 * Copyright (C) 2017 Julien Viet
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package io.vertx.pgclient.impl;

import io.vertx.pgclient.PgConnectOptions;
import io.vertx.pgclient.SslMode;
import io.vertx.sqlclient.impl.Connection;
import io.vertx.sqlclient.impl.command.CommandResponse;
import io.vertx.core.*;
import io.vertx.core.impl.NetSocketInternal;
import io.vertx.core.net.*;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

Author:Julien Viet
/** * @author <a href="mailto:julien@julienviet.com">Julien Viet</a> */
class PgConnectionFactory { private final NetClient client; private final Context ctx; private final boolean registerCloseHook; private final String host; private final int port; private final SslMode sslMode; private final TrustOptions trustOptions; private final String hostnameVerificationAlgorithm; private final String database; private final String username; private final String password; private final Map<String, String> properties; private final boolean cachePreparedStatements; private final int preparedStatementCacheSize; private final int preparedStatementCacheSqlLimit; private final int pipeliningLimit; private final boolean isUsingDomainSocket; private final Closeable hook; PgConnectionFactory(Context context, boolean registerCloseHook, PgConnectOptions options) { hook = this::close; this.registerCloseHook = registerCloseHook; ctx = context; if (registerCloseHook) { ctx.addCloseHook(hook); } NetClientOptions netClientOptions = new NetClientOptions(options); // Make sure ssl=false as we will use STARTLS netClientOptions.setSsl(false); this.sslMode = options.getSslMode(); this.hostnameVerificationAlgorithm = netClientOptions.getHostnameVerificationAlgorithm(); this.trustOptions = netClientOptions.getTrustOptions(); this.host = options.getHost(); this.port = options.getPort(); this.database = options.getDatabase(); this.username = options.getUser(); this.password = options.getPassword(); this.properties = new HashMap<>(options.getProperties()); this.cachePreparedStatements = options.getCachePreparedStatements(); this.pipeliningLimit = options.getPipeliningLimit(); this.preparedStatementCacheSize = options.getPreparedStatementCacheMaxSize(); this.preparedStatementCacheSqlLimit = options.getPreparedStatementCacheSqlLimit(); this.isUsingDomainSocket = options.isUsingDomainSocket(); this.client = context.owner().createNetClient(netClientOptions); } // Called by hook private void close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler) { client.close(); completionHandler.handle(Future.succeededFuture()); } void close() { if (registerCloseHook) { ctx.removeCloseHook(hook); } client.close(); } void connectAndInit(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> completionHandler) { connect(ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { PgSocketConnection conn = ar.result(); conn.init(); conn.sendStartupMessage(username, password, database, properties, completionHandler); } else { completionHandler.handle(CommandResponse.failure(ar.cause())); } }); } void connect(Handler<AsyncResult<PgSocketConnection>> handler) { switch (sslMode) { case DISABLE: doConnect(false, handler); break; case ALLOW: doConnect(false, ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(ar.result())); } else { doConnect(true, handler); } }); break; case PREFER: doConnect(true, ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(ar.result())); } else { doConnect(false, handler); } }); break; case VERIFY_FULL: if (hostnameVerificationAlgorithm == null || hostnameVerificationAlgorithm.isEmpty()) { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(new IllegalArgumentException("Host verification algorithm must be specified under verify-full sslmode"))); return; } case VERIFY_CA: if (trustOptions == null) { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(new IllegalArgumentException("Trust options must be specified under verify-full or verify-ca sslmode"))); return; } case REQUIRE: doConnect(true, handler); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported SSL mode"); } } private void doConnect(boolean ssl, Handler<AsyncResult<PgSocketConnection>> handler) { if (Vertx.currentContext() != ctx) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } SocketAddress socketAddress; if (!isUsingDomainSocket) { socketAddress = SocketAddress.inetSocketAddress(port, host); } else { socketAddress = SocketAddress.domainSocketAddress(host + "/.s.PGSQL." + port); } Promise<NetSocket> promise = Promise.promise(); promise.future().setHandler(ar -> { if (ar.succeeded()) { NetSocketInternal socket = (NetSocketInternal) ar.result(); PgSocketConnection conn = newSocketConnection(socket); if (ssl && !isUsingDomainSocket) { // upgrade connection to SSL if needed conn.upgradeToSSLConnection(ar2 -> { if (ar2.succeeded()) { handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(conn)); } else { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(ar2.cause())); } }); } else { handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(conn)); } } else { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture(ar.cause())); } }); try { client.connect(socketAddress, null, promise); } catch (Exception e) { // Client is closed promise.fail(e); } } private PgSocketConnection newSocketConnection(NetSocketInternal socket) { return new PgSocketConnection(socket, cachePreparedStatements, preparedStatementCacheSize, preparedStatementCacheSqlLimit, pipeliningLimit, ctx); } }