 * Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0, or the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package io.vertx.core.cli;

import io.vertx.core.cli.converters.Converter;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;

An implementation of Option for java specifying the type of object received by the option. This allows converting the given raw value into the specified type.
Author:Clement Escoffier
/** * An implementation of {@link Option} for java specifying the type of * object received by the option. This allows converting the given <em>raw</em> value into the specified type. * * @author Clement Escoffier <clement@apache.org> */
public class TypedOption<T> extends Option {
The type of the option.
/** * The type of the option. */
protected Class<T> type;
whether or not the raw value should be parsed as a list. The list if computed by splitting the value.
/** * whether or not the raw value should be parsed as a list. The list if computed by splitting the value. */
protected boolean parsedAsList;
the split character used if the raw value needs to be parsed as a list. ',' is used by default.
/** * the split character used if the raw value needs to be parsed as a list. {@code ','} is used by default. */
protected String listSeparator = ",";
the converter to create the value.
/** * the converter to create the value. */
protected Converter<T> converter;
Creates an empty instance of TypedOption.
/** * Creates an empty instance of {@link TypedOption}. */
public TypedOption() { super(); }
Creates an instance of TypedOption by copying the state of another TypedOption
  • option – the copied option
/** * Creates an instance of {@link TypedOption} by copying the state of another {@link TypedOption} * * @param option the copied option */
public TypedOption(TypedOption<T> option) { super(option); this.type = option.getType(); this.converter = option.getConverter(); this.parsedAsList = option.isParsedAsList(); this.listSeparator = option.getListSeparator(); } @Override public TypedOption<T> setMultiValued(boolean acceptMultipleValues) { super.setMultiValued(acceptMultipleValues); return this; } @Override public TypedOption<T> setSingleValued(boolean acceptSingleValue) { super.setSingleValued(acceptSingleValue); return this; } @Override public TypedOption<T> setArgName(String argName) { super.setArgName(argName); return this; } @Override public TypedOption<T> setDefaultValue(String defaultValue) { super.setDefaultValue(defaultValue); return this; } @Override public TypedOption<T> setDescription(String description) { super.setDescription(description); return this; } @Override public TypedOption<T> setFlag(boolean flag) { super.setFlag(flag); return this; } @Override public TypedOption<T> setHidden(boolean hidden) { super.setHidden(hidden); return this; } @Override public TypedOption<T> setLongName(String longName) { super.setLongName(longName); return this; } @Override public TypedOption<T> setRequired(boolean required) { super.setRequired(required); return this; } @Override public TypedOption<T> setShortName(String shortName) { super.setShortName(shortName); return this; } public Class<T> getType() { return type; } public TypedOption<T> setType(Class<T> type) { this.type = type; if (type != null && getChoices().isEmpty() && type.isEnum()) { setChoicesFromEnumType(); } return this; } public boolean isParsedAsList() { return parsedAsList; } public TypedOption<T> setParsedAsList(boolean isList) { this.parsedAsList = isList; return this; } public String getListSeparator() { return listSeparator; } public TypedOption<T> setListSeparator(String listSeparator) { Objects.requireNonNull(listSeparator); this.parsedAsList = true; this.listSeparator = listSeparator; return this; } public Converter<T> getConverter() { return converter; } public TypedOption<T> setConverter(Converter<T> converter) { this.converter = converter; return this; } @Override public void ensureValidity() { super.ensureValidity(); if (type == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type must not be null"); } } @Override public TypedOption<T> setChoices(Set<String> choices) { super.setChoices(choices); return this; } @Override public TypedOption<T> addChoice(String choice) { super.addChoice(choice); return this; }
Sets the list of values accepted by this option from the option's type.
/** * Sets the list of values accepted by this option from the option's type. */
private void setChoicesFromEnumType() { Object[] constants = type.getEnumConstants(); for (Object c : constants) { addChoice(c.toString()); } } }