package examples;

import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.ext.healthchecks.HealthCheckHandler;
import io.vertx.ext.healthchecks.HealthChecks;
import io.vertx.ext.healthchecks.Status;
import io.vertx.ext.web.Router;
import io.vertx.servicediscovery.ServiceDiscovery;
import io.vertx.servicediscovery.types.HttpEndpoint;
import io.vertx.sqlclient.Pool;

Author:Clement Escoffier
/** * @author <a href="">Clement Escoffier</a> */
public class HealthCheckExamples { public void example1(Vertx vertx) { HealthChecks hc = HealthChecks.create(vertx); hc.register( "my-procedure", promise -> promise.complete(Status.OK())); // Register with a timeout. The check fails if it does not complete in time. // The timeout is given in ms. hc.register( "my-procedure", 2000, promise -> promise.complete(Status.OK())); } public void example2(Vertx vertx) { HealthCheckHandler healthCheckHandler1 = HealthCheckHandler.create(vertx); HealthCheckHandler healthCheckHandler2 = HealthCheckHandler .createWithHealthChecks(HealthChecks.create(vertx)); Router router = Router.router(vertx); // Populate the router with routes... // Register the health check handler router.get("/health*").handler(healthCheckHandler1); // Or router.get("/ping*").handler(healthCheckHandler2); } public void example2(Vertx vertx, Router router) { HealthCheckHandler healthCheckHandler = HealthCheckHandler.create(vertx); // Register procedures // It can be done after the route registration, or even at runtime healthCheckHandler.register("my-procedure-name", promise -> { // Do the check .... // Upon success do promise.complete(Status.OK()); // In case of failure do: promise.complete(Status.KO()); }); // Register another procedure with a timeout (2s). If the procedure does not complete in // the given time, the check fails. healthCheckHandler.register( "my-procedure-name-with-timeout", 2000, promise -> { // Do the check .... // Upon success do promise.complete(Status.OK()); // In case of failure do: promise.complete(Status.KO()); }); router.get("/health").handler(healthCheckHandler); } public void example3(Vertx vertx, Router router) { HealthCheckHandler healthCheckHandler = HealthCheckHandler.create(vertx); // Register procedures // Procedure can be grouped. The group is deduced using a name with "/". // Groups can contains other group healthCheckHandler.register( "a-group/my-procedure-name", promise -> { //.... }); healthCheckHandler.register( "a-group/a-second-group/my-second-procedure-name", promise -> { //.... }); router.get("/health").handler(healthCheckHandler); } public void example4(Vertx vertx, Router router) { HealthCheckHandler healthCheckHandler = HealthCheckHandler.create(vertx); // Status can provide addition data provided as JSON healthCheckHandler.register("my-procedure-name", promise -> { promise.complete(Status.OK(new JsonObject().put("available-memory", "2mb"))); }); healthCheckHandler.register("my-second-procedure-name", promise -> { promise.complete(Status.KO(new JsonObject().put("load", 99))); }); router.get("/health").handler(healthCheckHandler); } public void dbPool(Pool pool, HealthCheckHandler handler) { handler.register("database", promise -> pool.getConnection(connection -> { if (connection.failed()) {; } else { connection.result().close(); promise.complete(Status.OK()); } })); } public void service(ServiceDiscovery discovery, HealthCheckHandler handler) { handler.register("my-service", promise -> HttpEndpoint.getClient(discovery, rec -> "my-service".equals(rec.getName()), client -> { if (client.failed()) {; } else { client.result().close(); promise.complete(Status.OK()); } })); } public void eventbus(Vertx vertx, HealthCheckHandler handler) { handler.register("receiver", promise -> vertx.eventBus().request("health", "ping") .onSuccess(msg -> { promise.complete(Status.OK()); }) .onFailure(err -> { promise.complete(Status.KO()); })); } public void publishOnEventBus(Vertx vertx, HealthChecks healthChecks) { vertx.eventBus().consumer("health", message -> healthChecks.checkStatus() .onSuccess(message::reply) .onFailure(err ->, err.getMessage()))); } }