 * Copyright (C) 2017 Julien Viet
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package io.vertx.pgclient.impl.codec;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled;
import io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException;
import io.vertx.core.json.Json;
import io.vertx.sqlclient.Tuple;
import io.vertx.sqlclient.data.Numeric;
import io.vertx.pgclient.data.*;
import io.vertx.pgclient.impl.util.UTF8StringEndDetector;
import io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.core.logging.Logger;
import io.vertx.core.logging.LoggerFactory;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.time.*;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatterBuilder;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoField;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.function.IntFunction;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

import static java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE;
import static java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_TIME;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.*;

Author:Julien Viet, Emad Alblueshi
/** * @author <a href="mailto:julien@julienviet.com">Julien Viet</a> * @author <a href="mailto:emad.albloushi@gmail.com">Emad Alblueshi</a> */
class DataTypeCodec { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DataTypeCodec.class); private static final String[] empty_string_array = new String[0]; private static final LocalDate[] empty_local_date_array = new LocalDate[0]; private static final LocalTime[] empty_local_time_array = new LocalTime[0]; private static final OffsetTime[] empty_offset_time_array = new OffsetTime[0]; private static final LocalDateTime[] empty_local_date_time_array = new LocalDateTime[0]; private static final OffsetDateTime[] empty_offset_date_time_array = new OffsetDateTime[0]; private static final Buffer[] empty_buffer_array = new Buffer[0]; private static final UUID[] empty_uuid_array = new UUID[0]; private static final Object[] empty_json_array = new Object[0]; private static final Numeric[] empty_numeric_array = new Numeric[0]; private static final Point[] empty_point_array = new Point[0]; private static final Line[] empty_line_array = new Line[0]; private static final LineSegment[] empty_lseg_array = new LineSegment[0]; private static final Box[] empty_box_array = new Box[0]; private static final Path[] empty_path_array = new Path[0]; private static final Polygon[] empty_polygon_array = new Polygon[0]; private static final Circle[] empty_circle_array = new Circle[0]; private static final Interval[] empty_interval_array = new Interval[0]; private static final Boolean[] empty_boolean_array = new Boolean[0]; private static final Integer[] empty_integer_array = new Integer[0]; private static final Short[] empty_short_array = new Short[0]; private static final Long[] empty_long_array = new Long[0]; private static final Float[] empty_float_array = new Float[0]; private static final Double[] empty_double_array = new Double[0]; private static final LocalDate LOCAL_DATE_EPOCH = LocalDate.of(2000, 1, 1); private static final LocalDateTime LOCAL_DATE_TIME_EPOCH = LocalDateTime.of(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); private static final OffsetDateTime OFFSET_DATE_TIME_EPOCH = LocalDateTime.of(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).atOffset(ZoneOffset.UTC); // Sentinel used when an object is refused by the data type public static final Object REFUSED_SENTINEL = new Object(); private static final IntFunction<Boolean[]> BOOLEAN_ARRAY_FACTORY = size -> size == 0 ? empty_boolean_array : new Boolean[size]; private static final IntFunction<Short[]> SHORT_ARRAY_FACTORY = size -> size == 0 ? empty_short_array : new Short[size]; private static final IntFunction<Integer[]> INTEGER_ARRAY_FACTORY = size -> size == 0 ? empty_integer_array : new Integer[size]; private static final IntFunction<Long[]> LONG_ARRAY_FACTORY = size -> size == 0 ? empty_long_array : new Long[size]; private static final IntFunction<Float[]> FLOAT_ARRAY_FACTORY = size -> size == 0 ? empty_float_array : new Float[size]; private static final IntFunction<Double[]> DOUBLE_ARRAY_FACTORY = size -> size == 0 ? empty_double_array : new Double[size]; private static final IntFunction<String[]> STRING_ARRAY_FACTORY = size -> size == 0 ? empty_string_array : new String[size]; private static final IntFunction<LocalDate[]> LOCALDATE_ARRAY_FACTORY = size -> size == 0 ? empty_local_date_array : new LocalDate[size]; private static final IntFunction<LocalTime[]> LOCALTIME_ARRAY_FACTORY = size -> size == 0 ? empty_local_time_array : new LocalTime[size]; private static final IntFunction<OffsetTime[]> OFFSETTIME_ARRAY_FACTORY = size -> size == 0 ? empty_offset_time_array : new OffsetTime[size]; private static final IntFunction<LocalDateTime[]> LOCALDATETIME_ARRAY_FACTORY = size -> size == 0 ? empty_local_date_time_array : new LocalDateTime[size]; private static final IntFunction<OffsetDateTime[]> OFFSETDATETIME_ARRAY_FACTORY = size -> size == 0 ? empty_offset_date_time_array : new OffsetDateTime[size]; private static final IntFunction<Buffer[]> BUFFER_ARRAY_FACTORY =size -> size == 0 ? empty_buffer_array : new Buffer[size]; private static final IntFunction<UUID[]> UUID_ARRAY_FACTORY = size -> size == 0 ? empty_uuid_array : new UUID[size]; private static final IntFunction<Object[]> JSON_ARRAY_FACTORY = size -> size == 0 ? empty_json_array : new Object[size]; private static final IntFunction<Numeric[]> NUMERIC_ARRAY_FACTORY = size -> size == 0 ? empty_numeric_array : new Numeric[size]; private static final IntFunction<Point[]> POINT_ARRAY_FACTORY = size -> size == 0 ? empty_point_array : new Point[size]; private static final IntFunction<Line[]> LINE_ARRAY_FACTORY = size -> size == 0 ? empty_line_array : new Line[size]; private static final IntFunction<LineSegment[]> LSEG_ARRAY_FACTORY = size -> size == 0 ? empty_lseg_array : new LineSegment[size]; private static final IntFunction<Box[]> BOX_ARRAY_FACTORY = size -> size == 0 ? empty_box_array : new Box[size]; private static final IntFunction<Path[]> PATH_ARRAY_FACTORY = size -> size == 0 ? empty_path_array : new Path[size]; private static final IntFunction<Polygon[]> POLYGON_ARRAY_FACTORY = size -> size == 0 ? empty_polygon_array : new Polygon[size]; private static final IntFunction<Circle[]> CIRCLE_ARRAY_FACTORY = size -> size == 0 ? empty_circle_array : new Circle[size]; private static final IntFunction<Interval[]> INTERVAL_ARRAY_FACTORY = size -> size == 0 ? empty_interval_array : new Interval[size]; private static final java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter TIMETZ_FORMAT = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder() .parseCaseInsensitive() .append(ISO_LOCAL_TIME) .appendOffset("+HH:mm", "00:00") .toFormatter(); private static final java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder() .parseCaseInsensitive() .append(ISO_LOCAL_DATE) .appendLiteral(' ') .append(ISO_LOCAL_TIME) .toFormatter(); private static final java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter TIMESTAMPTZ_FORMAT = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder() .append(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT) .appendOffset("+HH:mm", "00:00") .toFormatter(); static void encodeText(DataType id, Object value, ByteBuf buff) { int index = buff.writerIndex(); buff.writeInt(0); textEncode(id, value, buff); buff.setInt(index, buff.writerIndex() - index - 4); } private static void textEncode(DataType id, Object value, ByteBuf buff) { switch (id) { case NUMERIC: textEncodeNUMERIC((Number) value, buff); break; case NUMERIC_ARRAY: textEncodeNUMERIC_ARRAY((Number[]) value, buff); break; case UNKNOWN: //default to treating unknown as a string buff.writeCharSequence(String.valueOf(value), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); break; default: logger.debug("Data type " + id + " does not support text encoding"); buff.writeCharSequence(String.valueOf(value), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); break; } } public static void encodeBinary(DataType id, Object value, ByteBuf buff) { switch (id) { case BOOL: binaryEncodeBOOL((Boolean) value, buff); break; case BOOL_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((Boolean[]) value, DataType.BOOL, buff); break; case INT2: binaryEncodeINT2((Number) value, buff); break; case INT2_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((Number[]) value, DataType.INT2, buff); break; case INT4: binaryEncodeINT4((Number) value, buff); break; case INT4_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((Number[]) value, DataType.INT4, buff); break; case INT8: binaryEncodeINT8((Number) value, buff); break; case INT8_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((Number[]) value, DataType.INT8, buff); break; case FLOAT4: binaryEncodeFLOAT4((Number) value, buff); break; case FLOAT4_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((Number[]) value, DataType.FLOAT4, buff); break; case FLOAT8: binaryEncodeFLOAT8((Number) value, buff); break; case FLOAT8_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((Number[]) value, DataType.FLOAT8, buff); break; case CHAR: binaryEncodeCHAR((String) value, buff); break; case CHAR_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((String[]) value, DataType.CHAR, buff); break; case VARCHAR: binaryEncodeVARCHAR((String) value, buff); break; case VARCHAR_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((String[]) value, DataType.VARCHAR, buff); break; case BPCHAR: binaryEncodeBPCHAR((String) value, buff); break; case BPCHAR_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((String[]) value, DataType.BPCHAR, buff); break; case TEXT: binaryEncodeTEXT((String) value, buff); break; case TEXT_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((String[]) value, DataType.TEXT, buff); break; case NAME: binaryEncodeNAME((String) value, buff); break; case NAME_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((String[]) value, DataType.NAME, buff); break; case DATE: binaryEncodeDATE((LocalDate) value, buff); break; case DATE_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((LocalDate[]) value, DataType.DATE, buff); break; case TIME: binaryEncodeTIME((LocalTime) value, buff); break; case TIME_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((LocalTime[]) value, DataType.TIME, buff); break; case TIMETZ: binaryEncodeTIMETZ((OffsetTime) value, buff); break; case TIMETZ_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((OffsetTime[]) value, DataType.TIMETZ, buff); break; case TIMESTAMP: binaryEncodeTIMESTAMP((LocalDateTime) value, buff); break; case TIMESTAMP_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((LocalDateTime[]) value, DataType.TIMESTAMP, buff); break; case TIMESTAMPTZ: binaryEncodeTIMESTAMPTZ((OffsetDateTime) value, buff); break; case TIMESTAMPTZ_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((OffsetDateTime[]) value, DataType.TIMESTAMPTZ, buff); break; case BYTEA: binaryEncodeBYTEA((Buffer) value, buff); break; case BYTEA_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((Buffer[]) value, DataType.BYTEA, buff); break; case UUID: binaryEncodeUUID((UUID) value, buff); break; case UUID_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((UUID[]) value, DataType.UUID, buff); break; case JSON: binaryEncodeJSON((Object) value, buff); break; case JSON_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((Object[]) value, DataType.JSON, buff); break; case JSONB: binaryEncodeJSONB((Object) value, buff); break; case JSONB_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((Object[]) value, DataType.JSONB, buff); break; case POINT: binaryEncodePoint((Point) value, buff); break; case POINT_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((Point[]) value, DataType.POINT, buff); break; case LINE: binaryEncodeLine((Line) value, buff); break; case LINE_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((Line[]) value, DataType.LINE, buff); break; case LSEG: binaryEncodeLseg((LineSegment) value, buff); break; case LSEG_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((LineSegment[]) value, DataType.LSEG, buff); break; case BOX: binaryEncodeBox((Box) value, buff); break; case BOX_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((Box[]) value, DataType.BOX, buff); break; case PATH: binaryEncodePath((Path) value, buff); break; case PATH_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((Path[]) value, DataType.PATH, buff); break; case POLYGON: binaryEncodePolygon((Polygon) value, buff); break; case POLYGON_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((Polygon[]) value, DataType.POLYGON, buff); break; case CIRCLE: binaryEncodeCircle((Circle) value, buff); break; case CIRCLE_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((Circle[]) value, DataType.CIRCLE, buff); break; case INTERVAL: binaryEncodeINTERVAL((Interval) value, buff); break; case INTERVAL_ARRAY: binaryEncodeArray((Interval[]) value, DataType.INTERVAL, buff); break; default: logger.debug("Data type " + id + " does not support binary encoding"); defaultEncodeBinary(value, buff); break; } } public static Object decodeBinary(DataType id, int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { switch (id) { case BOOL: return binaryDecodeBOOL(index, len, buff); case BOOL_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(BOOLEAN_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.BOOL, index, len, buff); case INT2: return binaryDecodeINT2(index, len, buff); case INT2_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(SHORT_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.INT2, index, len, buff); case INT4: return binaryDecodeINT4(index, len, buff); case INT4_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(INTEGER_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.INT4, index, len, buff); case INT8: return binaryDecodeINT8(index, len, buff); case INT8_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(LONG_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.INT8, index, len, buff); case FLOAT4: return binaryDecodeFLOAT4(index, len, buff); case FLOAT4_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(FLOAT_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.FLOAT4, index, len, buff); case