 * Copyright 2019 Red Hat, Inc.
 * <p>
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
 * <p>
 * The Eclipse Public License is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
 * <p>
 * The Apache License v2.0 is available at
 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/apache2.0.php
 * <p>
 * You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
package io.vertx.redis.client.impl;

import io.vertx.core.*;
import io.vertx.core.logging.Logger;
import io.vertx.core.logging.LoggerFactory;
import io.vertx.core.net.SocketAddress;
import io.vertx.redis.client.*;
import io.vertx.redis.client.impl.types.ErrorType;
import io.vertx.redis.client.impl.types.IntegerType;
import io.vertx.redis.client.impl.types.MultiType;
import io.vertx.redis.client.impl.types.SimpleStringType;

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

import static io.vertx.redis.client.Command.*;
import static io.vertx.redis.client.Request.cmd;

public class RedisClusterClient implements Redis {

  // number of attempts/redirects when we get connection errors
  // or when we get MOVED/ASK responses
  private static final int RETRIES = 16;

  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RedisClusterClient.class);

  // we need some randomness, it doesn't need
  // to be secure or unpredictable
  private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();

  // reduce from list fo responses to a single response
  private static final Map<Command, Function<List<Response>, Response>> REDUCERS = new HashMap<>();

  private static final Map<Command, String> UNSUPPORTEDCOMMANDS = new HashMap<>();

  public static void addReducer(Command command, Function<List<Response>, Response> fn) {
    REDUCERS.put(command, fn);

  public static void addUnSupportedCommand(Command command, String error) {
    if(error == null || error.isEmpty()) {
      UNSUPPORTEDCOMMANDS.put(command, "RedisClusterClient does not handle command " + 
      new String(command.getBytes(), StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1).split("\r\n")[1] + ", use non cluster client on the right node.");
    } else {
      UNSUPPORTEDCOMMANDS.put(command, error);

  public static Redis create(Vertx vertx, RedisOptions options) {
    return new RedisClusterClient(vertx, options);

  static {
    // provided reducers

    addReducer(MSET, list -> {
      // Simple string reply: always OK since MSET can't fail.
      return SimpleStringType.OK;

    addReducer(DEL, list -> {
      return IntegerType.create(list.stream().mapToLong(Response::toLong).sum());

    addReducer(MGET, list -> {
      int total = 0;
      for (Response resp : list) {
        total += resp.size();

      MultiType multi = MultiType.create(total);
      for (Response resp : list) {
        for (Response child : resp) {

      return multi;

    addReducer(KEYS, list -> {
      int total = 0;
      for (Response resp : list) {
        total += resp.size();

      MultiType multi = MultiType.create(total);
      for (Response resp : list) {
        for (Response child : resp) {

      return multi;

    // Simple string reply: always OK since FLUSHDB can't fail.
    addReducer(FLUSHDB, list -> SimpleStringType.OK);

    // Sum of key numbers on all Key Slots
    addReducer(DBSIZE, list -> {
      return IntegerType.create(list.stream().mapToLong(Response::toLong).sum());

    SYNC, SENTINEL).forEach(command -> addUnSupportedCommand(command, null));

    addUnSupportedCommand(FLUSHALL, "RedisClusterClient does not handle command FLUSHALL, use FLUSHDB");

  private final Vertx vertx;
  private final RedisSlaves slaves;
  private final RedisOptions options;

  // mutable state
  private final Map<SocketAddress, Redis> connections = new HashMap<>();
  private final Redis[][] slots = new Redis[16384][];

  private Handler<Throwable> onException = t -> LOG.error("Unhandled Error", t);

  private Handler<Void> onEnd;
  private Handler<Response> onMessage;
  private int slotNumber;

  private RedisClusterClient(Vertx vertx, RedisOptions options) {
    this.vertx = vertx;
    this.slaves = options.getUseSlave();
    this.options = options;

  public Redis connect(Handler<AsyncResult<Redis>> onCreate) {
    // for each endpoint open a client
    final List<SocketAddress> endpoints = options.getEndpoints();

    final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(endpoints.size());
    // ensure that in case of error, only call the callback once

    for (SocketAddress endpoint : endpoints) {
      getClient(endpoint, options, ar -> {
        final int total = counter.decrementAndGet();

