 * Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0, or the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * which is available at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0

package io.vertx.core.file;

import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.Fluent;
import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.Nullable;
import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.VertxGen;
import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult;
import io.vertx.core.Future;
import io.vertx.core.Handler;
import io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer;

import java.util.List;

Contains a broad set of operations for manipulating files on the file system.

A (potential) blocking and non blocking version of each operation is provided.

The non blocking versions take a handler which is called when the operation completes or an error occurs.

The blocking versions are named xxxBlocking and return the results, or throw exceptions directly. In many cases, depending on the operating system and file system some of the potentially blocking operations can return quickly, which is why we provide them, but it's highly recommended that you test how long they take to return in your particular application before using them on an event loop.

Please consult the documentation for more information on file system support.

Author:Tim Fox
/** * Contains a broad set of operations for manipulating files on the file system. * <p> * A (potential) blocking and non blocking version of each operation is provided. * <p> * The non blocking versions take a handler which is called when the operation completes or an error occurs. * <p> * The blocking versions are named {@code xxxBlocking} and return the results, or throw exceptions directly. * In many cases, depending on the operating system and file system some of the potentially blocking operations * can return quickly, which is why we provide them, but it's highly recommended that you test how long they take to * return in your particular application before using them on an event loop. * <p> * Please consult the documentation for more information on file system support. * * * @author <a href="http://tfox.org">Tim Fox</a> */
@VertxGen public interface FileSystem {
Copy a file from the path from to path to, asynchronously.

The copy will fail if the destination already exists.

  • from – the path to copy from
  • to – the path to copy to
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Copy a file from the path {@code from} to path {@code to}, asynchronously. * <p> * The copy will fail if the destination already exists. * * @param from the path to copy from * @param to the path to copy to * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem copy(String from, String to, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler);
Like copy(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #copy(String, String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Void> copy(String from, String to);
Copy a file from the path from to path to, asynchronously.
  • from – the path to copy from
  • to – the path to copy to
  • options – options describing how the file should be copied
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Copy a file from the path {@code from} to path {@code to}, asynchronously. * * @param from the path to copy from * @param to the path to copy to * @param options options describing how the file should be copied * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem copy(String from, String to, CopyOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler);
Like copy(String, String, CopyOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #copy(String, String, CopyOptions, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Void> copy(String from, String to, CopyOptions options); /** * Blocking version of {@link #copy(String, String, Handler)} */ @Fluent FileSystem copyBlocking(String from, String to) ;
Copy a file from the path from to path to, asynchronously.

If recursive is true and from represents a directory, then the directory and its contents will be copied recursively to the destination to.

The copy will fail if the destination if the destination already exists.

  • from – the path to copy from
  • to – the path to copy to
  • recursive –
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Copy a file from the path {@code from} to path {@code to}, asynchronously. * <p> * If {@code recursive} is {@code true} and {@code from} represents a directory, then the directory and its contents * will be copied recursively to the destination {@code to}. * <p> * The copy will fail if the destination if the destination already exists. * * @param from the path to copy from * @param to the path to copy to * @param recursive * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem copyRecursive(String from, String to, boolean recursive, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler);
Like copyRecursive(String, String, boolean, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #copyRecursive(String, String, boolean, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Void> copyRecursive(String from, String to, boolean recursive); /** * Blocking version of {@link #copyRecursive(String, String, boolean, Handler)} */ @Fluent FileSystem copyRecursiveBlocking(String from, String to, boolean recursive) ;
Move a file from the path from to path to, asynchronously.

The move will fail if the destination already exists.

  • from – the path to copy from
  • to – the path to copy to
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Move a file from the path {@code from} to path {@code to}, asynchronously. * <p> * The move will fail if the destination already exists. * * @param from the path to copy from * @param to the path to copy to * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem move(String from, String to, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler);
Like move(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #move(String, String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Void> move(String from, String to);
Move a file from the path from to path to, asynchronously.
  • from – the path to copy from
  • to – the path to copy to
  • options – options describing how the file should be copied
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Move a file from the path {@code from} to path {@code to}, asynchronously. * * @param from the path to copy from * @param to the path to copy to * @param options options describing how the file should be copied * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem move(String from, String to, CopyOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler);
Like move(String, String, CopyOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #move(String, String, CopyOptions, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Void> move(String from, String to, CopyOptions options); /** * Blocking version of {@link #move(String, String, Handler)} */ @Fluent FileSystem moveBlocking(String from, String to) ;
Truncate the file represented by path to length len in bytes, asynchronously.