FLOAT8: return binaryDecodeFLOAT8(index, len, buff); case FLOAT8_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(DOUBLE_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.FLOAT8, index, len, buff); case CHAR: return binaryDecodeCHAR(index, len, buff); case CHAR_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(STRING_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.CHAR, index, len, buff); case VARCHAR: return binaryDecodeVARCHAR(index, len, buff); case VARCHAR_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(STRING_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.VARCHAR, index, len, buff); case BPCHAR: return binaryDecodeBPCHAR(index, len, buff); case BPCHAR_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(STRING_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.BPCHAR, index, len, buff); case TEXT: return binaryDecodeTEXT(index, len, buff); case TEXT_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(STRING_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.TEXT, index, len, buff); case NAME: return binaryDecodeNAME(index, len, buff); case NAME_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(STRING_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.NAME, index, len, buff); case DATE: return binaryDecodeDATE(index, len, buff); case DATE_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(LOCALDATE_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.DATE, index, len, buff); case TIME: return binaryDecodeTIME(index, len, buff); case TIME_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(LOCALTIME_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.TIME, index, len, buff); case TIMETZ: return binaryDecodeTIMETZ(index, len, buff); case TIMETZ_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(OFFSETTIME_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.TIMETZ, index, len, buff); case TIMESTAMP: return binaryDecodeTIMESTAMP(index, len, buff); case TIMESTAMP_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(LOCALDATETIME_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.TIMESTAMP, index, len, buff); case TIMESTAMPTZ: return binaryDecodeTIMESTAMPTZ(index, len, buff); case TIMESTAMPTZ_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(OFFSETDATETIME_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.TIMESTAMPTZ, index, len, buff); case BYTEA: return binaryDecodeBYTEA(index, len, buff); case BYTEA_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(BUFFER_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.BYTEA, index, len, buff); case UUID: return binaryDecodeUUID(index, len, buff); case UUID_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(UUID_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.UUID, index, len, buff); case JSON: return binaryDecodeJSON(index, len, buff); case JSON_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(JSON_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.JSON, index, len, buff); case JSONB: return binaryDecodeJSONB(index, len, buff); case JSONB_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(JSON_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.JSONB, index, len, buff); case POINT: return binaryDecodePoint(index, len, buff); case POINT_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(POINT_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.POINT, index, len, buff); case LINE: return binaryDecodeLine(index, len, buff); case LINE_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(LINE_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.LINE, index, len, buff); case LSEG: return binaryDecodeLseg(index, len, buff); case LSEG_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(LSEG_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.LSEG, index, len, buff); case BOX: return binaryDecodeBox(index, len, buff); case BOX_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(BOX_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.BOX, index, len, buff); case PATH: return binaryDecodePath(index, len, buff); case PATH_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(PATH_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.PATH, index, len, buff); case POLYGON: return binaryDecodePolygon(index, len, buff); case POLYGON_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(POLYGON_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.POLYGON, index, len, buff); case CIRCLE: return binaryDecodeCircle(index, len, buff); case CIRCLE_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(CIRCLE_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.CIRCLE, index, len, buff); case INTERVAL: return binaryDecodeINTERVAL(index, len, buff); case INTERVAL_ARRAY: return binaryDecodeArray(INTERVAL_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.INTERVAL, index, len, buff); default: logger.debug("Data type " + id + " does not support binary decoding"); return defaultDecodeBinary(index, len, buff); } } public static Object decodeText(DataType id, int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { switch (id) { case BOOL: return textDecodeBOOL(index, len, buff); case BOOL_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(BOOLEAN_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.BOOL, index, len, buff); case INT2: return textDecodeINT2(index, len, buff); case INT2_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(SHORT_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.INT2, index, len, buff); case INT4: return textDecodeINT4(index, len, buff); case INT4_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(INTEGER_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.INT4, index, len, buff); case INT8: return textDecodeINT8(index, len, buff); case INT8_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(LONG_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.INT8, index, len, buff); case FLOAT4: return textDecodeFLOAT4(index, len, buff); case FLOAT4_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(FLOAT_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.FLOAT4, index, len, buff); case FLOAT8: return textDecodeFLOAT8(index, len, buff); case FLOAT8_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(DOUBLE_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.FLOAT8, index, len, buff); case CHAR: return textDecodeCHAR(index, len, buff); // case CHAR_ARRAY: // return textDecodeCHAR_ARRAY(len, buff); case VARCHAR: return textDecodeVARCHAR(index, len, buff); case VARCHAR_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(STRING_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.VARCHAR, index, len, buff); case BPCHAR: return textDecodeBPCHAR(index, len, buff); case BPCHAR_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(STRING_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.BPCHAR, index, len, buff); case TEXT: return textdecodeTEXT(index, len, buff); case TEXT_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(STRING_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.TEXT, index, len, buff); case NAME: return textDecodeNAME(index, len, buff); case