        if (ar.failed()) {
          // if the client can't connect we should warn but continue
          LOG.warn("Failed to connect to: " + endpoint);

        if (total == 0) {
          // fetch slots from the cluster immediately to ensure slots are correct
          getSlots(options, getSlots -> {
            if (getSlots.failed()) {
            } else {

    return this;

  public void close() {
    connections.entrySet().removeIf(kv -> {
      if (kv.getValue() != null) {
      return true;

  public Redis exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable> handler) {
    this.onException = handler;
    return this;

  public Redis endHandler(Handler<Void> handler) {
    this.onEnd = handler;
    return this;

  public Redis handler(Handler<Response> handler) {
    this.onMessage = handler;
    return this;

  public Redis pause() {
    this.connections.values().forEach(conn -> {
      if (conn != null) {
    return this;

  public Redis resume() {
    this.connections.values().forEach(conn -> {
      if (conn != null) {
    return null;

  public Redis send(Request request, Handler<AsyncResult<Response>> handler) {
    // process commands for cluster mode
    final RequestImpl req = (RequestImpl) request;
    final Command cmd = req.command();

    if(UNSUPPORTEDCOMMANDS.containsKey(cmd)) {
      try {
      } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      return this;

    if (cmd.isMovable()) {
      // in cluster mode we currently do not handle movable keys commands
      try {
        handler.handle(Future.failedFuture("RedisClusterClient does not handle movable keys commands, use non cluster client on the right node."));
      } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      return this;

    if (cmd.isKeyless() && REDUCERS.containsKey(cmd)) {
      final List<Future> responses = new ArrayList<>(slotNumber);

      for (int i = 1; i <= slotNumber; i++) {

        Redis[] clients = slots[(slots.length / slotNumber - 1) * i];

        final Future<Response> f = Future.future();
        send(selectMasterOrSlave(req.command().isReadOnly(), clients), options, RETRIES, req, f);
      CompositeFuture.all(responses).setHandler(composite -> {
        if (composite.failed()) {
          // means if one of the operations failed, then we can fail the handler
          try {
          } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        } else {
          try {
          } catch (RuntimeException e) {

      return this;

    if (cmd.isKeyless()) {
      // it doesn't matter which node to use
      send(selectClient(-1, cmd.isReadOnly()), options, RETRIES, req, handler);
      return this;

    final List<byte[]> args = req.getArgs();

    if (cmd.isMultiKey()) {
      int currentSlot = -1;

      // args exclude the command which is an arg in the commands response
      int start = cmd.getFirstKey() - 1;
      int end = cmd.getLastKey();
      if (end > 0) {
      if (end < 0) {
        end = args.size() + (end + 1);
      int step = cmd.getInterval();

      for (int i = start; i < end; i += step) {
        int slot = ZModem.generate(args.get(i));
        if (currentSlot == -1) {
          currentSlot = slot;
        if (currentSlot != slot) {

          if (!REDUCERS.containsKey(cmd)) {
            // we can't continue as we don't know how to reduce this
            try {
              handler.handle(Future.failedFuture("No Reducer available for: " + cmd));
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            return this;

          final Map<Integer, Request> requests = splitRequest(cmd, args, start, end, step);
          final List<Future> responses = new ArrayList<>(requests.size());

          for (Map.Entry<Integer, Request> kv : requests.entrySet()) {
            final Promise<Response> p = Promise.promise();
            send(selectClient(kv.getKey(), cmd.isReadOnly()), options, RETRIES, kv.getValue(), p);

          CompositeFuture.all(responses).setHandler(composite -> {
            if (composite.failed()) {
              // means if one of the operations failed, then we can fail the handler
              try {
              } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            } else {
              try {
              } catch (RuntimeException e) {

          return this;

      // all keys are on the same slot!
      send(selectClient(currentSlot, cmd.isReadOnly()), options, RETRIES, req, handler);
      return this;

    // last option the command is single key
    int start = cmd.getFirstKey() - 1;
    send(selectClient(ZModem.generate(args.get(start)), cmd.isReadOnly()), options, RETRIES, req, handler);
    return this;

  private Map<Integer, Request> splitRequest(Command cmd, List<byte[]> args, int start, int end, int step) {
    // we will split the request across the slots
    final Map<Integer, Request> map = new IdentityHashMap<>();

    for (int i = start; i < end; i += step) {
      int slot = ZModem.generate(args.get(i));
      // get the client for the slot
      Request request = map.get(slot);
      if (request == null) {
        // we need to create a new one
        request = Request.cmd(cmd);
        // all params before the key get added
        for (int j = 0; j < start; j++) {
        // add to the map
        map.put(slot, request);
      // request isn't null anymore
      // all params before the next key get added
      for (int j = i + 1; j < i + step; j++) {