The operation will fail if the file does not exist or len is less than zero.

  • path – the path to the file
  • len – the length to truncate it to
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Truncate the file represented by {@code path} to length {@code len} in bytes, asynchronously. * <p> * The operation will fail if the file does not exist or {@code len} is less than {@code zero}. * * @param path the path to the file * @param len the length to truncate it to * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem truncate(String path, long len, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler);
Like truncate(String, long, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #truncate(String, long, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Void> truncate(String path, long len); /** * Blocking version of {@link #truncate(String, long, Handler)} */ @Fluent FileSystem truncateBlocking(String path, long len) ;
Change the permissions on the file represented by path to perms, asynchronously.

The permission String takes the form rwxr-x--- as specified here.

  • path – the path to the file
  • perms – the permissions string
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Change the permissions on the file represented by {@code path} to {@code perms}, asynchronously. * <p> * The permission String takes the form rwxr-x--- as * specified <a href="http://download.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/nio/file/attribute/PosixFilePermissions.html">here</a>. * * @param path the path to the file * @param perms the permissions string * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem chmod(String path, String perms, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler);
Like chmod(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #chmod(String, String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Void> chmod(String path, String perms); /** * Blocking version of {@link #chmod(String, String, Handler) } */ @Fluent FileSystem chmodBlocking(String path, String perms) ;
Change the permissions on the file represented by path to perms, asynchronously.

The permission String takes the form rwxr-x--- as specified in {here}.

If the file is directory then all contents will also have their permissions changed recursively. Any directory permissions will be set to dirPerms, whilst any normal file permissions will be set to perms.

  • path – the path to the file
  • perms – the permissions string
  • dirPerms – the directory permissions
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Change the permissions on the file represented by {@code path} to {@code perms}, asynchronously.<p> * The permission String takes the form rwxr-x--- as * specified in {<a href="http://download.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/nio/file/attribute/PosixFilePermissions.html">here</a>}. * <p> * If the file is directory then all contents will also have their permissions changed recursively. Any directory permissions will * be set to {@code dirPerms}, whilst any normal file permissions will be set to {@code perms}. * * @param path the path to the file * @param perms the permissions string * @param dirPerms the directory permissions * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem chmodRecursive(String path, String perms, String dirPerms, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler);
Like chmodRecursive(String, String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #chmodRecursive(String, String, String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Void> chmodRecursive(String path, String perms, String dirPerms); /** * Blocking version of {@link #chmodRecursive(String, String, String, Handler)} */ @Fluent FileSystem chmodRecursiveBlocking(String path, String perms, String dirPerms) ;
Change the ownership on the file represented by path to user and {code group}, asynchronously.
  • path – the path to the file
  • user – the user name, null will not change the user name
  • group – the user group, null will not change the user group name
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Change the ownership on the file represented by {@code path} to {@code user} and {code group}, asynchronously. * * @param path the path to the file * @param user the user name, {@code null} will not change the user name * @param group the user group, {@code null} will not change the user group name * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem chown(String path, @Nullable String user, @Nullable String group, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler);
Like chown(String, String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #chown(String, String, String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Void> chown(String path, @Nullable String user, @Nullable String group); /** * Blocking version of {@link #chown(String, String, String, Handler)} * */ @Fluent FileSystem chownBlocking(String path, @Nullable String user, @Nullable String group) ;
Obtain properties for the file represented by path, asynchronously.

If the file is a link, the link will be followed.

  • path – the path to the file
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Obtain properties for the file represented by {@code path}, asynchronously. * <p> * If the file is a link, the link will be followed. * * @param path the path to the file * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem props(String path, Handler<AsyncResult<FileProps>> handler);
Like props(String, Handler<AsyncResult<FileProps>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #props(String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<FileProps> props(String path); /** * Blocking version of {@link #props(String, Handler)} */ FileProps propsBlocking(String path) ;
Obtain properties for the link represented by path, asynchronously.