NAME_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(STRING_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.NAME, index, len, buff); case DATE: return textDecodeDATE(index, len, buff); case DATE_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(LOCALDATE_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.DATE, index, len, buff); case TIME: return textDecodeTIME(index, len, buff); case TIME_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(LOCALTIME_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.TIME, index, len, buff); case TIMETZ: return textDecodeTIMETZ(index, len, buff); case TIMETZ_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(OFFSETTIME_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.TIMETZ, index, len, buff); case TIMESTAMP: return textDecodeTIMESTAMP(index, len, buff); case TIMESTAMP_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(LOCALDATETIME_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.TIMESTAMP, index, len, buff); case TIMESTAMPTZ: return textDecodeTIMESTAMPTZ(index, len, buff); case TIMESTAMPTZ_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(OFFSETDATETIME_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.TIMESTAMPTZ, index, len, buff); case BYTEA: return textDecodeBYTEA(index, len, buff); case BYTEA_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(BUFFER_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.BYTEA, index, len, buff); case UUID: return textDecodeUUID(index, len, buff); case UUID_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(UUID_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.UUID, index, len, buff); case NUMERIC: return textDecodeNUMERIC(index, len, buff); case NUMERIC_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(NUMERIC_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.NUMERIC, index, len, buff); case JSON: return textDecodeJSON(index, len, buff); case JSON_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(JSON_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.JSON, index, len, buff); case JSONB: return textDecodeJSONB(index, len, buff); case JSONB_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(JSON_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.JSONB, index, len, buff); case POINT: return textDecodePOINT(index, len, buff); case POINT_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(POINT_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.POINT, index, len, buff); case LINE: return textDecodeLine(index, len, buff); case LINE_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(LINE_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.LINE, index, len, buff); case LSEG: return textDecodeLseg(index, len, buff); case LSEG_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(LSEG_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.LSEG, index, len, buff); case BOX: return textDecodeBox(index, len, buff); case BOX_ARRAY: return textDecodeBoxArray(BOX_ARRAY_FACTORY, index, len, buff); case PATH: return textDecodePath(index, len, buff); case PATH_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(PATH_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.PATH, index, len, buff); case POLYGON: return textDecodePolygon(index, len, buff); case POLYGON_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(POLYGON_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.POLYGON, index, len, buff); case CIRCLE: return textDecodeCircle(index, len, buff); case CIRCLE_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(CIRCLE_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.CIRCLE, index, len, buff); case INTERVAL: return textDecodeINTERVAL(index, len, buff); case INTERVAL_ARRAY: return textDecodeArray(INTERVAL_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.INTERVAL, index, len, buff); default: return defaultDecodeText(index, len, buff); } } public static Object prepare(DataType type, Object value) { switch (type) { case JSON: case JSONB: if (value == null || value == Tuple.JSON_NULL || value instanceof String || value instanceof Boolean || value instanceof Number || value instanceof JsonObject || value instanceof JsonArray) { return value; } else { return REFUSED_SENTINEL; } case UNKNOWN: if (value instanceof String[]) { return Arrays.stream((String[]) value).collect(Collectors.joining(",", "{", "}")); } else if (value == null || value instanceof String) { return value; } else { return REFUSED_SENTINEL; } default: Class<?> javaType = type.decodingType; return value == null || javaType.isInstance(value) ? value : REFUSED_SENTINEL; } } private static Object defaultDecodeText(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { // decode unknown text values as text or as an array if it begins with `{` if (len > 1 && buff.getByte(index) == '{') { return textDecodeArray(STRING_ARRAY_FACTORY, DataType.TEXT, index, len, buff); } return textdecodeTEXT(index, len, buff); } private static void defaultEncodeBinary(Object value, ByteBuf buff) { // Default to null buff.writeInt(-1); } private static Object defaultDecodeBinary(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { // Default to null return null; } private static void binaryEncodeBOOL(Boolean value, ByteBuf buff) { buff.writeBoolean(value); } private static Boolean binaryDecodeBOOL(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return buff.getBoolean(index); } private static Boolean textDecodeBOOL(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { if(buff.getByte(index) == 't') { return Boolean.TRUE; } else { return Boolean.FALSE; } } private static Short textDecodeINT2(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return (short) DataTypeCodec.decodeDecStringToLong(index, len, buff); } private static Short binaryDecodeINT2(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return buff.getShort(index); } private static void binaryEncodeINT2(Number value, ByteBuf buff) { buff.writeShort(value.shortValue()); } private static Integer textDecodeINT4(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return (int) decodeDecStringToLong(index, len, buff); } private static Integer binaryDecodeINT4(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return buff.getInt(index); } private static void binaryEncodeINT4(Number value, ByteBuf buff) { buff.writeInt(value.intValue()); } private static Long textDecodeINT8(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return decodeDecStringToLong(index, len, buff); } private static Long binaryDecodeINT8(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return buff.getLong(index); } private static void binaryEncodeINT8(Number value, ByteBuf buff) { buff.writeLong(value.longValue()); } private static Float textDecodeFLOAT4(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { // Todo optimize that CharSequence cs = buff.getCharSequence(index, len, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); return Float.parseFloat(cs.toString()); } private static Float binaryDecodeFLOAT4(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return buff.getFloat(index); } private static void binaryEncodeFLOAT4(Number