 * Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0, or the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package io.vertx.core.streams.impl;

import io.netty.util.concurrent.FastThreadLocalThread;
import io.vertx.core.Context;
import io.vertx.core.Handler;
import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.core.impl.ContextInternal;

import java.util.ArrayDeque;

A buffer that transfers elements to an handler with back-pressure.

The buffer is softly bounded, i.e the producer can write any number of elements and shall cooperate with the buffer to not overload it.

Writing to the buffer

When the producer writes an element to the buffer, the boolean value returned by the write method indicates whether it can continue safely adding more elements or stop.

The producer can set a InboundBuffer<E>.drainHandler to be signaled when it can resume writing again. When a write returns false, the drain handler will be called when the buffer becomes writable again. Note that subsequent call to write will not prevent the drain handler to be called.

Reading from the buffer

The consumer should set an InboundBuffer<E>.handler to consume elements.

Buffer mode

The buffer is either in flowing or fetch mode.
    Initially the buffer is in flowing mode.
  • When the buffer is in flowing mode, elements are delivered to the handler.
  • When the buffer is in fetch mode, only the number of requested elements will be delivered to the handler.
The mode can be changed with the pause(), resume() and fetch methods:
  • Calling resume() sets the flowing mode
  • Calling pause() sets the fetch mode and resets the demand to 0
  • Calling fetch(long) requests a specific amount of elements and adds it to the actual demand


To avoid data races, write methods must be called from the context thread associated with the buffer, when that's not the case, an IllegalStateException is thrown.

Other methods can be called from any thread.

The handlers will always be called from a context thread.

