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package io.vertx.ext.mail;

import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.VertxGen;

Signing Algorithm specified by DKIM spec.
Author:Lin Gao
/** * * Signing Algorithm specified by DKIM spec. * * @author <a href="mailto: aoingl@gmail.com">Lin Gao</a> */
@VertxGen public enum DKIMSignAlgorithm { RSA_SHA1("sha1", "rsa", "SHA-1"), // rsa-sha1 RSA_SHA256("sha256", "rsa", "SHA-256"); // rsa-sha256
The hash algorithm id used by HashingAlgorithm to distinguish from others.
/** * The hash algorithm id used by {@link io.vertx.ext.auth.HashingAlgorithm} to distinguish from others. */
private final String hashAlgoId;
The Hash type. It is: rsa now.
/** * The Hash type. It is: <code>rsa</code> now. */
private final String type;
The actual algorithm that can be used by the MessageDigest to calculate the digest.
/** * The actual algorithm that can be used by the {@link java.security.MessageDigest} to calculate the digest. */
private final String hashAlgo; DKIMSignAlgorithm(String hashAlgoId, String type, String hashAlgo) { this.hashAlgoId = hashAlgoId; this.type = type; this.hashAlgo = hashAlgo; }
Gets the algorithm name specified by the DKIM specification. See: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6376#section-3.3
Returns:the algorithm name
/** * Gets the algorithm name specified by the DKIM specification. * * See: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6376#section-3.3 * * @return the algorithm name */
public String dkimAlgoName() { return this.type + "-" + this.hashAlgoId; }
Gets the hash algorithm to produce the hash of the message.
Returns:the hash algorithm
/** * Gets the hash algorithm to produce the hash of the message. * * @return the hash algorithm */
public String hashAlgorithm() { return this.hashAlgo; }
Gets the Hash Algorithm ID that can be identified by the HashingStrategy.
Returns:the id of the Hash Algorithm.
/** * Gets the Hash Algorithm ID that can be identified by the {@link io.vertx.ext.auth.HashingStrategy}. * * @return the id of the Hash Algorithm. */
public String hashAlgoId() { return hashAlgoId; }
Gets the Signature Algorithm, like: SHA256withRSA, SHA1withRSA.
Returns:the signature algorithm
/** * Gets the Signature Algorithm, like: SHA256withRSA, SHA1withRSA. * * @return the signature algorithm */
public String signatureAlgorithm() { return this.hashAlgoId.toUpperCase() + "with" + this.type.toUpperCase(); } }