value, ByteBuf buff) { buff.writeFloat(value.floatValue()); } private static void binaryEncodeFLOAT8(Number value, ByteBuf buff) { buff.writeDouble(value.doubleValue()); } private static Double binaryDecodeFLOAT8(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return buff.getDouble(index); } private static double textDecodeFLOAT8(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { // Todo optimize that CharSequence cs = buff.getCharSequence(index, len, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); return Double.parseDouble(cs.toString()); } private static Number textDecodeNUMERIC(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { // Todo optimize that CharSequence cs = buff.getCharSequence(index, len, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); return Numeric.parse(cs.toString()); } private static Point textDecodePOINT(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { // Point representation: (x,y) int idx = ++index; int s = buff.indexOf(idx, idx + len, (byte) ','); int t = s - idx; double x = textDecodeFLOAT8(idx, t, buff); double y = textDecodeFLOAT8(s + 1, len - t - 3, buff); return new Point(x, y); } private static Line textDecodeLine(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { // Line representation: {a,b,c} int idxOfFirstSeparator = buff.indexOf(index, index + len, (byte) ','); int idxOfLastSeparator = buff.indexOf(index + len, index, (byte) ','); int idx = index + 1; double a = textDecodeFLOAT8(idx, idxOfFirstSeparator - idx, buff); double b = textDecodeFLOAT8(idxOfFirstSeparator + 1, idxOfLastSeparator - idxOfFirstSeparator - 1, buff); double c = textDecodeFLOAT8(idxOfLastSeparator + 1, index + len - idxOfLastSeparator - 2, buff); return new Line(a, b, c); } private static LineSegment textDecodeLseg(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { // Lseg representation: [p1,p2] int idxOfPointsSeparator = buff.indexOf(index, index+len, (byte) ')') + 1; int lenOfP1 = idxOfPointsSeparator - index - 1; Point p1 = textDecodePOINT(index + 1, lenOfP1, buff); Point p2 = textDecodePOINT(idxOfPointsSeparator + 1, len - lenOfP1 - 3, buff); return new LineSegment(p1, p2); } private static Box textDecodeBox(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { // Box representation: p1,p2 int idxOfPointsSeparator = buff.indexOf(index, index+len, (byte) ')') + 1; int lenOfUpperRightCornerPoint = idxOfPointsSeparator - index; Point upperRightCorner = textDecodePOINT(index, lenOfUpperRightCornerPoint, buff); Point lowerLeftCorner = textDecodePOINT(idxOfPointsSeparator + 1, len - lenOfUpperRightCornerPoint - 1, buff); return new Box(upperRightCorner, lowerLeftCorner); } private static Box[] textDecodeBoxArray(IntFunction<Box[]> supplier, int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { // Box Array representation: {box1;box2;...boxN} List<Box> boxes = new ArrayList<>(); int start = index + 1; int end = index + len - 1; while (start < end) { int idxOfBoxSeparator = buff.indexOf(start, end + 1, (byte) ';'); if (idxOfBoxSeparator == -1) { // the last box Box box = textDecodeBox(start, end - start, buff); boxes.add(box); break; } int lenOfBox = idxOfBoxSeparator - start; Box box = textDecodeBox(start, lenOfBox, buff); boxes.add(box); start = idxOfBoxSeparator + 1; } return boxes.toArray(supplier.apply(boxes.size())); } private static Path textDecodePath(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { // Path representation: (p1,p2...pn) or [p1,p2...pn] byte first = buff.getByte(index); byte last = buff.getByte(index + len - 1); boolean isOpen; if (first == '(' && last == ')') { isOpen = false; } else if (first == '[' && last == ']') { isOpen = true; } else { throw new DecoderException("Decoding Path is in wrong syntax"); } List<Point> points = textDecodeMultiplePoints(index + 1, len - 2, buff); return new Path(isOpen, points); } private static Polygon textDecodePolygon(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { // Polygon representation: (p1,p2...pn) List<Point> points = textDecodeMultiplePoints(index + 1, len - 2, buff); return new Polygon(points); } // this might be useful for decoding Lseg, Box, Path, Polygon Data Type. private static List<Point> textDecodeMultiplePoints(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { // representation: p1,p2,p3...pn List<Point> points = new ArrayList<>(); int start = index; int end = index + len - 1; while (start < end) { int rightParenthesis = buff.indexOf(start, end + 1, (byte) ')'); int idxOfPointSeparator = rightParenthesis + 1; int lenOfPoint = idxOfPointSeparator - start; Point point = textDecodePOINT(start, lenOfPoint, buff); points.add(point); start = idxOfPointSeparator + 1; } return points; } private static Circle textDecodeCircle(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { // Circle representation: <p,r> int idxOfLastComma = buff.indexOf(index + len - 1, index, (byte) ','); int lenOfPoint = idxOfLastComma - index - 1; Point center = textDecodePOINT(index + 1, lenOfPoint, buff); int lenOfRadius = len - lenOfPoint - 3; double radius = textDecodeFLOAT8(idxOfLastComma + 1, lenOfRadius, buff); return new Circle(center, radius); } private static Interval textDecodeINTERVAL(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { CharSequence cs = buff.getCharSequence(index, len, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); String value = cs.toString(); int years = 0, months = 0, days = 0, hours = 0, minutes = 0, seconds = 0, microseconds = 0; final List<String> chunks = new ArrayList<>(7); int idx = 0; for (;;) { int newIdx = value.indexOf(' ', idx); if (newIdx == -1) { chunks.add(value.substring(idx)); break; } chunks.add(value.substring(idx, newIdx)); idx = newIdx + 1; } boolean hasTime = chunks.size() % 2 == 1; int dateChunkMax = hasTime ? chunks.size() - 1 : chunks.size(); for (int i = 0; i < dateChunkMax; i += 2) { int val = Integer.parseInt(chunks.get(i)); switch (chunks.get(i + 1)) { case "year": case "years": years = val; break; case "mon": case "mons": months = val; break; case "day": case "days": days = val; break; } } if (hasTime) { String timeChunk = chunks.get(chunks.size() - 1); boolean isNeg = timeChunk.charAt(0) == '-'; if (isNeg) timeChunk = timeChunk.substring(1); int sidx = 0; for (;;) { int newIdx = timeChunk.indexOf(':', sidx); if (newIdx == -1) { int m = timeChunk.substring(sidx).indexOf('.'); if(m == -1) { // seconds without microseconds seconds = isNeg ? -Integer.parseInt(timeChunk.substring(sidx)) : Integer.parseInt(timeChunk.substring(sidx)); } else { // seconds with microseconds seconds = isNeg ? -Integer.parseInt(timeChunk.substring(sidx).substring(0, m)) : Integer.parseInt(timeChunk.substring(sidx).substring(0, m)); microseconds = isNeg ? -Integer.parseInt(timeChunk.substring(sidx).substring(m + 1)) : Integer.parseInt(timeChunk.substring(sidx).substring(m + 1)); } break; } // hours if(sidx == 0) { hours = isNeg ? -Integer.parseInt(timeChunk.substring(sidx, newIdx)) : Integer.parseInt(timeChunk.substring(sidx, newIdx)); } else { // minutes minutes = isNeg ? -Integer.parseInt(timeChunk.substring(sidx, newIdx)) : Integer.parseInt(timeChunk.substring(sidx, newIdx)); } sidx = newIdx + 1; } } return new Interval(years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, microseconds); } private static void textEncodeNUMERIC(Number value, ByteBuf buff) { String s = value.toString(); buff.writeCharSequence(s, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } private static void textEncodeNUMERIC_ARRAY(Number[] value, ByteBuf buff) { textEncodeArray(value, DataType.NUMERIC, buff); } private static void binaryEncodeCHAR(String value, ByteBuf buff) { binaryEncodeTEXT(value, buff); } private static String textDecodeCHAR(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return buff.getCharSequence(index, len, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).toString(); } private static String binaryDecodeCHAR(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return binaryDecodeTEXT(index, len, buff); } private static void binaryEncodeVARCHAR(String value, ByteBuf buff) { String s = String.valueOf(value); buff.writeCharSequence(s, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } private static String textDecodeVARCHAR(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return buff.getCharSequence(index, len, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).toString(); } private static String binaryDecodeVARCHAR(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return buff.getCharSequence(index, len, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).toString(); } private static String textDecodeBPCHAR(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return buff.getCharSequence(index, len, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).toString(); } private static void binaryEncodeBPCHAR(String value, ByteBuf buff) { buff.writeCharSequence(value, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } private static String binaryDecodeBPCHAR(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return buff.getCharSequence(index, len, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).toString(); } private static String textdecodeTEXT(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return buff.getCharSequence(index, len, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).toString(); } private static void binaryEncodeTEXT(String value, ByteBuf buff) { String s = String.valueOf(value); buff.writeCharSequence(s, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } private static String binaryDecodeTEXT(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return buff.getCharSequence(index, len, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).toString(); } private static String textDecodeNAME(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return buff.getCharSequence(index, len, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).toString(); } private static void binaryEncodeNAME(String value, ByteBuf buff) { String s = String.valueOf(value); buff.writeCharSequence(s, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } private static String binaryDecodeNAME(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return buff.getCharSequence(index, len, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).toString(); } private static void binaryEncodeDATE(LocalDate value, ByteBuf buff) { buff.writeInt((int) -value.until(LOCAL_DATE_EPOCH, ChronoUnit.DAYS)); } private static LocalDate binaryDecodeDATE(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return LOCAL_DATE_EPOCH.plus(buff.getInt(index), ChronoUnit.DAYS); } private static LocalDate textDecodeDATE(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { CharSequence cs = buff.getCharSequence(index, len, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); return LocalDate.parse(cs); } private static void binaryEncodeTIME(LocalTime value, ByteBuf buff) { buff.writeLong(value.getLong(ChronoField.MICRO_OF_DAY)); } private static LocalTime binaryDecodeTIME(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { // micros to nanos return LocalTime.ofNanoOfDay(buff.getLong(index) * 1000); } private static LocalTime textDecodeTIME(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { CharSequence cs = buff.getCharSequence(index, len, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); return LocalTime.parse(cs); } private static void binaryEncodeTIMETZ(OffsetTime value, ByteBuf buff) { buff.writeLong(value.toLocalTime().getLong(ChronoField.MICRO_OF_DAY)); // zone offset in seconds (should we change it to UTC ?) buff.writeInt(-value.getOffset().getTotalSeconds()); } private static OffsetTime binaryDecodeTIMETZ(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { // micros to nanos return OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.ofNanoOfDay(buff.getLong(index) * 1000), // zone offset in seconds (should we change it to UTC ?) ZoneOffset.ofTotalSeconds(-buff.getInt(index + 8))); } private static OffsetTime textDecodeTIMETZ(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { CharSequence cs = buff.getCharSequence(index, len, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); return OffsetTime.parse(cs, TIMETZ_FORMAT); } private static void binaryEncodeTIMESTAMP(LocalDateTime value, ByteBuf buff) { buff.writeLong(-value.until(LOCAL_DATE_TIME_EPOCH, ChronoUnit.MICROS)); } private static LocalDateTime binaryDecodeTIMESTAMP(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return LOCAL_DATE_TIME_EPOCH.plus(buff.getLong(index), ChronoUnit.MICROS); } private static LocalDateTime textDecodeTIMESTAMP(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { CharSequence cs = buff.getCharSequence(index, len, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); return LocalDateTime.parse(cs, TIMESTAMP_FORMAT); } private static OffsetDateTime binaryDecodeTIMESTAMPTZ(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return OFFSET_DATE_TIME_EPOCH.plus(buff.getLong(index), ChronoUnit.MICROS); } private static void binaryEncodeTIMESTAMPTZ(OffsetDateTime value, ByteBuf buff) { buff.writeLong(-value.until(OFFSET_DATE_TIME_EPOCH, ChronoUnit.MICROS)); } private static OffsetDateTime textDecodeTIMESTAMPTZ(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { CharSequence cs = buff.getCharSequence(index, len, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); return OffsetDateTime.parse(cs, TIMESTAMPTZ_FORMAT); } private static Buffer textDecodeBYTEA(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { if (isHexFormat(index, len, buff)) { // hex format // Shift 2 bytes: skip \x prolog return decodeHexStringToBytes(index + 2, len - 2, buff); } else { // escape format return decodeEscapeByteaStringToBuffer(index, len, buff); } } private static void binaryEncodeBYTEA(Buffer value, ByteBuf buff) { ByteBuf byteBuf = value.getByteBuf(); buff.writeBytes(byteBuf); } private static Buffer binaryDecodeBYTEA(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return Buffer.buffer(buff.copy(index, len)); } private static void binaryEncodeUUID(UUID uuid, ByteBuf buff) { buff.writeLong(uuid.getMostSignificantBits()); buff.writeLong(uuid.getLeastSignificantBits()); } private static void binaryEncodePoint(Point point, ByteBuf