The link will not be followed.

  • path – the path to the file
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Obtain properties for the link represented by {@code path}, asynchronously. * <p> * The link will not be followed. * * @param path the path to the file * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem lprops(String path, Handler<AsyncResult<FileProps>> handler);
Like lprops(String, Handler<AsyncResult<FileProps>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #lprops(String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<FileProps> lprops(String path); /** * Blocking version of {@link #lprops(String, Handler)} */ FileProps lpropsBlocking(String path) ;
Create a hard link on the file system from link to existing, asynchronously.
  • link – the link
  • existing – the link destination
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Create a hard link on the file system from {@code link} to {@code existing}, asynchronously. * * @param link the link * @param existing the link destination * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem link(String link, String existing, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler);
Like link(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #link(String, String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Void> link(String link, String existing); /** * Blocking version of {@link #link(String, String, Handler)} */ @Fluent FileSystem linkBlocking(String link, String existing) ;
Create a symbolic link on the file system from link to existing, asynchronously.
  • link – the link
  • existing – the link destination
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Create a symbolic link on the file system from {@code link} to {@code existing}, asynchronously. * * @param link the link * @param existing the link destination * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem symlink(String link, String existing, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler);
Like symlink(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #symlink(String, String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Void> symlink(String link, String existing); /** * Blocking version of {@link #link(String, String, Handler)} */ @Fluent FileSystem symlinkBlocking(String link, String existing) ;
Unlinks the link on the file system represented by the path link, asynchronously.
  • link – the link
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Unlinks the link on the file system represented by the path {@code link}, asynchronously. * * @param link the link * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem unlink(String link, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler);
Like unlink(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #unlink(String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Void> unlink(String link); /** * Blocking version of {@link #unlink(String, Handler)} */ @Fluent FileSystem unlinkBlocking(String link) ;
Returns the path representing the file that the symbolic link specified by link points to, asynchronously.
  • link – the link
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Returns the path representing the file that the symbolic link specified by {@code link} points to, asynchronously. * * @param link the link * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem readSymlink(String link, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler);
Like readSymlink(String, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #readSymlink(String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<String> readSymlink(String link); /** * Blocking version of {@link #readSymlink(String, Handler)} */ String readSymlinkBlocking(String link) ;
Deletes the file represented by the specified path, asynchronously.
  • path – path to the file
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Deletes the file represented by the specified {@code path}, asynchronously. * * @param path path to the file * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem delete(String path, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler);
Like delete(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #delete(String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Void> delete(String path); /** * Blocking version of {@link #delete(String, Handler)} */ @Fluent FileSystem deleteBlocking(String path) ;
Deletes the file represented by the specified path, asynchronously.

If the path represents a directory and recursive = true then the directory and its contents will be deleted recursively.

  • path – path to the file
  • recursive – delete recursively?
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Deletes the file represented by the specified {@code path}, asynchronously. * <p> * If the path represents a directory and {@code recursive = true} then the directory and its contents will be * deleted recursively. * * @param path path to the file * @param recursive delete recursively? * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem deleteRecursive(String path, boolean recursive, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler);
Like deleteRecursive(String, boolean, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #deleteRecursive(String, boolean, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Void> deleteRecursive(String path, boolean recursive); /** * Blocking version of {@link #deleteRecursive(String, boolean, Handler)} */ @Fluent FileSystem deleteRecursiveBlocking(String path, boolean recursive) ;
Create the directory represented by path, asynchronously.

The operation will fail if the directory already exists.

  • path – path to the file
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Create the directory represented by {@code path}, asynchronously. * <p> * The operation will fail if the directory already exists. * * @param path path to the file * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem mkdir(String path, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler);
Like mkdir(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #mkdir(String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Void> mkdir(String path); /** * Blocking version of {@link #mkdir(String, Handler)} */ @Fluent FileSystem mkdirBlocking(String path) ;
Create the directory represented by path, asynchronously.