WARNING: this class is mostly useful for implementing the ReadStream and has little or no use within a regular application.
Author:Julien Viet
/** * A buffer that transfers elements to an handler with back-pressure. * <p/> * The buffer is softly bounded, i.e the producer can {@link #write} any number of elements and shall * cooperate with the buffer to not overload it. * * <h3>Writing to the buffer</h3> * When the producer writes an element to the buffer, the boolean value returned by the {@link #write} method indicates * whether it can continue safely adding more elements or stop. * <p/> * The producer can set a {@link #drainHandler} to be signaled when it can resume writing again. When a {@code write} * returns {@code false}, the drain handler will be called when the buffer becomes writable again. Note that subsequent * call to {@code write} will not prevent the drain handler to be called. * * <h3>Reading from the buffer</h3> * The consumer should set an {@link #handler} to consume elements. * * <h3>Buffer mode</h3> * The buffer is either in <i>flowing</i> or <i>fetch</i> mode. * <ul> * <i>Initially the buffer is in <i>flowing</i> mode.</i> * <li>When the buffer is in <i>flowing</i> mode, elements are delivered to the {@code handler}.</li> * <li>When the buffer is in <i>fetch</i> mode, only the number of requested elements will be delivered to the {@code handler}.</li> * </ul> * The mode can be changed with the {@link #pause()}, {@link #resume()} and {@link #fetch} methods: * <ul> * <li>Calling {@link #resume()} sets the <i>flowing</i> mode</li> * <li>Calling {@link #pause()} sets the <i>fetch</i> mode and resets the demand to {@code 0}</li> * <li>Calling {@link #fetch(long)} requests a specific amount of elements and adds it to the actual demand</li> * </ul> * * <h3>Concurrency</h3> * * To avoid data races, write methods must be called from the context thread associated with the buffer, when that's * not the case, an {@code IllegalStateException} is thrown. * <p/> * Other methods can be called from any thread. * <p/> * The handlers will always be called from a context thread. * <p/> * <strong>WARNING</strong>: this class is mostly useful for implementing the {@link io.vertx.core.streams.ReadStream} * and has little or no use within a regular application. * * @author <a href="mailto:julien@julienviet.com">Julien Viet</a> */
public class InboundBuffer<E> {
A reusable sentinel for signaling the end of a stream.
/** * A reusable sentinel for signaling the end of a stream. */
public static final Object END_SENTINEL = new Object(); private final ContextInternal context; private final ArrayDeque<E> pending; private final long highWaterMark; private long demand; private Handler<E> handler; private boolean overflow; private Handler<Void> drainHandler; private Handler<Void> emptyHandler; private Handler<Throwable> exceptionHandler; private boolean emitting; public InboundBuffer(Context context) { this(context, 16L); } public InboundBuffer(Context context, long highWaterMark) { if (context == null) { throw new NullPointerException("context must not be null"); } if (highWaterMark < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("highWaterMark " + highWaterMark + " >= 0"); } this.context = (ContextInternal) context; this.highWaterMark = highWaterMark; this.demand = Long.MAX_VALUE; this.pending = new ArrayDeque<>(); } private void checkThread() { Thread thread = Thread.currentThread(); if (!(thread instanceof FastThreadLocalThread)) { throw new IllegalStateException("This operation must be called from a Vert.x thread"); } }
Write an element to the buffer. The element will be delivered synchronously to the handler when it is possible, otherwise it will be queued for later delivery.
  • element – the element to add
Returns:false when the producer should stop writing
/** * Write an {@code element} to the buffer. The element will be delivered synchronously to the handler when * it is possible, otherwise it will be queued for later delivery. * * @param element the element to add * @return {@code false} when the producer should stop writing */
public boolean write(E element) { checkThread(); Handler<E> handler; synchronized (this) { if (demand == 0L || emitting) { pending.add(element); return checkWritable(); } else { if (demand != Long.MAX_VALUE) { --demand; } emitting = true; handler = this.handler; } } handleEvent(handler, element); return emitPending(); } private boolean checkWritable() { if (demand == Long.MAX_VALUE) { return true; } else { long actual = pending.size() - demand; boolean writable = actual < highWaterMark; overflow |= !writable; return writable; } }
Write an iterable of elements.
  • elements – the elements to add
See Also:
Returns:false when the producer should stop writing
/** * Write an {@code iterable} of {@code elements}. * * @see #write(E) * @param elements the elements to add * @return {@code false} when the producer should stop writing */
public boolean write(Iterable<E> elements) { checkThread(); synchronized (this) { for (E element : elements) { pending.add(element); } if (demand == 0L || emitting) { return checkWritable(); } else { emitting = true; } } return emitPending(); } private boolean emitPending() { E element; Handler<E> h; while (true) { synchronized (this) { int size = pending.size(); if (demand == 0L) { emitting = false; boolean writable = size < highWaterMark; overflow |= !writable; return writable; } else if (size == 0) { emitting = false; return true; } if (demand != Long.MAX_VALUE) { demand--; } element = pending.poll(); h = this.handler; } handleEvent(h, element); } }
Drain the buffer.

Calling this assumes (demand > 0L && !pending.isEmpty()) == true
/** * Drain the buffer. * <p/> * Calling this assumes {@code (demand > 0L && !pending.isEmpty()) == true} */
private void drain() { int emitted = 0; Handler<Void> drainHandler; Handler<Void> emptyHandler; while (true) { E element; Handler<E> handler; synchronized (this) { int size = pending.size(); if (size == 0) { emitting = false; if (overflow) { overflow = false; drainHandler = this.drainHandler; } else { drainHandler = null; } emptyHandler = emitted > 0 ? this.emptyHandler : null; break; } else if (demand == 0L) { emitting = false; return; } emitted++; if (demand != Long.MAX_VALUE) { demand--; } element = pending.poll(); handler = this.handler; } handleEvent(handler, element); } if (drainHandler != null) { handleEvent(drainHandler, null); } if (emptyHandler != null) { handleEvent(emptyHandler, null); } } private <T> void handleEvent(Handler<T> handler, T element) { if (handler != null) { try { handler.handle(element); } catch (Throwable t) { handleException(t); } } } private void handleException(Throwable err) { Handler<Throwable> handler; synchronized (this) { if ((handler = exceptionHandler) == null) { return; } } handler.handle(err); }
Request a specific amount of elements to be fetched, the amount is added to the actual demand.