buff) { binaryEncodeFLOAT8(point.x, buff); binaryEncodeFLOAT8(point.y, buff); } private static Point binaryDecodePoint(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { double x = binaryDecodeFLOAT8(index, 8, buff); double y = binaryDecodeFLOAT8(index + 8, 8, buff); return new Point(x, y); } private static void binaryEncodeLine(Line line, ByteBuf buff) { binaryEncodeFLOAT8(line.getA(), buff); binaryEncodeFLOAT8(line.getB(), buff); binaryEncodeFLOAT8(line.getC(), buff); } private static Line binaryDecodeLine(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { double a = binaryDecodeFLOAT8(index, 8, buff); double b = binaryDecodeFLOAT8(index + 8, 8, buff); double c = binaryDecodeFLOAT8(index + 16, 8, buff); return new Line(a, b, c); } private static void binaryEncodeLseg(LineSegment lseg, ByteBuf buff) { binaryEncodePoint(lseg.getP1(), buff); binaryEncodePoint(lseg.getP2(), buff); } private static LineSegment binaryDecodeLseg(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { Point p1 = binaryDecodePoint(index, 16, buff); Point p2 = binaryDecodePoint(index + 16, 16, buff); return new LineSegment(p1, p2); } private static void binaryEncodeBox(Box box, ByteBuf buff) { binaryEncodePoint(box.getUpperRightCorner(), buff); binaryEncodePoint(box.getLowerLeftCorner(), buff); } private static Box binaryDecodeBox(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { Point upperRightCorner = binaryDecodePoint(index, 16, buff); Point lowerLeftCorner = binaryDecodePoint(index + 16, 16, buff); return new Box(upperRightCorner, lowerLeftCorner); } private static void binaryEncodePath(Path path, ByteBuf buff) { if (path.isOpen()) { buff.writeByte(0); } else { buff.writeByte(1); } List<Point> points = path.getPoints(); binaryEncodeINT4(points.size(), buff); for (Point point : points) { binaryEncodePoint(point, buff); } } private static Path binaryDecodePath(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { byte first = buff.getByte(index); boolean isOpen; if (first == 0) { isOpen = true; } else if (first == 1) { isOpen = false; } else { throw new DecoderException("Decoding Path exception"); } int idx = ++index; int numberOfPoints = binaryDecodeINT4(idx, 4, buff); idx += 4; List<Point> points = new ArrayList<>(); // maybe we need some check? for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++) { points.add(binaryDecodePoint(idx, 16, buff)); idx += 16; } return new Path(isOpen, points); } private static void binaryEncodePolygon(Polygon polygon, ByteBuf buff) { List<Point> points = polygon.getPoints(); int numberOfPoints = points.size(); binaryEncodeINT4(numberOfPoints, buff); for (Point point : points) { binaryEncodeFLOAT8(point.x, buff); binaryEncodeFLOAT8(point.y, buff); } } private static Polygon binaryDecodePolygon(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { int idx = index; int numberOfPoints = binaryDecodeINT4(index, 4, buff); idx += 4; List<Point> points = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++) { points.add(binaryDecodePoint(idx, 16, buff)); idx += 16; } return new Polygon(points); } private static void binaryEncodeCircle(Circle circle, ByteBuf buff) { binaryEncodePoint(circle.getCenterPoint(), buff); binaryEncodeFLOAT8(circle.getRadius(), buff); } private static Circle binaryDecodeCircle(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { Point center = binaryDecodePoint(index, 16, buff); double radius = binaryDecodeFLOAT8(index + 16, 8, buff); return new Circle(center, radius); } private static void binaryEncodeINTERVAL(Interval interval, ByteBuf buff) { Duration duration = Duration .ofHours(interval.getHours()) .plusMinutes(interval.getMinutes()) .plusSeconds(interval.getSeconds()) .plus(interval.getMicroseconds(), ChronoUnit.MICROS); // days won't be changed Period monthYear = Period.of(interval.getYears(), interval.getMonths(), interval.getDays()).normalized(); binaryEncodeINT8(NANOSECONDS.toMicros(duration.toNanos()), buff); binaryEncodeINT4(monthYear.getDays(), buff); binaryEncodeINT4((int) monthYear.toTotalMonths(), buff); } private static Interval binaryDecodeINTERVAL(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { Duration duration = Duration.of(buff.getLong(index), ChronoUnit.MICROS); final long hours = duration.toHours(); duration = duration.minusHours(hours); final long minutes = duration.toMinutes(); duration = duration.minusMinutes(minutes); final long seconds = NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(duration.toNanos()); duration = duration.minusSeconds(seconds); final long microseconds = NANOSECONDS.toMicros(duration.toNanos()); int days = buff.getInt(index + 8); int months = buff.getInt(index + 12); Period monthYear = Period.of(0, months, days).normalized(); return new Interval(monthYear.getYears(), monthYear.getMonths(), monthYear.getDays(), (int) hours, (int) minutes, (int) seconds, (int) microseconds); } private static UUID binaryDecodeUUID(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return new UUID(buff.getLong(index), buff.getLong(index + 8)); } private static UUID textDecodeUUID(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return java.util.UUID.fromString(buff.getCharSequence(index, len, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).toString()); } private static Object textDecodeJSON(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return textDecodeJSONB(index, len, buff); } private static Object binaryDecodeJSON(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return textDecodeJSONB(index, len, buff); } private static void binaryEncodeJSON(Object value, ByteBuf buff) { String s; if (value == Tuple.JSON_NULL) { s = "null"; } else { s = io.vertx.core.json.Json.encode(value); } buff.writeCharSequence(s, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } private static Object textDecodeJSONB(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { // Try to do without the intermediary String (?) CharSequence cs = buff.getCharSequence(index, len, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); Object value = null; String s = cs.toString(); int pos = 0; while (pos < s.length() && Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(pos))) { pos++; } if (pos == s.length()) { return null; } else if (s.charAt(pos) == '{') { value = new JsonObject(s); } else if (s.charAt(pos) == '[') { value = new JsonArray(s); } else { try { JsonNode json = Json.mapper.readTree(s); if (json.isNumber()) { return json.numberValue(); } else if (json.isBoolean()) { return json.booleanValue(); } else if (json.isTextual()) { return json.textValue(); } else if (json.isNull()) { return Tuple.JSON_NULL; } else { return null; } } catch (IOException e) { // do nothing } } return value; } private static Object binaryDecodeJSONB(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { // Skip 1 byte for version (which is 1) return textDecodeJSONB(index + 1, len - 1, buff); } private static void binaryEncodeJSONB(Object value, ByteBuf buff) { buff.writeByte(1); // version binaryEncodeJSON(value, buff); }
Decode the specified buff formatted as a decimal string starting at the readable index with the specified length to a long.