The new directory will be created with permissions as specified by perms.

The permission String takes the form rwxr-x--- as specified in here.

The operation will fail if the directory already exists.

  • path – path to the file
  • perms – the permissions string
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Create the directory represented by {@code path}, asynchronously. * <p> * The new directory will be created with permissions as specified by {@code perms}. * <p> * The permission String takes the form rwxr-x--- as specified * in <a href="http://download.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/nio/file/attribute/PosixFilePermissions.html">here</a>. * <p> * The operation will fail if the directory already exists. * * @param path path to the file * @param perms the permissions string * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem mkdir(String path, String perms, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler);
Like mkdir(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #mkdir(String, String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Void> mkdir(String path, String perms); /** * Blocking version of {@link #mkdir(String, String, Handler)} */ @Fluent FileSystem mkdirBlocking(String path, String perms) ;
Create the directory represented by path and any non existent parents, asynchronously.

The operation will fail if the path already exists but is not a directory.

  • path – path to the file
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Create the directory represented by {@code path} and any non existent parents, asynchronously. * <p> * The operation will fail if the {@code path} already exists but is not a directory. * * @param path path to the file * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem mkdirs(String path, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler);
Like mkdirs(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #mkdirs(String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Void> mkdirs(String path); /** * Blocking version of {@link #mkdirs(String, Handler)} */ @Fluent FileSystem mkdirsBlocking(String path) ;
Create the directory represented by path and any non existent parents, asynchronously.

The new directory will be created with permissions as specified by perms.

The permission String takes the form rwxr-x--- as specified in here.

The operation will fail if the path already exists but is not a directory.

  • path – path to the file
  • perms – the permissions string
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Create the directory represented by {@code path} and any non existent parents, asynchronously. * <p> * The new directory will be created with permissions as specified by {@code perms}. * <p> * The permission String takes the form rwxr-x--- as specified * in <a href="http://download.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/nio/file/attribute/PosixFilePermissions.html">here</a>. * <p> * The operation will fail if the {@code path} already exists but is not a directory. * * @param path path to the file * @param perms the permissions string * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem mkdirs(String path, String perms, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler);
Like mkdirs(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #mkdirs(String, String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Void> mkdirs(String path, String perms); /** * Blocking version of {@link #mkdirs(String, String, Handler)} */ @Fluent FileSystem mkdirsBlocking(String path, String perms) ;
Read the contents of the directory specified by path, asynchronously.

The result is an array of String representing the paths of the files inside the directory.

  • path – path to the file
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Read the contents of the directory specified by {@code path}, asynchronously. * <p> * The result is an array of String representing the paths of the files inside the directory. * * @param path path to the file * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem readDir(String path, Handler<AsyncResult<List<String>>> handler);
Like readDir(String, Handler<AsyncResult<List<String>>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #readDir(String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<List<String>> readDir(String path); /** * Blocking version of {@link #readDir(String, Handler)} */ List<String> readDirBlocking(String path) ;
Read the contents of the directory specified by path, asynchronously.

The parameter filter is a regular expression. If filter is specified then only the paths that match @{filter}will be returned.

The result is an array of String representing the paths of the files inside the directory.

  • path – path to the directory
  • filter – the filter expression
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Read the contents of the directory specified by {@code path}, asynchronously. * <p> * The parameter {@code filter} is a regular expression. If {@code filter} is specified then only the paths that * match @{filter}will be returned. * <p> * The result is an array of String representing the paths of the files inside the directory. * * @param path path to the directory * @param filter the filter expression * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem readDir(String path, String filter, Handler<AsyncResult<List<String>>> handler);
Like readDir(String, Handler<AsyncResult<List<String>>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #readDir(String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<List<String>> readDir(String path, String filter); /** * Blocking version of {@link #readDir(String, String, Handler)} */ List<String> readDirBlocking(String path, String filter) ;
Reads the entire file as represented by the path path as a Buffer, asynchronously.

Do not use this method to read very large files or you risk running out of available RAM.

