 * Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0, or the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * which is available at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0

package io.vertx.core.http.impl;

import io.netty.handler.codec.http.DefaultHttpHeaders;
import io.vertx.core.Handler;
import io.vertx.core.MultiMap;
import io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer;
import io.vertx.core.http.*;
import io.vertx.core.logging.Logger;
import io.vertx.core.logging.LoggerFactory;
import io.vertx.core.net.NetSocket;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

This class is optimised for performance when used on the same event loop that is was passed to the handler with. However it can be used safely from other threads. The internal state is protected using the synchronized keyword. If always used on the same event loop, then we benefit from biased locking which makes the overhead of synchronized near zero.
Author:Tim Fox
/** * This class is optimised for performance when used on the same event loop that is was passed to the handler with. * However it can be used safely from other threads. * * The internal state is protected using the synchronized keyword. If always used on the same event loop, then * we benefit from biased locking which makes the overhead of synchronized near zero. * * @author <a href="http://tfox.org">Tim Fox</a> */
public class HttpClientResponseImpl implements HttpClientResponse { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HttpClientResponseImpl.class); private final HttpVersion version; private final int statusCode; private final String statusMessage; private final HttpClientRequestBase request; private final HttpConnection conn; private final HttpClientStream stream; private Handler<Buffer> dataHandler; private Handler<HttpFrame> customFrameHandler; private Handler<Void> endHandler; private Handler<Throwable> exceptionHandler; private Handler<StreamPriority> priorityHandler; private NetSocket netSocket; // Cache these for performance private MultiMap headers; private MultiMap trailers; private List<String> cookies; HttpClientResponseImpl(HttpClientRequestBase request, HttpVersion version, HttpClientStream stream, int statusCode, String statusMessage, MultiMap headers) { this.version = version; this.statusCode = statusCode; this.statusMessage = statusMessage; this.request = request; this.stream = stream; this.conn = stream.connection(); this.headers = headers; } @Override public HttpClientRequestBase request() { return request; } @Override public HttpVersion version() { return version; } @Override public int statusCode() { return statusCode; } @Override public String statusMessage() { return statusMessage; } @Override public MultiMap headers() { return headers; } @Override public String getHeader(String headerName) { return headers.get(headerName); } @Override public String getHeader(CharSequence headerName) { return headers.get(headerName); } @Override public MultiMap trailers() { synchronized (conn) { if (trailers == null) { trailers = new HeadersAdaptor(new DefaultHttpHeaders()); } return trailers; } } @Override public String getTrailer(String trailerName) { return trailers != null ? trailers.get(trailerName) : null; } @Override public List<String> cookies() { synchronized (conn) { if (cookies == null) { cookies = new ArrayList<>(); cookies.addAll(headers().getAll(HttpHeaders.SET_COOKIE)); if (trailers != null) { cookies.addAll(trailers.getAll(HttpHeaders.SET_COOKIE)); } } return cookies; } } private void checkEnded() { if (trailers != null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } @Override public HttpClientResponse handler(Handler<Buffer> handler) { synchronized (conn) { if (handler != null) { checkEnded(); } dataHandler = handler; return this; } } @Override public HttpClientResponse endHandler(Handler<Void> handler) { synchronized (conn) { if (handler != null) { checkEnded(); } endHandler = handler; return this; } } @Override public HttpClientResponse exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable> handler) { synchronized (conn) { if (handler != null) { checkEnded(); } exceptionHandler = handler; return this; } } @Override public HttpClientResponse pause() { stream.doPause(); return this; } @Override public HttpClientResponse resume() { return fetch(Long.MAX_VALUE); } @Override public HttpClientResponse fetch(long amount) { stream.doFetch(amount); return this; } @Override public HttpClientResponse bodyHandler(final Handler<Buffer> handler) { if (handler != null) { BodyHandler bodyHandler = new BodyHandler(); handler(bodyHandler); endHandler(v -> bodyHandler.notifyHandler(handler)); } else { handler(null); endHandler(null); } return this; } @Override public HttpClientResponse customFrameHandler(Handler<HttpFrame> handler) { synchronized (conn) { if (endHandler != null) { checkEnded(); } customFrameHandler = handler; return this; } } void handleUnknownFrame(HttpFrame frame) { synchronized (conn) { if (customFrameHandler != null) { try { customFrameHandler.handle(frame); } catch (Throwable t) { handleException(t); } } } } void handleChunk(Buffer data) { request.dataReceived(); Handler<Buffer> handler; synchronized (conn) { handler = dataHandler; } if (handler != null) { try { handler.handle(data); } catch (Throwable t) { handleException(t); } } } void handleEnd(MultiMap trailers) { Handler<Void> handler; synchronized (conn) { this.trailers = trailers; handler = endHandler; endHandler = null; } if (handler != null) { try { handler.handle(null); } catch (Throwable t) { handleException(t); } } } void handleException(Throwable e) { Handler<Throwable> handler; synchronized (conn) { handler = exceptionHandler; if (handler == null) { handler = log::error; } } handler.handle(e); } @Override public NetSocket netSocket() { synchronized (conn) { if (netSocket == null) { netSocket = stream.createNetSocket(); } return netSocket; } } private static final class BodyHandler implements Handler<Buffer> { private Buffer body; @Override public void handle(Buffer event) { body().appendBuffer(event); } private Buffer body() { if (body == null) { body = Buffer.buffer(); } return body; } void notifyHandler(Handler<Buffer> bodyHandler) { bodyHandler.handle(body()); // reset body so it can get GC'ed body = null; } } @Override public HttpClientResponse streamPriorityHandler(Handler<StreamPriority> handler) { synchronized (conn) { if (handler != null) { checkEnded(); } priorityHandler = handler; } return this; } void handlePriorityChange(StreamPriority streamPriority) { Handler<StreamPriority> handler; synchronized (conn) { if ((handler = priorityHandler) == null) { return; } } handler.handle(streamPriority); } }