    // if there are args after the end they must be added to all requests
    final Collection<Request> col = map.values();
    col.forEach(req -> {
      for (int j = end; j < args.size(); j++) {

    return map;

  public Redis batch(List<Request> requests, Handler<AsyncResult<List<Response>>> handler) {
    int currentSlot = -1;
    boolean readOnly = false;

    // look up the base slot for the batch
    for (int i = 0; i < requests.size(); i++) {
      // process commands for cluster mode
      final RequestImpl req = (RequestImpl) requests.get(i);
      final Command cmd = req.command();

      if(UNSUPPORTEDCOMMANDS.containsKey(cmd)) {
        try {
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        return this;

      readOnly |= cmd.isReadOnly();

      // this command can run anywhere
      if (cmd.isKeyless()) {

      if (cmd.isMovable()) {
        // in cluster mode we currently do not handle movable keys commands
        handler.handle(Future.failedFuture("RedisClusterClient does not handle movable keys commands, use non cluster client on the right node."));
        return this;

      final List<byte[]> args = req.getArgs();

      if (cmd.isMultiKey()) {
        // args exclude the command which is an arg in the commands response
        int start = cmd.getFirstKey() - 1;
        int end = cmd.getLastKey();
        if (end > 0) {
        if (end < 0) {
          end = args.size() + (end + 1);
        int step = cmd.getInterval();

        for (int j = start; j < end; j += step) {
          int slot = ZModem.generate(args.get(j));
          if (currentSlot == -1) {
            currentSlot = slot;
          if (currentSlot != slot) {
            // in cluster mode we currently do not handle batching commands which keys are not on the same slot
            handler.handle(Future.failedFuture("RedisClusterClient does not handle batching commands with keys across different slots. TODO: Split the command into slots and then batch."));
            return this;
        // all keys are on the same slot!

      // last option the command is single key
      int start = cmd.getFirstKey() - 1;
      final int slot = ZModem.generate(args.get(start));
      // we are checking the first request key
      if (currentSlot == -1) {
        currentSlot = slot;
      if (currentSlot != slot) {
        // in cluster mode we currently do not handle batching commands which keys are not on the same slot
        handler.handle(Future.failedFuture("RedisClusterClient does not handle batching commands with keys across different slots. TODO: Split the command into slots and then batch."));
        return this;

    batch(selectClient(currentSlot, readOnly), options, RETRIES, requests, handler);
    return this;

  public SocketAddress socketAddress() {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cluster Connection is not bound to a socket");

  public Redis fetch(long amount) {
    this.connections.values().forEach(conn -> {
      if (conn != null) {

    return this;