  • path – path to the file
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Reads the entire file as represented by the path {@code path} as a {@link Buffer}, asynchronously. * <p> * Do not use this method to read very large files or you risk running out of available RAM. * * @param path path to the file * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem readFile(String path, Handler<AsyncResult<Buffer>> handler);
Like readFile(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Buffer>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #readFile(String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Buffer> readFile(String path); /** * Blocking version of {@link #readFile(String, Handler)} */ Buffer readFileBlocking(String path) ;
Creates the file, and writes the specified Buffer data to the file represented by the path path, asynchronously.
  • path – path to the file
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Creates the file, and writes the specified {@code Buffer data} to the file represented by the path {@code path}, * asynchronously. * * @param path path to the file * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem writeFile(String path, Buffer data, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler);
Like writeFile(String, Buffer, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #writeFile(String, Buffer, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Void> writeFile(String path, Buffer data); /** * Blocking version of {@link #writeFile(String, Buffer, Handler)} */ @Fluent FileSystem writeFileBlocking(String path, Buffer data) ;
Open the file represented by path, asynchronously.

The file is opened for both reading and writing. If the file does not already exist it will be created.

  • path – path to the file
  • options – options describing how the file should be opened
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Open the file represented by {@code path}, asynchronously. * <p> * The file is opened for both reading and writing. If the file does not already exist it will be created. * * @param path path to the file * @param options options describing how the file should be opened * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently * */
@Fluent FileSystem open(String path, OpenOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<AsyncFile>> handler);
Like open(String, OpenOptions, Handler<AsyncResult<AsyncFile>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #open(String, OpenOptions, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<AsyncFile> open(String path, OpenOptions options); /** * Blocking version of {@link #open(String, io.vertx.core.file.OpenOptions, Handler)} */ AsyncFile openBlocking(String path, OpenOptions options);
Creates an empty file with the specified path, asynchronously.
  • path – path to the file
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Creates an empty file with the specified {@code path}, asynchronously. * * @param path path to the file * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem createFile(String path, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler);
Like createFile(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #createFile(String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Void> createFile(String path); /** * Blocking version of {@link #createFile(String, Handler)} */ @Fluent FileSystem createFileBlocking(String path) ;
Creates an empty file with the specified path and permissions perms, asynchronously.
  • path – path to the file
  • perms – the permissions string
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Creates an empty file with the specified {@code path} and permissions {@code perms}, asynchronously. * * @param path path to the file * @param perms the permissions string * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem createFile(String path, String perms, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler);
Like createFile(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #createFile(String, String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Void> createFile(String path, String perms); /** * Blocking version of {@link #createFile(String, String, Handler)} */ @Fluent FileSystem createFileBlocking(String path, String perms) ;
Determines whether the file as specified by the path path exists, asynchronously.
  • path – path to the file
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Determines whether the file as specified by the path {@code path} exists, asynchronously. * * @param path path to the file * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem exists(String path, Handler<AsyncResult<Boolean>> handler);
Like exists(String, Handler<AsyncResult<Boolean>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #exists(String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<Boolean> exists(String path); /** * Blocking version of {@link #exists(String, Handler)} */ boolean existsBlocking(String path) ;
Returns properties of the file-system being used by the specified path, asynchronously.
  • path – path to anywhere on the filesystem
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Returns properties of the file-system being used by the specified {@code path}, asynchronously. * * @param path path to anywhere on the filesystem * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem fsProps(String path, Handler<AsyncResult<FileSystemProps>> handler);
Like fsProps(String, Handler<AsyncResult<FileSystemProps>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #fsProps(String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<FileSystemProps> fsProps(String path); /** * Blocking version of {@link #fsProps(String, Handler)} */ FileSystemProps fsPropsBlocking(String path) ;
Creates a new directory in the default temporary-file directory, using the given prefix to generate its name, asynchronously.

As with the File.createTempFile methods, this method is only part of a temporary-file facility.A shutdown-hook, or the File.deleteOnExit mechanism may be used to delete the directory automatically.

