 * Copyright 2019 Red Hat Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package io.vertx.kafka.admin;

import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.GenIgnore;
import io.vertx.core.Future;
import io.vertx.kafka.client.common.ConfigResource;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.AdminClient;

import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.VertxGen;
import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult;
import io.vertx.core.Handler;
import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.kafka.admin.impl.KafkaAdminClientImpl;
import io.vertx.kafka.client.common.TopicPartition;
import io.vertx.kafka.client.consumer.OffsetAndMetadata;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;

Vert.x Kafka Admin client implementation
/** * Vert.x Kafka Admin client implementation */
@VertxGen public interface KafkaAdminClient {
Create a new KafkaAdminClient instance
  • vertx – Vert.x instance to use
  • adminClient – Kafka native Admin client instance
Returns:an instance of the KafkaAdminClient
/** * Create a new KafkaAdminClient instance * * @param vertx Vert.x instance to use * @param adminClient Kafka native Admin client instance * @return an instance of the KafkaAdminClient */
@GenIgnore static KafkaAdminClient create(Vertx vertx, AdminClient adminClient) { return new KafkaAdminClientImpl(vertx, adminClient); }
Create a new KafkaAdminClient instance
  • vertx – Vert.x instance to use
  • config – Kafka admin client configuration
Returns:an instance of the KafkaAdminClient
/** * Create a new KafkaAdminClient instance * * @param vertx Vert.x instance to use * @param config Kafka admin client configuration * @return an instance of the KafkaAdminClient */
static KafkaAdminClient create(Vertx vertx, Map<String, String> config) { return create(vertx, AdminClient.create(new HashMap<>(config))); }
Create a new KafkaAdminClient instance
  • vertx – Vert.x instance to use
  • config – Kafka admin client configuration
Returns:an instance of the KafkaAdminClient
/** * Create a new KafkaAdminClient instance * * @param vertx Vert.x instance to use * @param config Kafka admin client configuration * @return an instance of the KafkaAdminClient */
@GenIgnore static KafkaAdminClient create(Vertx vertx, Properties config) { return create(vertx, AdminClient.create(config)); }
List the topics available in the cluster with the default options.
  • completionHandler – handler called on operation completed with the topics set
/** * List the topics available in the cluster with the default options. * * @param completionHandler handler called on operation completed with the topics set */
void listTopics(Handler<AsyncResult<Set<String>>> completionHandler);
Like listTopics(Handler<AsyncResult<Set<String>>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #listTopics(Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Set<String>> listTopics();
Describe some topics in the cluster, with the default options.
  • topicNames – the names of the topics to describe
  • completionHandler – handler called on operation completed with the topics descriptions
/** * Describe some topics in the cluster, with the default options. * * @param topicNames the names of the topics to describe * @param completionHandler handler called on operation completed with the topics descriptions */
void describeTopics(List<String> topicNames, Handler<AsyncResult<Map<String, TopicDescription>>> completionHandler);
Like describeTopics(List<String>, Handler<AsyncResult<Map<String,TopicDescription>>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #describeTopics(List, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Map<String, TopicDescription>> describeTopics(List<String> topicNames);
Creates a batch of new Kafka topics
  • topics – topics to create
  • completionHandler – handler called on operation completed
/** * Creates a batch of new Kafka topics * * @param topics topics to create * @param completionHandler handler called on operation completed */
void createTopics(List<NewTopic> topics, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler);
Like createTopics(List<NewTopic>, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #createTopics(List, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Void> createTopics(List<NewTopic> topics);
Deletes a batch of Kafka topics
  • topicNames – the names of the topics to delete
  • completionHandler – handler called on operation completed
/** * Deletes a batch of Kafka topics * * @param topicNames the names of the topics to delete * @param completionHandler handler called on operation completed */
void deleteTopics(List<String> topicNames, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler);
Like deleteTopics(List<String>, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #deleteTopics(List, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Void> deleteTopics(List<String> topicNames);
Get the configuration for the specified resources with the default options
  • configResources – the resources (topic and broker resource types are currently supported)
  • completionHandler – handler called on operation completed with the configurations
/** * Get the configuration for the specified resources with the default options * * @param configResources the resources (topic and broker resource types are currently supported) * @param completionHandler handler called on operation completed with the configurations */
@GenIgnore void describeConfigs(List<ConfigResource> configResources, Handler<AsyncResult<Map<ConfigResource, Config>>> completionHandler); /** * Like {@link #describeConfigs(List, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */ @GenIgnore Future<Map<ConfigResource, Config>> describeConfigs(List<ConfigResource> configResources);
Update the configuration for the specified resources with the default options
  • configs – The resources with their configs (topic is the only resource type with configs that can be updated currently)
  • completionHandler – handler called on operation completed
/** * Update the configuration for the specified resources with the default options * * @param configs The resources with their configs (topic is the only resource type with configs that can be updated currently) * @param completionHandler handler called on operation completed */
@GenIgnore void alterConfigs(Map<ConfigResource,Config> configs, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler);
Like alterConfigs(Map<ConfigResource,Config>, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #alterConfigs(Map, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
@GenIgnore Future<Void> alterConfigs(Map<ConfigResource,Config> configs);
Get the the consumer groups available in the cluster with the default options
  • completionHandler – handler called on operation completed with the consumer groups ids
/** * Get the the consumer groups available in the cluster with the default options * * @param completionHandler handler called on operation completed with the consumer groups ids */
void listConsumerGroups(Handler<AsyncResult<List<ConsumerGroupListing>>> completionHandler);
Like listConsumerGroups(Handler<AsyncResult<List<ConsumerGroupListing>>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #listConsumerGroups(Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<List<ConsumerGroupListing>> listConsumerGroups();
