package io.vertx.kafka.admin;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;

import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.VertxGen;
import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult;
import io.vertx.core.Handler;
import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.kafka.admin.impl.AdminUtilsImpl;
import kafka.admin.RackAwareMode;
import kafka.utils.ZkUtils;

Provides a wrapper around important methods in Kafka's AdminUtils, namely
See Also:
  • kafka.admin.AdminUtils#createTopic(ZkUtils, String, int, int, Properties, RackAwareMode),
  • kafka.admin.AdminUtils#deleteTopic(ZkUtils, String),
  • kafka.admin.AdminUtils#changeTopicConfig(ZkUtils, String, Properties), and
  • AdminUtils.topicExists(ZkUtils, String)
Deprecated:This class is now deprecated. @see io.vertx.kafka.admin.KafkaAdminClient instead.
/** * Provides a wrapper around important methods in Kafka's AdminUtils, namely * @see kafka.admin.AdminUtils#createTopic(ZkUtils, String, int, int, Properties, RackAwareMode), * @see kafka.admin.AdminUtils#deleteTopic(ZkUtils, String), * @see kafka.admin.AdminUtils#changeTopicConfig(ZkUtils, String, Properties), and * @see kafka.admin.AdminUtils#topicExists(ZkUtils, String) * * @deprecated This class is now deprecated. @see io.vertx.kafka.admin.{@link KafkaAdminClient} instead. */
@Deprecated() @VertxGen public interface AdminUtils {
Create a new AdminUtils instance
  • vertx – Vert.x instance to use
  • zookeeperHosts – comma-separated list of Zookeeper server, e.g. localhost:2181,localhost:2182
Returns:an instance of the AdminUtilWrapper
/** * Create a new AdminUtils instance * * @param vertx Vert.x instance to use * @param zookeeperHosts comma-separated list of Zookeeper server, e.g. localhost:2181,localhost:2182 * @return an instance of the AdminUtilWrapper */
static AdminUtils create(Vertx vertx, String zookeeperHosts) { return new AdminUtilsImpl(vertx, zookeeperHosts); }
Create a new AdminUtils instance
  • vertx – Vert.x instance to use
  • zookeeperHosts – comma-separated list of Zookeeper server, e.g. localhost:2181,localhost:2182
  • autoClose – If set to true, the client will auto-close the connection after a command
Returns:an instance of the AdminUtilWrapper
/** * Create a new AdminUtils instance * * @param vertx Vert.x instance to use * @param zookeeperHosts comma-separated list of Zookeeper server, e.g. localhost:2181,localhost:2182 * @param autoClose If set to true, the client will auto-close the connection after a command * @return an instance of the AdminUtilWrapper */
static AdminUtils create(Vertx vertx, String zookeeperHosts, boolean autoClose) { return new AdminUtilsImpl(vertx, zookeeperHosts, autoClose); }
Create a new AdminUtils instance
  • vertx – Vert.x instance to use
  • zookeeperHosts – comma-separated list of Zookeeper server, e.g. localhost:2181,localhost:2182
  • connectionTimeoutMs – Maximum time in ms to wait for the client to connect to Zookeeper
  • isSecure – If set to true, ZkUtils will perform security checks, i.e. ACL checks
  • autoClose – If set to true, the client will auto-close the connection after a command
Returns:an instance of the AdminUtilWrapper
/** * Create a new AdminUtils instance * * @param vertx Vert.x instance to use * @param zookeeperHosts comma-separated list of Zookeeper server, e.g. localhost:2181,localhost:2182 * @param connectionTimeoutMs Maximum time in ms to wait for the client to connect to Zookeeper * @param isSecure If set to true, ZkUtils will perform security checks, i.e. ACL checks * @param autoClose If set to true, the client will auto-close the connection after a command * @return an instance of the AdminUtilWrapper */
static AdminUtils create(Vertx vertx, String zookeeperHosts, int connectionTimeoutMs, boolean isSecure, boolean autoClose) { return new AdminUtilsImpl(vertx, zookeeperHosts, connectionTimeoutMs, isSecure, autoClose); }
Creates a new Kafka topic on all Brokers managed by the given Zookeeper instance(s)
  • topicName – Name of the to-be-created topic
  • partitionCount – Number of partitions
  • replicationFactor – Number of replicates. Must be lower or equal to the number of available Brokers
  • completionHandler – vert.x callback
/** * Creates a new Kafka topic on all Brokers managed by the given Zookeeper instance(s) * @param topicName Name of the to-be-created topic * @param partitionCount Number of partitions * @param replicationFactor Number of replicates. Must be lower or equal to the number of available Brokers * @param completionHandler vert.x callback */
void createTopic(String topicName, int partitionCount, int replicationFactor, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler);
Creates a new Kafka topic on all Brokers managed by the given Zookeeper instance(s). In contrast to @see createTopic(String, int, int, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>), one can pass in additional configuration parameters as a map (String -> String).
  • topicName – Name of the to-be-created topic
  • partitionCount – Number of partitions
  • replicationFactor – Number of replicates. Must be lower or equal to the number of available Brokers
  • topicConfig – map with additional topic configuration parameters
  • completionHandler – vert.x callback
/** * Creates a new Kafka topic on all Brokers managed by the given Zookeeper instance(s). In contrast * to @see {@link #createTopic(String, int, int, Handler)}, one can pass in additional configuration * parameters as a map (String -> String). * @param topicName Name of the to-be-created topic * @param partitionCount Number of partitions * @param replicationFactor Number of replicates. Must be lower or equal to the number of available Brokers * @param topicConfig map with additional topic configuration parameters * @param completionHandler vert.x callback */
void createTopic(String topicName, int partitionCount, int replicationFactor, Map<String, String> topicConfig, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler);
Delete the Kafka topic given by the topicName.
  • topicName – Name of the topic to be deleted
  • completionHandler – vert.x callback
/** * Delete the Kafka topic given by the topicName. * @param topicName Name of the topic to be deleted * @param completionHandler vert.x callback */
void deleteTopic(String topicName, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler);
Checks if the Kafka topic given by topicName does exist.
  • topicName – Name of the topic
  • completionHandler – vert.x callback
/** * Checks if the Kafka topic given by topicName does exist. * @param topicName Name of the topic * @param completionHandler vert.x callback */
void topicExists(String topicName, Handler<AsyncResult<Boolean>> completionHandler);
Updates the configuration of the topic given by topicName. Configuration parameters are passed in as a Map (Key -> Value) of Strings.
  • topicName – topic to be configured
  • topicConfig – Map with configuration items
  • completionHandler – vert.x callback
/** * Updates the configuration of the topic given by topicName. Configuration parameters * are passed in as a Map (Key -> Value) of Strings. * @param topicName topic to be configured * @param topicConfig Map with configuration items * @param completionHandler vert.x callback */
void changeTopicConfig(String topicName, Map<String, String> topicConfig, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler);
Closes the underlying connection to Zookeeper. It is required to call the method for cleanup purposes if AdminUtils was not created with autoClose set to true.
  • completionHandler – vert.x callback
/** * Closes the underlying connection to Zookeeper. It is required to call the method for cleanup * purposes if AdminUtils was not created with autoClose set to true. * @param completionHandler vert.x callback */
void close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> completionHandler); }