  • prefix – the prefix string to be used in generating the directory's name; may be null
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Creates a new directory in the default temporary-file directory, using the given * prefix to generate its name, asynchronously. * * <p> * As with the {@code File.createTempFile} methods, this method is only * part of a temporary-file facility.A {@link Runtime#addShutdownHook shutdown-hook}, * or the {@link java.io.File#deleteOnExit} mechanism may be used to delete the directory automatically. * </p> * * @param prefix the prefix string to be used in generating the directory's name; * may be {@code null} * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem createTempDirectory(String prefix, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler);
Like createTempDirectory(String, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #createTempDirectory(String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<String> createTempDirectory(String prefix); /** * Blocking version of {@link #createTempDirectory(String, Handler)} */ String createTempDirectoryBlocking(String prefix);
Creates a new directory in the default temporary-file directory, using the given prefix to generate its name, asynchronously.

The new directory will be created with permissions as specified by perms.

The permission String takes the form rwxr-x--- as specified in here.

As with the File.createTempFile methods, this method is only part of a temporary-file facility.A shutdown-hook, or the File.deleteOnExit mechanism may be used to delete the directory automatically.

  • prefix – the prefix string to be used in generating the directory's name; may be null
  • perms – the permissions string
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Creates a new directory in the default temporary-file directory, using the given * prefix to generate its name, asynchronously. * <p> * The new directory will be created with permissions as specified by {@code perms}. * </p> * The permission String takes the form rwxr-x--- as specified * in <a href="http://download.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/nio/file/attribute/PosixFilePermissions.html">here</a>. * * <p> * As with the {@code File.createTempFile} methods, this method is only * part of a temporary-file facility.A {@link Runtime#addShutdownHook shutdown-hook}, * or the {@link java.io.File#deleteOnExit} mechanism may be used to delete the directory automatically. * </p> * * @param prefix the prefix string to be used in generating the directory's name; * may be {@code null} * @param perms the permissions string * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem createTempDirectory(String prefix, String perms, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler);
Like createTempDirectory(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #createTempDirectory(String, String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<String> createTempDirectory(String prefix, String perms); /** * Blocking version of {@link #createTempDirectory(String, String, Handler)} */ String createTempDirectoryBlocking(String prefix, String perms);
Creates a new directory in the directory provided by the path path, using the given prefix to generate its name, asynchronously.

The new directory will be created with permissions as specified by perms.

The permission String takes the form rwxr-x--- as specified in here.

As with the File.createTempFile methods, this method is only part of a temporary-file facility.A shutdown-hook, or the File.deleteOnExit mechanism may be used to delete the directory automatically.

  • dir – the path to directory in which to create the directory
  • prefix – the prefix string to be used in generating the directory's name; may be null
  • perms – the permissions string
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Creates a new directory in the directory provided by the path {@code path}, using the given * prefix to generate its name, asynchronously. * <p> * The new directory will be created with permissions as specified by {@code perms}. * </p> * The permission String takes the form rwxr-x--- as specified * in <a href="http://download.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/nio/file/attribute/PosixFilePermissions.html">here</a>. * * <p> * As with the {@code File.createTempFile} methods, this method is only * part of a temporary-file facility.A {@link Runtime#addShutdownHook shutdown-hook}, * or the {@link java.io.File#deleteOnExit} mechanism may be used to delete the directory automatically. * </p> * * @param dir the path to directory in which to create the directory * @param prefix the prefix string to be used in generating the directory's name; * may be {@code null} * @param perms the permissions string * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem createTempDirectory(String dir, String prefix, String perms, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler);
Like createTempDirectory(String, String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #createTempDirectory(String, String, String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<String> createTempDirectory(String dir, String prefix, String perms); /** * Blocking version of {@link #createTempDirectory(String, String, String, Handler)} */ String createTempDirectoryBlocking(String dir, String prefix, String perms);
Creates a new file in the default temporary-file directory, using the given prefix and suffix to generate its name, asynchronously.

As with the File.createTempFile methods, this method is only part of a temporary-file facility.A shutdown-hook, or the File.deleteOnExit mechanism may be used to delete the directory automatically.