Get a Redis client via the connection cache (one per host)
/** * Get a Redis client via the connection cache (one per host) */
private void getClient(SocketAddress address, RedisOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<Redis>> onClient) { Redis cli = connections.get(address); // already have a connection to this client, return that if (cli != null) { onClient.handle(Future.succeededFuture(cli)); return; } RedisClient.create(vertx, options, address).connect(create -> { if (create.failed()) { onClient.handle(create); return; } final Redis conn = create.result(); conn.exceptionHandler(t -> { // broken connection so force a new client to be created connections.remove(address); // propagate the exception if (onException != null) { onException.handle(t); } // now since the clients are unbalanced, we need to reload the slots getSlots(options, ar -> { if (ar.failed()) { // getting slots failed, so raise the exception if (onException != null) { onException.handle(ar.cause()); } } }); }); conn.endHandler(v -> { // closed connections should be removed connections.remove(address); // how many connections are still open? // when there's more than 0 then we can still operate if (connections.size() == 0) { // all connections are closed so we must assume this // cluster is ended (or we can't recover) if (onEnd != null) { onEnd.handle(null); } } }); conn.handler(r -> { if (onMessage != null) { onMessage.handle(r); } }); connections.put(address, conn); onClient.handle(Future.succeededFuture(conn)); }); } private void getSlots(RedisOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler) { final Set<SocketAddress> exclude = new HashSet<>(); final AtomicReference<Throwable> cause = new AtomicReference<>(); final Runnable tryClient = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final Redis conn = getRandomConnection(exclude); if (conn == null) { // no more clients available handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(ErrorType.create("SLOTS No client's available."))); return; } conn.send(cmd(CLUSTER).arg("SLOTS"), send -> { if (send.failed()) { // exclude this client from then next attempt exclude.add(conn.socketAddress()); cause.set(send.cause()); // try again run(); return; } final Response reply = send.result(); if (reply.size() == 0) { // no slots available we can't really proceed // exclude this client from then next attempt exclude.add(conn.socketAddress()); cause.set(ErrorType.create("SLOTS No slots available in the cluster.")); // try again run(); return; } // keep a set of seen clients so in the end unseen clients can be removed // from the connections list final Set<SocketAddress> seenClients = new HashSet<>(); final AtomicInteger slotCounter = new AtomicInteger(reply.size()); slotNumber = reply.size(); for (int i = 0; i < reply.size(); i++) { // multibulk Response s = reply.get(i); // single bulk int start = s.get(0).toInteger(); int end = s.get(1).toInteger(); // array of all clients, clients[2] = master, others are slaves List<SocketAddress> addresses = new ArrayList<>(); for (int index = 2; index < s.size(); index++) { Response c = s.get(index); SocketAddress address = SocketAddress.inetSocketAddress(c.get(1).toInteger(), c.get(0).toString()); addresses.add(address); seenClients.add(address); } // load this slot loadSlot(start, end, addresses, options, onLoad -> { // all slots have been loaded if (slotCounter.decrementAndGet() == 0) { // quit now-unused clients connections.entrySet().removeIf(kv -> { if (kv.getValue() == null) { return true; } if (!seenClients.contains(kv.getKey())) { kv.getValue().close(); kv.setValue(null); return true; } return false; }); handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture()); } }); } }); } }; // start looking tryClient.run(); }
Get a random Redis connection
/** * Get a random Redis connection */
private Redis getRandomConnection(Set<SocketAddress> exclude) { List<Redis> available = connections.entrySet().stream() .filter(kv -> !exclude.contains(kv.getKey()) && kv.getValue() != null) .map(Map.Entry::getValue) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (available.size() == 0) { // signal no client return null; } return available.get(RANDOM.nextInt(available.size())); } private void loadSlot(int start, int end, List<SocketAddress> addresses, RedisOptions options, Handler<Void> onLoad) { // temporal holder for the loaded connections final Redis[] connections = new Redis[addresses.size()]; final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(addresses.size()); for (int i = 0; i < addresses.size(); i++) { final int idx = i; final SocketAddress address = addresses.get(idx); final Future<Redis> getClientFuture = Future.future(); getClient(address, options, getClientFuture); getClientFuture.compose(getClient -> { if (RedisSlaves.NEVER != options.getUseSlave()) { final Future<Response> readOnlyFuture = Future.future(); getClient.send(cmd(READONLY), readOnlyFuture); return readOnlyFuture.map(getClient); } else { return Future.succeededFuture(getClient); } }).setHandler(getClient -> { // we don't care if we can't get a client, in this case the client is ignored if (getClient.failed()) { LOG.warn("Could not get a connection to node [" + address + "]"); } else { connections[idx] = getClient.result(); } // end condition if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) { // update