Describe some group ids in the cluster, with the default options
  • groupIds – the ids of the groups to describe
  • completionHandler – handler called on operation completed with the consumer groups descriptions
/** * Describe some group ids in the cluster, with the default options * * @param groupIds the ids of the groups to describe * @param completionHandler handler called on operation completed with the consumer groups descriptions */
void describeConsumerGroups(List<String> groupIds, Handler<AsyncResult<Map<String, ConsumerGroupDescription>>> completionHandler); /** * Like {@link #describeConsumerGroups(List, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */ Future<Map<String, ConsumerGroupDescription>> describeConsumerGroups(List<String> groupIds);
Describe the nodes in the cluster with the default options
  • completionHandler – handler called on operation completed with the cluster description
/** * Describe the nodes in the cluster with the default options * * @param completionHandler handler called on operation completed with the cluster description */
void describeCluster(Handler<AsyncResult<ClusterDescription>> completionHandler);
Like describeCluster(Handler<AsyncResult<ClusterDescription>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #describeCluster(Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<ClusterDescription> describeCluster();
Delete consumer groups from the cluster.
  • groupIds – the ids of the groups to delete
  • completionHandler – handler called on operation completed
/** * Delete consumer groups from the cluster. * * @param groupIds the ids of the groups to delete * @param completionHandler handler called on operation completed */
void deleteConsumerGroups(List<String> groupIds, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler);
Like deleteConsumerGroups(List<String>, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #deleteConsumerGroups(List, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Void> deleteConsumerGroups(List<String> groupIds);
List the consumer group offsets available in the cluster.
  • groupId – The group id of the group whose offsets will be listed
  • options – The options to use when listing the consumer group offsets.
  • completionHandler – handler called on operation completed with the consumer groups offsets
/** * List the consumer group offsets available in the cluster. * * @param groupId The group id of the group whose offsets will be listed * @param options The options to use when listing the consumer group offsets. * @param completionHandler handler called on operation completed with the consumer groups offsets */
@GenIgnore void listConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId, ListConsumerGroupOffsetsOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata>>> completionHandler); /** * Like {@link #listConsumerGroupOffsets(String, ListConsumerGroupOffsetsOptions, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */ @GenIgnore Future<Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata>> listConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId, ListConsumerGroupOffsetsOptions options);
List the consumer group offsets available in the cluster.
  • groupId – The group id of the group whose offsets will be listed
  • completionHandler – handler called on operation completed with the consumer groups offsets
/** * List the consumer group offsets available in the cluster. * * @param groupId The group id of the group whose offsets will be listed * @param completionHandler handler called on operation completed with the consumer groups offsets */
@GenIgnore default void listConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId, Handler<AsyncResult<Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata>>> completionHandler) { listConsumerGroupOffsets(groupId, new ListConsumerGroupOffsetsOptions(), completionHandler); } /** * Like {@link #listConsumerGroupOffsets(String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */ @GenIgnore default Future<Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata>> listConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId) { return listConsumerGroupOffsets(groupId, new ListConsumerGroupOffsetsOptions()); }
Delete committed offsets for a set of partitions in a consumer group. This will succeed at the partition level only if the group is not actively subscribed to the corresponding topic.
  • groupId – The group id of the group whose offsets will be listed
  • partitions – The set of partitions in the consumer group whose offsets will be deleted
/** * Delete committed offsets for a set of partitions in a consumer group. This will * succeed at the partition level only if the group is not actively subscribed * to the corresponding topic. * * @param groupId The group id of the group whose offsets will be listed * @param partitions The set of partitions in the consumer group whose offsets will be deleted */
void deleteConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId, Set<TopicPartition> partitions, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler); /** * Like {@link #deleteConsumerGroupOffsets(String, Set, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */ Future<Void> deleteConsumerGroupOffsets(String groupId, Set<TopicPartition> partitions);
List the offsets available for a set of partitions.
  • topicPartitionOffsets – The options to use when listing the partition offsets.
  • completionHandler – handler called on operation completed with the partition offsets
/** * List the offsets available for a set of partitions. * * @param topicPartitionOffsets The options to use when listing the partition offsets. * @param completionHandler handler called on operation completed with the partition offsets */
@GenIgnore void listOffsets(Map<TopicPartition, OffsetSpec> topicPartitionOffsets, Handler<AsyncResult<Map<TopicPartition, ListOffsetsResultInfo>>> completionHandler);
Like #listOffsets(Map<TopicPartition, OffsetSpec>, Handler) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #listOffsets(Map<TopicPartition, OffsetSpec>, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
@GenIgnore Future<Map<TopicPartition, ListOffsetsResultInfo>> listOffsets(Map<TopicPartition, OffsetSpec> topicPartitionOffsets);
Close the admin client
  • handler – a Handler completed with the operation result
/** * Close the admin client * * @param handler a {@code Handler} completed with the operation result */
void close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler);
Like close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #close(Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Void> close();
Close the admin client
  • timeout – timeout to wait for closing
  • handler – a Handler completed with the operation result
/** * Close the admin client * * @param timeout timeout to wait for closing * @param handler a {@code Handler} completed with the operation result */
void close(long timeout, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler);
Like close(long, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #close(long, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Void> close(long timeout); }