 * Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0, or the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * which is available at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0

package io.vertx.core.shareddata.impl;

import io.vertx.core.Future;
import io.vertx.core.impl.ContextInternal;
import io.vertx.core.impl.VertxInternal;
import io.vertx.core.shareddata.AsyncMap;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.*;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.*;

Author:Thomas Segismont
/** * @author Thomas Segismont */
public class LocalAsyncMapImpl<K, V> implements AsyncMap<K, V> { private final VertxInternal vertx; private final ConcurrentMap<K, Holder<V>> map; public LocalAsyncMapImpl(VertxInternal vertx) { this.vertx = vertx; map = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); } @Override public Future<V> get(K k) { ContextInternal ctx = vertx.getOrCreateContext(); Holder<V> h = map.get(k); if (h != null && h.hasNotExpired()) { return ctx.succeededFuture(h.value); } else { return ctx.succeededFuture(); } } @Override public Future<Void> put(K k, V v) { ContextInternal ctx = vertx.getOrCreateContext(); Holder<V> previous = map.put(k, new Holder<>(v)); if (previous != null && previous.expires()) { vertx.cancelTimer(previous.timerId); } return ctx.succeededFuture(); } @Override public Future<V> putIfAbsent(K k, V v) { ContextInternal ctx = vertx.getOrCreateContext(); Holder<V> h = map.putIfAbsent(k, new Holder<>(v)); return ctx.succeededFuture(h == null ? null : h.value); } @Override public Future<Void> put(K k, V v, long ttl) { ContextInternal ctx = vertx.getOrCreateContext(); long timestamp = System.nanoTime(); long timerId = vertx.setTimer(ttl, l -> removeIfExpired(k)); Holder<V> previous = map.put(k, new Holder<>(v, timerId, ttl, timestamp)); if (previous != null && previous.expires()) { vertx.cancelTimer(previous.timerId); } return ctx.succeededFuture(); } private void removeIfExpired(K k) { map.computeIfPresent(k, (key, holder) -> holder.hasNotExpired() ? holder : null); } @Override public Future<V> putIfAbsent(K k, V v, long ttl) { ContextInternal ctx = vertx.getOrCreateContext(); long timestamp = System.nanoTime(); long timerId = vertx.setTimer(ttl, l -> removeIfExpired(k)); Holder<V> existing = map.putIfAbsent(k, new Holder<>(v, timerId, ttl, timestamp)); if (existing != null) { if (existing.expires()) { vertx.cancelTimer(timerId); } return ctx.succeededFuture(existing.value); } else { return ctx.succeededFuture(); } } @Override public Future<Boolean> removeIfPresent(K k, V v) { ContextInternal ctx = vertx.getOrCreateContext(); AtomicBoolean result = new AtomicBoolean(); map.computeIfPresent(k, (key, holder) -> { if (holder.value.equals(v)) { result.compareAndSet(false, true); if (holder.expires()) { vertx.cancelTimer(holder.timerId); } return null; } return holder; }); return ctx.succeededFuture(result.get()); } @Override public Future<V> replace(K k, V v) { ContextInternal ctx = vertx.getOrCreateContext(); Holder<V> previous = map.replace(k, new Holder<>(v)); if (previous != null) { if (previous.expires()) { vertx.cancelTimer(previous.timerId); } return ctx.succeededFuture(previous.value); } else { return ctx.succeededFuture(); } } @Override public Future<Boolean> replaceIfPresent(K k, V oldValue, V newValue) { ContextInternal ctx = vertx.getOrCreateContext(); Holder<V> h = new Holder<>(newValue); Holder<V> result = map.computeIfPresent(k, (key, holder) -> { if (holder.value.equals(oldValue)) { if (holder.expires()) { vertx.cancelTimer(holder.timerId); } return h; } return holder; }); return ctx.succeededFuture(h == result); } @Override public Future<Void> clear() { ContextInternal ctx = vertx.getOrCreateContext(); map.clear(); return ctx.succeededFuture(); } @Override public Future<Integer> size() { ContextInternal ctx = vertx.getOrCreateContext(); return ctx.succeededFuture(map.size()); } @Override public Future<Set<K>> keys() { ContextInternal ctx = vertx.getOrCreateContext(); return ctx.succeededFuture(new HashSet<>(map.keySet())); } @Override public Future<List<V>> values() { ContextInternal ctx = vertx.getOrCreateContext(); List<V> result = map.values().stream() .filter(Holder::hasNotExpired) .map(h -> h.value) .collect(toList()); return ctx.succeededFuture(result); } @Override public Future<Map<K, V>> entries() { ContextInternal ctx = vertx.getOrCreateContext(); Map<K, V> result = new HashMap<>(map.size()); map.forEach((key, holder) -> { if (holder.hasNotExpired()) { result.put(key, holder.value); } }); return ctx.succeededFuture(result); } @Override public Future<V> remove(K k) { ContextInternal ctx = vertx.getOrCreateContext(); Holder<V> previous = map.remove(k); if (previous != null) { if (previous.expires()) { vertx.cancelTimer(previous.timerId); } return ctx.succeededFuture(previous.value); } else { return ctx.succeededFuture(); } } private static class Holder<V> { final V value; final long timerId; final long ttl; final long timestamp; Holder(V value) { Objects.requireNonNull(value); this.value = value; timestamp = ttl = timerId = 0; } Holder(V value, long timerId, long ttl, long timestamp) { Objects.requireNonNull(value); if (ttl < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ttl must be positive: " + ttl); } this.value = value; this.timerId = timerId; this.ttl = ttl; this.timestamp = timestamp; } boolean expires() { return ttl > 0; } boolean hasNotExpired() { return !expires() || MILLISECONDS.convert(System.nanoTime() - timestamp, NANOSECONDS) < ttl; } @Override public String toString() { return "Holder{" + "value=" + value + ", timerId=" + timerId + ", ttl=" + ttl + ", timestamp=" + timestamp + '}'; } } }