the slot table for (int j = start; j <= end; j++) { slots[j] = connections; } // notify onLoad.handle(null); } }); } } private void send(final Redis client, final RedisOptions options, final int retries, Request command, Handler<AsyncResult<Response>> handler) { if (client == null) { try { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture("No connection available.")); } catch (RuntimeException e) { onException.handle(e); } return; } client.send(command, send -> { if (send.failed() && send.cause() instanceof ErrorType && retries >= 0) { final ErrorType cause = (ErrorType) send.cause(); boolean ask = cause.is("ASK"); boolean moved = !ask && cause.is("MOVED"); if (moved || ask) { final Runnable andThen = () -> { // REQUERY THE NEW ONE (we've got the correct details) String addr = cause.slice(' ', 2); if (addr == null) { // bad message try { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(cause)); } catch (RuntimeException e) { onException.handle(e); } return; } int sep = addr.lastIndexOf(':'); SocketAddress socketAddress; if (sep != -1) { // InetAddress socketAddress = SocketAddress.inetSocketAddress( Integer.parseInt(addr.substring(sep + 1)), addr.substring(0, sep)); } else { // assume unix domain socketAddress = SocketAddress.domainSocketAddress(addr); } getClient(socketAddress, options, getClient -> { if (getClient.failed()) { try { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(getClient.cause())); } catch (RuntimeException e) { onException.handle(e); } return; } // re-run on the new client send(getClient.result(), options, retries - 1, command, handler); }); }; // key has been moved! // lets re fetch slots from redis to get an up to date allocation if (moved) { getSlots(options, getSlots -> andThen.run()); } else { andThen.run(); } return; } if (cause.is("TRYAGAIN") || cause.is("CLUSTERDOWN")) { // TRYAGAIN response or cluster down, retry with backoff up to 1280ms long backoff = (long) (Math.pow(2, 16 - Math.max(retries, 9)) * 10); vertx.setTimer(backoff, t -> send(client, options, retries - 1, command, handler)); return; } } try { handler.handle(send); } catch (RuntimeException e) { onException.handle(e); } }); } private void batch(final Redis client, final RedisOptions options, final int retries, List<Request> commands, Handler<AsyncResult<List<Response>>> handler) { if (client == null) { try { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture("No connection available.")); } catch (RuntimeException e) { onException.handle(e); } return; } client.batch(commands, send -> { if (send.failed() && send.cause() instanceof ErrorType && retries >= 0) { final ErrorType cause = (ErrorType) send.cause(); boolean ask = cause.is("ASK"); boolean moved = !ask && cause.is("MOVED"); if (moved || ask) { final Runnable andThen = () -> { // REQUERY THE NEW ONE (we've got the correct details) String addr = cause.slice(' ', 2); if (addr == null) { // bad message try { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(cause)); } catch (RuntimeException e) { onException.handle(e); } return; } int sep = addr.lastIndexOf(':'); SocketAddress socketAddress; if (sep != -1) { // InetAddress socketAddress = SocketAddress.inetSocketAddress( Integer.parseInt(addr.substring(sep + 1)), addr.substring(0, sep)); } else { // assume unix domain socketAddress = SocketAddress.domainSocketAddress(addr); } getClient(socketAddress, options, getClient -> { if (getClient.failed()) { try { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(getClient.cause())); } catch (RuntimeException e) { onException.handle(e); } return; } // re-run on the new client batch(getClient.result(), options, retries - 1, commands, handler); }); }; // key has been moved! // lets re fetch slots from redis to get an up to date allocation if (moved) { getSlots(options, getSlots -> andThen.run()); } else { andThen.run(); } return; } if (cause.is("TRYAGAIN") || cause.is("CLUSTERDOWN")) { // TRYAGAIN response or cluster down, retry with backoff up to 1280ms long backoff = (long) (Math.pow(2, 16 - Math.max(retries, 9)) * 10); vertx.setTimer(backoff, t -> batch(client, options, retries - 1, commands, handler)); return; } } try { handler.handle(send); } catch (RuntimeException e) { onException.handle(e); } }); }
Select a Redis client for the given key
/** * Select a Redis client for the given key */
private Redis selectClient(int keySlot, boolean readOnly) { // this command doesn't have keys, return any connection // NOTE: this means slaves may be used for no key commands regardless of slave config if (keySlot == -1) { return getRandomConnection(Collections.emptySet()); } Redis[] clients = slots[keySlot]; // if we haven't got config for this slot, try any connection if (clients == null || clients.length == 0) { return getRandomConnection(Collections.emptySet()); } return selectMasterOrSlave(readOnly, clients); } private Redis selectMasterOrSlave(boolean readOnly, Redis[] clients) { int index = 0; // always, never, share if (readOnly && slaves != RedisSlaves.NEVER && clients.length > 1) { // always use a slave for read commands if (slaves == RedisSlaves.ALWAYS) { index = RANDOM.nextInt(clients.length - 1) + 1; } // share read commands across master + slaves if (slaves == RedisSlaves.SHARE) { index = RANDOM.nextInt(clients.length); } } return clients[index]; } }