } } fut.whenComplete((client, err) -> { if (err == null) { client.send(req, handler); } else { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(err)); } }); } private void sendString(io.vertx.redis.client.Command command, List arguments, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler) { send(command, arguments, ar -> { if (ar.failed()) { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(ar.cause())); } else { handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(ar.result().toString())); } }); } private static JsonArray toJsonArray(Response response) { final JsonArray json = new JsonArray(); for (Response r : response) { switch (r.type()) { case INTEGER: json.add(r.toLong()); break; case SIMPLE: case BULK: json.add(r.toString()); break; case MULTI: json.add(toJsonArray(r)); break; } } return json; } private void sendJsonArray(io.vertx.redis.client.Command command, List arguments, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler) { send(command, arguments, ar -> { if (ar.failed()) { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(ar.cause())); } else { handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(toJsonArray(ar.result()))); } }); } private void sendVoid(io.vertx.redis.client.Command command, List arguments, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler) { send(command, arguments, ar -> { if (ar.failed()) { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(ar.cause())); } else { handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture()); } }); } @Override public void close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler) { CompletableFuture<Redis> prev = redis.getAndSet(null); if (prev != null) { prev.whenComplete((client, err) -> { if (err == null) { client.close(); if (handler != null) { handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture()); } } else { if (handler != null) { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(err.getCause())); } } }); } } @Override public RedisSentinel masters(Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler) { sendJsonArray(SENTINEL, toPayload("MASTERS"), handler); return this; } @Override public RedisSentinel master(String name, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler) { sendJsonArray(SENTINEL, toPayload("MASTER", name), handler); return this; } @Override public RedisSentinel slaves(String name, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler) { sendJsonArray(SENTINEL, toPayload("SLAVES", name), handler); return this; } @Override public RedisSentinel sentinels(String name, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler) { sendJsonArray(SENTINEL, toPayload("SENTINELS", name), handler); return this; } @Override public RedisSentinel getMasterAddrByName(String name, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonArray>> handler) { sendJsonArray(SENTINEL, toPayload("GET-MASTER-ADDR-BY-NAME", name), handler); return this; } @Override public RedisSentinel reset(String pattern, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler) { sendVoid(SENTINEL, toPayload("RESET", pattern), handler); return this; } @Override public RedisSentinel failover(String name, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler) { sendString(SENTINEL, toPayload("FAILOVER", name), handler); return this; } @Override public RedisSentinel ckquorum(String name, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler) { sendString(SENTINEL, toPayload("CKQUORUM", name), handler); return this; } @Override public RedisSentinel flushConfig(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler) { sendVoid(SENTINEL, toPayload("FLUSHCONFIG"), handler); return this; } }