  • prefix – the prefix string to be used in generating the directory's name; may be null
  • suffix – the suffix string to be used in generating the file's name; may be null, in which case ".tmp" is used
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Creates a new file in the default temporary-file directory, using the given * prefix and suffix to generate its name, asynchronously. * * <p> * As with the {@code File.createTempFile} methods, this method is only * part of a temporary-file facility.A {@link Runtime#addShutdownHook shutdown-hook}, * or the {@link java.io.File#deleteOnExit} mechanism may be used to delete the directory automatically. * </p> * * @param prefix the prefix string to be used in generating the directory's name; * may be {@code null} * @param suffix the suffix string to be used in generating the file's name; * may be {@code null}, in which case "{@code .tmp}" is used * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler);
Like createTempFile(String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #createTempFile(String, String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<String> createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix); /** * Blocking version of {@link #createTempFile(String, String, Handler)} */ String createTempFileBlocking(String prefix, String suffix);
Creates a new file in the directory provided by the path dir, using the given prefix and suffix to generate its name, asynchronously.

As with the File.createTempFile methods, this method is only part of a temporary-file facility.A shutdown-hook, or the File.deleteOnExit mechanism may be used to delete the directory automatically.

  • prefix – the prefix string to be used in generating the directory's name; may be null
  • suffix – the suffix string to be used in generating the file's name; may be null, in which case ".tmp" is used
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Creates a new file in the directory provided by the path {@code dir}, using the given * prefix and suffix to generate its name, asynchronously. * * <p> * As with the {@code File.createTempFile} methods, this method is only * part of a temporary-file facility.A {@link Runtime#addShutdownHook shutdown-hook}, * or the {@link java.io.File#deleteOnExit} mechanism may be used to delete the directory automatically. * </p> * * @param prefix the prefix string to be used in generating the directory's name; * may be {@code null} * @param suffix the suffix string to be used in generating the file's name; * may be {@code null}, in which case "{@code .tmp}" is used * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix, String perms, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler);
Like createTempFile(String, String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #createTempFile(String, String, String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<String> createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix, String perms); /** * Blocking version of {@link #createTempFile(String, String, String, Handler)} */ String createTempFileBlocking(String prefix, String suffix, String perms);
Creates a new file in the directory provided by the path dir, using the given prefix and suffix to generate its name, asynchronously.

The new directory will be created with permissions as specified by perms.

The permission String takes the form rwxr-x--- as specified in here.

As with the File.createTempFile methods, this method is only part of a temporary-file facility.A shutdown-hook, or the File.deleteOnExit mechanism may be used to delete the directory automatically.

  • dir – the path to directory in which to create the directory
  • prefix – the prefix string to be used in generating the directory's name; may be null
  • suffix – the suffix string to be used in generating the file's name; may be null, in which case ".tmp" is used
  • perms – the permissions string
  • handler – the handler that will be called on completion
Returns:a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
/** * Creates a new file in the directory provided by the path {@code dir}, using the given * prefix and suffix to generate its name, asynchronously. * <p> * The new directory will be created with permissions as specified by {@code perms}. * </p> * The permission String takes the form rwxr-x--- as specified * in <a href="http://download.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/nio/file/attribute/PosixFilePermissions.html">here</a>. * * <p> * As with the {@code File.createTempFile} methods, this method is only * part of a temporary-file facility.A {@link Runtime#addShutdownHook shutdown-hook}, * or the {@link java.io.File#deleteOnExit} mechanism may be used to delete the directory automatically. * </p> * * @param dir the path to directory in which to create the directory * @param prefix the prefix string to be used in generating the directory's name; * may be {@code null} * @param suffix the suffix string to be used in generating the file's name; * may be {@code null}, in which case "{@code .tmp}" is used * @param perms the permissions string * @param handler the handler that will be called on completion * @return a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently */
@Fluent FileSystem createTempFile(String dir, String prefix, String suffix, String perms, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> handler);
Like createTempFile(String, String, String, String, Handler<AsyncResult<String>>) but returns a Future of the asynchronous result
/** * Like {@link #createTempFile(String, String, String, String, Handler)} but returns a {@code Future} of the asynchronous result */
Future<String> createTempFile(String dir, String prefix, String suffix, String perms); /** * Blocking version of {@link #createTempFile(String, String, String, String, Handler)} */ String createTempFileBlocking(String dir, String prefix, String suffix, String perms); }