  • index – the hex string index
  • len – the hex string length
  • buff – the byte buff to read from
Returns:the decoded value as a long
/** * Decode the specified {@code buff} formatted as a decimal string starting at the readable index * with the specified {@code length} to a long. * * @param index the hex string index * @param len the hex string length * @param buff the byte buff to read from * @return the decoded value as a long */
private static long decodeDecStringToLong(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { long value = 0; if (len > 0) { int to = index + len; boolean neg = false; if (buff.getByte(index) == '-') { neg = true; index++; } while (index < to) { byte ch = buff.getByte(index++); byte nibble = (byte)(ch - '0'); value = value * 10 + nibble; } if (neg) { value = -value; } } return value; }
Decode the specified buff formatted as an hex string starting at the buffer readable index with the specified length to a Buffer.
  • len – the hex string length
  • buff – the byte buff to read from
Returns:the decoded value as a Buffer
/** * Decode the specified {@code buff} formatted as an hex string starting at the buffer readable index * with the specified {@code length} to a {@link Buffer}. * * @param len the hex string length * @param buff the byte buff to read from * @return the decoded value as a Buffer */
private static Buffer decodeHexStringToBytes(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { len = len >> 1; Buffer buffer = Buffer.buffer(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { byte b0 = decodeHexChar(buff.getByte(index++)); byte b1 = decodeHexChar(buff.getByte(index++)); buffer.appendByte((byte) (b0 * 16 + b1)); } return buffer; } private static byte decodeHexChar(byte ch) { return (byte)(((ch & 0x1F) + ((ch >> 6) * 0x19) - 0x10) & 0x0F); } private static boolean isHexFormat(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { return len >= 2 && buff.getByte(index) == '\\' && buff.getByte(index + 1) == 'x'; } private static Buffer decodeEscapeByteaStringToBuffer(int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { Buffer buffer = Buffer.buffer(); int pos = 0; while (pos < len) { byte current = buff.getByte(pos + index); if (current == '\\') { if (pos + 2 <= len && buff.getByte(pos + index + 1) == '\\') { // check double backslashes buffer.appendByte((byte) '\\'); pos += 2; } else if (pos + 4 <= len) { // a preceded backslash with three-digit octal value int high = Character.digit(buff.getByte(pos + index + 1), 8) << 6; int medium = Character.digit(buff.getByte(pos + index + 2), 8) << 3; int low = Character.digit(buff.getByte(pos + index + 3), 8); int escapedValue = high + medium + low; buffer.appendByte((byte) escapedValue); pos += 4; } else { throw new DecoderException("Decoding unexpected BYTEA escape format"); } } else { // printable octets buffer.appendByte(current); pos++; } } return buffer; } private static <T> T[] binaryDecodeArray(IntFunction<T[]> supplier, DataType type, int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { if (len == 12) { return supplier.apply(0); } int dim = buff.getInt(index); // read ndim index += 4; index += 4; // skip dataoffset index += 4; // skip elemtype int length = buff.getInt(index); // read dimensions index += 4; index += 4; // skip lower bnds if (dim != 1) { logger.warn("Only arrays of dimension 1 are supported"); return null; } T[] array = supplier.apply(length); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { int l = buff.getInt(index); index += 4; if (l != -1) { array[i] = (T) decodeBinary(type, index, l, buff); index += l; } } return array; } private static <T> void binaryEncodeArray(T[] values, DataType type, ByteBuf buff){ int startIndex = buff.writerIndex(); buff.writeInt(1); // ndim buff.writeInt(0); // dataoffset buff.writeInt(type.id); // elemtype buff.writeInt(values.length); // dimension buff.writeInt(1); // lower bnds boolean hasNulls = false; for (T value : values) { if (value == null) { hasNulls = true; buff.writeInt(-1); } else { int idx = buff.writerIndex(); buff.writeInt(0); encodeBinary(type, value, buff); buff.setInt(idx, buff.writerIndex() - idx - 4); } } if (hasNulls) { buff.setInt(startIndex + 4, 1); } } private static <T> T[] textDecodeArray(IntFunction<T[]> supplier, DataType type, int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { List<T> list = new ArrayList<>(); int from = index + 1; // Set index after '{' int to = index + len - 1; // Set index before '}' while (from < to) { // Escaped content ? boolean escaped = buff.getByte(from) == '"'; int idx; if (escaped) { idx = buff.forEachByte(from, to - from, new UTF8StringEndDetector()); idx = buff.indexOf(idx, to, (byte) ','); // SEE iF WE CAN GET RID oF IT } else { idx = buff.indexOf(from, to, (byte) ','); } if (idx == -1) { idx = to; } T elt = textDecodeArrayElement(type, from, idx - from, buff); list.add(elt); from = idx + 1; } return list.toArray(supplier.apply(list.size())); } private static <T> T textDecodeArrayElement(DataType type, int index, int len, ByteBuf buff) { if (len == 4 && Character.toUpperCase(buff.getByte(index)) == 'N' && Character.toUpperCase(buff.getByte(index + 1)) == 'U' && Character.toUpperCase(buff.getByte(index + 2)) == 'L' && Character.toUpperCase(buff.getByte(index + 3)) == 'L' ) { return null; } else { boolean escaped = buff.getByte(index) == '"'; if (escaped) { // Some escaping - improve that later... String s = buff.toString(index + 1, len - 2, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0;i < s.length();i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c == '\\') { c = s.charAt(++i); } sb.append(c); } buff = Unpooled.copiedBuffer(sb, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); index = 0; len = buff.readableBytes(); } return (T) decodeText(type, index, len, buff); } } private static <T> void textEncodeArray(T[] values, DataType type, ByteBuf buff){ buff.writeByte('{'); int len = values.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i > 0) { buff.writeByte(','); } T value = values[i]; if (value != null) { textEncode(type, value, buff); } else { buff.writeByte('N'); buff.writeByte('U'); buff.writeByte('L'); buff.writeByte('L'); } } buff.writeByte('}'); } }