Pending elements in the buffer will be delivered asynchronously on the context to the handler.

This method can be called from any thread.
Returns:true when the buffer will be drained
/** * Request a specific {@code amount} of elements to be fetched, the amount is added to the actual demand. * <p/> * Pending elements in the buffer will be delivered asynchronously on the context to the handler. * <p/> * This method can be called from any thread. * * @return {@code true} when the buffer will be drained */
public boolean fetch(long amount) { if (amount < 0L) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } synchronized (this) { demand += amount; if (demand < 0L) { demand = Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (emitting || (pending.isEmpty() && !overflow)) { return false; } emitting = true; } context.runOnContext(v -> drain()); return true; }
Read the most recent element synchronously.

No handler will be called.
Returns:the most recent element or null if no element was in the buffer
/** * Read the most recent element synchronously. * <p/> * No handler will be called. * * @return the most recent element or {@code null} if no element was in the buffer */
public E read() { synchronized (this) { return pending.poll(); } }
Clear the buffer synchronously.

No handler will be called.
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Clear the buffer synchronously. * <p/> * No handler will be called. * * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public synchronized InboundBuffer<E> clear() { pending.clear(); return this; }
Pause the buffer, it sets the buffer in fetch mode and clears the actual demand.
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Pause the buffer, it sets the buffer in {@code fetch} mode and clears the actual demand. * * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public synchronized InboundBuffer<E> pause() { demand = 0L; return this; }
Resume the buffer, and sets the buffer in flowing mode.

Pending elements in the buffer will be delivered asynchronously on the context to the handler.

This method can be called from any thread.
Returns:true when the buffer will be drained
/** * Resume the buffer, and sets the buffer in {@code flowing} mode. * <p/> * Pending elements in the buffer will be delivered asynchronously on the context to the handler. * <p/> * This method can be called from any thread. * * @return {@code true} when the buffer will be drained */
public boolean resume() { return fetch(Long.MAX_VALUE); }
Set an handler to be called with elements available from this buffer.
  • handler – the handler
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Set an {@code handler} to be called with elements available from this buffer. * * @param handler the handler * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public synchronized InboundBuffer<E> handler(Handler<E> handler) { this.handler = handler; return this; }
Set an handler to be called when the buffer is drained and the producer can resume writing to the buffer.
  • handler – the handler to be called
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Set an {@code handler} to be called when the buffer is drained and the producer can resume writing to the buffer. * * @param handler the handler to be called * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public synchronized InboundBuffer<E> drainHandler(Handler<Void> handler) { drainHandler = handler; return this; }
Set an handler to be called when the buffer becomes empty.
  • handler – the handler to be called
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Set an {@code handler} to be called when the buffer becomes empty. * * @param handler the handler to be called * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public synchronized InboundBuffer<E> emptyHandler(Handler<Void> handler) { emptyHandler = handler; return this; }
Set an handler to be called when an exception is thrown by an handler.
  • handler – the handler
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Set an {@code handler} to be called when an exception is thrown by an handler. * * @param handler the handler * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
public synchronized InboundBuffer<E> exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable> handler) { exceptionHandler = handler; return this; }
Returns:whether the buffer is empty
/** * @return whether the buffer is empty */
public synchronized boolean isEmpty() { return pending.isEmpty(); }
Returns:whether the buffer is writable
/** * @return whether the buffer is writable */
public synchronized boolean isWritable() { return pending.size() < highWaterMark; }
Returns:whether the buffer is paused, i.e it is in fetch mode and the demand is 0.
/** * @return whether the buffer is paused, i.e it is in {@code fetch} mode and the demand is {@code 0}. */
public synchronized boolean isPaused() { return demand == 0L; }
Returns:the actual number of elements in the buffer
/** * @return the actual number of elements in the buffer */
public synchronized int size() { return pending.size(); } }