 * Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0, or the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * which is available at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0

package io.vertx.core.eventbus;

import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.CacheReturn;
import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.Fluent;
import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.Nullable;
import io.vertx.codegen.annotations.VertxGen;
import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult;
import io.vertx.core.Future;
import io.vertx.core.Handler;
import io.vertx.core.MultiMap;
import io.vertx.core.Promise;

Represents a message that is received from the event bus in a handler.

Messages have a body, which can be null, and also headers, which can be empty.

If the message was sent specifying a reply handler, it can be replied to using reply.

If you want to notify the sender that processing failed, then fail can be called.

Author:Tim Fox
/** * Represents a message that is received from the event bus in a handler. * <p> * Messages have a {@link #body}, which can be null, and also {@link #headers}, which can be empty. * <p> * If the message was sent specifying a reply handler, it can be replied to using {@link #reply}. * <p> * If you want to notify the sender that processing failed, then {@link #fail} can be called. * * @author <a href="http://tfox.org">Tim Fox</a> */
@VertxGen public interface Message<T> {
The address the message was sent to
/** * The address the message was sent to */
String address();
Multi-map of message headers. Can be empty
Returns: the headers
/** * Multi-map of message headers. Can be empty * * @return the headers */
MultiMap headers();
The body of the message. Can be null.
Returns: the body, or null.
/** * The body of the message. Can be null. * * @return the body, or null. */
@CacheReturn T body();
The reply address. Can be null.
Returns:the reply address, or null, if message was sent without a reply handler.
/** * The reply address. Can be null. * * @return the reply address, or null, if message was sent without a reply handler. */
@Nullable String replyAddress();
Signals if this message represents a send or publish event.
Returns:true if this is a send.
/** * Signals if this message represents a send or publish event. * * @return true if this is a send. */
boolean isSend();
Reply to this message.

If the message was sent specifying a reply handler, that handler will be called when it has received a reply. If the message wasn't sent specifying a receipt handler this method does nothing.

  • message – the message to reply with.
/** * Reply to this message. * <p> * If the message was sent specifying a reply handler, that handler will be * called when it has received a reply. If the message wasn't sent specifying a receipt handler * this method does nothing. * * @param message the message to reply with. */
void reply(Object message);
The same as reply(R message) but you can specify handler for the reply - i.e. to receive the reply to the reply.
  • message – the message to reply with.
  • replyHandler – the reply handler for the reply.
Deprecated:use replyAndRequest(Object, Handler)
/** * The same as {@code reply(R message)} but you can specify handler for the reply - i.e. * to receive the reply to the reply. * * @param message the message to reply with. * @param replyHandler the reply handler for the reply. * @deprecated use {@link #replyAndRequest(Object, Handler)} */
@Deprecated <R> void reply(Object message, Handler<AsyncResult<Message<R>>> replyHandler);
Link reply(Object) but allows you to specify delivery options for the reply.
  • message – the reply message
  • options – the delivery options
/** * Link {@link #reply(Object)} but allows you to specify delivery options for the reply. * * @param message the reply message * @param options the delivery options */
void reply(Object message, DeliveryOptions options);
The same as reply(R message, DeliveryOptions) but you can specify handler for the reply - i.e. to receive the reply to the reply.
  • message – the reply message
  • options – the delivery options
  • replyHandler – the reply handler for the reply.
Deprecated:use replyAndRequest(Object, DeliveryOptions, Handler)
/** * The same as {@code reply(R message, DeliveryOptions)} but you can specify handler for the reply - i.e. * to receive the reply to the reply. * * @param message the reply message * @param options the delivery options * @param replyHandler the reply handler for the reply. * @deprecated use {@link #replyAndRequest(Object, DeliveryOptions, Handler)} */
@Deprecated <R> void reply(Object message, DeliveryOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<Message<R>>> replyHandler);
Reply to this message, specifying a replyHandler for the reply - i.e. to receive the reply to the reply.

If the message was sent specifying a reply handler, that handler will be called when it has received a reply. If the message wasn't sent specifying a receipt handler this method does nothing.

  • message – the message to reply with.
  • replyHandler – the reply handler for the reply.
/** * Reply to this message, specifying a {@code replyHandler} for the reply - i.e. * to receive the reply to the reply. * <p> * If the message was sent specifying a reply handler, that handler will be * called when it has received a reply. If the message wasn't sent specifying a receipt handler * this method does nothing. * * @param message the message to reply with. * @param replyHandler the reply handler for the reply. */
@SuppressWarnings("deprecations") default <R> void replyAndRequest(Object message, Handler<AsyncResult<Message<R>>> replyHandler) { reply(message, replyHandler); }
Like replyAndRequest(Object, Handler) but specifying options that can be used to configure the delivery.
  • message – the message body, may be null
  • options – delivery options
  • replyHandler – reply handler will be called when any reply from the recipient is received
/** * Like {@link #replyAndRequest(Object, Handler)} but specifying {@code options} that can be used * to configure the delivery. * * @param message the message body, may be {@code null} * @param options delivery options * @param replyHandler reply handler will be called when any reply from the recipient is received */
@SuppressWarnings("deprecations") default <R> void replyAndRequest(Object message, DeliveryOptions options, Handler<AsyncResult<Message<R>>> replyHandler) { reply(message, options, replyHandler); }
Signal to the sender that processing of this message failed.

If the message was sent specifying a result handler the handler will be called with a failure corresponding to the failure code and message specified here.

  • failureCode – A failure code to pass back to the sender
  • message – A message to pass back to the sender
/** * Signal to the sender that processing of this message failed. * <p> * If the message was sent specifying a result handler * the handler will be called with a failure corresponding to the failure code and message specified here. * * @param failureCode A failure code to pass back to the sender * @param message A message to pass back to the sender */
void fail(int failureCode, String message); }