 * Copyright (c) 2016 The original author or authors
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
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package io.vertx.ext.consul.impl;

import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult;
import io.vertx.core.Future;
import io.vertx.core.Handler;
import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.ext.consul.*;

Author:Ruslan Sennov
/** * @author <a href="mailto:ruslan.sennov@gmail.com">Ruslan Sennov</a> */
public abstract class WatchImpl<T> implements Watch<T> { private static final String BLOCKING_WAIT = "10m"; private static final int DELAY_LIMIT_SECONDS = 180; public static class Key extends WatchImpl<KeyValue> { private final String key; public Key(String key, Vertx vertx, ConsulClientOptions options) { super(vertx, ConsulClient.create(vertx, options)); this.key = key; } @Override void wait(long index, Handler<AsyncResult<State<KeyValue>>> handler) { BlockingQueryOptions options = new BlockingQueryOptions().setWait(BLOCKING_WAIT).setIndex(index); consulClient.getValueWithOptions(key, options, h -> handler.handle(h.map(kv -> new State<KeyValue>(kv, kv.getModifyIndex())))); } } public static class KeyPrefix extends WatchImpl<KeyValueList> { private final String keyPrefix; public KeyPrefix(String keyPrefix, Vertx vertx, ConsulClientOptions options) { super(vertx, ConsulClient.create(vertx, options)); this.keyPrefix = keyPrefix; } @Override void wait(long index, Handler<AsyncResult<State<KeyValueList>>> handler) { BlockingQueryOptions options = new BlockingQueryOptions().setWait(BLOCKING_WAIT).setIndex(index); consulClient.getValuesWithOptions(keyPrefix, options, h -> handler.handle(h.map(kv -> new State<KeyValueList>(kv, kv.getIndex())))); } } public static class Services extends WatchImpl<ServiceList> { public Services(Vertx vertx, ConsulClientOptions options) { super(vertx, ConsulClient.create(vertx, options)); } @Override void wait(long index, Handler<AsyncResult<State<ServiceList>>> handler) { BlockingQueryOptions options = new BlockingQueryOptions().setWait(BLOCKING_WAIT).setIndex(index); consulClient.catalogServicesWithOptions(options, h -> handler.handle(h.map(services -> new State<ServiceList>(services, services.getIndex())))); } } public static class Service extends WatchImpl<ServiceEntryList> { private final String service; public Service(String service, Vertx vertx, ConsulClientOptions options) { super(vertx, ConsulClient.create(vertx, options)); this.service = service; } @Override void wait(long index, Handler<AsyncResult<State<ServiceEntryList>>> handler) { BlockingQueryOptions bOpts = new BlockingQueryOptions().setWait(BLOCKING_WAIT).setIndex(index); ServiceQueryOptions sOpts = new ServiceQueryOptions().setBlockingOptions(bOpts); consulClient.healthServiceNodesWithOptions(service, false, sOpts, h -> handler.handle(h.map(services -> new State<ServiceEntryList>(services, services.getIndex())))); } } public static class Events extends WatchImpl<EventList> { private final String event; public Events(String event, Vertx vertx, ConsulClientOptions options) { super(vertx, ConsulClient.create(vertx, options)); this.event = event; } @Override void wait(long index, Handler<AsyncResult<State<EventList>>> handler) { BlockingQueryOptions bOpts = new BlockingQueryOptions().setWait(BLOCKING_WAIT).setIndex(index); EventListOptions eOpts = new EventListOptions().setBlockingOptions(bOpts).setName(event); consulClient.listEventsWithOptions(eOpts, h -> handler.handle(h.map(events -> new State<EventList>(events, events.getIndex())))); } } public static class Nodes extends WatchImpl<NodeList> { public Nodes(Vertx vertx, ConsulClientOptions options) { super(vertx, ConsulClient.create(vertx, options)); } @Override void wait(long index, Handler<AsyncResult<State<NodeList>>> handler) { BlockingQueryOptions bOpts = new BlockingQueryOptions().setWait(BLOCKING_WAIT).setIndex(index); NodeQueryOptions qOpts = new NodeQueryOptions().setBlockingOptions(bOpts); consulClient.catalogNodesWithOptions(qOpts, h -> handler.handle(h.map(nodes -> new State<NodeList>(nodes, nodes.getIndex())))); } } private volatile boolean started = false; private volatile boolean stopped = false; private Handler<WatchResult<T>> handler; private State<T> current = new State<>(null, 0); protected final Vertx vertx; protected final ConsulClient consulClient; private WatchImpl(Vertx vertx, ConsulClient consulClient) { this.vertx = vertx; this.consulClient = consulClient; } abstract void wait(long index, Handler<AsyncResult<State<T>>> handler); @Override public Watch<T> setHandler(Handler<WatchResult<T>> handler) { this.handler = handler; return this; } @Override public synchronized Watch<T> start() { if (!started) { started = true; vertx.runOnContext(v -> go()); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Watch already started"); } return this; } @Override public synchronized void stop() { if (!started) { throw new IllegalStateException("An unstarted watch"); } if (stopped) { throw new IllegalStateException("Watch already stopped"); } stopped = true; consulClient.close(); } private void go() { fetch(0, newState -> { if (newState.equals(current)) { // avoid floods vertx.setTimer(1000, l -> go()); } else { State<T> prevState = current; current = newState; sendSuccess(prevState.value, newState.value); vertx.runOnContext(v -> go()); } }); } private void fetch(long cnt, Handler<State<T>> result) { if (stopped) { return; } wait(current.index, h -> { if (stopped) { return; } if (h.succeeded()) { result.handle(h.result()); } else { sendFail(current.value, h.cause()); long newCnt = cnt + 1; long delay = newCnt * newCnt; if (delay > DELAY_LIMIT_SECONDS) { delay = DELAY_LIMIT_SECONDS; } vertx.setTimer(delay * 1000, l -> fetch(newCnt, result)); } }); } private void sendSuccess(T prevValue, T nextValue) { if (!stopped && handler != null) { handler.handle(new WatchResult<T>() { @Override public T prevResult() { return prevValue; } @Override public T nextResult() { return nextValue; } @Override public Throwable cause() { return null; } @Override public boolean succeeded() { return true; } @Override public boolean failed() { return false; } }); } } private void sendFail(T prevValue, Throwable cause) { if (!stopped && handler != null) { handler.handle(new WatchResult<T>() { @Override public T prevResult() { return prevValue; } @Override public T nextResult() { return null; } @Override public Throwable cause() { return cause; } @Override public boolean succeeded() { return false; } @Override public boolean failed() { return true; } }); } } static class State<T> { final T value; final long index; State(T v, long i) { value = v; index = i; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; State<?> state = (State<?>) o; return index == state.index && (value != null ? value.equals(state.value) : state.value == null); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = value != null ? value.hashCode() : 0; result = 31 * result + (int) (index ^ (index >>> 32)); return result; } } }